Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Chapter 1091: Starting with spoilers

After receiving the task, there was another three days of preparation time.

This made Zhao Wenrui happy.

Although the three-day period is not long, the Fifth Fleet can make up nearly half.

The transformation of his fourth fleet transition can also be completed on a small scale.

Thus, the fourth and fifth fleets were pieced together, and a complete but ordinary fourth fleet was born.

The remaining ones with the jump engine added are the reduced-volume fifth voyage fleet, which happens to be used for the next mission.

So an emergency plan was introduced.

The establishment of the Fifth Voyage Fleet is 21 main ships, 6 cruisers, 20 destroyers, 4 drone mother ships, 7 supply ships and 2 engineering ships. A total of 60 ships.

The cruiser is made from some adjustments and transformations of the battleship.

The main role of the cruiser is to escort, or form a mobile formation. Later, because the destroyer gradually became more powerful, especially after the missile destroyer equipped with the Aegis system was born, the cruiser basically withdrew from the stage of history.

Now, Zhao Wenrui added it mainly to protect the apparently huge supply ship and engineering ship, as well as the UAV mother ship.

According to the general configuration, the main battleships are generally equipped with 4-6 times the destroyers, that is to say, the fifth voyage fleet must have at least 80 destroyers to complete the task of protecting the main battleship.

Only the floating shield technology is great, and the high-performance space torpedo is also strong enough, Zhao Wenrui reduced the number of destroyers.

However, supply ships, engineering ships, and even drone mother ships are huge giant ships. To protect them, the destroyer has increased a lot. Zhao Wenrui also considered that the total amount of delivery by the gods must be limited. , So it is as simple as possible.

Use large **** ships to achieve the purpose of protection.

In addition, mobile formations can be opened, in case there is a branch task to be completed, it seems very appropriate.

The cruiser is not the center-axis gun structure of the battleship, but the turret structure, more like a traditional battleship.

In addition, its near defense capability is quite terrifying, and it can launch a large number of combat missiles. But it does not carry space torpedoes, but has a larger floating shield system.

To put it simply, if a cruiser is facing a battleship and an upper destroyer, its turret is the main firepower, fighter jets, combat missiles will deal with it, and the torpedo missile is a laser array. Because it is a large firepower platform, its combat power They have good continuity and strong overall performance, but they are defensive.

His plan was a bit on time, but it was completed before the deadline.

To this end, he pushed back other planning progress, such as completing the fourth fleet plan.

So when the fourth fleet serving the stick was handed over to the stick, Zhao Wenrui had already left.

But until the third wave of atmospheric transport ships delivered sticks and foot basins, the talents of this world knew that he had left through the audio and video materials he left behind.

At this time, there were 50 atmospheric transport ships in the foot basin and 30 ships in the stick. This is also a precious legacy, even the lighthouse country covets. Because there are vector control technology, anti-gravity technology, even humans in this world, through the technology of the battleship donated by Zhao Wenrui, the industrial level can not be improved by one level, and it can only be developed by a higher level. road.

Therefore, these fat things that are now used for population and material migration can be said to be wealth and technological reserves for all mankind.

For this reason, the lighthouse country even provided a lot of plasma propulsion systems to the two countries to strengthen their carrying capacity in exchange for the storage of a relatively new atmospheric transport ship for each country, so that in the future, the technical level will come up and pick up the anti-gravity technology.

In fact, this is also the beacon country is showing its favor to the stick and foot basin, because Zhao Wenrui ’s deep space colonization satellite technology for the two countries involves artificial gravity technology. And gravity and anti-gravity are two sides in one. Therefore, in the future, foot basins and sticks will surely become more successful in anti-gravity research. Beacon Country is also investing for the future.

The corresponding foot basins and sticks also have to receive this human relationship, space migration, and it is the whole country, one tens of millions, one billion, plus the corresponding materials and tools, the tonnage is an astronomical figure. Relying on the two countries alone, I am afraid that it will take several years, so it is very important that the alliance led by the lighthouse country will help at this time.

Compared to researching and developing some future R & D projects alone, the foot basin and the sticks all chose to agree to join in exchange for the acceleration of migration, opening up their own space-age farming road faster.

In this respect, there is a new difference between the stick and the foot basin. With the help of the set of Xinggang, deep space industrial base and moon base left by Zhao Wenrui, the stick actively develops the deep space colonial satellite group first. The moon is regarded as a large construction site for resource collection.

