Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Chapter 1275: Weiye always starts small

The mayor who stopped Kane and his party outside the town was not a fearful person.

Although Kane's cruel shock shocked him, he responded in time. He frowned and said in a heavy tone: "What the **** is going on?"

Kane did not put any rack, patiently explained: "In short, it is aliens, monsters, this is a descendant of the offspring of monsters and humans. If the infected person is the first generation, then this is already the fourth. generation."

Kane said again: "I believe you should have some thrilling legends or missing incidents here? Especially your grandfathers, even one or two generations earlier."

The town mayor was startled when he heard it, and then his brows became tighter, his mouth closed tightly, but he refused to talk more.

Kane knew that this was being said by himself, but he did not want to be exposed to outsiders. Be wary, but this is normal.

He continued: "I know that pioneering itself is not a small risk, there are dead people and missing people, so you haven't taken it too seriously before. But this kid, I am afraid that you are regarded as a cultivable nephew, That’s what’s next to you. It’s already penetrated to such a degree. Imagine how harmful they will be if they suddenly break out.”

At this moment, a certain part of the defense force guarding Gradyus arrived.

The Human Empire Defence Force, although it is the cannon fodder of the Warhammer 40K Tianzi No. 1, which battle does not die for dozens, millions of people are not called to death, but in fact, whether they are discipline, combat literacy, or morale, Very good.

The weapons used are worse, but relatively speaking.

In the Star Age, most of the light infantry equipment is indeed slightly better than the orc boy.

But if compared with the soldiers of the countries of the origin in Kane's memory, it has obvious advantages in equipment.

Don't look at the total number of individual soldiers in the earth soldiers represented by the mildew army. There are dozens of kinds of total equipment, which is unclear, and IG (abbreviation of the Imperial Defense Army) soldiers are often just a few. But in fact, IG is the old battle, countless battles, deaths of countless people, and the equipment system summarized is definitely the best solution of the times.

Therefore, the Imperial Defence Force still has some very famous legions, and as long as it is a regular army, its combat effectiveness is basically above the horizontal line.

But the IG guarding Gradyus will be inferior.

Because they have not participated in the internal movement of the Bureau for more than two thousand years. It can only be regarded as a local force with the IG brand, or a planetary defense force.

After all, they still keep the military regulations. Take the garrison near the town of Maysville as an example. It has its own station and usually does not let officers and soldiers run to the town at will, and the training is also tight.

But after all, it was still bad, and the slowness was only a small problem.

"Sir, Richard Rodriguez, the head of the independent regiment of the Fifth Light Infantry Division of the 4709th Corps, led the regiment to report to you!"

The head of the lieutenant colonel with a small belly is a little gasping, but the military salute is powerful and pleasing to the eye.

The leader clearly noticed the chicken thief F4, who was still alive in Kane's hands, and his eyes twitched obviously, calmly. The goal of his salute was not Kane, but the representative of the Supreme Commander of the Imperial Defence Force, Major General Amokovich.

The lords of the empire knew in advance that Kane would come to a lost colony beyond the scope of the torch. Therefore, some people were specially dispatched to reconstruct the team.

The Assassin's Chamber, Trial Chamber, State Religion, Navy, Defense Force, etc. all have corresponding teams.

But the Administration Department did not at the request of Kane. The policy of the imperial administration adhering to the ruling was very feudal and allowed autonomy.

It was this local policy of local governance that allowed the empire to envelope the colonial world of millions.

And Kane came to the surface of Gradyus this time, not just one of them, but several teams split up. Some represent military affairs, some represent government affairs, and some represent legal affairs and educational affairs.

What Kane represents is mission.

After a brief evaluation and comprehensive evaluation by Miranda, Kane chose Maysville, not far from here, and there is a graveyard of space necromancers.

Before becoming a necromancer, the phobia is an unfortunate race that seems to be cursed by fate.

They say that the stellar galaxy was born, the star is very unstable, from time to time scattered high temperature plasma storms and flares. This allows the race of the dead to face a dire situation before they are able to leave the gravity well, and often enters the tomb due to stellar damage shortly after birth.

People are dying, extreme pressure, and in order to survive, those who are afraid of the dead come up with efforts and tenacity beyond the imagination of other intelligent populations, develop technology, and try to change their destiny.

They did completely kill the star to which the parent star belonged. They mastered the technology of interstellar colonization, but it was inevitably imprinted with a curse forever.

This curse is like the effect of poor family education on a person's childhood and childhood. Compared with other intelligent populations, the fearful are violent and morbid.

