Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Chapter 1258: Restoration and busy gathering


Time entered the summer of 140 years in the 41st millennium in the lively bustle of the Gothic Star District.

An exciting piece of good news was announced.

There are 207 human colonial planets in the Gothic Star District.

This means that the human colonized planets enslaved by aliens have been recovered.

In these few restoration wars, the most eye-catching performance was the Gothic Star Fleet.

Whether it is space warship warfare, orbital defense system warfare, or orbital suppression of firepower to assist the ground war, they all perform well.

The ultra-low battle damage, dazzling merits, and even triggered the gilded tide of the Tara giants' children. It is the naval sequence that some famous noble children joined the Gothic Star District.

Although these young soldiers brought some troubles to Luwansberg, they also had some benefits, such as strengthening the connection between the Gothic Star District and Tyra.

The Gothic Star District is a typical border, far from the political center of the empire, and the old grandma is not hurt and uncle.

However, with the deepening of the contact, the deflection of resources, the acceleration of the response to various complaints, and other favorable situations, all came a little bit.

Of course, some people who know the secret know that this is actually the empire preparing for the chaotic expedition.

In fact, the forces of Chaos have also heard about the changes in the Gothic Star District.

However, factors such as epoch factors, spatial distance factors, and population isolation have caused the transmission and feedback of messages to be far from being comparable to the "global village" phenomenon of modern earth.

More importantly, the characteristics of demons are destined to use human thoughts to deduce the reactions of demons.

Looking at the size of the country and the level of strength, it is not difficult to find that the "reckless line" represented by terror is the mainstream.

Of course, the core characteristics of the demons are actually chaos.

The fact that Mang has a market among the demons in this world is also related to environmental factors.

If the demons have enemies like angels, they can't find anything cheap in the material world. Then the cunning style of cunning will be very marketable.

Conversely, it is okay, why bring a brain?

I'm struggling to break my head. I can't do it. I can't do it. I can't feel good!

Why be a demon? Isn't it just unfettered, bullying others, cool enough?

In this tone, whether it is Abbot, or the so-called expedition think tank under his command, it is actually a group of teasing.

The reason why the original historical line can show the professional level of inferior foot basin attack on Pearl Harbor in the early stage, and the pre-leader battle for the expedition is also very outstanding. The main reason is that the professional level that used to be a person is playing a role, and then the peers set off, or the opponent is too inferior.

But now, the only thing that can see the traits of adultery is because he has been unable to deal with terror, and he is not willing to give a reminder. As a result, the Abbott system can be evaluated as a professional in the formulation and implementation of various strategies at this stage of the original history line.

Of course, there are still echoes.

Even like this period in history, the human rulers of the dim star field clearly felt that the raging of robbers had increased.

But in fact, the Gothic Star District, which was supposed to be the main affected area, was not affected, but was flourishing and further stabilized.

The reason behind this situation is naturally that the pirates in the Gothic Star District have been basically wiped out. Even if there are some, they are also seeing the opportunity quickly, running to the nearby Star District to start work, or they can get up to avoid the storm.

Near the Gothic Star District, there is not only a place suitable for hiding dirt and dirt in the Eye of Fear, but also a business as usual, and the opportunity to take the type of guest pirate, so it can still live.

In addition, the increase in haunting star field looting incidents is also related to the frequent activities of Abadon's vanguard fleet.

But compared to the same period in history, it has been much lighter.

After all, leaning against the big tree to cool off, it was not surprising that the Antiochus fortress was repairing the ship day and night, and the Hazy Starland Naval Fleet got a part of the batch number.

With the entry of refurbished ships, the dilemma of the navy starry navy was gradually relieved. One of the specific manifestations was that the fleet was better able to fight, the injury rate continued to decline, and so on.

As for the fleets directly under the Gothic Star District, the Divine Power will not return to the battle sequence until the end of the year. In addition, the advanced number, as well as several other battleships and heavy cruisers are still old, and the rest are renovated.

It can be said that up to now, the overall structure of the direct fleet has been completed, and the total number of warships exceeds 150, let alone the combat power.

