Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Chapter 123: Moon Night Dialogue

Dumbledore questioned why Kane was able to talk lightly.

Kane did not want to tell the truth, saying: "Some secrets are secrets because it is hidden for everyone."

Dumbledore smiled generously: "My old man was taught."

"If you care about things like years, then I can tell you that I have lived more than three times your age, and the stage is a multiverse that may or may not be far away from here."

Dumbledore was a little puzzled. When he wanted to come, it seems that the secret that Kane now reveals is important?

Kane will naturally not explain, not to say that certain truths are good for you. After all, not everyone has the will and cognition to experience the tempering of the multiverse like the samsara. If you know that you are just a low-dimensional creation, I am afraid it will be Question the meaning of his existence and collapse.

Dumbledore wanted to find out more. He invited Kane to leave this rapidly melting island of ice floes by boat.

After boarding the boat, Dumbledore waved his sleeves and the boat broke through the water on his own. He said: "It's good to hear that you can admit that you are not an ancient witch in person."

"I don't think you particularly care about my origin."

"But the quality of honesty is worthy of recognition."

Kane pointed directly to the essence: "I think you mainly care about whether I love this world and the people who love this world."

"Well, this is a good question, is the answer yes?"

"It can be said for sure. I love this place and it is highly similar to my hometown. I also have the will to use this place as my second hometown."

"I see, you want to build this home into your heart. But have you ever thought that this world belongs to more than you."

"Think of it, seek common ground while reserving differences. I still have this mind."

"So how do you view the negative impact of change?"

"The pain is bound to be there. Whether it is the world of wizards or the world of mortals, the situation is far from good. I am not Tom Riddle. I am more willing to use benefits as a tool than violence. The Magic Eye Chamber of Commerce gives this world. The changes brought about, even if I submitted an answer sheet. What do you think is not good, welcome axe. "

"I worry about the corrosion of money to the soul."

"That's not the reason for choking to waste food. A good, high-quality life, knowing and pursuing, this is right in itself."

Kane added: "I have the ability, I look far, I foresee the competition caused by the shrinking of magical resources, and the hidden dangers to mortals and the extraordinary as the technological power of mortals grows stronger. Light Looking at the macro data on population growth, it is not difficult to imagine how fierce the competition for resources will be in the future. "

Dumbledore was silent. He was born in 1881. He is a witness to the great development of human science and technology and the changes of modern civilization. He knows that Kane is not talking alarmist.

In fact, a character like him who holds the ears in the wizarding world and gathers with people of similar grades will also talk about the problems of the future of the population.

The long-lived wizards' general view of Muggles is that Muggles will reappear the great destruction of the magnificent era of magic in two hundred years. The reason is that high-end knowledge is a weight that human souls cannot bear.

Dumbledore thought about it and spoke out this statement.

Kane smiled, "Muggle scholars also have such worries. Adorno and Max Horkheim, although they are not people of an era, but they have jointly constructed the book" Enlightenment Dialectics ". In the book, they put forward such a statement: "

"It is said that human beings have always been on the path of pursuing wisdom and reason. This is a broad enlightenment movement (not limited to Europe). In this process, human beings set a good ending for the behavior of" knowledge " However, the fact is that once anything becomes an extreme, it will not be beautiful, and the result of blindly pursuing knowledge will be devastating. "

"The book believes that rationality contains its own paradox in the legend of Odysseus in ancient Greece. And in this century, the characteristics are more obvious, and rationality has become a product of quasi-religion."

"In modern Muggle groups, there is actually the concept of anti-rationalism. From a certain point of view, this is actually a self-consistent instinct of the human group. Once it is done too much in a certain way, there will be opposition. The emergence of the tone, freedom and regulation, group and individual, self-interest and altruism, human beings are hobbled in a series of contradictory philosophical concepts, past, present, and future, can not jump out of this model. "

"You seem to be very researched in this respect."

