Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Chapter 1229: Fighting Earth Warships

Kane walked along the uncomplicated underground tunnel.

The first thing encountered is the extremely unfriendly rule.

He just laughed at it.

The experience of the reincarnation has created his strong survivability, and more importantly, has enabled him to acquire a series of good habits.

Despite the high price, he thinks it is very worthwhile. For this reason, he was proud to boast to others: "As long as there is material or energy in this world, I have a way to survive."

So now in the face of unfriendly laws of heaven and earth, he just laughs. He even felt that an ancient **** might have made the same mistake as Osiris, believing that suppressing the extraordinary would put him in a state of long-term embarrassment.

Of course, while mocking the destruction of others due to arrogance, he did not forget to remind himself not to make the same mistake.

So he felt that he should give his opponent enough respect, or be careful not to make a big mistake. After all, the game in front of him, but the ancient **** spent a lot of money carefully arranged for him, and the prestige of the ancient **** did not come out by bragging.

So he conformed to the law, switched states, transformed an extraordinary power into fusion fuel storage, and arranged a fusion cell system in the skeletal system.

This technology comes from the Marvel 20K universe and is a system created by C Kane based on sentinel cells. Eventually after his transformation, the current technical version is already a prefix of 8.

Not only has the energy system been adjusted, but even the soul has also been transformed.

The laws of this world are very harsh on powerful spirits, so he crystallized the soul and buried it in the pine cones as a miniature supercomputer to assist the brain.

In this way, the stored Miranda's core program and data are uploaded, and the adjutant Miranda is back online.

Without the powerful multi-threaded high-speed thinking ability, Kane did not feel any inconvenience. On the contrary, he felt a lot more relaxed, and he had a sense of coziness that always kept his rest.

He walked another way in the dark. The dry, even scorching wind made him realize that the exit was not far away, and then saw the dust and sand brought in by the wind.

His dark vision has not been lost. This is the basic welfare of the contractor of the dark force. As long as there is darkness, he has this talent.

After a few more minutes of walking, I saw the light, turned a corner, and the hole appeared.

It seems that it has collapsed, and it has become so that only one person can barely pass through, and the opening of the cave is still blocked by large rocks. Unless it is close, it is difficult to find.

After he cleaned a few rocks, he could see the world outside the cave.

The terrain does not seem to have changed much, except that the climate is very different, the snow is replaced by dust, and the snow ridge has become a barren mountain in the Gobi. The temperature is also annoying and the heat wave is transpiring. The only thing worth praising is the sky, the kind of azure and unusual beauty that can only be seen in the depths of the desert.

Switched the body, crystalized part of the soul, Kane's ability is not as amazing as before. The environment of this new world is not supported either.

But Kane still has some good technology to use. For example, using bio-radar instead of perception, although it is no longer delicate, at least it still has a good detection range.

It took a little time for Kane to complete the core and body structure.

The latter is to protect the former, so its deconstruction does not follow the arrangement of human bone organs.

But Kane is a great humanist. If he can, he will always have a human body.

It is the same now. By increasing the overall volume, some problems have been solved.

Considering that for a period of time in the future, it may be necessary to take the ‘strength’ rice bowl, Kane has spent some thoughts on the reshaping of the muscles.

In fact, it is just an idea, the template is ready-made.

How can the muscle layout of the human form maximize the operating power without affecting the overall appearance?

This subject has been broken up and broken up for a long time, and no more inventions are needed.

Just as human thinking has its boundaries, so does the structure of the human body, and the boundaries are easier to touch.

So Kane just chose a template he liked, then combined with the current skeleton, and then added some of his favorite personality conditions, and handed it over to Miranda operation, and finally got the optimal solution plan, according to the transformation.

For him who can easily detect the atomic level of substance control, this level of transformation is not a big deal. After all, with this level of ability, building a cell is equivalent to the construction of an old large-scale thermal power plant in the 21st century. It is simply at hand.

