Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Chapter 1245: Severe medicine against humans

Kane promoted the random style he followed after coming to this world, like a disaster star, wherever he went, he would be unlucky wherever he went.

As the saying goes, the rise and fall of the people are suffering. Take the bottom people in this world as an example, whether it is due to human shortcomings such as 'short-sightedness'; or the accumulation of warm frogs from generation to generation. The bottom line is that even if the bottom people know that change can bring benefits, most of them do not participate The motivation of the so-called support is basically limited to the mouth.

What they want most is stability.

Even if they are miserable, as long as they are stable, they can bear it. For example, the weekly salary is only 20 yuan, but it is guaranteed that there will be a way to live a week with 20 yuan.

They do not think about it, and they are unable to think about how fragile this stability is. Many of them will be complacent because they can value the $ 20 flowers and even have some balance.

In this context, whoever causes them to fail to receive this week's salary of 20 will become the object of their hatred. Rather than hate the real hands behind it.

You ca n’t say no hate, it ’s just that hate is sometimes in line with the logic of 'county officials don't manage it', so many people know that capital is the culprit, but ask who they want to kill most, and most will answer that A debt collector who comes to the door every once in a while.

Under such a background, it is understandable to change something without asking people to see it.

Kane understands this kind of psychology, so he never thought of taking the road of bright change in human nature like the great red man in his hometown.

In a world of deep numbness and at the same time, it is not easy to starve people to death, awakening the Illuminati in human nature to be unacceptable and encounter embarrassment. And prematurely exposing the importance attached to the people is not good for Kane.

The external person he set for himself is a more brutal than the ordinary black gangs, and he always sits, kills the whole family, kills the whole family, and keeps no dogs.

From his point of view, establishing such a human structure can, from the perspective of the overall situation, save a lot of people.

As for the fact that he is unable to gain sympathy from any class, will he care? Or, for those at the bottom who made up his mind to absorb, how about sympathy and dissatisfaction? Could it be that the soldiers and civilians can fish and fish, the Tibetan soldiers in their homes can nourish the wounds, and establish a good foundation for guerrilla warfare?

After unscrewing the heads of the two men who were partial to the street, about half an hour later, Kane and his party appeared in front of a gambling hall called "Slam".

Although its facade looks like the level of the Mahjong Hall, the neon signboard is not influx, the storefront of Yingjie Street spans less than 10 meters, and the depth is tens of meters. , Here is the headquarters of a black gang, there are no holes in it.

"Don't talk about the rebellious killing." Kane confessed that he was surrounded by cyber puppets and entered the casino.

What's more interesting is that in the next second, everyone in the casino, whether it's a waiter or a gambler, took out a variety of privately modified guns and aimed at Kane and his party.

"Hahaha!" The arrogant laughter sounded, and a man with a beard and a delicate dress came from the depths of the gaming room and asked proudly, "How is it? Are you surprised?"

It turned out that shortly after the police arrived at the scene, they sold the entire set of news to the BOSS of the black gang, and also the home of the two swindlers.

So, the boss quickly laid out, and Kane's line is distinctive, these people are not afraid to recognize.

Kane scolded contemptuously: "Stupid!"

Cyber ​​puppets started immediately, without firing weapons, but rushed towards the crowd at high speed with their hands empty.

Nearly a hundred guns in the gaming room fired one after another, and for a time the gunshots were loud and dazzling.

However, neither the energy beam nor the live ammunition can cross the cyber puppet's coat, which looks like a rubber raincoat and glows like a light thief.

The live ammunition loses its potential energy instantaneously, and the light beam conducts and diffuses, forming irregular light ripples on its surface.

At room temperature superconductivity, even if a coat can't crack its technology, just the value brought by performance, as long as it is sold, some people are willing to pay for the warship vehicle. Technology is self-willed.

Guns are useless, fighting is even more scum. Although these prosthetic people can easily overturn the strength of ten or eight natural people, but in front of the cyber puppets, they are not enough to watch, so they follow a group of producers. It looks like people are basically torn directly.

Cyber ​​puppets even ignored the opponent's attack or defensive movements, just grabbed their hands and then torn them. Because their speed was too fast, they often had the time to throw their power into place, and they had already been demolished.

In less than a minute, only blue blood and floor parts were left in the casino, and of course there were a lot of ‘hoot, hoot’ voices, licking the head with the tongue, blinking and blinking head.