This is also the reason why they later struggled with the Gusheng family for life and death because they were jealous, hateless and innocent.

In general wisdom races, born with excellent conditions and longevity, this is not enough to become the fate of the entire population, but also the reason to destroy each other, but the fearful will.

They believe that the existence of the ancient Saints is a mockery of their race.

Because the ancient Saints are not only long-lived, but also smart, technology, and extraordinary grasp both hands, and both hands are very hard.

Why? Why do you take advantage of good things?

In such an excellent environment, instead of raising a group of lazy rice bugs, it has cultivated a diligent genius. However, this diligent genius is not a lonely house, but a world of wisdom and help, and a sense of presence in the universe!

The people who feared the dead challenged the ancient saints. Although their technology was good, they were still not enough to compare with the ancient saints.

However, the ancient Shengyue was an understatement, and those who feared the dead just hated each other. They know that if they cannot win, they are synonymous with inefficiency, unreasonable trouble, etc. in the history of life in the universe, and they are the first clown.

Eventually, after the ancient energy life of the star god, born in the stars, was put into the living metal body through the method called ‘Bridge of Starlight’, the battle for heaven ushered in a turning point.

That's right, living metal technology was invented by the dead, heat is not a star god.

The Star God is an extraordinary system, and is a powerful existence of primitive gods. The extraordinary means it possesses is their technology, and no technology needs to be developed at all.

The Star God can control the majestic power of the star. Even the ancient Saints, plus the life races that the Ancient Saints have enacted or specially cultivated, are not opponents of the fear of the dead who united the Star God.

The dreaded men finally pulled the ancient saint high from the position of the saint. When faced with the survival of the race, the ancient saints will also make bad moves.

The holy tricks of the ancient saints are to break the self-discipline constraints that psionicists abide by and use subspace energy in excess and excess.

But even so, they failed to save their fate.

Although the ancient saints are a bit of a natural winner, they are not shortcomings. One of their shortcomings is that heirs are not prosperous.

Specifically, the fertility rate of their family is a joke compared to other intelligent life (it has reached the point where every birth is celebrated by the clan). But they are not immortal and infinite in life.

If any extraordinary curse, under the gods of the gods, has gold, silver, copper and iron races, as the representative life of the enlightenment and diffusion of the elements in the process of the universe's evolution, then it is later than the star god, but earlier than the other races. The ancient sage is regarded as the people of gold.

Once the extraordinary universe, the people of gold often have inextricably linked with the people of God.

Some are simply descendants of God's people, because the environment of heaven and earth is not given, there is no environment to breed natural souls, only the mysterious elements given by parents from generation to generation are given, and they have a demigod body and so on.

But in the Warhammer 40K universe, this is not the case.

In this universe, due to the fundamental factors of subspace and physical universe, it is difficult to be born from the beginning.

Even though the star **** was born, its existence was bound by the stellar theory. They feed on the energy of stars, but they also cannot do without stars. Although they were born in the physical universe, their attribute is subspace.

Because, in the Warhammer 40K universe, the star itself has the qualities of the two realms, it is material, but it releases majestic energy all the time.

Of course, so far, this is Kane's inference.

Although he is very compelling, he dare not rush into the stars to find out.

1. His knowledge of the Warhammer 40K universe is not enough.

2. He has never forgotten how he came to this universe. He did not die, neither the evil **** nor the ancient **** had a good chance of killing him. On the contrary, it may be a series of long-planned blows and take away.

Continue to talk about the ancient holy.

The ancient saints have nothing to do with the gods. It can be said that in that era, the best life body that the universe could naturally produce. They are the golden race of the rich generation. They refuse to grow old, but they also have to succumb to the laws of the universe, so they have obvious shortcomings.

Because of the difficulties of reproduction, the ancient sage has cultivated more than one servant race, including the Elda spirit and the orcs. Of course, the ancient saints do not recognize slaves, they call them assistant races.

In addition to the assistant race, the ancient saints are also keen to assist in the birth of other intelligent races in the universe. This is the so-called ancient priesthood of the dead in the eyes of the deceased.

This is typical of different experiences, different perceptions, and different perspectives on issues.

In the view of Kane, the ancient saints obviously used the universe as an experimental field, and the collection of the universe was born naturally (the ancient saints only provided limited help to prevent the intelligent race from dying due to accidents) in order to solve their own The problem of weak ethnic reproduction.

In the eyes of the dead, this becomes a pretense.

One of Kane’s greatest feelings in a multiverse adventure is that he is not afraid of not being good, but afraid of not being good.

