Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Chapter 1227: Snow Ridge City is now a demon god

There is a reason why the fairies made the teaching building a fortress. There is an authentic existence here.

But even the fairies themselves will feel tight and stubborn. In the eyes of humans, it is almost the same as a dog hole.

"Scarlet Probe!"

As soon as Kane's wand was thrown, a red ball of ping pong flew out. The light of this light sphere can shine about five meters in the dark, enough to cast light and shadow on the top wall, side wall, or ground of the passage. And it relies on the feedback of light and shadow to judge its position and move forward.

Next, it took over the exploration task.

Kane did not let people idle, or the two teams, separately surveyed, sweeping the entire Shapke. Although as far as his perception is concerned, there is nothing abnormal except this place, but what if?

He had successfully avoided the goblin when he used the thought to roughly survey the whole town. It was still by the law of cause and effect that the prison side locked the school side.

It can be seen that the goblins also have some super secret techniques.

After the wizards divided into the red team and the blue team and left, Kane and Michelle phantom moved to the front of the prison, Katu was still here, and Xue Weizi was there.

When I saw Kane, Kathu, who was cooking, had some worried explanations: "I have fed reindeer before, watching the time, and it's time to eat, so just ..."

Kane naturally knew that before he forced the souls of a group of wizards out of the body and put a ban on it, Katu realized what was more terrifying than death, and all became a little afraid.

He was too lazy to appease, and came directly to the sentence: "You did a good job." Even if it was revealed.

After that, Kane did not eat and drink in Xueweizi, but cast the technique of "Kane's Magic Tent".

Unlike the one that was exhibited when I visited the Lovegood family back then, this time it was shown that it was not so sloppy or so delicate, it was more like the kind of long tent set up at a picnic salon. Simple and elegant, yet tasteful. The magic light shining in the details proves the attributes of its extraordinary creation, and the long table with white tablecloths and a large number of chairs also shows that other wizards are considered.

Kane also summoned the house elf steel scorpion and shredded silver as waiters. The secret puppet steward Raymond appeared in the "only sell wine" bar in Freetown, Boston. · Cullen got together.

In order to activate the atmosphere, Michelle joked: "I now know that your life as a traveller is comfortable."

Kane also laughed and chatted with it. But he knew that love had changed, and some things would never be found back in the past.

In the past, Michelle was basically instinct, even if she had some tunes, it was because she cared, and instinctively exposed her good side to him, but did not involve others. The current tune is to be cautious with fear, even instinctive rejection and resistance.

This is because there is no difference in power, and there is no equality. Not only are they different in status, but also face different problems. Not only do they create a sense of alienation and estrangement, but also danger. In more beautiful words: He is like the sun, and others will feel comfortable keeping an appropriate distance from them, and will die if they are too close.

Kane naturally understands this ‘unacceptable’ mentality. He also came from D wire, and had similar feelings back then. It's just that because of power and money, it is actually power.

It's good to understand and recognize, and then keep the distance naturally. Adults don't need too much straightforwardness, they can understand it, and then it will come naturally.

After about twenty minutes, the two teams of wizards returned from exploration, and they found nothing.

Kane greeted the wizards one after another, and the banquet opened.

Kane eats differently than other people eat.

Kane mainly eats the special foods of Nenets people provided by Katu, such as fried venison, frozen fish rolls, frozen fruits, berry juice, fish soup, etc. And the wizards ate food cooked by the elves of the Nozawa garden.

It ’s also a delicacy, and it ’s also richer, so that many people who thought they had visited the terrifying scene of the prison not only avoided dinner, but also some strange wizards who were not interested in braised meat and barbecue, for a period of time, were surprised to find I am more adaptable than I thought, or the food prepared by the house elves of Nozawa Garden is completely praising the praise of "Jin Kui delicacy", which can make the index fingers of anorexia patients move, let alone them.

Katumi also enjoyed a Michelin-level meal once, but it was quite open, and he ate three times as much food as usual.

However, there is also a controversy, that is, the food he prepared for Kane, in all fairness, whether it is the selection of materials, cooking skills, the taste of selling photos, etc., are far from comparable to the meals cooked by domestic elves.

Fortunately, when he saw the sweetness of Kane, he felt less twisted, and secretly said: "What kind of delicious food haven't been eaten like someone else? It's just eating chic ..."

Gourmet hot drinks can really make people relax. After a meal, the wizards and Kane are not as rigid as before, and the atmosphere is much more harmonious.

Kane didn't mention why the wizards of the old Maozi family were so overbearing and used foreign wizards as a prisoner. He even paid attention to which were Maozi wizards and which were coerced.

At this time, the wizards also displayed online EQ, even those who were coerced, did not jump out and complain.

They knew that Michelle should have spoken for them, so Kane's behavior now means that she doesn't want to be involved. But they believe that the final result will not be too bad.

The wizards of the old Maozi family are basically optimistic about the development of the situation.

They had been affected by the disintegration of the state and encountered this difficult case. It was also cruelly abused by Kane, who once thought that Kaner might not be able to survive this time.

