Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Chapter 1135: Spread beans into soldiers

Weird creatures, weird ways of attacking, really do not deserve the title of "strange".

Weirdness can be seen as a broad category, and all supernatural beings that cannot be explained by conventional transcendent theories can be called weird.

As Zhao Wenrui faced this time, it was a strange enemy.

At first glance, it looks like a variety of monsters in the ruins of a spiritual farm, but it is not a collection of individual votes, but a different display of an individual.

Zhao Wenrui realized the essential commonality behind the phenomenon early in the morning, but he could not find the black hand behind the scenes for half a day, which inevitably made him interested.

Randomly exploring a ruin of a farmstead, he encountered a strong man at least one level with him in some areas, coincidence, or targeting?

Thinking like this in my heart, it's not too slow to deal with the behavior.

As an evil spirit from an old branch, he is no stranger to psionics.

Since the opponent he met this time seems to be not low, and he likes to hide his head, he is not in a hurry to directly use his core strength. It's a show of the versatility of knowledge and knowledge, using puppets to puppets.

I saw him throwing it away. The crystals obtained in the 4th ring of killing and madness were thrown out by him, and they were directly submerged in the earth.

Spreading beans into soldiers, this kind of legendary Xianjia means, he had long wanted to try it. This time the conditions were suitable, so it was carried out at will.

The crystal fell into the soil and remained silent for less than two seconds. The land became uplifted and graves were swelled up, and then the soil rustled and the rock shells cracked, and a sculpture-like puppet stood up from the inside.

These puppets just shook their bodies, and there were fragments of turpentine shells cracking and shaking off the surface, exposing the skin with obvious repetitive artificial texture in the interior like a wallpaper.

In essence, this is also regarded as a Taoist soldier, and the way it is enshrined is naturally Dark Evil God Road, and its flesh and blood are also a type of Evil God Cell.

But the core of its extraordinary power is not Zhao Wenrui's dark system, but a psionic system more suitable for the environment here.

Mind warlock, mind warrior.

Zhao Wenrui immediately threw out two kinds of psionics ranks, both of which are advanced ranks.

The basic occupations of the most psionicist inherited are the three types of fierce thoughts, holy thoughts, and hidden thoughts.

Hidden thoughts are also called lurkers in many places. Zhao Wenrui does not like it. He feels that the term "hidden thoughts" is more appropriate. He points directly to the core, and there is no mystery.

As for the advanced battles of psionics, that would be more.

Only Zhao Wenrui knew and systematically mastered the related inheritance, such as Shadow of Mind, Squeezer, Diamond Warrior, Crystal Master, Crystal Songer, Constructor, Flame Slayer, Power Master, Sorcerer, Soul Warrior, Crown of fear, shining soul, spirit shooter, bow of soul.

Others know probably, but there is no complete inheritance, there are Arcanist, Necromancer, Astral Master, Master of Martial Arts, Transcendentalists, Transposer, Heartbreaker, Storm Devotee, and Brother Zeus.

The only well-known ones are spirit slaughterers, phantom walkers, and soul slashers.

Therefore, the psionic system is a large branch with many branches. After all, psionics have the reputation of the fifth element in many places. The core is also very idealistic, and has the qualities of affinity with all things. If there are any restrictions, it is a requirement for spiritual strength.

When he learned about this extraordinary category, he felt emotion for a time, and felt that if he was in the reincarnation, it would be nice if he could understand this category deeply and cultivate it.

At first, three reasons blocked him. First, he was worried that he would not chew too much. He felt that there were nanoworms on the technology side and blood on the extraordinary side.

Second, there is a sense of crisis and lack of self-motivatedness. My mind is full of leisurely and uncomfortable life. I assume that the rich is safe, and I do n’t have a deep enough understanding of the principle of "the tree is quiet and the wind stops."

The third is to return to Yelang arrogantly without learning and doing nothing. Knowing that the space of the Lord and God should have a decent system of extraordinary warfare, but I think that is not the case. Basically, I have enough control. So missed the opportunity to learn.

The times have changed, and now I understand, but I have passed that village and that shop, so there is really no need to learn. The old road of evil spirits he is now taking is a straight road that leads to eternal immortality.