In this way, they will make the most of Zhao Wenrui's gifts. And also accumulated a wealth of related technologies, including deep space colonization, space industry, Xinggang construction and management and so on.

According to their plan, in the future, they will push part of the deep-space colonization satellites to the asteroid belt and become a stronghold for the development of the asteroid belt.

Or to put it another way, the sticks did not plan to find a place to settle completely from the beginning, but planned to be a drifting party. The resources of the moon and the asteroid belt were almost developed. They went to Jupiter and Saturn, which have satellites. The resources are relatively rich and can be developed for many years.

In short, entering the space age, pioneering, migrating, has become the theme. Since that is the case, then simply become a big ship family, allowing the human body to reach the ground like a safe and spacious ship.

The land complex of the foot basin and the land complex make them more willing to be down to earth and occupy a world alone. This concept is very appetizing to them. Mars is not large, but it is indeed more than enough to accommodate a people. The north and south poles of Mars also have ice, and minerals are also available. After development, they are still quite impressive.

In this way, the civilizations of the two farming systems of the future Big Ship Collecting School and Planet Development School opened their characteristic path.

The white people headed by the lighthouse and the big capital are still predators. Although it has entered the space age, the earth can still play a few. Blacks, yellows, Middle Easterns, and South Americans can all cut wool.

So their overall plan is to carry out the final wave of comprehensive development of the earth ’s resources. At the same time paving the way for space development. In the end, the integrated earth resources are used as a tool for space development. The experience has just accumulated, the technology has matured, and it is natural to enter space.

In the future, the earth should be home to gardens, tourist attractions, academic atmosphere, and cultural atmosphere, as in modern Europe, while outer space colonies are new colonies that can shear sheep, and various basic industrial bases with serious pollution It can also be built in those places, work for daily necessities, and then give some simple benefits, support some white gloves, agents, is this not good?

The point of making money is not how hard you are, but the ability to exploit several exploited people, so as long as there is some exploitation, then the life of the master can continue. White people, especially white people at the elite level, have a bright future.

The pattern of this world is almost like this.

It is worth mentioning that the entire reincarnation group that was pressed by Zhao Wenrui throughout the journey, and did not perform much, did not go to the new mission point like Zhao Wenrui.

It was given a new mission.

It turned out that {Super Battleship} turned out to be a trilogy series, and the final step was the total duel between humans and G-stars. So the samsara still have fun.

However, Zhao Wenrui ’s performance was so good that he helped his boss get a big profit. It can be said that the future development of human civilization in this world was laid by Zhao Wenrui. The lives of most people in this world can continue, but also thanks to Zhao Wenrui for his rescue.

At a certain level, the resulting influence is very huge. Zhao Wenrui's boss therefore has a great influence on the world, and even dominates. In order to continue to obtain special benefits, it is for this reason that he completed the transaction with the boss of another competitor, that is, the competitors of Zhao Wenrui ’s mission this time. Follow-up development of human civilization.

The interest here is not clear to Zhao Wenrui, nor does it need to be clear. The mode of cooperation between him and his lord **** is quite pleasant, and each takes what he needs, but he also assists each other, not harms each other.

But the new mission is a bit dangerous for Zhao Wenrui. His boss is also very helpless. After all, things in the world are not only hello, hello, everyone, but also some difficulties that must be faced.

But he did indeed give the support to Zhao Wenrui. Zhao Wenrui started with the fleet. From a certain point of view, this is also regarded as a pro-son treatment.

And Zhao Wenrui, for crossing multiple universes, is not very obvious.

The Lord God gave him a jump coordinate, and when his fleet withdrew from the jump, he had come to the world of {Alien: Contract}.

Naturally, it is in space, and it is not far from the immigration ship Contract.

Zhao Wenrui ’s flagship is one of the seven supply ships, Diligence.

The supply ship is named after seven virtues, and diligence naturally corresponds to laziness in the seven deadly sins.

The special thing about Diligence is that it is the only ship in the fleet capable of producing and continuing to produce nanoworms.

At the same time, it is also a ship carrying the Milano physical carrier-a super quantum computer beyond the times.

From the classification of its functions, it is also suitable to say that it is a base ship. After all, if it is launched, it can indeed become a qualified base and an industrial core that can be born into a system of industrial clusters.

The fleet quickly locked the contract number, Zhao Wenrui ordered the fleet to rush over, and he was thinking about how to advance this mission.