The last is skin modification, Kane used Evil God cells.

It is not appropriate to use its appellation to call the cells that have the characteristics of the old dominators. After all, he completely won the technology of this department. There are no problems such as hidden dangers of the gods. Unique information is used as a means of encryption, and other gods will appear indescribable without similar information.)

However, the first is the formation of a habit, and the second is commemorative, so the name of the evil spirit cell is still used rigorously.

The skin made up of evil spirit cells can be seen intuitively and has no pores.

The breathing method of this kind of skin is different from that of human skin. In general, except for the non-human one, other performances are fully surpassed.

After completing the state switch between spirit and flesh to adapt to this new world, Kane left the clothes including the Nenets fur suit in the cave and sealed it in a sarcophagus made by hand.

The space storage series cannot be used in this world, and there are many magic tools in his inherent equipment. Out of step with the rules of this world.

He did not intend to adapt it adaptively, but kept it as a nameplate. After being sealed, the extremely faint fluctuations it emits will become GPS-like positioning signals. Kane did not want the "gateway" that sent him to the world to disappear. With this special positioning system, it can better ensure the positioning effect, even if the terrain changes after many years, it can be recovered.

After leaving the cave, Kane pushed the big stone covered by the entrance again, completely sealed the entrance, and then, according to the position of the sun, discerned the direction and began to travel east.

He is now in a celestial state, but this does not mean that no tools are available. The skin on the body has better solar energy conversion capacity than silicon semiconductor panels, and the cartilage-like webbed membranes produced under the feet are similar in principle to snow shoes.

He remembered that when C Kane first entered the 20K universe in the Mojave Desert, it was also a journey for such a celestial state.

However, C Kane soon met the beauty-level nature park patrol, and he encountered a battleship vehicle.

Land cruiser, referred to as Lu Xun. Kane remembered that in his hometown, the first to blow this gimmick was a certain off-road vehicle of the Toyota company of the foot basin.

But in this world, battleship vehicles are really vehicles of the same size and tonnage as battleships.

Kane first saw the rut and then the battleship.

Not according to Tuo Jiji's result, he did not chase it deliberately, but realized through a huge rut that had not been completely covered by the wind and sand, he realized that there were mobile fortress-level super-large vehicles active in this Gobi region.

After a further journey, I saw more ruts of different widths and depths, realizing that this rough land was not as lonely as he had thought before, and then encountered a warship vehicle.

The relatively small one is also a battleship vehicle. It has a length of nearly fifty meters, a width of more than twenty meters, and a main body height of more than ten meters. It is equivalent to a four-story commercial residential building, but there is a top-level command tower, which is quite a retro design concept.

It stands to reason that the technical level of making warships should not use such an old design concept.

Putting the command cabin inside the car body, using a combination of detectors of various detection equipment to connect the screen to image it is not fragrant?

Why give the enemy a chance to end the command?

In this area and weather, can the naked eye be more effective than scientific equipment?

Of course, all you can say is the feeling of standing high and looking down on Shino. This is feelings.

If this is the case, then it is punk.

But Kane observed that the overall shape of the battleship and the shape of the equipment are not romantic and exaggerated punk style, but like the orthodox human civilization he is familiar with, taking the minimalist route.

In front of this, it is a bit rough and durable. To be honest, this is quite in line with Kane's taste.

Kane's taste is also gradual. At one time, she liked the refined style very much, and the American style was not dissatisfied.

But now, he has an aesthetic fatigue with this style. I feel that the delicate order is too strong.

In addition to security satisfaction through the sense of certainty brought by order, people also need a certain degree of uncertainty to bring new satisfaction.

In human terms, one hand is natural, one hand is order, and organic integration is what people want most.

And as he became stronger and more confident, Kane had lost his sense of security. The dependence on the certainty brought about by the order gradually decreases.