In these heads, there is the man who is exquisitely dressed and proudly smiles.

Kane took out a cigar, cut it with a cigar cutter, ignited it with a special wooden match, then dropped the still-burning match on the man's shiny hair, and continued to inward with a cigarette.

‘Boom! ’

‘Boom! ’

One punch twisted the facade, and two punches smashed the so-called alloy safety door.

Face to face are the three guarding the passageway with their own flamethrowers.

'call! ’

Ice and fire showdown.

The two cyber puppets stretched out their arms forward and sprayed white gas from the sleeves. This thing itself is a coolant, used to neutralize the cyber puppet texture high energy overheating, and can also be used as a weapon when needed.

The result of the spray was that the flames quickly defeated, the three people were frozen into ice sculptures, and the temperature of the entire channel fell by at least 20 degrees Celsius in a very short time.

‘Crack! The cyber puppet just flicked the arm, crushed the ice sculpture, and rolled it aside. Kane and his party continued to move forward.

After going through three descending steps and an alloy door, the eyes are suddenly bright, and the effect is like coming out of the small door of the alley and entering the garden-style villa community.

"Let everyone here sign the contract of deed, uncooperatively shatter the prostitute and throw it on the street." Kane ordered indifferently.

As a result, two stealth cyber puppets emerged, and the remaining two groups of 14 cyber puppets all flew out. They were each responsible for one area, and launched brutal special actions to rule.

After a moment, Kane obtained more detailed regional information from Miranda, and walked towards the location of the black gang BOSS.

BOSS is a tall and handsome man with a good temperament. I believe that standing with the nobles in Yunshang District is not inferior.

Seeing Kane invading, the BOSS calmly, simply adjusted the whole shirt, said: "I ..."

'boom! Kane shot the man's head with a very hand-made hand-made hunting elephant gun in his waist. This is the first person to shoot his head without leaving any room after he came to this world.

Not far away, a lady with a curvy body and a very enchanting and delicate face first shook her body with a gunshot, then her face twisted and screamed: "Do you know who he is, you ..."

'boom! ’Second shot.

When Kane turned his wrist, he had two more bullets in his hand, and he scornfully said to the open revolver-style bomb nest: "Dingtian is just an illegitimate child of a capitalist, but it can also be Who?"

Half an hour later, hundreds of corpses piled up at the entrance of the gaming hall, all of which were cleaned from the black gang den and refused to cooperate.

The originally lively street, at this moment quiet, still changing flashing neon more and more set off the strange atmosphere of this street segment.

Then the heavily armed military police arrived, and the number could be several hundred.

A cyber puppet walked steadily from the inside, glanced at the military police who surrounded the group here, and revealed the cold and stern attitude of the T850 in the {future soldier}, calmly said: "Grayfish Gang, from now on the name Taxi Tuo, as much as the tax paid by the Grey Fish Gang, Taxi Tuo will pay as much, but the public is not welcome here, whoever passes the line, who dies. Well, you can wash the floor. "

"Too arrogant! It's so arrogant! Who gave you these guts like a cheap one !?" Superintendent Olasin, the biggest official at the scene, was furious, and the military police captain Quinta standing beside him said to cool : "So arrogant, most of them rely on it. It's better to get some information from the victim before doing some calculations."

"Well, you come to deal with it, I will report to the Secretary."

Kunta promised, but he was thinking: "Most of them are anxious to sell the news."

The professional team and equipment, and the qualification to stay on the scene of a lawful stay for a long time, these two advantages make the military police have a unique ability to obtain detailed information, which breeds the behavior of selling intelligence to make extra money.

Of course, it is not just selling money. In many cases, it is also used to maintain contacts.

So, less than a quarter of an hour later, a capitalist who was embracing his left and right, and was full of world, learned that his illegitimate child had been headshot.

Since his early life was too loose, he now has no fertility. The dead one is the most obedient among his many sons.

Unfortunately, due to the political marriage and the strength of his wife's family, although he loves it, the disadvantage of "illegitimate child" is particularly clear in his son.

He didn't have a very good way, he could only secretly support him, making his son a sewer noble.

Soon after, he dialed a call: "My son is dead, and I am willing to pay 80 million revenge."

"We heard about your son, please mourn, but 80 million is only enough to buy a more detailed combat intelligence."

"What about five billion cash?" The voice of the big brother suddenly increased by ten decibels.