Kane smiled, he did see the wailing big tech party, the big industrial party, and the cognitiveists who raised knowledge to the level of faith, but the study of this knowledge is mainly to deal with Cthulhu A line of enemies.

The characteristics of Cthulhu ’s system are in line with anti-rationalism. Anyone who tries to understand and learn God ’s knowledge to gain extraordinary power will have a good end.

His idea is right, and it is absolutely difficult to be shaken, and the research is just to prepare for the strategy.

"I ca n’t talk about research, it ’s just that I self-summarize the path I have taken. I have been doing one thing all my life, that is to keep moving forward and to prepare for moving forward. It seems that this is only for two things, one is Like this time, in response to various unexpected or unexpected unexpected events, the other is crushing and pushing. "

"So, this is actually a passive type, rarely starting the war lightly, and trying not to touch the interests of others. Even if the war is started, it rarely makes the war protracted."

Dumbledore thought about Kane's series of emergency performance this time, nodded, "Well, I believe you said."

Said, he handed the sand of time to Kane, "You are more suitable than me as the custodian of the sand of time."

Kane was also welcome. After taking it, he placed it in the Holy Grail in front of Dumbledore's face, and then shrunk it back into a pendant and hung it around his neck.

Dumbledore said: "I know the whereabouts of the sand in another part."

Kane raised an eyebrow and said, "You are very attached to the trip in 1853."

"Yes, I suspect it is related to Apocalypse."

Kane frowned. The word, described in Chinese meaning, is Apocalypse, and as a noun, it means world destruction, cataclysm, and eschatology.

He knew that Dumbledore had dug a pit before, but because it was decided immediately, he did n’t think the pit would be too deep, and it should be within the scope of Dumbledore ’s combat power.

It is only now known that Dumbledore really does not lack the spirit of death. This is obviously to dig the truth of the key turning point in history (extraordinary direction). This is no small matter.

"If it is an event of this level, I must use some dark means to achieve self-protection."

Dumbledore had anticipated the arrival of this moment in advance, but he did not expect this way of showdown consultation. He decided to continue to explore Kane's bottom, to see what he actually understood in this regard.

"Can you tell me more specifically?" He asked.

"I recognize the equality of personality and respect the objective fact that hierarchy exists in reality. I agree with the saying that population is a resource, and I can sacrifice some people's lives with peace of mind. I admit that from the perspective of ethics, this is despicable and shameless Yes, but I am not ashamed or regretful for this. "

"Do you mean to say ~ ~ don't mind killing people to get yourself safe?"

"More than that, let ’s say that risking this behavior violates my principles of conduct. Of course, I also know that I ca n’t cope with the unexpected situation, which is normal in life. So I have emergency means. Take this exploration action as an example In 1853, the first thing I did was to screen the prisoners, sacrifice a group of guilty ones, and strengthen their own safety through magic reform operations. "

Dumbledore said: "This is probably the reason why many habitual offenders in Great Britain went to work overseas after being released from prison in the past two years, and the result disappeared."

"Well, I admit, but soon, the Magic Eye Chamber of Commerce will launch a highly universal drug, and the cancer will be overcome."

Dumbledore was moved, and he knew well what effect this drug would have in the Muggle world.

In fact, Kane originally planned to launch this medicine only after entering the 21st century, but the future invasion of the people made him decide to speed up. The significance of cancer nemesis is equivalent to the hemp in the wizarding world. It is the stepping stone to lay the foundation. Once it starts running, it is not something that ordinary forces can pull down.

Dumbledore was also aware of Kane ’s worries. "You are worried about the subversive wave caused by information leakage, armed conflict, and subsequent vicious changes. Therefore, a series of strategic adjustments have been made."


"In fact, this worry, I think it is superfluous. Both money and hard power have been fully demonstrated, and the desires are heart-warming, and there is not much risk."

"If there is no ancient god, I will think so."

Dumbledore was silent again, and said for a long time: "Desperate enemy."

Kane smiled: "I think the ancient gods are silent and the rise of mankind has internal reasons." ......

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