The roughness, carelessness, poor accuracy and high fault tolerance of the wool system have become a more interesting style in his eyes. Fine tools are enough to have a shell. The rest are companionships. Why should they be so real? How sophisticated are they?

"Ah!" Someone on the battleship car greeted him with an electric horn.

The movements made by the warships during the march were much larger, and they could not communicate normally without a horn.

Kane looked at it like this, and had a sense of seeing the watchman on the sailboat.

Of course, its appearance is more in line with the characteristics of this era. Specifically speaking, it is matched with warship vehicles: the worn-out work clothes of polymer materials are full of oil stains, and a considerable part of the exposed limbs are prosthetics. For example, the left hand and left arm, and the upper half of the brain.

Kane, who was shining all over her body, was not a little bit shy, and smiled and waved to respond to each other.

Then, the battleship slowly stopped.

Kane laughed in his heart.

It's greasy.

It is not that he does not believe that there is truth, goodness and beauty in human nature, but that he is more willing to believe that there is no free lunch in the world. Like this kind of battleship vehicle, stopping and starting again is absolutely energy-consuming. A goal with insufficient value is not worth doing.

It may be too much to say so. But compared to emotions for no reason, he still feels that it is more suitable for the current situation when measured from the perspective of interests.

"Are you going to take a ride?" The man with the electric horn asked enthusiastically, looking at Kane at the same time, like looking at a bottle of exquisite sculpture.

In fact, Kane couldn't understand what the other party was saying at this time, but the meticulous insight allowed him to judge the other party's intentions through body language and micro expressions.

Nod and step forward.

The rope ladder lay down and Kane climbed up.

"Wow, the perfect figure! Especially this 'furniture', the best!" The man glanced at Kane's crotch, squeezed his eyebrows, and then explained: "Of course, I don't want to happen to you. What is the relationship, but dreaming of having such furniture! "

Kane still didn't speak, but always kept a nasty smile.

The man saw that Kane didn't talk, and didn't take it seriously, and greeted Kane enthusiastically through the top entrance to enter the interior of the battleship.

The inside is even older than the outside.

More importantly, it is messy. There are only cables that are temporarily pulled in trouble and randomly arranged equipment, and even a wire + lamp interface + bulb is a perfunctory-level lighting method. Other similar illegal operation products are even more too much.

Thanks to the original layout of the battleship vehicle, the connection between the cabins is not as complicated as the three-dimensional labyrinth, but the narrow passage is still characteristic, and there are a lot of places where two people can walk across the road.

Then Kane saw the family of the man who claimed to be Gran. Wife, two daughters, and two sons-in-law.

Gran's wife is the shape of a bucket waist aunt. The two daughters are fat and thin. They are not ugly, and there is no prosthesis all over the body. This is a highlight.

Kane discovered that the three women saw him, all of them greedy, especially the little daughter, who kept looking down and swallowing, even if Grande had already found the clothes first, but the unsuitable clothes instead It has the effect of being tight and half-covered. From a certain angle, his body-building figure is more attractive.

The women's misfortune, Kane only saw it, neither excited nor ashamed, what to do, very calm.

Then he heard some conversations.

Woman: "This is the best body I've ever seen, should I be able to sell a big price?"

Male: "Are you blind? No pores, not natural, but biochemical."

Female: "That can sell big prices, in short, how his appearance looks and how comfortable, my vision has always been good."

Male: "However, you can't just look at the goods themselves. Could such a good bioman come from a third-rate workshop? Taking the general channels, maybe we will get into big trouble."

Woman: "I don't care, if I can't sell a good price anyway, I'd rather use it myself."

Male: "Well, I think you are greedy for the body, and I pretend to be confused."

Woman: "How is it? I can only enjoy the goods, I can't enjoy them?"

Man: "Are you still enjoying less? Don't think I don't know what happened between you and your son-in-law."

Female: "The relationship between you and your two daughters is worthy of bragging. I tell you that with this, I can cleanse myself."

