Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Chapter 1167: Super circle

Soon after Yashan World was completely blocked, Yasha appeared at the meeting place between Zhao Wenrui and Urgas.

Urgas stood up to meet him, and the two sides merged with each other to become a goddess with extreme charm.

Facing the complete body of Yashan, Zhao Wenrui had to fight the twelve points of spirit in order not to be eroded in the splendor of his divine nature.

Zhao Wenrui was not surprised by such a situation.

Yasha and Urgas are two sides of one body, what is one? When do features stand out? This is the time when it needs to be consistent with the outside world.

"You won." Yashan said after smiling.

"Not yet." Zhao Wenrui said unpleasantly: "In my opinion, this game has not yet settled."

"You have resentment."

"Really." Zhao Wenrui did not deny that, looking at the whole incident, it can be said that it came all the way.

In this context, no matter whether it is a coincidence or a robbery, he will feel that he has not been in vain, but in the end, he won by premature consumption and upsurge of money, which means that what he has done all the time, It is almost helpless to win, which is very depressing.

Ya Shan asked calmly and elegantly: "Why do you think the game of life and death should be a process full of a lot of pleasure?"

"..." Zhao Wenrui was speechless.

I remember when I was living in the original world in the early years, it was common sense that "money is hard to earn and **** is not easy to eat." Most people have no way to let themselves enjoy the process of making money. It ’s common to distort yourself.

So is it appropriate to substitute this phenomenon into this incident?

To be honest, he felt generally appropriate. Because his opponent is at the same level as him. It is not a weak man who can be beaten, nor is it a ants that can be crushed, but a constantly changing role of hunters and prey.

If you look at it this way, he is not so dissatisfied with the winning process and the price paid, so that he is not happy, but rather annoyed by his performance.

He was beaten.

Key label-self-righteous.

Self-righteousness is obviously a manifestation of arrogance.

When ‘self-righteousness’ + ‘Gou ’s development’ makes him look shallow and insignificant, inferiority and arrogance, a typical pair of silky faces.

He didn't feel happy until he uncovered this truth.

What makes him even more unhappy is that his main emotion now turns into anger and anger. I want to make up for my previous third-rate performance through a twisted vent.

What is a twisted vent, hatred is about a kind.

Hatred is so deep that you don't have to hate it when you kill it. You want to abuse, you want to ravage, you want to kill the whole family, you don't want to stay

Okay, this is a war that has nothing to do with right and wrong, good and evil, right and evil, and now it is embarrassing to win, and immediately there is no elegance.

Under the euphemistic reminder of others, the result of self-analysis turned out to be such a result, and it is normal to be speechless.

Zhao Wenrui himself knows that being generous, he does have many inferior roots in human nature, but it is not so unbearable. Along the way, he is always introspective, including reminding himself that those speculations lacking sufficient evidence are actually speculations, and they must be prepared to be beaten at any time and prepare for unexpected situations.

However, judging with a slightly harsh attitude, as a life form higher than humans, the shortcomings will be magnified to a considerable extent, and you should demand yourself in the mode of magnification.

After all, the improvement of the level of life can be compared with the density of the sieve. If a person is a coarse sieve, then God should be a fine sieve, and the loophole should be smaller.

To a large extent, the pressure of the external environment determines that God is very necessary, even necessary, so strict with himself.

As for the reason, to put it plainly is to sweat more in peacetime and bleed less in wartime.

Such a quality of self-discipline and introspection still exists in Zhao Wenrui's self-confidence.

He questioned not this, but the ability to correct mistakes.

After all, these concepts are not new, and the self-summary after each event is also profound, but it seems that I will still commit such problems next time.

The only lesson that mankind has learned from the past is that mankind never learns from the past.

What he worried about was this.

"Human nature, do you want to completely cut off human nature?" Zhao Wenrui couldn't help but have such a thought.

When he made this assumption, he did not deny the existence of the beautiful part of human nature. Instead, it reminds me of the saying "How high are the mountains and how deep is the water".

