Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Chapter 1220: Negative dogs 2 emergency stop

Although they are all pieces, Sutton's position in Igo's mind is much higher than that of Voldemort. The Soul Contract is proof.

Voldemort didn't even have the qualification to obtain a contract. After losing contact for so long, Igor didn't pay much attention. When Sutton died, Igor noticed it.

The first reaction after awareness is chills.

Igor knew quite a bit about the dark HP world, after all, he once mixed there.

So he knew that even if he came in person, he would not necessarily be able to make a big fight for Pisaton.

And now, Sutton and his party, who were expecting him to solve the crisis, were killed cleanly by the neat destruction.

He was naturally chilled, and he didn't even care about the investments that distressed him for gods such as Sutton.

Just when he was thinking about whether to continue a new round of operations or to break his wrist to stop the loss in time, Hera, Athena, Aphrodite (Venus) escaped.

To be honest, this news did not surprise Igo.

The Divine Department is like a complete organizational structure, with different roles and positions. The occupation of these positions is independent but unified from the perspective of organizational structure. This is a connection.

Another connection is that the Greek gods are all the descendants of the Arameans, the people of light, and they have connections in the blood.

As a survivor, no matter what kind of discord and filth within it, since it can be called a "clan", it has a kind of "clan" connection.

These two connections create a super-sensing in an unconventional sense.

Not to mention that some individuals have completely disappeared. Even if something serious happens in a body, other gods can sense it.

So Sutton and his party fell and Hera noticed it for the first time.

As for choosing to escape.

Igo has nothing to say, because the pot is mainly on Himself.

When Sutton and his party fled from the dark HP world to this place, there were a total of four gods in the state of awakening, namely Sutton, Hera, Athena and Aphrodite.

The rest of the gods of this divine department are in a state of long sleep. That is the ultra-low temperature freezing sleep of the **** version.

This kind of sleep, compared with the sleep of the tomb of the **** guarded by the Holy Spirit and the prayer, is forced to a lower level, and it is almost comparable to the sleep of the vampire's sarcophagus.

In this context, He made certain concessions in order to promote the alliance with Sutton, that is, Sutton continued to be his God King.

More specifically, the Greek gods that he brought, whether they were awake or sleeping, were not the objects of the contract. He only signed with Sutton.

In addition to reassuring Sutton, there are two reasons for this.

One, he believed that Sutton had the power to control the power of the gods and control the gods.

Second, not being bound by the contract is also equivalent to not being protected by the contract. He can start directly if necessary. I believe that Sutton will not break with him because of one or two gods.

After all, he is not like a mortal, because of the great existence of the Greek gods. It is just regarded as a higher-level advanced life.

He is also unwilling to spend a lot of money to raise the gods, but feels that it is enough to pinch the strongest of them. It's like letting a group of lions serve themselves, as long as they control the strongest and only adult male lion.

But I did n’t pay attention to it for a while. Looking at what it means now, Hera, Athena, Aphrodite, probably played a long show of “rewarding your salaries”, and lifted away the restrictions caused by Sutton ’s death .

Do you want to kill?

This is a question worth thinking about.

The focus of thinking is not on Hera, but on third parties.

Igor knew the existence of Kane Qian.

Of course, his news is relatively lagging behind, only knowing Kane Shafiq, not knowing the avatars, Kane Qian's successive change of positions.

Although Voldemort deliberately concealed Kane's news from Igor, since Voldemort was resurrected by Igor as an evil spirit cell, Voldemort has completely lost human rights, and his ideas and thoughts are almost transparent to Igor.

For a long time, Igor has not dealt with Kane Qian, naturally there is a reason.

The main reason is that the painful ingredients are larger.

After all, He can come to this world, or the coordinates given by L'Oreal, the incarnation of Hasta.

Oleo, a tall black man with a big smile, is a figure of the Shen Gong leopard type. Gellert Grindelwald became active again under his instigation.

It was just that Kane spent a huge amount of money and rewarded the traces of cheap father Stanley Shafick, which allowed Grindelwald to see the cultural differences between this era and his active era. Grindelwald once thought about it, and did not dare to hurry.

And Igor, even before Oleio told the coordinates of the world, was not even as good as Graki.

Graki has at least Aihot as a good friend, and has the Root Root Dream as the main member of the dead wood mage, and the organization worship of the X society, but his snake father Igo is a miserable brother.

After coming to this world of sin souls, it was considered to start a business again from scratch. It didn't take long for the business to start the project of "Sky", using the principle similar to Dyson ball to stamp the planet and lay the foundation for the establishment of the earthly kingdom.

In this context, He actually did not have much spare money to go to the east and west to fight, and the south to the north.

