Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Chapter 1232: Looting capital and walking away

It is natural for warship vehicles to move on other people ’s sites.

But tonight, Hongqiao Tiange was caught.

After such a big event, the military system of Rainbow City has been in a state of coercion for a while.

It is not that the professional qualities of the soldiers in Aurora City are low, but because the party commanded the gun and the party branch was gone. Who dares to shoot at random?

Of course, the most important thing is to understand from the roots, what kind of army is the army that presides over the military affairs of Hongguang City.

This is not an army fighting for faith, nor is it a soldier of the people. This is a mercenary who signed a deed of sale with capital.

Now, the group most in need of protection in this army is almost wiped out by the regiment. In this context, how can one save oneself in order to survive the thunder of the capitals?

It's also simple, catch people and make money.

People are naturally Yao people who are still alive. In the name of protection, earning humanity from the weighty Yao clan can rely on the subsequent cleansing. After all, these local Yaos would not want to see the guns controlled by new outsiders.

Wealth, of course, is property. We have wealth in our hands, and we do not panic. We can honor new dignitaries when we enter, and we can hug a lot when we retreat.

In this context, no one mentioned revenge.

Isn't there an official, there is a policeman, those guys are the professional counterparts.

So the Maserati was left alone.

However, it was confirmed that the Marsala was heading straight towards the Wujin mining area, and some people's sensitive nerves were touched.

Wujin mine is a typical fortune. As long as the mine is not lost, the fleet of warships guarding here will be of no avail and will be able to please the new master. on the contrary……

So the requests for video communication were sent out soon.

Kane grinned at it and ordered: "The blow can begin."

With this order, the fighting started on the Wujin Mine.

It turned out that the Maserati was sent into the flying squad early in the morning, and was itself a lure to attract attention.

This flying team consists of three hundred aircraft.

These aircraft are not like fighters or drones, they have huge wingspans, and they need long runways to take off.

From the perspective of the old era, these flying machines looked as if they were a toy-grade device commonly used by flight enthusiasts. But in fact, it has the feature of "as long as the thrust is enough, the brick can also go to heaven".

The short and stupid wing on the aircraft is not a flying wing, but a stable wing, similar to the short wings on a missile.

The injection system is the main source of power for flight.

Lift-off is carried out by rail ejection, so that one can get a good speed at the beginning.

These aircraft are controlled by humans, but the real flesh and blood, only the head.

The universal plug-type connection method popular in this era requires the chariot to be plugged into the chariot, the fighter to cram into the fighter, the melee into the mech, and so on.

Of course, it is the special elite who truly accomplishes the "Iron Man Decathlon". The general soldiers are only responsible for the play of a single professional.

Therefore, most soldiers theoretically have three body shells, the body shells are stored, the prosthetic body shells are used for daily life, and the battle body shells are used to perform tasks.

In this era, with almost absolute power of capital, its lower limit is outrageous. The ontology of these soldiers was seized by capital in the form of trusteeship.

This is obviously further than the ancient proton seizure. After all, some people do not love their son because of long-term alienation, but few people do not love their own.

What is even more outrageous is that the misappropriation and sale of the trustee's body often happens.

Of course, it is generally done by 'temporary workers'. ‘Temporary workers’ Niu Bai, all of them are either master hackers; or they are very charismatic, they can buy people ’s hearts, and they should be integrated inside and outside;

Therefore, to serve as a soldier in capital, it is **** and tearful.

People are not without trouble.

However, after the machine gun or the lack of life, it is not just a talk. The most elite fighting force in the hands of the capital is the AI ​​army, which specializes in all kinds of disobedience.

Shady, iron curtain, this is a world that makes the poor desperate, 'poor', in this world is really the original sin.

But Kane, the **** stick.

Kane said that after brainwashing, they are noble and supportive of dictatorship. No matter what body or righteousness is, it does not matter, except for the belief that can not be abandoned, everything else is foreign.

As a result, the small, seemingly stupid aircraft carried a fanatical and dedicated will, and they did not intend to come back alive when they set off.

Miranda loaded them with quintessential expertise, supplemented by specialized chemical drugs, and they themselves took the ultimate enthusiasm into this holy war.

Well, it is indeed a jihad, for them, every game is!

This is 300 super ace pilots, each of whom has a superb operation praised by the people in the city!

The commanders of the stationed warships had no idea that they had issued a note requesting video communication, and the machete opposite had already been provisional.

Because of the Aircraft Brigade, the whole team flew to the ground!

There is no one above the ground three meters.