Male: "Then our daughter asked to share, what do you do?"

Female: "Then you will find three women around you who have cleaned themselves from now on."

Male: "Huh ... It seems to be a good deal. You know? Compared to sloppy and fooling around with other men, I'm more worried about you getting sick. In this respect, women always suffer a little."

Female: "Know, know, jealousy is because of us in my heart, go, old lady let you fly for a while."

"Finish the charter of taking down the goods first."

"What's so hard about it, can't you just give me medicine for dinner?"

"That's a bioman!"

"You can't believe the old lady's medicine? As long as he is still a nerve signal in the bioelectric category, even if it is enhanced, it can still make him paralyzed!"

"You whisper."

"What are you afraid of? The old lady scolded him just now, but he smiled at the old lady. The guy may have stolen out before he had entered the language information. He couldn't understand our words at all. This kind of pure goods is very good for dealing with."

"Still double insurance, medicine + sap."

"Okay, okay, you go to stabilize him first, your old vicissitudes always look harmless to humans and animals." ...

Gran looked indeed honest and harmless.

The skull is made of alloy, and the two temples are frosted, with a smile on the face and a look of fatigue and helplessness ... The first feeling is that the life of a middle-aged man with an old and a small one is not easy, but yet Have a strong spirit to work hard to face.

However, these are all disguise.

In fact, it doesn't count from a certain angle. Gran really felt that it was not easy to control the livelihood of a whole family, and he did not think that his predatory scams were wrong.

After all, in this era and this region, when talking about the universal Lund in Kane's cognition, it is like the ordinary modern people in Kane's hometown to talk about Liu Xiahui's "sitting without disorder", which is an ideal virtue. If you do, most of you will be sent a "silly" comment.

"Sinners!" Facing the smiling Grand, Kane said in a straightforward Chinese.

He did not understand Grande's language at first, but when Grande communicated privately with his bucket waist wife, he could understand it because he had Miranda.

Even if there is no one that invades the battleship vehicle system, Miranda can do the job of translating major events. It can decompose the language, analyze the words with the dialogue background, body language and context, and then complete the language interpretation through horizontal comparison.

Voice organs say that the types of sounds that can be emitted have their upper limit, and language contains the nature of convenient communication, and it will not be too difficult to make a sound system. This also determines language as a technology, and its difficulty is actually very limited. Miranda masters such technology, naturally quickly.

And Miranda understands, even if Kane doesn't understand very well, it won't hinder normal use.

Glang was obsessed with the Chinese that Kane had blurted out. He had never heard of it, but he quickly mastered the language because Kane had already shot a brain demon into his eyes while speaking. .

The worm directly penetrated into Gland's eyeball. The nerve clusters behind the eyeball were very dense. A large number of electronic signals were transmitted to the brain, and the brain responded accordingly. Gland was paralyzed.

Paralysis in seconds!

He couldn't even express his horrified expression.

After that, the look of horror was replaced by a serious and calm attitude.

Glang said in standard Chinese: "Master, I'm in place."

Kane gave Gran a handful of brain demon worms and said quietly: "Let everyone be in place."

Everyone, including young children, if any ...

After an hour, everyone was in place. Some twists and turns also occurred during this period. The process of putting others in place is not so smooth. They struggled and even left several cabins in a mess, affecting the normal operation of the warship vehicle.

Kane still won. Despite the constraints of harsh laws, Kane is still much stronger than ordinary people.

He is like a peerless assassin. Every tie A is fatal. Just heading will increase his consumption, provided that he has to find a way to let him enter this mode voluntarily. If he does not want, who can force it to stay What about him?

Perhaps this can be achieved indirectly by means of objects. For example, battleship vehicles.

Kane didn't mind being the new owner of this battleship named "Sandworm".

A moveable foothold that is quite okay, which is quite fragrant for him who first arrived.

After the analysis of Miranda, this foothold can be called a pile of mobile debris.