Compared with the psionic department, it is only a spell, and it is still inferior to the "Tao".

So this time, the two orthodox advancements of the mind warlock and the mind warrior were made up, and there is something to make up for the regret. Look at what this battle means in actual combat.

The so-called fierce thoughts are straightforward thoughts that are persistent thoughts, fierce, meaning strong, but do not represent emotions, but a description of the concentration and form of ‘nian’.

To apply, the Chi Nian system is almost equivalent to the mystic system.

The Sacred Thought system is the Sacred Law system, that is, the priests play the belief in divine power flow.

As for concealment, it can be understood as a magic swordsman, placing the psionic energy in the auxiliary position. All combatants who do not use psionics as their main means are concealed.

Psionic warriors are blazing thoughts, psychic warriors are hidden thoughts, and these puppets in front of them are sacred thoughts.

Behind the scenes, the black hand is naturally a flow of false gods and demons.

According to this analysis along the way, the ruin of this farmstead is the **** kingdom in the **** kingdom.

And to build such a country in China, first of all, there is no king in the mountains, that is, the earthly kingdom of God with the city of light as the core has no real gods to sit in.

Secondly, it is Qiaoli drilling camp.

The founder of the Shining Kingdom relied on twisting laws and sentient beings to reluctantly break out of the realm of the realm, but it also led to serious omissions in this land.

And this loophole can be exploited.

Anyway, he can do it with his ability.

There are three reasons why he won't do it.

1. Subject to others.

2. It is costly.

3. There are better options.

Applying this reason to the enemies encountered this time will get some more interesting guesses. He chose psychic warriors and psychic warriors, and he also intended to confirm speculation.

The three warlocks and the three warriors look like humans in one-piece tight-fitting leather clothing. They are well-proportioned and have no obvious gender characteristics. The face is a chitinous mask with no eyes, nose and mouth. A shining crystal.

Warlock crystals are blue, and warrior crystals are red.

The first time after they were created, they started fighting.

The warlock starts by setting BUFF on himself and his companions.

The three warlocks have a clear division of labor, and apply the foresight series of defense, battle, and attack respectively.

The BUFF of the Foresight series is to improve the state of mind and make the goal more insightful. It can be superficially understood as a temporary increase in combat experience, Xinding becomes an veteran and plays better.

At the same time, the samurai has rushed to the nearest enemy.

At this time, there were more and more weird pieces made of vines, bones, soil, stones, and spirits. In addition to more than a dozen nearby, there are dozens more in the distance.

Although they seem to be stiff and staggering, their speed is not too slow. It has the effect of a space dance-like slip. It can slide a few meters forward in one step. It feels very strange.

Zhao Wenrui melted into the night after throwing beans into soldiers, and no trace was found.

This is a very special technique, called ‘shadow’, which is an 11th-level magic technique. There are two requirements when it is used. One is the dark nature of the environment. The second is that there must be a medium acting as a relative coordinate with ‘table’ qualities.

The night is now dark, and the conditions are met.

The puppet can act as a 'table', and condition two is fulfilled.

In addition, he did it on purpose.

Hidden behind the scenes, I will, and it is hidden in your god's kingdom, in front of you, and if I have the ability to show me.

After showing his opponent's face, Zhao Wenrui began to devote himself to the transformation of extraordinary power.

After the god-level charge was activated, one side of the world began to be affected. First, within a radius of 1,000 kilometers, the wind began to shine. The hissing wind is right next to the ear, and you can feel the flow of air, but you can't describe the direction of its flow, as if there is no specific direction.

At the same time, more and more Martian light was born in the sky, and it was like a dream.

And their essence is ‘dust fusion’. As the name suggests, the dust floating in the air is undergoing mass-energy conversion similar to nuclear fusion.

This is a phenomenon that can only appear in the extraordinary side world with the magic factor as the basic substance, and it is also the embodiment of Zhao Wenrui's technical force.

Change the law of one domain, transform all energy and matter into absorbable energy in all directions, and then swallow the stored energy.

Zhao Wenrui made it clear that Laozi wanted to use force to amplify his moves to put pressure on his opponent.