But next, they found that Kane was a bit brutal, but it was not crazy, amazing and powerful, and very responsible, and did not use them as cannon fodder.

Perhaps it is because the starting point is low enough, and a little sweetness can create a huge contrast. Over time, a sense of anticipation began.

Now, they all hope that the event will be resolved satisfactorily in this powerful sitting.

Of course, not everyone is clever and sensible, but no, someone jumped out and sold miserably.

"Dear Excellency, may I ask if I can pack some food and bring it to my wife and daughter, this kind of food, even in the past, is extremely rare, let alone today."

Kane glanced at the man and found that he was thin and disoriented, his hair was yellow and dull, and his face was ugly, just like someone with a serious illness.

And he noticed that although this man's clothing was neat, he was actually shabby, white, and frizzled, and he was obviously somewhat fat and unfit.

"Lao Maozi's family, can't even blame the extraordinary?"

Kane was puzzled, but he felt the other party's physiology, and the comprehensive information showed that he wasn't in favor of the crowd, deliberately pleasing to sell.

"Of course." He responded, and then ordered Gangpu to let him prepare a luxurious meal for five, and store it in a fresh-keeping box.

So a few minutes later, the extraordinary man got a matchbox-sized fresh-keeping box. This is a disposable lunch box with space techniques such as seamless stretching. Not only keep fresh, but also stabilize food inside, including soup, not afraid of shaking.

Then Kane found out that more than one person was secretly envious of the behavior that dared to shy his face and eat and take, and received satisfactory feedback.

"It seems that life is really not so good ..." Kane thought, and then ordered Gangpu to let the elves prepare a copy for everyone present.

Actually, Kane was a little bit crooked.

The food cooked by the domestic elves makes the extraordinary people appetite, but its value is just like that. These extraordinary people are not so poor that they can't open the pot.

In addition, although the freshness box is delicate and has a collection value, it is also not the key, even if the extraordinary people do not know that it is disposable.

The most important thing is that it is clear that begging for food is actually begging for life.

Explain in one sentence: Now that you have promised to bring food back to your wife and children, you are so capable, so sorry to let him die on the battlefield, or imprisoned afterwards?

Therefore, since Kane expressed his allowable attitude, he indirectly proved that he would let them reunite with his family, and even had to protect them to a certain extent to ensure their safety, so that they would be powerful.

Kane took a moment to understand. Can't help but sigh: "Who said the foreign devil is straightforward? If you play carefully, you can still go back and forth." ...

For him, this is naturally just an episode.

But I have to say that, with his achievements and identities today, these episodes are more interesting. Including Katu jumping out as a guide, and making Nenets-style food, this counts.

And the themes are just those.

Kane remembers the folk saying that happiness is always the same, but misfortune is different.

He felt that this statement also applies to ‘ambition’. After all, the essence of ambition is also a pursuit, or words desire-desire.

The desires and desires of intelligent life are actually those. He has seen too many times repeatedly, and too much, so much that it is difficult to cause strong feelings.

However, soon, the goblin gave him some surprises, expressing how unusual the situation was this time.

At that time he was drinking hot drinks with the wizards, eating fresh fruits, dried fruits and snacks, waiting for the new news of the scarlet probe.

Then a group of goblins took advantage of the snowstorm and drooping night to play sneak attacks.

Although its specific tactics were very ground-breaking, even the laser sighting just started by the lighthouse national army in this era was used to guide the bombing, but it was still just death.

Kane ’s perception range of a radius of thousands of kilometers makes sneak attacks a joke, and his curse killing method has made all fairy magical cannon positions far from tens of kilometers away completely gray.

If this wave of unsuccessful sneak attacks has some practical significance for Kane, then there are only two points.

One, Kane was thinking about how the goblin could confirm the approximate location of his party.

Second, the channel strongholds other than the school were found.

Kane still did not use Soul Search, not because he had arrogantly ignored the meaning of intelligence, but that he noticed that these goblins had been cast a special anti-mind peeping spell.

Yes, divine curse, not curse.

This means that there is a **** behind the fairies.

Judging from the fullness of the Divine Mantra, the current state of this deity is pretty good.

Why is it that the oldest dominators with the most adaptability and multiple survival systems are miserable and bleak, yet the gods can nourish and live alive?

This question Kane really does not like to ask. After all, Osiris of the Egyptian gods is already in front, let's all be regarded as the handwriting of the ancient **** who opposed him.

Replaced by him, he can also play a similar butterfly effect + four or two pounds.

It is nothing more than sending a powerful avatar to the time of the dark HP world, such as the period of extraordinary glory, and even the earlier period of Atlantis not yet destroyed. The subsequent operations are the same as those he did in the 1853 Carret genocide. As long as you are careful enough, it will not cause the occurrence of tributaries of space and time.

Like him, there is an additional member of the light-aged Maria. After sleeping, he fell under his command more than a hundred years later. The ancient **** can naturally play similar tricks, or even better, use some legendary events to form an external normal occurrence, an internal accumulation hoarding effect, and then like a time bomb, wait until the modern one shows its prestige. , So he can make him busy in a series of incidents, and maybe he will start.