This is definitely extreme flight. Even if it is the Gobi Desert, the relief of the landform and terrain is definitely more than three meters. At extremely fast flight speeds, a little difference in the pool will be the end of the crash.

But this team did it, like a death carpet, flying at very low altitude, avoiding the detection of warship vehicles and resident detection equipment.

By the time the detection equipment for the ground forces discovered the target, it was completely too late.

Then it was just a wave. The convoy of the U.S. gold mine stationed in Wujin Mine was already beaten by crying father.

The flying team has a clear division of labor, but it looks like a bee dance.

Although they are small, they are deadly enough. However, they carried all high-explosive bombs of the level of individual tactical nuclear bombs, coupled with intelligent precise guidance, so this lens appeared:

A high-explosive bomb exploded into the opening, followed by dozens of high-explosive bombs as if swarming through the opening, and then dazzling extreme flying, flying around and blooming the flower of death.

Inside the battleship vehicle, more mouths were blown out, and then, more high-explosive bombs came in to continue plowing ...

A battleship car is like a lobster swallowed by an ant colony. The shell can't see anything, and the inside is scum ...

It took less than ten minutes to completely destroy this stationed warship vehicle unit. From start to finish, they failed to prevent a slightly decent counterattack.

At first it was ignorance, then emergency mobilization, and soon it became an emergency call for help, then each functional area was in a red paralyzed state, and finally it was destroyed in their own actions, or fighting or escaping.

Twenty minutes later, the ground combat troops from the Maserati were dropped into position, just in time to try to gather the crew of the warship vehicles.

These drivers are actually quite elite. After all, the capitalists' money is not easy to take, and their performance does not meet the standards set by the capital. Even if a person dies, it is not finished, and it will also harm relatives and friends.

But without waiting for these people to play the play of "The Sorrowful Soldier Will Win", they were defeated by the ground combat forces of the Masala.

Nor is it a clever tactic, that is, a heroic assault, a soldier armed to the teeth, focusing on the superior firepower, wherever there is a rally, it will go to A.

What mourning soldiers, mourning soldiers can overpower the fanatic madman?

These brainwashed war bugs shouted the Proverbs of the Warhammer universe, or 'Long live the emperor', and rushed up with trembling enthusiasm.

Of course, there is Kane's bad taste. The Middle Warhammer universe did not have the internal taste of the Warhammer 40K, but this did not prevent Kane himself from playing. It is also nostalgia for the Warhammer universe, after all, most of the time of 30,000 years of real time was spent there.

The fleet of warships stationed in Wujin Mine was completely defeated, but this does not mean that the owner of Wujin Mine lost.

In fact, the most powerful fighting forces of all forces in this era are in space, or in planetary orbit.

Moreover, the Rainbow Bridge Pavilion in the Rainbow City was exploded, and it was completely stabbed by the Ma Honeycomb. Behind it, there are more than a dozen groups similar to UA International and the Societe Generale Alliance. Because of this, the Rainbow City can only fight against the two forces. In the gap between the city and the city, acting as a third party.

Now, no matter who planned the destruction of the Hongqiao Tiange, it has hit the face of more than a dozen groups, and even this is a serious challenge to all capital groups and their established rules! Just for this, things will never end there.

Kane certainly knows that compared to space-based weapons and air-to-space battleships, battleship vehicles are living targets crawling on the ground.

He didn't expect the Maserah who was riding the robbery, and the tens of thousands who had been puppets, to play a free world.

He just wanted to muddy the water and profit from it.

He believes that with the technology of this era, the capital behind the Aurora City will soon doubt the Maserah who visited the Aurora City during the day.

So he didn't wait until he was pulled out, he took the time to further work.

Ujin is a good thing!

And with his "waste utilization" ability, those destroyed warships can also draw a lot of wealth.

Superpowers may be stuck by the laws of heaven and earth, but the ability to use money, as long as there is a civilized place, is always easy to use ...

As time goes by, it seems that just a blink of an eye, a week has passed.

This morning, on the flying platform of the Wujin Mine in Rainbow City, an azure exterior coating was placed, surrounded by two white lines, and a shuttle with the word ".L" written on it.

The specific letters are not these three, except that the universal language in this world is much like a variant of English, so Kane just translated it for the time being.

UPL stands for the United Power Alliance and is the authority established by a group of capital groups. It has more real power than the United Nations or the officials of various countries.

This week, a lot of organizations and individuals have come here to rub the heat and show their presence.