"Sorry, this huge sum of money is still not enough to sign the revenge contract. Looking at your identity as a rich man, we will send you a message for free. This time, it is likely that the recent rise to the famous Qiu Futian Mission to your son."

The big brother immediately took a breath and said Qiu Futian Tuan was the name given to the First Order headed by Kane by some people in this world.

Of course, if it can be determined that it is the organization that currently occupies the site of the Grey Fish Gang, then the irregular name of Qiu Futian Group based on traits and levels will be used by the "Taxi Tuo" before. The name of this world says alternative. Some people will also find ways to understand what ‘Tasi Tuo’ means.

Therefore, the intelligence acquisition, information circulation, and analysis capabilities of people in this world cannot be underestimated.

Of course, this also has a considerable relationship with Kane's strong personal style.

This personal style is not simply fierce and cruel, it is more cruel than bloody, this world is stronger than Kane, it is still quite a bit. The main feature of Kane, in the eyes of some professionals, is the self-willed energy of ‘not preaching rules or even trying to do anything, but to lift the table’.

It was also pointed out that Kane did not seek anything, but that the picture was too large, but this seemed insignificant to many people. It was only necessary to distinguish that the group of Kane did not ask for money and money like ordinary violents. Status, or revenge or anger.

Another characteristic is high technology. It's almost never seen before, and it can even reverse the high-tech of mainstream science.

Combining these two qualities, the performance of Kane and his party on Waste Street is naturally very consistent.

Soon after, Ava also obtained relevant information through channels, and quickly made a judgment, this group of people with high probability is the evil force.

When the UPL Standing Committee Council knew about it, it told UA International.

UA International is happy, surprised and angry.

Fortunately, as this evil force became active frequently, the hat of the self-made bitter trick was gradually removed.

To my surprise, this evil force finally appeared in its own base camp.

Angrily, this force did not know what hatred it had with UA International and caught their family.

The first 24 hours of Kane's entry into the Grey Fish Gang's lair belonged to prime time for the First Order and the hostile UPL.

It's just that the First Order uses these 24 hours of development, and UPL uses these 24 hours to obtain information.

Those unlucky eggs thrown on the street by cyber puppets have become an important source of intelligence for UPL to understand Kane and his party.

These people's lives are basically maintained, and then, with the aid of drugs, they are required to elaborate on the relevant encounters in detail and repeatedly.

These details were summarized and repeatedly browsed and analyzed, which became the first-hand information to deal with it, and was adopted by the UPL military operations department.

However, UPL learned a good time this time. They did n’t rush into the grass like a mine town. They even did n’t plan to use force for a long time according to related plans. Instead, they used it as a window for observation and even communication. use.

The UPL military operations department uses the information to deal with the evil forces in the mine town.

Anyway, the face has been torn off here, and it is not bad to add a few more battles of verification type.

In the mine town, the living capital and even the middle class have fled, and the black gangs that once dominated the rivers and lakes have been wiped out again. This is equivalent to peeling the bones and leaving the delicious fat.

UPL actually wanted to see how evil forces handled this fat.

It is said that destruction is easy to build in the south, but the first order is not frightened. After all, behind it stands Miranda, a super AI that has massive social management information.

The First Order came to power in the name of the Labor Party, and three fires were burned at the same time.

The first fire is to let all the inherent administrative system go.

This led to a wave of complaints, but the First Order did n’t care. More than 6 million people in the mine pit town were serving public jobs. Even if they had the problem of redundant officials and staff, it was only more than 200,000, just a fraction of the total population.

Although Mo said that it was more than 200,000, and 20,000 people were hard-working and the destructive power was amazing, but from unemployment to becoming a mob, there are still a few days of gestation period. Although the statement of "return to home" is a cool rhythm, it can be delayed for a few days. After all, the Labor Party's killing of the whole family is still very intimidating.

The second fire was the signing of a new slave contract in the name of the census.

The specific implementation method is not complicated, it is like a modern ring to the animal, under the ear of the cheek, similar to a non-porous syringe, a shot against the skin ‘pia’, “Next!”

Therefore, the overall process is still very fast.

Of course, there will always be Diaomin, whether it is the onset of persecuted delusions, or who is bewitched, someone always analyzes the behavior of the Labor Party of unknown origin from the most malicious angle, and then makes up his mind to escape.

