Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Chapter 1289: Move quickly to the Lord by migration

Infinite Supreme Wizard Chapter 1289 quickly enters the master and listens online through migration and sound novels

Subspace is mysterious to many existences, including the indigenous people of subspace.

Just like this time.

Time in subspace is different from the physical universe. Time is not linear in subspace.

But to be more precise, it may not be linear.

In other words, it may not necessarily be linear.

For example, the famous eye of fear.

There is a special blend of the physical universe and subspace. Time is there, most of the time it is linear, only in certain areas and at certain times, it is peculiar.

For Kane, this may be a subject worth studying.

But for most of the chaotic forces, it is a phenomenon that, if it can be used, gains miracles at specific times.

Orson the cruel man has a baby who uses time. He calls it a time artifact.

The artifact of time was not obtained by chance, but under the guidance of evil spirits, it was a treasure obtained by strength.

He resembled Luo Jia, the genetic precursor of the whisperer, and also believed in the four evil gods. However, his personal grade was not good. Although he proved his piety, the four evil gods did not give him anything like the one given to Luojia.

The result was that he had a chance because of the inconsistency between terror and adultery.

Many people know that the most admired army of Star Warriors is the Holy Blood Angel.

Saint Gilles, the genetic primitive of the holy blood angel, is called the eternal choice by some people because of fear of cruelty.

Evil God is also a god. As long as St. Gilesken casts his vote, the door of terror will always be open to him. This is the origin of the eternal God's selection.

And the origin of the scarlet hunger and black anger of the Holy Blood Angel is also related to terror, so there are a lot of vague statements behind this.

Outsiders just know that one of Orson’s officers, Hammer Gokaras is a red kill, derived from the Scarlet Saber of the Holy Blood Angel’s subgroup, but he does not know that the cruel person Orson himself is also inextricably linked to the Holy Blood Angel. Connection.

Therefore, Orson is actually a candidate for the abusive line.

It's just that tyranny is the most powerful of the four evil gods, and it's not that bad as Orson. It's also a little bit unhappy with the cunningness of all four evil gods.

Seeing the strange things in her eyes, Liu Qi moved her mind. He is the opportunity to dismantle the platform of terror and abuse.

Although Orson is not a heavyweight pillar, the thousands of miles of the **** was destroyed by the ant den, and the continued demolition of the platform will one day result.

Therefore, Qiqi gave Orson a so-called chance of getting a treasure.

Just like the devil's promise always contains a deadly trap, the trap that Oki gave Orson was very deadly.

The adulterer will see that Orson is trapped and killed by a trap, but he doesn't mind if Orson can succeed and get the treasure.

In the end, when Orson succeeded. Adulteress gave Orson what he called wisdom.

"You are different from many of your peers who are addicted to enjoyment, and your progressive spirit is impressive. Now, you have proved your ability and the lack of luck. Then, I will help you to teach you how to use it. This secret of time treasure allows you to shorten the gap with the long-established lords. Then, with a full victory, you may find that you are already on your way to becoming a prince..."

Orson knew that the strangeness had dug him again, but he refused to refuse. The so-called rich and expensive insurance, this steep road was originally chosen by him. Compared with the violent defeat, he hated the death in obscurity.

After obtaining the baby he called an artifact of time, Orson thrived on the bottomless caves to strengthen his territory.

The Bottomless Grotto is a sinister place in the Far Eastern Star Territory. Its essence is the same as the eye of fear in the dim star field, it is a strange place where subspace and physical universe blend together.

The fallen people represented by Chaos Star Warrior mostly live in this kind of area.

To some extent, this is actually a kind of irony. These so-called fallen people who admire or devote themselves to evil gods cannot afford the power of subspace, and the lifestyle habits they have developed before they fall make it difficult for them to truly adapt to the mysterious and changeable environment in subspace. The result can only be living in this kind of crack.

Some people in the Tribunal once sneered at this: the chaotic hybrids are only worthy of living in that kind of ghost place.