Of course, they often play names such as helping to solve the case, but in fact they are just showing loyalty to the master, and they are also like licking dogs that promote their value status.

The dog licking show ended with almost no actual results, and only real professionals were admitted.

"That's how ironic this era is." Frank, who came out of the shuttle, showed off to the beauties around him the cynicism he called ‘chic’.

Frank Vernon is a well-known detective in the All Star League, but he is not the protagonist of this trip to Aurora City.

The protagonist is the big iceberg beauty beside him.

This beauty is a super genius that is possible out of every 10 billion people over a hundred years.

To be honest, Frank didn't know the truth or falsehood, and it was transmitted from outside.

Let's take it seriously.

Anyway, depending on the origin of the Yao nationality, he was not able to climb up.

That ’s fine, just because there is no desire, it ’s just that this time, he changed his old style of suaveness and participated with a knowledgeable attitude. He wanted to see what kind of **** this "human being" in certain populations has.

Of course, the nature is difficult to move. I really met. The beauty of the iceberg immediately made him unable to bear the love. Licking subconsciously is inevitable ...

Ava, the "human being", is not ignorant of Frank Vernon. On the contrary, she knows this person very well. Even if she only spent five minutes reading information about Vernon, she ca n’t hold up her memory. ,Never forget.

Originally, she was unwilling to blend in the interests struggle of such Yao nationality.

That's right, it is a battle of interests among the Yaos. This is the mainstream characterization of the series of events in the Rainbow City.

And Eva basically agreed.

In her cognition, such a big thing, even if it is not a Yao nationality's power, it is bound to be closely related to it.

Because of such abilities, no matter whether it is technical, human, material, or financial resources, the Yao nationality cannot be avoided.

Mob rebellion, or terrorist attacks are not without, but there is no way to show so.

One can distinguish one or two by looking at the information obtained:

There is not a living suspect.

There is no clue left for traceability.

No high-value resources are left.

The effect of "three noes" is not simply organized, premeditated, and actionable. There must be technology and channels in order to move the thunder to bombard the ruins. And it is not a general technology and channel.

Behind the high-end technology, it represents a stable scientific research team and a huge amount of R & D investment.

High-end channels mean strong connections, mature and secret transfer, hiding, placement, etc.

These two things are by no means available to mobs.

Therefore, it is bound to be related to the Yao nationality.

But even so, even if the truth is found, it is likely to trigger a war at the capital group level, Ava is still coming. Because of the victims of Hongqiao Tiange, there are her good friends.

As a big brother said: "This time some people have done too much and broke the rules of convention. The Yao people are not unable to kill, but the tacit approval is targeted assassination The evidence was reported to the UPL Arbitration Court.) If it spreads to innocent people and massacres (especially Yao nationality), it is a violation.

Even, the nature of this incident is more than the general spread, it seems that its own purpose is to slaughter, this is to lift the table!

In Eva ’s eyes, the perpetrators are doing crazy, not only committing public anger, but also deliberately destroying the current situation of stability and prosperity. This is a provocation to the entire civilization, and it is blatant to the Star Alliance ’s 120 billion people. Blasphemy!

When Ava and his party arrived at the Wujin mine, Kane was browsing the semi-speech speech of Ava in answering reporters' questions on his new flagship "Zhelong".

He drank with a small wine and sneered: "Provocation of civilization is indeed fine, but Star Alliance represents 120 billion people. I don't approve of it. Star Alliance is just composed of large and small capitals with less than one ten thousandth of the total population. The slave-owner civilization in the new era. At this time, it is too shameful to take out the huge enslaved population to be scary enough. "

He had a comprehensive plan, and soon after winning the Wujin mine, he successfully transformed his wealth and built a deep submarine Zhelong. He left the Wujin mine like a sandworm.

The appearance of Zhelong is really similar to that of sandworms. It has a runner-type quantum jet drill that can molecularize matter in a very short time.

And its body is like a train, and it uses a composite superconducting material. The material has the characteristics of higher temperature and pressure, more solid and excellent conductivity.

From the beginning of the year to the Middle Ages Warhammer universe, Kane used this material to build a dark pyramid fortress to collect resources in the lava-like mantle layer.

Now the similar material formula is naturally a more mature version.

All in all, Zhelong has a sharp drill head and a spiral gear knife on his body, which constantly transports the material to the back, and the road blockage at the same time as the body advances.

Kane and his party left in such a way, in the eyes of the investigative teams behind them, it was 'human evaporation'. And this kind of human evaporation has been played by major capital groups in the past, and this time it can be called a new level of play. After all, from the field statistics, the loss is not less than 50 billion stars.