In response, the Labor Party sent a propaganda car to provide 24 hours of continuous propaganda. The general propaganda content is: We have advanced brainwave positioning and tracking equipment. After the census is completed, we will arrest the unstated targets. Now we will take the initiative to go to our affiliated area to make up again. There will be only one warning and punishment. If we are arrested after the census, Then the end is to be exiled to the wilderness.

The third fire was to quickly and efficiently solve the problems of ground fissure collapse and irrigation in the mining area.

From the perspective of UPL, for the time being, it is still not entirely possible to determine exactly what style this set of practices of the First Order is. But the trend is ‘gratifying’.

The gratifying point is that the raven smiles, the Labor Party comes to power, this distrust of the inherent social management structure, and a high degree of control of the people are not more open-minded than the original ruler, and even worse. .

After all, it is capital to control this matter, even if there is enough power to completely change the leadership team, it will not do that.

This is an empirical talk. Managers and managed persons need to run in. Every region is only run down after repeated running in, and a new leader is airborne. It is inevitable that they will jump for a while, let alone change the whole set. Leadership team.

Therefore, in UPL's view, the Labor Party's approach is too naive and, of course, the basic operation of society has stopped, and it will soon be overwhelmed, and then something serious will happen.

What happened? Something really happened.

Four days later, the first big thing happened. The Labor Party was eager to get fat. It did not banish those who were arrested and refused to accept the census into the wilderness.

Just as the UPL gangsters despised the operation of the Labor Party and thought that it had damaged their credibility for some untouchables, saying that it would n’t count, and the losses would outweigh the gains, and then only more Shunmins would be transformed into diatribes. Then the second major event, the real event, happened when the nose was pressed on the face.

More than 6 million people lie dead, what a spectacular scene!

Immediately afterwards, the operators appeared. These humanoid creatures that were not members of the mine town could be easily distinguished from the appearance. They were busy and orderly like worker ants. They planned to send people from the mine town to the operating table.

The first to go to the operating table were those natural persons. Then there are those with a higher proportion of flesh and blood. In short, the higher the degree of prostheticization, the better the tolerance and it can be left for a longer period of time. Otherwise, it needs to be treated first.

UPL also found that the Labor Party ’s operation on townsmen mainly targeted the brain.

Since many stations were deployed at the same time, and the inherent monitoring network system densely covered in the mine town has not yet been completely controlled by the Labor Party, it was finally possible to piece together a more complete surgical situation. According to expert analysis, this electromagnetic transcranial surgery has the same effect as the brain temporal lobe resection surgery, but it is more clever.

Then, UPL found that those who had completed the operation had become expressionless Shunmin, and quickly entered the working state, such as opening one after another residential houses, lifting the paralyzed people out, and finally sent to the operating table ...

"I'm going! It turns out that you guys play like this! It's even tougher than us, and my friends and I were shocked!"

UPL understands it completely. What's so special about the Labor Party is that all the members have become robots with instinct and labor. They have feelings and no future words.

Demon! The real demon! UPL's big brother felt the bitter cold. They seemed to see that the Labor Party transformed one after another human city into this kind of labor tool. After squeezing out the value of its tool at one time, it was abandoned together with the city.

It's too cruel! This is truly anti-human!

From a purely rational point of view, such an approach can minimize the cost of "cultivating the people", a small account is quickly calculated, and the efficiency is even higher than the capital's automated system.

Be aware that automation also requires maintenance, and the machinery has a useful life. From this perspective, the flesh-and-blood body can be regarded as a kind of biological machinery that is always self-maintaining and repairing.

Moreover, the technical work, even if it is only the most basic maintenance personnel, its training cost and use cost are not low. This cost of use includes all the needs needed to survive. If this account is also included in the operating cost of the capital society, it will be found that the total cost is higher than the operating cost of the man-based system of undesirable tools.

An important point here is that the Labor Party has adopted a method of obtaining people by looting tools. No matter how low the training cost is, there are some. The Labor Party directly picked the ripe fruit through an operation, which saved a lot of money.

Of course, all this was done by the mine town was Kane's advice, he is through this lower limit, let the capital know how fierce he is to humans.

The upper level intercepted, the middle level and the bottom level were reduced to one-off tools. I am so evil, do you talk?

This approach actually has the principle of "hostages under firearms can't express too much care about hostages".

As for the street of fame, how can it be hated by all humans?

Say so.