Including signing an alliance with Sutton, there are also considerations in this regard. Not only do they use gods such as Sutton, but also do not have particularly powerful control methods, and do not want to spend too much money, then in the end, they will give back some of the terms of the contract.

Kane Qian is similar. Igo thinks there is a disease of ringworm. He can wait for him to stabilize the market and then deal with it.

In addition, He also has a way of thinking, that is, to use Kane Money to gather all the dross of this planet who is against him, even with a free spirit and unwilling to be docile, and then kill them in one go. Cathay Pacific Min'an and Haiyan Heqing.

And now, Igo feels that this idea was intrinsic. Hera and Athena most of them ran to meet with Cain.

A greater suction effect will occur, and as long as he properly relaxes his control and even reveals some news, those who are obedient and uneasy in the heart will probably join the gathering, and then it will be a good opportunity for him Too.

You must first settle inside!

After the snake father Igor set this strategy, he resolutely cut off the connection with the dark HP world.

This connection is made through the evil prison.

More specifically, it was Igo who first established a miniature dimension kingdom of God in the world of sin-like souls. This kingdom of God has characteristics similar to Osiris' Underworld Kingdom, but also has some features of the secret realm controlled by Isis.

From a hacker's point of view, it is like a ‘meat machine’, which is convenient for doing illegal operations and for dumping the pot in time.

And this is just the end, and the other side is needed.

Voldemort established it on the other side.

Voldemort had no hatred with Dongying people. Choosing to be in Dongying and on Shikoku Island is entirely a consideration from a working perspective.

Because in the world of sin-like souls, the core of Igor ’s earthly kingdom of God is in Dongying, in the Four Kingdoms.

After the nuclear terror, a large number of deaths and injuries, as well as subsequent bans, slaughter, and sacrifices, gained enough negative emotions and became a necessary condition to open the evil prison.

Therefore, the real situation is not that, as Dongying Ministry of Magic thought, millions of people have become evil spirits. Most of them are actually made of fuel.

In addition, the main operation has been to create a real evil prison in this area of ​​ecstasy covered by illusions and mists, that is, the ‘meat machine’ that is the same as the miniature dimension of the kingdom of sin.

Only in this way can we avoid the constraints of the laws of heaven and earth as much as possible, so as to establish dedicated channels and reduce circulation costs.

When this step is completed, the self-like sin spirit world dispatches an army of evil energy, plunders resources from the dark HP world, and other operations can be launched.

And now, because Kane's strength during the killing of Sutton and his party is too bluff, Igo decided to disconnect the meat machine first. Anyway, he has coordinates. When he is ready, he can expedite again.

Originally, I wanted to earn some extra money to subsidize the family. Now that I can't do anything, I will plant a wave of fields first, and then finish Anne.

And as Igor's strongman broke his wrist, the core of the evil prison imploded directly.

The effect shown was that the Yoshino River suddenly spewed out of the ground, and the evil light was overflowing. The dark clouds in the sky were generated as if they were out of nothing. The lightning and thunder, and the pouring rain with a poisonous green light fell.

This rainwater is just like an alternative ‘royal water’. The ordinary building in front of it is like a sand castle under the rainwater. It is corroded and deformed by the naked eye, and soon disintegrates and melts into shape.

The half-city people living in the Yoshino River, as well as the officers and men of the Self-Defense Forces stationed here, became victims of this evil rain. It can be said that they were not so miserable when they were drowned with oil.

Those who were directly exposed to the outdoors, encountered the downpour of rain, and could not even run out of ten meters. They lost their refuge intentions due to great pain, leaving only instinctive struggles, and then gradually melted in the rain, let alone flesh, The white bones eventually became black and crispy, and with a little external force, they became ash ...

Kane saw the spectacular poisonous rain from a distance.

The night is not over, and therefore the magical effect of poison rain is presented. Putting aside the killing and destruction, from the perspective of visual effects, it is very beautiful, evil beauty, which is what you can see in many dark magic games thirty years later. This kind of scene is just more real and grand.

"This time, how many officials need to apologize publicly and resign from their posts to apologize to the angry public?" Kane raised his mouth in amusement.

He knew what had happened, but there was little sympathy, whether it was for the victims of Yoshino River or other Dongying people, let alone official politicians.

Whether it is an individual or a group, there are always problems that cannot be solved but cannot be avoided.

After suffering losses, individuals are often incapable of anger. For groups, finding an unlucky egg carrying a pot is normal operation.

This is the case. Natural disasters and man-made disasters have been planted long after nuclear terror. Whether it is the Ministry of Magic, the official of Dongying, or even the people themselves, there are responsibilities here. Who is the blame? Blame the evil one.