He personally estimated that the hostile reincarnation should not be on the contract number.

Otherwise, he is too passive. In space, his fleet can blast the contract into slag, and in the process, he is still confident to save some immigrants on the contract, such as those hanging coffin-like frozen capsule Humans dormant in the cabin can always pick up some.

The core of this mission is to kill the enemy samsara, so most of the samsaras in the space environment will be slammed in front of the fleet.

He felt that the task should not be that simple. The main **** sent his fleet to come at a great cost, mostly because the situation is very unfavorable, at least it is not conducive to him to kill those samsara, so it is possible to give him some chances of winning.

And now looking at the position of the contract number, it has not yet traveled to the LV223 star, which means that the official plot has not long started, and he has the opportunity to let the fleet block the path of the contract number.

So he has reason to believe that most of the hostile reincarnations are already in LV223, and it is estimated that they are mixed with David, the second-generation biochemical man who lives on his own.

LV223 is estimated to be a scene that must be experienced, and the enemy is ready to welcome.

To be honest, Zhao Wenrui did not feel much worried. He felt that even when it was time to fight, there was nothing to shock and sigh. He felt that once he had enough mental preparations, he was really surprised. not much.

When Zhao Wenrui's fleet attacked, everyone on the contract number barely recovered from the grief caused by the previous disaster.

Under the command of the new captain Chris Oren, they were prepared to spend 48 hours repairing the damaged ship, and then leaving the area where the solar flare broke out not long ago.

While the crew of Tennessee and Encore repaired the energy sail, Tennessee's helmet received a free transmission signal. Later, during the analysis, they found that they received this signal every 46 seconds.

Then, after audio cracking, it was found that this signal was someone singing the famous country folk song singer John Denver's "Country Road, Take Me Home" in the mid-20th century.

Although it is now 2104 (the story of the Prometheus happened 10 years ago, then 2094), but the vitality of the folk songs is relatively long, and some crew members have recognized this popular old song.

Then it naturally aroused more interest, so he tracked this signal and discovered a livable planet in the environment of the ancient solar system.

This planet is the fourth planet in the solar system. The surface gravity is 0.96 and the gravity of the earth is only 0.04. There is basically no difference. There are oceans and large-scale landing sites, and the existence of the ecosphere may be very high, much better than the most optimistic prediction of the original Origa 6 planet they are going to.

Then many people were tempted.

Because it takes 7 years and 4 months to go to Origa 6, and it only takes a few weeks to go to this planet, and there is no need to enter the capsule.

This is very important. Not long ago, the accident happened. People who watched the captain Jacob Branson burn to death in the capsule cabin were really afraid of returning to the capsule cabin.

Moreover, if you go to Origa 6, theoretically, you need 8 recharge cycles.

That is, like this time, open the energy sail near a certain sun to replenish energy.

What if there is a sudden incident like this time, a solar flare, and then absorbs too much energy, causing a series of accidents? Who can guarantee that the next person burned to death in the capsule compartment is not himself?

So in fact, except for the dead Jacob Branson's wife Daniels, everyone else basically agreed to seek far away, so-called to see, to investigate, but it is just a polite statement.

The reason for the euphemism is that Origa 6 took more than ten years to find, did simulations, drew maps, and conducted a series of targeted trainings.

Now we have to abandon all these, because after analysis, we found that this newly discovered planet looks better than Origa 6, and it is also close to it.

In fact, everyone is in doubt.

Because in order to find a livable planet, it took a lot of effort to find the planet. After more than ten years of searching, the sector of the star field was thinned out. It took a little more than ten years to find a new one. Livable.

Now, by coincidence, I suddenly discovered a new one.

Will pies fall in the sky?

In a place where no one should exist, a person suddenly appears. Isn't this worth thinking about?

It is a pity that 47 immigrants died and one crew member was killed, and that crew member was exactly the captain.

The captain died and the people died, and he and his wife started to plan and find a big plan before they got married, and then proceeded to the implementation stage, which was not accepted by the new captain.

At least the new captain's thoughts do not have much affection for this plan, but are more utilitarian.

Moreover, the new captain did not like some of the original captain's personality traits, such as the spirit of adventure. One of the original captain's hobbies was free climbing, which can be seen.

And this hobby also made many people including the new captain instinctively think that going to Origa 6 is a full adventure, just like free climbing, the captain relies on without much protection. Courage decided to go.