This is the general context.

So, suddenly there was another **** who was in a good state, and it was no surprise. One out, one out, one out, one out.

He didn't tell the wizards why he didn't need to be demented to torture the goblin, but he still killed all the goblins who tried to sneak in with the brutal version of "Drilling Heart".

He allowed the wizards to collect some government affairs, and then moved everyone, including Kathu and reindeer sleds, into Snow Ridge.

The distance of tens of kilometers has exceeded the scope of his timely care. He will not make the mistake of dividing the troops and the result will be overcast. Besides, the rest of them are coming to be witnesses or spectators, and they are not needed. Take on the work that must be done.

Kane and his party appeared again, already on the upper reaches of Xueling River. Shahrapuk also lives near the river. This river is the Xueling River. The source is in the northeast and southwestern Xueling, and Kane and they are now closer to the source.

This is a valley in the mountains, with irregular strips and an area of ​​about 4 square kilometers. At this time, it is almost full of fairy buildings and various equipment.

Kane glanced briefly and counted hundreds of magical artillery pieces.

The wizards, including Michelle, were shocked by the scene here. Although I have seen mass-produced magic guns used by goblins before, the guns and guns are not of an order of magnitude, especially the magic guns. This is a real killer. Every time it is hit, it is comparable to a 200CM caliber gun carrying nuclear Shelling, three pieces will be able to level the larger Shahrapuk, and there are more than 100 gates here.

In addition, they also have a new understanding of Kane's power.

A few dozen kilometers away, thousands of goblins were all cursed and killed!

And the absolute death is very painful. Not only are all the faces distorted, many of them have bitten their tongues, full of blood and minced meat. This is generally a crazy move that will be subconsciously made when it is so painful to lose reason.

Faced with this scene, Kane nodded with satisfaction, and he said to the wizards: "It is time for those in power corpses to see the active volcano cast by the goblin."

He said he used the door key to open the portal to Switzerland.

The headquarters of the International Federation of Wizards is there, not far from Geneva. This is not a pure coincidence, but the magic wand wizards of the Kingdom of Switzerland have been taking a neutral route. The world is also affected by it, and the bones are so straight, unlike Sweden It is also known as neutral, but during World War II, it was off-axis first and then the alliance, and it lost its face and was shameless.

Kane named Michelle as a messenger and gave her a mischievous big killer, saying that if the officials of the International Wizarding Association did not pay enough attention to it, they would drop the big killer on the spot, then Helping people will naturally come up with twelve points of spirit.

Michelle naturally understands that this is a beautiful difference, it works properly, and its reputation is the most basic. It is not even impossible to be foolish. As long as she doesn't go too far and doesn't do any stupid things that are angry and complaining, unless Kane is down, she will face this face, and the rest of her life will never need to run around for the livelihood as before.

"Thank you."

Kane smiled, he realized that Michelle already understood his intentions-this is a special ‘overnight fee’. So he said politely: "Things that are easy."

The two of them were basically cleared.

Michelle was not alone. She ordered two deputies herself. One was from the old Maozi family, and the other was from the coerced superhuman.

This is a simple EQ wrist. After all, it ’s a faceless thing. It ’s a scene where there are thousands of corpses and magic artillery over a hundred. Anyone who comes here must be shocked, and the piggybacking will be more obvious to inform them to come to observe the significance and weight .

Compared with other participants, the reporters naturally get a little more credit, even if they look at the powerful face of Kane, it must be expressed.

Not to mention the human nature here, just say Kane.

Kane didn't wait for the arrival of the International Wizarding Federation, he left the crowd outside to see the scene and greet the big brothers of the Federation, but he followed the more spacious mountain passage that allowed artillery to enter and enter the fairies. Dungeon.

As a result, the surprises prepared by the goblins for him were successfully activated-a special cage, a house of time and space.

This special house is controlled by a deity.

The **** Kane didn't know it, and it was a goblin from the outside, which reminded Kane of the great horned rat in the Warhammer universe and the more common species of refuge gods in the DND universe, such as the **** of refuge in elven races.

"It seems that you can have this achievement by accepting the gift." Although facing God, Kane did not panic. He didn't think that in the material world, the opponent could play tricks that crushed him, even if he did not hesitate to die.

"Yes, I can't compare to you. Or, the heavens and the world, a new **** who is more outstanding than you, there is not yet."

Kane laughed: "Thank you for your compliment ~ ~ But this does not allow you to avoid the ending."

"Of course." The fairy **** smiled calmly: "I used my own death in exchange for the prosperity of my family and died wherever I wanted."

"No, I have decided to eradicate the goblin from this world."

"Well, I don't doubt this. To be honest, we don't like this world too much. It's too chaotic and not suitable as a cradle of intelligent population."

Kane understood: "It turns out that I went to the Promised Land. It's useless. I said killing the whole family is killing the whole family."

"I know, I know!" The demon spirit nodded again and again: "So I have to trap you, for at least a century. This is a gamble, but it is worth it. And since you entered here, there has been a very good start. , My name is already ringing in the heavens! "

"Really, maybe that's just your blind optimism." ...

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