With 20 million stars, you can buy three Sandworm prototype Wilde Type 3 land patrol boats in the black market, and the purchasing power of 50 billion can be imagined.

However, the loss of 50 billion yuan does not mean that Kane has obtained 50 billion worth of wealth.

In fact, according to the market price, the wealth he earned would be 20 billion.

Because of the abandoned Marsala and the damaged warships in the Uganda gold mine, the resources recovered, including the value of the crew, are not counted as one-fifth of their total value.

The 20 billion yuan head is a batch of Wujin that has been smelted and packed but not yet shipped.

In the eyes of Kane, this thing is not as good as the seized value of personnel.

It's also quite hot. If you think about it, you know that many people are now waiting for these stolen goods to appear on the market, and then they catch the big fish.

In addition, even if there are those who are willing to collect money from seeing the money, it is bound to be extremely ruthless.

So Kane simply used it, which is also a big reason for the Zhelong.

So now Kane doesn't have much circulating wealth.

Of course, if he is willing to sell the Zhelong, he will say a whole set of mature manufacturing technology contained in the Zhelong, and there will be no shortage of buyers after adding 50 billion.

At present, Zhelong has seven carriages with an outer diameter of 73 meters and an inner diameter of 62 meters. Each carriage is divided into a submarine like a submarine, a frame, and an inner liner. The total length exceeds 1100 meters.

This deep-submarine ship is cruising in a shallow mantle layer with a vertical altitude of about 200 kilometers at a speed of about 230 kilometers per hour.

At this stage, it has three tasks.

The first is to collect resources. After it is completed, it will go to the crust and build a car in the cave to grow further.

The second is to temper itself. High temperature and high pressure can make it stronger, but it requires a step-by-step process, so cruising the mantle layer itself is another kind of growth.

The third is the internal integration of combat power.

Now Kane has more than 19,000 human brains on hand. Next, based on it, the system will develop and assign positions to establish a complete system of blood war insects.

In addition to this mobile base, Sandworm is still alive.

Sandworm is the bait deliberately left by Kane.

He believes that UPL still has some people with excellent capabilities, and they will eventually find the Sandworm.

When the time comes, the second scene will be opened to further guide the fight between capital groups. To be more specific, it is to buckle the pots of UA International so that they cannot wash away their injustice.

Now UA International is crying everywhere, especially the Weining family and the Greenhill family, who have long dressed up as victims. The purpose is to convince the UPL Council that Adele Weining and Ella Greenhill are the treasures of their respective families. Even if they are bitter, they will not sacrifice the future of these two families.

As for Kirk Reiter, I'm sorry, the Reiter family is a support in this level of major events, saying that no one believes that he is the mastermind and does not have that ability at all.

However, the Reiter family's search for Cork Reiter's series of operations is the most sincere, but unfortunately they can't think of breaking their heads. Kane is not interested in the routine operation of hostages for wealth. Cork has already started his poison crow's earning and repaying career in Rainbow City.

Adele and Ella have to postpone a few days, after all, Kane agreed that Adele would sell her to the custom industry of the Weining family, and Ella also needs to arrange his main foothold in the future for a period of time. .

Hengguang City is composed of three large areas:

The most dynamic is the famous super slum Xiacheng District, and the Waste Street is the largest commercial street in Xiacheng District.

The second is the metropolitan area of ​​the main district of Hengguang City.

Finally, there is Yunshang District, a land of power and wealth.

Many people call the three as hell, earth, and heaven.

Judging from the general living conditions of people in the three regions, it is indeed worthy of the name.

Kane's own itinerary, the first stop is not Hengguang City, but the mine town in the disaster area.

In his case, there is never too much manpower.

The mine town was hit by disasters, and the people there lived in dire straits, and it was the battlefield where various fortune-takers crept through it.

The compressed lunch that was previously loaded on the Sandworm was hardly lost in the shelling of the Marsala.

This is equivalent to a transaction fund.

In addition, prostheses picked up from the Masala and the Ugine Mine can also be used as bargains.

Although a careful investigation can find out the origin of these prosthetic forms, but if it is only used as hardware for bundling the poor, for internal digestion, Kane believes that it can still be kept confidential.

Relevant plans have been introduced. When he recruits workers in the mine town, Miranda will build a dungeon based on the dragon.

This dungeon, which uses geothermal energy as its main source of energy and various metal elements in magma as its main mining resources, will serve as a berth for deep submersible ships such as the Zhelong, and farming will also begin.

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