This is also what he intervened today, but only half of the urban area of ​​Yoshinogawa City and some surrounding areas, if it drags on, it will be the entire Shikoku, and it will even affect Honshu and Kyushu.

That is not more than a hundred thousand deaths and injuries, but more than a hundred times more casualties.

Kane said, "This is also me after 30,000 years. If I changed it to 30,000 years ago, I rushed to the feud. Where would I easily reach out? Sit and watch Dong Ying become purgatory. Isn't it fragrant?"

At the same time, the Ministry of Magic of Dongying, who received the latest information from the front and back, collectively lost voice.

When this happens, it is no longer useful to complain about the enemy's madness. The new round of capital flight is probably already on the road, and even if there is an explanation from the people, I am afraid that the panic of the whole people will be unavoidable. The country will sink!

And if such a thing happens, Dongying Ministry of Magic will lose its basic disc and become an industry joke.

How to do?

The airborne operation has failed. Even the Auror team of the Ministry of Aircraft that was previously airborne is in a quagmire. While losing contact, no one has used phantom dislocation to leave the battlefield. It is estimated that there is a force field effect that prohibits space magic.

The worldly official like the three grandsons, the courage seems to have grown bigger, and actually sent people to ask. What is the latest scourge of Yoshinogawa? The movement is too great to cover up.

It was also emphasized that not long ago the official just broadcast the offensive against the evil demons entrenched in Tokushima City, and the result is now that the government credibility that has been painstakingly sustained has been fatally hit.

It even said that if the Ministry of Magic can't come up with a definite result, and still rely on the mouth guns, it is afraid that the domestic order will collapse ...

Listen, is this a human word?

Why, seeing your father being beaten, you think your father is not your father? I want to take the opportunity to show my presence and get back the power, it really gives you a face!

The dignitaries of the Ministry of Magic of the East quickly got their thoughts after they forced the claws.

If the entire incident is the biggest mistake, there is no doubt that the secular official!

Not too!

Who asked me to be your father, I have eaten more salt than you have eaten, the bridges I have walked are more than the roads you have traveled, there is something wrong, naturally you, the incompetent, are more wrong .

So, the Ministry of Magic dignitaries quickly passed the power given by the "Emergency Plan-Special Law". The Thunder of the Auror team counted.

For example, by using the flyway network, he went directly to the Prime Minister ’s house, and the Prime Minister who fell asleep just after hearing the good news of Tokushima City ’s Great Counterattack Bomb, took the quilt out of the quilt, and then used the forgetting spell to tamper with his memory and let In the next series of official operations, it can act according to the wishes of the Ministry of Magic.

Another example is the same use of the flyway network to go to a cabinet member's house that has long been disappointed by the Ministry of Magic. It is also the brainwashing of the forgetting curse, plus a pile of so-called criminal evidence. Soon after, the cabinet member will be disclosed in public, and then forced to confess, resign, and then be sentenced to trial for malfeasance and even treason.

This is the true face of the Ministry of the Ministry of Power, the dunya official, but it is their pencil assignments written on paper, if there is a mistake, then wipe the wrong point and rewrite.

In fact, the Ministry of Magic and the secular officials in many countries have such a relationship. This is also an important reason why the superior is superior.

If ordinary transcendental people are only proud of themselves and look down upon mortal people, then transcendental powers dare to dare to trample on any public opinion and authority in the world with their own will.

The only thing that can limit the extraordinary powers is actually the extraordinary powers. The secular officials simply do n’t have the qualification to sit on par with them. Therefore, the usual relationship is just a superficial politeness, and there is even a little bit to let it do things. Give a little sweetness, lest the meaning of despair be inside.

Once there is a big situation, just like now, throw away the disguise completely.

Historically, Dongying officials have not fought against them, and once again rebelled for frequent cabinet changes. UU reading

It cannot be said that there is no effect.

Just like the famous saying by Che Guevara: After we leave, they will repair schools and hospitals for you and increase your wages. This is not because they have found conscience, nor because they have become good people. It is because we have been here.

These words were used by the powerful politicians and politicians of the Dongying secular official, and they raised them a bit. After all, they are not fighting for the interests of the general public.

But the essence of the struggle is the same.

To put it bluntly, that is the reason: happiness and rights cannot be obtained by begging, but can only be won. Maybe it will fail, maybe you wo n’t earn anything, but if you are indifferent, you will be beaten to the bones and completely killed.

In the face of the unsurpassable dad, Dongying ’s secular officials tried their best to win the brain. This led to a relatively gentle brainwashing, which allowed some people to back their heads instead of the prime minister.

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