According to Kane's habits, it is natural to comprehensively transform it.

However, this time Kane has not been completely transformed into a large wilderness weapon that conforms to the specifications of the blood worm group as usual.

The reason is not just for energy saving. As long as it is not too long, his fusion cell energy system fully supports high-tech farming.

Mainly mentality. Just like appreciating the change of style from German to Mao, he remembered a movie criticism from his hometown: every movie of Tom Cruise, no matter what the theme, will eventually become Tom Cruise. .

It's always like this, but it's actually quite boring.

Kane also realized that his consciousness was gradually falling into certain disciplines, such as the intensified control of the wheel.

He actually hates people who have too much control. When I was still a human, there were such friends and relatives. The first sentence on the phone was: "What are you doing?"

Why do you care? Is there something wrong?

This is to control the desire to penetrate the bone marrow, instinctively to determine the status of the other party and so on.

Now, even though he knows that he has become the kind of person he hated at the time, even if it is only occasionally different, it is meaningful and even interesting.

Like this time, he did n’t let the advanced version of the Nanoworm in the Osiris, such as the Underworld, ignite, even knowing that the overall frame of this battleship vehicle, and a considerable part of the armor, are already close to or reached During the metal fatigue period, the performance is greatly reduced, and there is still no replacement.

"Do not use any over-limit technology, only use existing resources and equipment, and appropriately supplement the same level of technology for comprehensive optimization."

He gave Miranda such an order.

Well, this "limit" naturally refers to the highest technological level of this warship vehicle itself.

Kane certainly knows that this warship vehicle, compared to this era and this world, is not any advanced equipment, even if it is not an old antique.

But he just wanted to maintain the inherent characteristics of the battleship vehicle, and after adjusting it to a better state, the original taste was also quite fragrant.

The sun sets, rises again, sets again, rises again, and then leans west, approaching two days and nights, and the Sandworm finally completes its transformation.

It looks a lot bald, the fence at the top is gone, and the external missile launcher is gone. The control tower at the rear is built, but the antenna stand with many branches on it is gone.

In addition, the original flush front end has a fairing design similar to the bullet locomotive. Only this design makes the overall line of the battleship vehicle look smoother. Sandworm is a bit interesting.

In fact, the key adjustment is the change of tracked wheels. Originally four thorough crawler bottom wheels, it has now become a front and rear type, and a group of two, forming a tank floor type.

This change in half-tracks and half-legs made Sandworm more flexible all of a sudden. Even the built-in giant mechanical arm can lift the main body of the battleship vehicle to a height of nearly ten meters.

This is like a dog lying on its stomach, and then when it stands up, its belly lifts naturally from the ground.

This is the original function of Sandworm, except that there was no way to lift it so high, and the related system was also damaged. Therefore, only heavy-duty shovel heads can be installed in front of the road to increase the obstacle traffic rate.

It is precisely because of this design that the internal space of the battleship is not small, and there are not many members. But living in a narrow and tight environment.

After some major changes, not only is it flexible and able to stand up, but the internal practical space has also been greatly improved compared to the past.

It's just that puppets have no personality, and their private spaces are only capsules. But there are more fitness cabins and rest cabins.

As for the new captain of Kane, there are naturally separate and comfortable bedrooms, study rooms, parlors, baths and kitchens.

Fortunately, it is also the height of a four-story commercial building, 50 meters long and more than 20 meters wide. A normal two-bedroom, one-room cabin system can still be moved out.

"Very good. The yellowish-grey color matches the name and has a certain visual stealth effect. At least it is not dazzling. The driving noise that is reduced exponentially also improves the survival rate ..."

In fact, battleship vehicles have become so bald, and there is also the concept of invisible design, which can better absorb and reflect radar detection waves.

In this barren land called Fighting the Earth, the occasional guest stumbling thieves like the Gran family are far from bad, and the sand thief warship that specializes in looting is that it is extremely vicious.