It must be said that there are shortcomings, and the ability to face the line is a little worse, because the battleships and heavy cruisers are still old and young.

If it is not known that the twelfth black expedition will erupt, Luwansberg will be very satisfied with the current situation of the immediate fleet. Because it is very comfortable to use.

But when he thought of being head-on, the enemy also had super battleships like planetary killers. Especially if there is no big guy platform.

The battleship is really useful, even if it only exists, its body like a mountain can bring great encouragement to the naval officers and soldiers. For the human navy, morale is still very important.

To this end, Luwansberg has been busy fighting the stellar fleet minds recently.

The 207 colonial stars represent 183 stellar fleets. Although the stellar fleets own ships, but three or five ships, but together, the number is also very impressive.

The thought of Kane's prediction that the ships of these fleets either defected, or were destroyed or destroyed by various fancy breaks, Luwansberg couldn't help it.

But although he is a naval admiral in the Gothic Star District, nominally the entire naval ships in the Star District are under his control, but in fact the control of the stellar fleet is not strong, even weak.

The main reason is that as long as each colonial star pays a tithe enough, other empires basically ignore it.

The stellar fleet is a colonial star who raises money to buy and maintain it, to protect itself, not in the tithe, there is a unified rule in the name of the navy, it is like a son’s pastime, then you are wrong. .

Fortunately, Luwansberg now has ship repair indicators available.

The indicator is money, and willing to smash money, how many things can not be done?

Anyway, in the past year, many stellar fleets have been bombarded by his money offensive.

In that year, and later, Kane gave him a repaired pirate ship, so far, only 110 ships entered the direct fleet sequence, and the rest was handed over to the Stellar Fleet.

What he got was a large old ship like a battle cruise and a heavy cruise.

Battlecruisers, battlecruisers, battlecruiser firepower, cruiser speed, thin skin.

Heavy cruiser, heavy cruiser, trumpet battleship, the composite index is higher than cruiser, lower than battleship.

Due to the special national conditions of the empire, there is indeed a lot of overlap in ship positioning. There are many levels and many types. But in fact, due to the corresponding technological trends in various periods, none of them have jumped out of the framework of the Gothic series, which is unfortunately unfortunate? Otherwise, the logistics of the empire may be several times the pressure now.

These Luwansberg didn't care. What he cared about was how to refurbish the recovered old ships and put them on the battlefield during the twelfth black expedition.

He wondered, if all of this group were to go up, then the fleet directly under the Gothic Star Zone would be more luxurious than the fleet directly under the Hazy Star Zone, and even if Abbotton had a planetary killer, I am afraid it would be impossible.

As for the battleship, people are needed to drive.

This question Lu Wansberg can now answer very cowhide: people are not a problem!

This confidence was mainly given by the families of naval officers and soldiers.

Nowadays the Antiochus Fortress (Earth Star) is famous, and some people tout it as a paradise on the Gothic Star.

As the ship-repair business is in full swing, Dihaixing has also obtained a large number of jobs. Shipboard supplies such as bed sheets, bedding, etc. are all orders, and then turned into military jobs.

There are jobs, good welfare, and several people in the whole family go to work. Naturally, the living condition improves with sight.

Therefore, the current threshold of being a soldier in the direct fleet is higher than the threshold of being an official in the immediate fleet, and there are countless backdoors.

The naval reserve was expanded and expanded, and then due to practical needs. A large number of old generations are newly opened. In the past, it could only be a rotation in the dream, and finally realized it. If you do not reduce your salary on vacation, will you ask if you are beautiful?

Moreover, the social status of the navy has also been greatly improved. A navy military uniform, even a soldier, can be regarded as a decent person on the street. After all, everyone knows that their treatment is good, and the safety of life is also greatly guaranteed by the refurbishment of the ship.

Of course, if someone laughs, someone will cry. The navy has greatly improved. The people of the colonial stars see it and cry with the ruler. Then they just caught up with the chaos and started to disturb the rear. A series of strikes, demonstrations, and smashing robbers with the slogans of slogans to fight for legitimate rights and interests, we have to take vacations, we do not want to overwork and death, and began to intensify.