As good as it can be, as bad as it is. It is unrealistic to expect to leave only the good and completely abandon the bad.

In other words, within a certain category, it can be achieved to stay good and abandon, once it exceeds the category, it will not become.

This theory echoes the saying "no loyalty, only because the price tag is not enough".

At this time, Zhao Wenrui did not notice his own cognitive loss.

He only noticed that "human nature" had become a short board that hindered him, led to flaws in thinking, and led to a beautiful and perfect victory. He did not notice that his greed is now outrageous compared to the original intention.

At that time, the memory of financial freedom as the ultimate dream was still there, but he was regarded as childish and shallow-sighted, as if a child's dream was a chocolate cake as big as a house.

After confirming that there is a transcendent existence, she once dreamed of flying like a fairy in the sea of ​​stars and flying away from earth to earth. This memory is still alive, and sometimes even plays for a while.

In fact, for him, this kind of playing is no more fun than playing the SFC simulator game after the 1980s. Occasionally, it ’s okay to adjust it, as it ca n’t be done as the main entertainment content, let alone regard it as the most important thing in life.

Now he has been able to block a monolithic universe, and then devoured it in his spare time, but he is worried because of the high price paid and the shameful performance in the process of achieving this effect.

Then, in the name of self-improvement, consider whether to replace yourself with a ‘system’ ...

He is not completely unaware of his changes.

He noticed, and then let it go.

He believes this is part of growth. Just like a child will grow up after all.

He has forgotten that since he has grown up and matured, there will be overmaturity, decay and end.

The end of ordinary people is the dissipation of consciousness. His end is more complicated, but it is just a variant of this phenomenon. When he completely abandoned human nature and replaced the so-called new "system" (thought mode) that is better and more suitable for the moment, he Was terminated by himself.

The Yashan World is a very important turning point in Zhao Wenrui ’s life, and the symbol is the initiation of ‘dehumanization’.

In contrast, his experience in the Yashan World is worth mentioning.

Of course, he didn't think so. At that time, he still regarded the victory and defeat, and the truth was quite important.

The truth is, Yashan World is a fairy pit.

Nor is he unlucky, but a pioneering area from the perspective of the door family, which is generally the case.

This is the battlefield.

The battlefield does not mean to resolve grievances between the main gods and send senior samsara to catch fights or scuffles in a certain area, at least not all.

The core label of the battlefield is actually the concept of environment.

If the mission world experienced by the samsaras is the suburbs, the battlefield is the wilderness.

The difference in the flow rate of time leads to more powerful people in this area than in the inner time zone. It is not uncommon to hunt for fairy pits like Yasha and Urgas.

An interesting phenomenon is that the gods of the old rulers often play the role of prey in this time zone.

The reason is that they are gods.

Zhao Wenrui originally knew the word ‘external god’.

He knows that this is a relative concept, relative to the gods that people are familiar with, such as the Nordic gods, the Greek gods, etc.

As for how far apart.

He thought of it outside the earth at first, but later thought it should be outside the Milky Way.

Because he thought of some sayings, for example: Hasul, the brother of Cthulhu, the king of the yellow clothes, was sealed by the ancient **** in the Angsu star cluster ...

Later, for a long time, he thought that this "outside" refers to the outside of the single universe where the original world earth is located.

After experiencing this incident, he only knew this ‘outside’, I am afraid it refers to the time zone.

In one second of the original world, hundreds of millions of years have passed in the outer time zone. With such an analogy, the more the outer time zone, the greater the probability of the emergence of a tyranny.

But there is one situation that must be noted, that is, the content of information.

The reason why the concept of 'native source world' is used to call the earth makes sense.

Fundamentally, the source is literal translation of the source.

What is the root and source?


Just as the closer to the boundary of the universe the more barren, the key problem of the outer time zone is the lack of information.

The ‘information core’ of cosmic eggs there is not rich enough. If the inner time zone is a combination of 256-bit numbers, then the outer time zone may only have 3 or 4 digits.