In this dreamy environment where Mars light is dying and flying, the soul warrior is the first to connect with the hybrid monster.

The mind warrior is a typical battle of magic and martial arts. When they rush to the target, they first initiate the "Super Resonance".

This technique allows the souls of psionic creatures to be connected and enhance their overall strength.

At the same time they open the ‘mind barrier’ and are completely immune to any effects of detecting and affecting the mind.

Therefore, the mixed blame step by step ‘poo’ psychic blasting attack has no effect on them.

The hybrid monsters equivalent to the guards of the kingdom of God are not only the blast of the mind, they swing the upper limbs, the movement amplitude is large, and the frequency is relatively low, but all attacks are heavy blows, and can rely on each other to make up for the slow Short board with insufficient frequency.

So the three warriors of the soul faced several arcs in a flash.

These arcs are like a crescent moon, the light blade is bright, the sound is broken, and there is a light curtain behind it. It is gorgeous and cruel, and it has a somewhat holy taste.

Essentially exposed, this is a pseudo-divine power. Although the word ‘pseudo’ is brought, its characteristics are highly similar to those of the real divine power, but it lacks the characteristics of the law.

The characteristics of law in divine power are given by the priesthood of the gods. Taking faith in gods as an example, becoming a **** is equivalent to signing an agreement with the law of heaven and earth and conditionally obtaining the bonus of the law.

'boom! boom! ’

The mind warrior did not evade, always kept straight forward, and slashed the god's light blade on it, bursting into a group of white light, but the mind warrior did not have any damage, but every time it burst, it would spark a scarlet translucent film And no.

This is the skill of the mind warrior-immune energy.

Like the mind barrier, immune energy is a sixth-level ability, the highest level of skill you can master in advanced battles, and slightly higher than the nine-ring spell. Can be called a legend-

Using this technique, you can temporarily be immune to the selected energy type.

This is also a feature of the supernatural power of the psionic system. Because of its affinity with all things and omnipotence, it can be changed, even replacing the supernatural power of various attributes.

Of course, standing at the height of Zhao Wenrui is nothing more than a rook peck.

After all, the concept of ‘law’ was not added.

It is precisely because he sees that the opponent is a pseudo-god, and the pseudo-divine power he conferred does not have the law characteristics, he will generate puppets to participate in the battle on the spot, otherwise even if immune energy is used, it will not be so unscathed.

The soul warrior broke through to the front of the mixed monster, and the sad thing is the mixed monster.

One of the first-level abilities of the mind warrior is the ‘summoning artifact’.

Influenced by the related skills taught by Zhao Wenrui, they are good at using swords, so some of the three soul warriors summoned broad swords, and some summoned choppers.

Then they superimpose the BUFF effect on the weapon.

Weapon grafting, hand and weapon are integrated

Dark weapons, infuse negative energy.

Vampire Blade turns half of the basic damage done by the weapon into HP.

Acidic weapons, weapons will cause additional continuous corrosion damage.

Power weapons, weapons cause damage to the force field.

Obscure enemy, weapons get armor piercing effect.

Sharp edge, double the range of weapon's critical hit.

A highly toxic weapon with a terrible energy toxin on it.

Energy weapons, weapons cause additional energy damage.

Dim and cracked, weapons gain the characteristics of destroying undead.

Due to the peculiarities of the psionic system's skills, most of them are "Mentally Transformed". So the mind warrior stacking BUFF can be very fast, and in the process of advancing, these effects are blessed one by one.

By the time it rushed in front of the mixed monster, the weapon was already shining brightly and brilliantly, like a treasure.

The subsequent attack was unpretentious.

This is also derived from the skills and ideas taught by Zhao Wenrui. It can be said that when he 'spreaded beans', he planted the seed of information, which determined the puppet's cognition, fighting style, and skill.

The use of timing, angle, and power, all skills are integrated into a simple blow, or stab or cut, simple and clear, return to the original, pure fire.

The hybrid monster is obviously more than one level away from the soul warrior when it comes to fighting. The problem of the rigid movement is the fatal injury, so it looked back and resisted, but it was no different from the target.