Those who fear the dead are not good people, and they are the most disgusting of the bad guys, and they harm others.

The Fear of the Dead did eventually unite with the Star God, pitting the Ancient Saint.

More importantly, they witnessed the ancient saints ‘removed their sacred camouflage’ and used subspace energy in excess and excess.

This kind of behavior failed to save the demise of the ancient saints. Instead, waves of subspace storms have been set off in this universe.

That's right, if the subspace was originally a huge boundless backwater, then the ancient holy is the existence of the tide.

It's just not using the moon, but some kind of equipment (later known as artifact).

When Kane studied the Warhammer 40K, he did not clearly indicate that the subspace storm was caused by the ancient holy. But many intriguing details point to this.

For example, in the Gradyus incident, the words of the space undead side, they said this:

For thousands of years, we have been waiting, waiting to regain life and find our world, but the subspace storm is raging, life is so fragile, the time has long been ripe, it is time to wake up, in order to finally defeat the ancient Saint...

When they finally chose to sleep, they didn’t know that Gu Sheng had already paid the price of destiny. They faced the poor traffic and information brought by the subspace storm, and launched a strong offensive through the network operation. Clan and orc, as well as the willingness of the new master Xing Shen, who intends to sleep through a wave of sleep and retreat through the decay of life in the universe, and the space dead spirit originally belonged to different branches under the Three Holy Councils, Later, they were separated by serving their masters and masters, so the information they grasped was not comprehensive, timely, and unified.

...In order to finally defeat the ancient saints, in order to regain control of the galaxy (the fear of the dead is a cosmic race, the reason why the galaxy is valued is because they regard it as the most valuable crown). Our old opponent (referring to the ancient saint) left a gift (referring to the sub-space storm), which broke the entire planet and trapped us here. This is just a simple awakening, but the life of this planet will soon know that the fear of space undead has come again...

The winning condition of the space undead in the Gradyus event is to control the artifact and solve the subspace storm in the area. And in this process, it must inevitably compare with other racial forces and achieve victory, in order to do whatever they want.

It can be said that the emergence of the subspace storm of Gradyus was caused by the awakening of the space undead and the activation of the ancient holy artifact device that controls the subspace storm.

At that time, many forces fighting in the world, IG was the local garrison. Against the background of the mass slaughter of humans and the destruction of human towns, the gathering of remaining humans constituted a force.

The arrival of the extreme warrior interstellar warfare (the default blue) is to receive the request for help from here.

Orcs are the culprits leading to the fall of a large number of human towns and the slaughter of populations in Gradyus. They came to this world because of unreliable interstellar travel and the crash of a subspace storm. When they attacked human towns, they had become a trend, that is, mushrooms were everywhere.

The Titanium family is the home galaxy after experiencing a series of disasters that are sad and tearful for those who hear it, and they feel that if they do not find a new life planet suitable for living, they will die, so they launched the fourth expedition, one of them The Expeditionary Fleet encountered a subspace storm, and the surviving one surviving was forced to land at Gradias.

As for the Taryn Swarm. There is a saying that there are no endless eggs under the nest. Their latent infiltrator chicken thieves, who had been quite successful, have been mixed in the human group of Gradyus, looking at the new world from the ordinary population, To the world of nest capital where the population is rising and falling, it is like the summer food in June, and it is only a few days before the mature harvest.

As a result, the orcs who like to fight came, and in a mess, countless humans died.

Chicken thieves do not have the consciousness of co-death with humans. In terms of physical fitness, they all have the strength of Captain America. Of course, there is no protagonist and Zhenjin shield of the US team.

So they were separated from the human community in the Holocaust or the chaos, armed themselves with human weapons or something, and played the guerrilla warfare against the advantage of earthworms.

The Taryn Swarm was the one they brought in.

Since ‘crops’ have not really matured, it’s just a handful of people from a certain ethnic group.

The activity pattern of Taryn is generally like this. The ethnic group is dormant, and the gene thief goes out for food. A few years later, genetic thieves marked the food blueprint.

As a creature in the Warhammer 40K universe, the Tarantula is also affected by sub-space forces and has extraordinary characteristics. Specifically, it can use psionic energy. However, the model is more alternative and not too delicate. It is a simple and practical kind.

Their logic is simple. Gene thieves need'parasitic soil'. The more descendants of gene thieves, the more abundant the food in that area.

Therefore, in the eyes of insect swarms, gene thieves are like the shining stars in the night. If the stars are shining in a certain area, it means a worthwhile trip.

Then there is planning to enter the route.