Perhaps this is also the reason why many fallen people are willing to take the path of ascension. They were fed up with the identity of hybrids, and they did not look at the limitations of the human body. They were anxious to obtain a stronger body, which could accommodate more powerful forces.

Orson is also in this way.

He has no special feelings for his original body, so after undergoing the transformation of the Star Warrior and several subsequent magical changes, the original part of his body is less than 10.

During the years when he became the Lord of Chaos, he was committed to strengthening the body, and even at any rate became a demon engine.

Different types of evil engines have great differences in form and function, but they basically have one common feature, that is, a chaotic demon is bound to the vehicle-level physical shell, and the demon is the power of the device. The source and even the controller.

Orson does not hesitate to become a demon engine, which refers to using the technology of creating a demon engine to actively integrate itself with the interstellar armor.

This approach did make him stronger, but it also accelerated the dehumanization process.

He once said this about it: "At least, it is my initiative, I am making a decision."

Indeed, there are too many examples of interstellar warriors who have fallen into chaos, including fusion with the power armor they have always used.

What's more important is not the pattern, but the feeling. It used to be strange and weird, but after it really happened, it felt that it was not a strange thing to integrate with armor compared to other distortions. After all, armor has been used for a long time, it has been used to it for a long time, it has a sense of intimacy, and it can be loaded with various additional decorations. Star Warriors are also very accustomed to using such additional decorations to show their glory and merit.

Therefore, the appearance of Orson is a gritty and gorgeous iron can that is nearly three meters high.

An exquisite skull relief, which replaces the thick, heavy shield, but stupid and stinky shoulder armor of the general Star Wars. This skull relief is two faces, one is a painful expression, and the other is an angry expression. It’s the kind of bones that are clear, but the muscles and skin seem to be melting, and they look like they are being pulled backwards.

That was the appearance of the opponent who was defeated by Orson. One was the deputy commander and the first company commander of a certain war group, representing Wu Yong, and the other was the curator of a war group's think tank, representing this psionic power.

He defeated Wu Yong and defeated psionic power, and the name of the strong was naturally justified.

But Orson felt that it was not enough. He actively proclaimed his great achievements, which was not in line with his personality as a star warrior.

So he thought of the "curve to save the country" method, that is beyond the general cruelty and cruelty.

To put it bluntly, it is not enough to defeat, but also torture and torture.

In this way, whether it is active or passive, the spread of prestige is more rapid, and it is more logical, not so awkward.

Although not a good reputation.

But do fallen people care about this?

Since he chose to betray the past, he looked away.

To use someone's words: Stigma is also a name. It's better to be stinky than to be forgotten.

This statement obviously corresponds to the sentence ‘the real death of a person is forgotten by people’.

Orson felt deeply taken. Over time, the name of the cruel has come.

The cruel label, combined with the concept of chaos, is the most easily reminiscent of the abuse of being abused, psychologically distorted, and no longer interested in thinking like ordinary people.

And Olsen also used this as a superficial design.

He worshipped the four evil gods, but got something.

He has learned so few tricks of treacherous insidiousness, cruelty and volatility.

Relying on this kind of dummies, he pitted several competitors and the so-called crusades, tasted the sweetness, and naturally enjoyed it.

It is his true temperament to observe in secret like this time, and then try to draw the orcs of the Caucasus line and pick up the gun.

In every major event, whenever he pays enough attention to one thing, he will show his true temperament. Usually, he can act and act, and he can act as a pretend, even deliberately causing some losses, so that others can believe it.

As before, Orson feels that he has some opportunities. For example, a strong enemy does not know his existence.

Of course, this is not the case.

Kane has always attached great importance to intelligence and has a high degree of vigilance.

So no matter what, it will not cut expenditures in this regard.

Therefore, before and after the battle with the Orc Fleet, Kane was aware of the extraordinary energy disturbance.

It's just that after a little more than ten thoughts, he chose to remain silent.

Now Kane is very proud, he thinks that he is fearless of any opponent, even if the evil **** comes, he has the confidence to tear against it without falling down.