Therefore, a concept of almost siege was formed.

The higher-order existence of the inner time zone wants to go out, they endow change, but lack the might.

People from outside time zones want to enter. They are unmatched, but lack change.

The middle zone is violent, like the intersection of fresh water salt water, boiling water and ice water.

In this context, the old dominators marching into the original world are somewhat like the overlord dinosaurs of the Cretaceous of the earth. They are indeed powerful, and the tonnage is there, but their brains are often very underdeveloped and they are aware of the injury. Delayed, blood dying everywhere.

From this perspective, the Yashan World is a bear trap set up by an ancient god.

It's not that Kane knows how to practice trumpet. Many gods have similar operations, and there are also gods with more than two digits in the full rank.

Asha and Urgas are the trumpets of an ancient god.

This ancient **** is the big touch of the multiverse, and there are countless high-achieving achievements, including all-professional and all-race hegemony.

Everyone who has played {World of Warcraft} knows that its 8.0 version has 19 races and 12 occupations. Even if you ca n’t get certain races after excluding certain races, you need to practice nearly a hundred full-scale occupations if you want to be a professional and all-race system Level number.

Therefore, Kane is indeed a younger brother than this ancient god. Basically, everything is the same, except for the same thing-he has played a super cross-border fusion with a very small probability.

Representing the core of the original world, and the outermost world of the outer time zone, completed the data fusion, which gave birth to the rising star of the potential MAX.

The fusion point is the dark old-day ruler universe. When the core secret of the star-like starship in the universe in the universe is obtained by Kane, the fusion is basically completed.

If there is a result, now Zhao Wenrui is the cause.

The reason why people feel that cause and effect is reversed is because it is a repetition of Zhao Wenrui's experience in the Yashan World, but the time and space span is more grand.

Not only was it beyond ordinary people's imagination, but even Kane was afterwards, and he slowly wondered what was going on.

The past him, the future him, merged into the present him, each of them has his own story, and they all live in the present. It is difficult to say which one is more representative of him. A premise must be set up to explain.

For example, which one is the most mature, omnipotent, and omnipotent, it must be him after full integration, that is, the Kane deity of the Cain calendar 35313, which destroyed the ancient Warhammer universe.

From the perspective of Kane's deity, Zhao Wenrui at this moment is nothing but a past tense.

Because for him, Zhao Wenrui's life is over and he has a final conclusion.

But for Zhao Wenrui now, the way forward is unknown, waiting for him to explore and create.

God's thinking rate is beyond the ordinary people's imagination. In less than two seconds, Zhao Wenrui completed a series of thoughts such as self-review.

He looked at Yashan, and Yashan looked at him, waiting for an answer.

This answer relates to how the two sides will end this confrontation in the future, is it a decent stop, or will it end with the complete demise of one side.

"I want to make a decision after thoroughly understanding the overall situation." Zhao Wenrui thought again and again, and still couldn't do it magnanimously, he wanted to uncover all the mysteries, and then give himself an explanation without leaving a lasting word.

Ya Shan ’s smile narrowed from her face, and she calmly said: "I do n’t recommend you to do this. I believe you have understood your own shortcomings. When you see the whole picture, I am afraid that you will be irrational and angry. Choice. That will form a death feud. "

"I believe that you have felt my true roots in your life. I know that these will make you feel stressed and more and more unhappy. I also know that your origin makes you very sensitive in this regard. , Do not fear power, rather die unyielding. "

"But please think about it calmly and think differently. What would you do? The strong itself is not wrong, and the strong cannot be indifferent to the provocation of the weak."

Zhao Wenrui nodded. "I understand, I understand that being able to flex can extend my husband. Weakness is like poor, in a certain way, it is original sin. When we are weak, we should be more tolerant in exchange for a strong opportunity."

"I also know that in this confrontation, we can't talk about who is more despicable than others, you are in the net fish, and I am connected to the net because of greed. In this context, the fish must be broken and the net is broken, it seems quite petty."