This is actually a major reason for people to change their minds.

Then just as the ship underwent a series of crashed secondary system repairs, they received a report from the ship's AI code-named "Mom" and a fleet appeared in the nearby airspace.

Although human communication signals are sent, neither the ship type of the starship, nor the frequency and usage habits of the communication are very human. At least it doesn't match the number of human beings on earth known by 'Mom'.

Everyone on the contract number is naturally very nervous.

What kind of haunting universe is this? Or here is a ‘communication zone’ where the parallel universes overlap, and there was an inexplicable signal to sing old country folk songs just now.

And according to the analysis of the mother, it is definitely a battleship fleet.

The main battleship is a large central axis artillery ship, and there are many large turrets, heavy cruisers with dense missile launchers, and then destroyers surrounded by arches, chubby like a mother catfish, almost cylindrical, and The supply ship divided into four equal sectors by the crosshairs, and the repair ship with a large number of manipulators of various models gathered together.

This is a fully-equipped fleet with long-distance voyage capabilities, and analysis of some of its exposed equipment, as well as the hull material and propulsion system, can be judged to be very advanced and should be made by people on earth today.

But it is in the same vein as earth technology. My mother estimates that if the current human technology and industrial level can be upgraded by about 1.2 levels, such a ship can be built.

The crew is naturally quite miraculous, and I do n’t know what to say. Using the brain hole of one of the crew, Tennessee, said: "We are likely to encounter the Earth Fleet from the future, or after we are impacted by the energy of the solar flare, we traveled through time and space To the future. "

In any case, the fleet has come, and my mother does not recommend the use of force at all, because there is no chance of winning, and this emigrant ship does not have decent shipborne weapons at all.

After taking a few deep breaths and trying to be as calm as possible, after receiving the communication from the fleet, Chris Oren welcomed the compatriots on Earth as the captain on behalf of the entire ship.

Soon after, they saw Zhao Wenrui's instant video communication.

Zhao Wenrui wears very advanced clothes, which makes people see the imperceptible nano armor, and his almost perfect body is revealed.

Of course, everyone on the contract number paid more attention to Zhao Wenrui's appearance and temperament.

Strictly speaking, Zhao Wenrui is not a pure Han Chinese. In modern times, there are very few Han people with pure blood, and Zhao Wenrui is a northerner, with some Mongolian blood.

The more pure Mongolian people, such as the modern Mongolians, have higher cheekbones, a flat face, a persimmon face, and narrow eyes, yellow eyes, and yellow hair. Most of the cheeks are because of the relative altitude. The higher and the stronger the daily exposure and the red blood.

However, after being mixed with the Han people, especially those based on the blood of the Han people, these features are basically absent. Compared with the three-dimensional features, the facial features are more dependent on the genes of the parents.

As for whether it is Han or not, in fact it mainly depends on cultural customs and recognition of Han's core ideas. Ideology is the key.

Therefore, Zhao Wenrui is a very positive Chinese. He can be seen from the temperament. It is different from the foot basin and the stick. Relatively speaking, it is more gentle, generous, and kind. Can be bullied. Because the characteristics of height and physique and high self-confidence are directly transmitted, not to mention the environment and other backgrounds.

"You are probably a little surprised by my arrival. I come from the lower reaches of history. I am close to 2200. I am the leader of the First Order. This is the fifth small voyage fleet under the First Order. The reason I came here , A little special. Here, I sincerely invite you to board the ship, and I can give more details to explain. "

Then Zhao Wenrui shut down the communication, and did not wait for the restoration of the contract number. In fact, the subtext is: a good invitation is a warm invitation, and a bad one is an order. If the emotional intelligence is online, accept it obediently, and it is meaningless to tear the face.

Regardless of the thoughts of everyone in the contract number, they finally accepted it obediently.

The diligence number is larger than the contract number, and the fullness becomes even worse.

For various reasons, the contract number itself looks like a large steel frame with a series of cabins and passages. Although it is also symmetrical, it has the visual sense of Lego blocks and looks very low-end.

Diligence is another matter entirely, basically completely wrapped in a thick hull, but people will not think of it as a simple submarine-style star ship, because many details reveal its complexity.

As for the interior, although as a standard military ship, the pursuit of simplicity and stability in the ship is still much higher than the interior of the contract.