It is precisely because the "run business" is not safe, the running business warship vehicle vigorously dressed up, but actually eats the blood of the knife, and the appearance often looks harmless to humans and animals. The dog does not bark 'the saying.

In the eyes of Kane, the running business of the Gran family is basically a loss of money, but the most powerful device, the "power core", is basically an integrated old product, which is both dangerous and polluting. Semi-waste products, so the price is lower, so business runners tied their lives and health to their belts, relying on cheap energy and earning some hard money.

Kane would naturally not allow a time bomb with a chronic suicide effect to be installed under his bed, and one would not even take a plane.

After optimization, not only the safety is improved, but also the output is higher than its peak state.

With the surging momentum, some large power consumers have also started.

Therefore, the battleship vehicle has its own electroslag furnace smelting workshop and 3D printing workshop, which is considered to be self-sufficient.

The new fairing of the warship was built by dismantling a lot of scrap iron from the east and the west. As for the rough appearance, it is somewhat intentional. Kane does not want people to know that this car uses advanced technology, nor does it want to destroy its inherent style.

After dinner, there was a strong wind outside, and the sand and stone flew away, making the earth have the characteristics of ocean-like waves. The track and even a part of the car body were covered by the wind and sand. From a distance, it really meant a little bit on the ship.

This kind of weather greatly masks the roar of vehicles, and is very suitable for driving.

Kane went to check the goods for this transportation.

As a freelance vendor, the goods shipped by the Glan family were bought by themselves, not consigned.

Specifically, it is the most popular compressed food. This kind of food is better than toothpaste-like nutrients. It's a bit of a snack. At least it can deceive people's perception from the visual and even the taste. After adding water and heating, ‘Boom! ’Torn foil is a plate full of gourmet-grade rice bowls. For example, the most popular assorted rice bowls, meat, eggs, fish and shrimps are all complete, with beautiful colors and fragrance, which makes people's index finger move.

Just for this sale, the price is more than double the price of nutritional cream, but it is still easier to sell. After all, for the people at the bottom, in terms of material aspects, they can only enjoy eating and drinking, even if they still enjoy self-deception in the spirit of the virtual world.

Kane knew from Gran that the compressed rice bowls were actually extracted by the unscrupulous people from the relief supplies.

The simple sentence of the vehicle that transported the relief food was robbed by the sand, which caused the people who had been pointing at the relief food to survive into complete despair, and thus selling children, women and organs, just thinking about it, it was angering. burn.

So Kane did not plan to pull these compressed foods to sell according to Gran's original ideas.

Of course, he did not plan to go to the disaster area to open the relief porridge shed. After all, it is measured by the mortal Lund in his hometown. In this world, I am afraid that few people are qualified to be called "good people."

The first evil is naturally a group represented by capital giants, and then those who are peeling off. However, people at the bottom are not innocent.

The people at the bottom are indeed the victims, and it is the sinkers who have gradually accumulated into numbness and despair. This group deserves sympathy in Kane's opinion, but it can't use kind means, but needs the medicine of tiger and wolf.

Sickly ill + tiger wolf medicine, this is to die!

That's right, death is fixed, and it is accelerated death ~ ~ but it can leave some good fruits, wealth, and inheritance of future generations.

This is a change that will take several generations to complete, and sacrifice is inevitable.

Especially for the first few generations, they do n’t even need to understand that the path they take is a great renaissance, and they ca n’t understand it. Just let them move. It is their mission to squeeze only a small amount of value from them for the right way.

This is the only rescue Kane can think of.

He still does not know whether this red storm can blow up, try it, anyway, now he seems that the bottom of the world is forced to be exploited by who is also exploited, and he lives in **** on the earth with his cheaper self Those who have suffered are better off selling offspring. At least the descendants of the same class.

It's just that, even if the dragon is actually slaughtered, today's dragon slaughterers will not become tomorrow's evil dragons, no one knows ...

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