Being slashed around by the warrior of the soul, he disintegrated on the spot.

For these hybrid monsters, the most important thing is actually the spirit.

The warrior of the soul warrior comes with a mental attack effect, so even if the body is almost immortal under the special power of the Kingdom of God, it will be destroyed in a very short time.

Compared with the mind warrior, the mind warlock has a higher limit.

It can even be said that along the path of the soul warlock, the gods are only one of them.

All extraordinary powers have the characteristic of 'idealism', and the more high-end, the more idealistic.

The psionic system is even more outstanding.

The end of the mind warrior is also a martial arts abandonment. In someone's words: just do it by thinking, where else do you need to do it?

However, the current avatar that Zhao Wenrui currently uses is limited, and the world is limited. In this kingdom of God, it is increasingly restricted, so it is not possible to randomly generate a spiritual warlock mastering spells above level 6. .

Even so, the psionicist is still terrifying and can easily output tons of damage.

After all, its spells also have the characteristics of the psionic system. Most of them are made by mind movement, which is equivalent to instantaneous silence, and basically there are no restrictions on cooling time, spell position, etc. As long as the mental power is enough, whatever!

Therefore, after blessing the group BUFF, the three psychic warriors first used the two real skills of real sight and time acceleration.

True sight can see the true face of anything, and time acceleration can significantly improve the spellcasting process of psychic warlocks which is slightly slower than that of psychic warriors. It is an important auxiliary technique to increase the output frequency of firepower.

Generally speaking, the dissociation technique of the sixth level of the spiritual warlock and the exile of the spirit world are very fiercely used spells.

The former can turn a creature or object into dust, the latter can force a creature into the spirit world.

Most creatures can only enter the state of the spirit in the spirit state without special cultivation.

That is to say, once exiled by the spirit world to complete the separation of the body and soul, then the spiritual warlock is allowed to be slaughtered.

Psionic Warlock has a trick called Obscure Control, capable of controlling undead undead.

There is also a trick called Obscure Arrow, which can control the negative energy to make the target get a negative level.

The negative level acts on positive life, and the effect is extremely terrible. Failure to carry out proper resistance will make life negative in an extreme time and become undead.

So the spiritual world banishment of psychic warlocks is a complete set of blows. Once successful, the opponent ’s body is immediately immortalized and then controlled, so that even if the opponent can not be lost in the spiritual world and return in a very short time, he will find his first tool. Has been scrapped.

But this time, in the Divine Kingdom of this Divine Kingdom, faced with the mixed monster that guards the essence of the Divine Kingdom, whether it is dissociation, or a trick that begins with the exile of the spirit world, it is not easy to use.

But the three psychic warlocks also have their own advantages, and Zhao Wenrui, the pro-dad, is behind them.

Through special connections, Zhao Wenrui became their energy storehouse, and their external features were dark wings like moth wings. With the blessing of these wings, the psionicist did not need to worry about energy consumption.

Therefore, it is only necessary to complete the initial launch with mental power. Next, the sixth-level spell ‘Energy Barrage’ can be launched unrestricted, which is called an extraordinary version of the Vulcan machine gun fire!

When the mind warrior destroys the nearby hybrid monster, the mind warlock turns into a machine gun tower, casts a BUFF first, and then turns on the dark wings .

The bottle-shaped shuttle-shaped energy spit out from the energy vortex generated by the front of the psychic and his hands at a rate of 1200 rounds per minute.

These ice-blue energy bombs will not explode after hitting the target, but like super-adhesive micelles that are smashed out with great force, the piapia is spread out, and at the same time, it forms a strong instant erosion, and then Harden the pasted location and the surrounding area like freezing.

The surface effect of this kind of blow looks a little teasing, without the explosive effect of adrenaline soaring, but in fact it is quite vicious and can be called a prescription.

Because Zhao Wenrui is very clear, in essence, the enemies his puppets face are not the hybrid monsters and the activated psionic cabins that constantly generate hybrid monsters, but the entire false kingdom of gods.

He and his puppets are like getting into the only son of a monster. Therefore, it can be smashed vigorously and destroy everything in the field of vision. Although the method is rude, it is feasible.

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