So, under pressure, Gothic District Governor Bruce Icarus voluntarily came to talk with Luwansberg.

I once ignored my love, but now I can't afford to climb high.

The attitude reflected in this statement is a little stingy, but everyone has it more or less, and Luwansberg also has it.

So he is very reserved, meaning: you see, I only care about the navy, is it appropriate for you to ask me to pull this kind of government affairs?

Luwansberg's previous points of interest were mainly two.

1. Logistics escort, and even security maintenance in Xing District, is his job. No matter who sits in the position of admiral, he must do this well. Icarus does not have to beg him for this.

2. The military expenses and support of the directly under fleet should have been provided by the Admiralty. But a long time ago, because of delays in scheduling, capacity, etc., the practice of having to advance some of the land first, and then repay it by the Navy.

And this practice is not only intensified now, the proportion of advances is getting higher and higher, but there are more ways to play white bars.

In theory, the Empire owes a colony to the Gothic Star Zone, but it is unknown when it will be.

The Governor is precisely the representative of the colonial constellation.

People have short mouths.

This admiral, Luwansberg, could not straighten his waist in front of Governor Icarus.

But St Kane came.

Now Luwansberg has two big sources of money on hand.

The first is earth starfish.

Although Dihaixing is still a city, its population is already 10 million.

Its production capacity is not bad, but because it is a military, it does not need to pay taxes.

This money Luwansberg was very stiff.

Laozi helped his navy officers and soldiers to solve their worries, and relieved them from bleeding and tears. Such a good thing did not take a dime from the Admiralty, and even vaguely saved the pension. You in turn want Laozi to pay taxes. ?

Another source of wealth is the renovation of matchmaking ships.

The empire needed too many ships to repair, and the production capacity was expanded by a hundredfold.

So, who comes first and who comes next is significant?

of course.

For those who are only a few hundred years old and have the possibility of ship repairs, the good news is not that bad.

And part of the ship repair capacity of the Antioch Fortress, the batch number is in his hands.

These lot numbers are good for money and good for people.

What's more, Luwansberg still has a large number of repaired pirate ships upset free of charge.

The First Order does not want this kind of stuff. It's purely burdensome for yourself.

Exquisite and simple, and the fighting power is guaranteed, isn't it? It's not the Kaixing Museum.

Therefore, even if the number of logistics fleets of the first-order peripheral ships, that is, standard-class modified transport ships, has broken down to 2,000, forming 100 transport fleets, the **** battleship has increased to 800 , As well as emergency standbys), is still the little Alcana series.

All the seized pirate ships, including the ships obtained by recovering the human colonial stars, were repaired and given to him, except for a few that were rolled into raw materials.

Of course, there is actually a cost to this part, because the ships repaired by the First Order over the Antioch Fortress, and the daily necessities used inside, the First Order will not pay.

Compared with a refurbished ship, the cost of that thing is a bit cheap.

So now Luwansberg can be rich just by reselling the ships in his hands.

In still has a way to make money now, that is, the universe to pick up waste.

The First Order supported his high-power search device. He organized a fleet of personnel to detect the full star area, determine the wreckage of the ship, and dragged it back to sell scrap iron.

The first order is not bad energy. Once the electroslag furnace is turned on, how much steel can be digested. Just fill the vacancy of ship repair. After all, every time the ship is repaired, the First Order will pull away some rare materials on the ship.

Now even the admirals of the nearby Star District have collected their wreckage and sold scrap iron. No one used to do this business before, but now the First Order can bring down the cost, the scrap iron price is high, and people will do it as soon as they calculate the profit. After all, it is said to be wreckage, but if you don't put together a level of more than one million tons, you are embarrassed to sell. As soon as the quantity comes up, the profit will be considerable.

In particular, there has been enough precedents for scrap iron for ship replacement, and everyone is very enthusiastic.

Luwansberg is now walking on the avenue of wealth of the God of Wealth, just rushed to this, and Icarus was not weak when he met Icarus.

As for Icarus's request, after some scrambling, Luwansberg sacrificed Kane's original statement: Pull him into the water!

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