With the strength of capital rulers' control of society in this era, it is impossible to expect the bottom people to know the truth through the main information channels.

It ’s all false news, even the so-called true news, it ’s all fake news made by the capital looking for the navy, for the critical moment, everyone who gave the so-called true news collapsed, plus fighting with each other to divert attention The traditional means such as stealing the concept cannot be expected to stand firm in the field of public opinion, let alone win.

It can even be said that an organization like UPL would have been hoping for a political party to fight against him. The more he invested, the happier he was.

Kane knew this, so he did not intend to pass the name.

This is also one of the points that is different from the red change in his hometown. They do n’t need to follow the mass line, they do n’t need them to say yes, and they do n’t even need them to participate in the struggle.

At the same time, they are not expected to be baptized through the soul of war, recognizing the goodness of the new system, the value of peace, and the importance of being positive in life.

It only needs to compare the present and the past at that time to stabilize these people and let the society continue to operate.

Eating and drinking Lhasa, clothing, food, housing and transportation, this is the most real, it will be compared. As long as the present is better than the past, he believes that most people will not make trouble. After all, you do n’t pay anything, you already enjoy a better basic treatment than in the past, what ’s not satisfactory?

On this basis, clean up Shen Qi step by step and guide the social atmosphere, and finally get rid of this kind of twilight after two to three generations. This is Kane's plan.

The main difficulty now is the deep bundling of the capital and the exploited. Too obvious and violent actions will wipe out the capital and at the same time make the exploited suffer a lot.

Therefore, be strategically ingenious.

But tactically, it must be fierce and fierce, which is the previous theory of saving hostages.

If capital is made aware of his true intentions, it will quickly deepen the **** and threaten the people.

On the contrary, it is the practice of the enemies of civilization now that makes the capitals misunderstand that this is a shameless and fierce wolf that is even worse than them. Only in this way can the people at the bottom be protected to the greatest extent.

After all, from the perspective of productivity, the bottom-level people are already dispensable. Many public officials talk about the bottom-cloud theory, saying that it drags down the civilization as a whole. If it is cut off, how perfect the elite human civilization will be.

It can be said that there are many reasons for this. Not only are the people at the bottom not only being replaced by robots but also being unqualified as gunmen.

Execution is thorough, standard parts are easy to maintain, logistics pressure is low, no need to worry about morale, scrapped and recycled, no need for pensions, deconstruction designed specifically for war, intelligent level does not lose humanity ... has so many advantages of mass production machinery Weapon, isn't it fragrant? Use humans for Mao?

The productivity is enough, and A is passed by just one row. Are we almost playing on the spot, creatively solving some problems, and the quick mind to win half of the tactical victory?

Conversely, how much does it cost to hold such a tactical victory with cleverness and intelligence? There is no need for a special algorithm. You can get the answer just by evaluating it, right?

So the bottom layer is really useless.

Of course, this is also related to the fact that the bottom layer has been gradually nourished and abandoned.

It can be said that the bottom humans of this era are not as good as the illiterate humans of the Middle Ages. The medieval illiterate human body is much better, and more importantly, it has a strong will to survive. There are not so many ideas and various vices eroded by messy information.

The people at the bottom of this era seem to have a clever vision and knowledge. They really need to be studied carefully. In fact, the waste is very good. If it is known, it is not known why. If it breaks, it is a claw. For maintenance, the four bodies are indifferent, the grains are indistinguishable, and the ability to survive in the wilderness is infinitely close to zero ... It can be said that physical disabilities are more psychologically disabled. UU reading www. uukanshu. com

Such people are worth investing in capital to arm? Capital money is not caught in the wind, is it not good to use this money to make war machines?

Therefore, even if the First Order and the capitals represented by UPL engage in large-scale frontal torture, most of the people at the bottom will not be called, but the situation is not good. It is highly likely that the lethal weapons will be killed and then stolen to the First Order.

But even if it is possible, it is better than seeing through his real purpose and holding the bottom people from the beginning. The importance is different and the usage is different.

It is precisely because of the anti-human behavior staged in the mine town that UPL's attention to the first order has risen again, and it is found that the Tacitus, who replaced the gray fish gang, may be the first order. Know more about this enemy.

Of course, coveted the first order technology. For example, this operation that uses human workers seems to have very low cost, but the effect is very good. Even if it is not used, capital is also very happy to master ...

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