The inside of the contract number feels like entering the factory equipment room or maintenance channel. Only in the cabin, it feels like a normal room, and it is relatively small and compact.

The inside of Diligence looks more like a clean laboratory-level passage and hall. The light is soft, clean and tidy, and it is clear at a glance. There are electric gates everywhere. There are obvious English letters and arrow bars on the door. That represents the security level. The low-level pass cannot enter the high-level electric gate.

Overall, it is tight and orderly. There are no obvious guards, but it makes people feel that the security level is very high.

After Chris Oren and Daniels and his party boarded the ship, they were taken to the restaurant. Zhao Wenrui invited them to take a brief wash in the restroom next to them and eat together.

Sailing in deep space basically does not even have day and night, so generally follow the time on board. There are also those who follow the earth's time, mainly watching habits.

Zhao Wenrui's time is the time on board, I learned from SC Space Huberian.

It was exactly noon and invited people to have a meal together.

And as a Chinese, Zhao Wenrui is also convinced that food is like hot drinks, which can help ease emotions and relax the mood. It is not necessary to drink alcohol and drink. It has become a tuberculosis, but a successful feast does help close the distance. Harmonious atmosphere.

Oren and others are very happy to eat, and they are not the upper class when they are on the earth. Most of the people who can choose to be pioneers do not have much to worry about. Jinyiyushi, successful career, beautiful wife and concubine, it is difficult to rise up to take a considerable risk to explore an unknown idea.

The food provided by Zhao Wenrui is difficult to eat even when it is on the earth, not to mention the difficult conditions for immigrant voyages.

You know, not long ago, they were frozen like silly birds because of the lack of repair of the contract number of energy sails.

Therefore, the meal was naturally very comfortable, and Zhao Wenrui did not mention anything serious on the table. He just talked about wine and food and introduced a little allusion to the food and wine.

At first people were a bit restrained, and later they didn't feel anything. After eating a meal, Zhao Wenrui also drew a lot of eyes.

Then Zhao Wenrui took everyone to the meeting room. Start spoilers.

He said that he came from the lower reaches of history, so he knows what is going to happen to everyone on the contract number.

Zhao Wenrui cut through the details.

The first paragraph talked about a conversation between Captain Chris Oren and Deputy Captain Daniels that had not yet happened to the people of the Contract.

The core of this dialogue is the collision of two ideas.

Daniels was more affectionate about the original Origa 6 plan, because the plan itself was proposed by her and her husband Jacob Branson and perfected step by step.

In addition, Daniels is more suspicious, she always feels that the newly discovered LV233 is problematic.

Subtext: I and Jacob have been staring at the star map for more than ten years. Scanning this sector continuously, I found the Orega 6, which is closer to the earth, in better condition and located in the habitable zone. The planet has not been discovered, this is definitely catty.

Actually think about it too. The most common way to find a livable planet is to follow some rules. For example, the planet is neither far nor close to the solar system it is in. This is the so-called habitable zone.

Under the constraints of these simple rules, the first wave of concern is that no planet exists in the habitable zone of each solar system.

Well, even the Origat 6 so far away has been dug out. This habitable planet with such obvious characteristics has not been discovered. Is n’t it haunted?

The only reasonable explanation is that it is likely to be hidden.

And this speculation, combined with that section of John Denver's "Country Road, Take Me Home" is even more spooky. It ’s not haunting, it ’s haunting. There must be a saying, but it ’s probably not a good thing for immigration ships. The plan of the author, I believe that it can be seen and touched, the clue is clear, and I have to take care of the emotions and wishes of most crew members. So there was obviously a chance in front of me to go and see if there was nothing wrong.

Zhao Wenrui pointed out: "Standing downstream in history and analyzing this matter, I cannot say that Captain Oren's idea is utilitarian and short-lived, because there are actually many reasons for this idea, including everyone in the previous accident. Frightened, and desperately hope to settle down, this is really a point. "

“And Daniels ’s choice is a little bit of a sense of mission to inherit the unfinished wish of the dead husband. Of course, it is mainly her years of work and the advancement of the Origa 6 immigration plan. The difficulty of the whole process made her Instinctively alert to good things that suddenly appear. After all, this good thing is just mocking her and her husband ’s behavior for more than a decade and being blind and stupid. "

"And from the result theory." Zhao Wenrui looked at Chris Oren: "You lost. Lose everything you can lose, including the lives of everyone here, and everyone on the immigration ship."


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