"However, life is the most painful. I lost millions in the past because of a confrontation. I thought that I had made great progress and could be a predator for several years, but I fell into this trap and I must not keep watching. Liabilities to settle this trouble. "

"I couldn't help thinking. What does it mean to live this way? I needed to endure before, and now I still need to endure. The words have been around me for millions of years. I feel tired, I don't want to continue to endure so much, I want to return to the blood A five-step spatter. Your backstage is certainly strong, your roots are indeed hard and unreasonable, but I am confident that he will bleed three pounds of blood ... "

Ya Shan closed her eyes in pain and shed tears, not for her own death, but for the deity.

She played hundreds of rounds with Zhao Wenrui in Yashan World (taking Zhao Wenrui's death as one round), and she understood the terrible nature of this opponent. She possesses absolute home advantage and absolute material advantage, but each time she is very thrilling to win the final victory with a slight advantage.

After the victory, she was exhausted and the venue collapsed. There was no way to efficiently analyze the information that belonged to Zhao Wenrui, and there was no way to convey the core information related to Zhao Wenrui to the deity.

So Yashan knew that Zhao Wenrui didn't speak big words, even for the deity, this is a terrible opponent that has never been there, even more terrible than those of the deity.

Because Zhao Wenrui is a crock, strong, ruthless, and daring to die, this guy is placed in the crowd, that is, the kind of person who is repeatedly beaten by society and may collapse and go crazy at any time.

Yashan ’s assessment was correct. Zhao Wenrui's past determined that his mind and will were fragile.

Unlike the Kane deity, he was repeatedly beaten by the life of a samurai who was crueler than normal society, but because of the visible and sensible power to increase without losing hope, he finally completed the tempering of will and became The system has completed the test of the strong.

Zhao Wenrui is like a castle in the sky. In his first stage, he was directly in front of the powerful Nanoworm, and in the second stage, he inherited the legacy of the old branch.

He has gone through hundreds of years of study and gained years of precipitation. But there are some gains that can't be obtained through years alone.

In other words, human will is like iron, forged into steel. Without this step, impurities cannot come out.

So that Zhao Wenrui actually has many flaws, including self-righteousness and eccentricity. These shortcomings rest on ordinary people, and may not be too tight, but on gods with strong powers, it is dangerous. It can be said to harm people and themselves, just like children playing guns.

For Kane deity. Zhao Wenrui finally decided not to compromise with the ancient gods and die hard to the end, which is an inevitable link.

Without this ring, there would be no legacy he had obtained from the universe of the dark old ruler. In addition, without this link, the death of Gao Wei, as mentioned by God King Eugen, would not hold.

Because in the mouth of God King Ou Gen, the one who died in Gao Wei was Zhao Wenrui.

He did let the venerable ancient **** bleed, and it was more than three catties.

Although Zhao Wenrui was completely destroyed, the ancient **** also went from extreme to decline. After working hard and wounding, he faced the siege of jackals, tigers and leopards.

It can even be said that Zhao Wenrui has very well completed the first step of taking the emperor to the throne. In many cases, there is a lack of such a first-hand, undoubtedly worthy death bird. Roles.

This also caused the ancient gods to have no way to destroy the causal lines of Kane and Zhao Wenrui, so Kane survived in a very complicated way.

This seems to be a reincarnation of the past, present, and future, but it is not.

It has a definite beginning and a definite continuation. It is like a coil of rope, with a head, a few turns, and then a tail.

This tail is the Kane deity after obtaining the legacy of Zhao Wenrui from the dark old branch universe.

From a relative time perspective, it is not an exaggeration to say that he is the tail, because he is active in the middle time zone. When he completed the feat of destroying the medieval Warhammer universe in 35313, compared with the outer time zone, Zhao Wenrui struggled to gather for 30 million years. Power, and thus giving way to complete the blockade for him in the Yashan world, has long become a very, very distant past.

In other words, he is the one who has lived the longest, so he is the tail.

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