It is not a planet, but a series that can travel by worms. Insect swarms will eat all the way, similar to marching ants, walking all the way, gnawing all the way, is unstoppable.

And the efficiency and thoroughness of their plundering of resources can be said to exist in the world.

Before the plunder was Earth, and after the plunder was Mars. This is not a description, but a statement.

From minerals to geothermal heat, from organic matter to heavy metals, from seawater to air, insect swarms all need to be able to get rid of.

Pumping air is generally the last step. When this step is completed, the entire planet is basically nothing except silicon. The real silence is that there is no sight of space, what atmosphere, and what crustal activities are there. The big stone in the universe.

What about the chicken thief as a hero of early detection?

Unfortunately, it was packed together. It was the kind of excitement that saw the arrival of Master Wang and shouted: I am an ally, I am an ally! As a result, he was shot into a sieve by a mess of arrows, and he looked at the goods on the roadside.

Nested in computer terminology, loyalty or whatever, that is a pre-programmed program. This set of procedures made the chicken thieves full of mission and worked tirelessly from generation to generation. But there will be no good things such as how many years undercover will be directly promoted to the police inspector, but will be harvested together as food. As for the chicken thief's own sense of expectation and accomplishment, that is an illusion.

Therefore, this planet of Gradyus is not worth a worm swarm, only a handful. Perhaps the birth of a new swarm of worms in the universe began with this small group of successful looting of a living planet.

As for the forces of chaos, they have an indissoluble bond with human beings. They came by the storm of subspace, and they are very chic.

In short, the future Gradyus, a group of heroes gathered, but that is already after the success of Abadon's thirteenth expedition, and now the twelfth expedition has not yet begun, which is almost a thousand years away.

Speaking of the ancient holy and sub-space storms, and the Warhammer 40K universe, some of the most essential secrets.

The Eldarlings have recorded that before the birth of Sin, the intensity and frequency of the subspace storm reached an unprecedented height, and with the birth of Sin, the subspace storm subsided...

This phenomenon is very thought-provoking. It gives the impression that the birth of Evil God is a quantitative change to qualitative change of sub-space energy.

Combining this information, Kane has such a speculation:

If there is no life phenomenon in the physical universe, only the evolution of the stars, then the entropy increase curve of the universe towards thermal silence is relatively stable.

Against this background, the subspace will also be quiet and relatively stable.

But life appeared, and disturbance appeared.

The biggest disturbance of life lies not in themselves, but in the birth and development of civilization.

From the perspective of energy, civilization is to use energy to reduce entropy, so as to achieve the effect of order. Because order is organized and logically clear, it is relatively controllable.

But the operation of using energy to reduce entropy, from the perspective of the large thermal process, is actually a process of shortening the thermal process.

For example, uranium would have undergone many natural procedures before it would react and transform into depleted energy, but it was manually refined and used as fuel, and it was quickly used up. Its original long natural process was extremely short. Time is over.

And so on.

And it is this civilization created by intelligent life that has become a catalyst or variable to accelerate the heat of the universe, forming a reaction in the subspace corresponding to the physical universe, resulting in a series of anomalies.

This inference was not Kane's thought for a moment, but when he destroyed the Middle Warhammer universe himself, he had a concept prototype.

The original Warhammer and Warhammer 40K belonged to one line. Later, the Genesis God GW said that each of them is its own, at most it is a sister.

Therefore, it is necessary to verify whether the principle is universal.

Kane's creator project is to awaken the branch of space undead on Gradyus, find the ancient holy artifact, confirm its necessity with the formation of subspace storms, and then analyze it step by step to verify his reasoning.

Once these are cleared up, subspace, evil spirits, etc., will not be out of the question.

But now, it is to start with the human-military cooperation with Gradyus.

Do not expect how much help they can contribute, and do not add chaos to him, and you will have merit. But the chicken thieves have all evolved to F4, and there are chaotic believers, and the locals are xenophobic. It is almost impossible to do nothing or add chaos.

So there was this one in front of me, which seemed a bit fluffy, but looking at it from another angle, there was nothing wrong with going steady at every step.

The Empire is not particularly afraid of how powerful the enemies on the frontal battlefield are, but it’s like the chaos believers who are behind the enemy, and the chicken thief’s development, and the super big news once the action is done, but it’s very scary, and it opens people’s eyes. Even if there is only psychological prevention, so that the disaster does not happen, and I don't know what is going on, and making various responses to intellectual disabilities can greatly reduce the loss.

At the same time, he can accumulate merit and goodwill, so that he can do things smoothly under the name of the empire, why not do it?


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