Therefore, what made him nervous was not that there were no enemies who could not deal with them, and that he needed to run away immediately, but that some enemies appeared, which would make him feel uncomfortable and unable to advance the project according to the original plan.

The orc fleet belongs to the power that can make him feel such uncomfortable feelings.

Obviously, it is not a powerful character, and even has a full range of attributes, but it is this feature that makes it possible to face any enemy.

Therefore, Kane was still worried about the rashness of the orcs, which spoiled his good deeds. Similar to the kind of bear child + Erha will need the house scourge to clean the house + re-scrape the wall and brush home.

The Insect Fleet can also destroy his good things.

Simple and straightforward, but there is no clever way to deal with cracking, three axe can make his face dull.

Yes, Kane consciously lost a little bit of skin.

After all, as long as it takes some time, from the ship to the puppet, he has.

The humans on Gradyus can also be transferred through the Star Gate after spending some time.

In fact, it has already done so.

Considering the particularity of Gradyus, Kane felt it necessary to let the First Order rule for a long time.

With this idea, the population of Gradyus who is not low is a bit obtrusive.

Gradyus has a geological structure similar to that of the earth, but the surface gravity is 15g, mainly due to the physique that is a few circles larger than the earth.

Such a green planet with a land-to-ocean ratio of 6:4 does not seem to have many people with more than 5 billion people.

But if one is added, the actual human control area is less than one-third of the land area, and the situation becomes very different.

Whether it was due to ruling considerations or development considerations, Kane felt the need to change the population structure of Gradyus.

So shortly after the start of the concentrated resource operation, the immigration plan was launched in full swing.

Among them, several large ethnic groups, as well as several ethnic groups with a very small number of people, were forced to ask how many people must migrate, or the entire ethnic group left.

Kane is well aware that many problems in human society stem from ethnic problems. Adjusting the proportion of the population in each city will help alleviate conflicts and significantly improve the public security situation and other issues related to people's livelihood.

The general public is most concerned about nothing but clothing, food, housing, transportation, public security, economic growth, easy job search, and secure livelihood. These are the things they are most concerned about. And as long as it is done, even the airborne ruler can gain a firm foothold, especially in the harsher punishment for lawlessness, it will naturally form the effect of first-hand sweet dates and first-hand big sticks.

Moreover, migration is also conducive to the transfer of those unstable factors.

Those who are inseparable from their homeland can often tolerate more problems. And those who have dreams or opportunists are social impetuous subject groups.

It’s good to be young and enthusiastic. If you don’t want to lose, you want to have an extraordinary life. This kind of people are willing to go out and go, then give them the stage.

Kane did not arrange for these migrants directly like a nanny this time, but gave a "free boat ticket", a sum is very impressive for ordinary people, as long as it is not spent indiscriminately, it can be used in the empire. Some of the world’s worry-free migration fees for food and clothing for about ten years are for individuals and families who are willing to travel to the vast world.

Just rushing to this, there is not low attraction.

Many people who are struggling to make ends meet and seek a way out have chosen to receive money.

There are also those who are frustrated in their hometowns, with a little escape thought, take the money to start a new life.

Interestingly, Kane followed Miranda's advice on this matter and played a little trick.

It was open at the beginning, as long as they were willing to move, they would charter a boat ticket and pay a huge amount of migration fees, and even those with a criminal record would be treated equally and would be eliminated.

But soon afterwards, the relevant department said that because the migration was too active, the threshold was set. Certain criteria must be met to be eligible for migration.

In fact, the first phase of migration did not achieve the desired results, and too many people held a wait-and-see attitude.

However, the relevant departments, on the other hand, said unconditionally from the beginning that they became conditional and took hold.

Instead, it promoted people's determination to migrate.

Waiting for the third and fourth period, the conditions are more harsh, especially the migration fee is obviously reduced, many people are scolding themselves for being unable to leave early. While thinking about the real fragrance, grabbing the teeth and touching the nose To migrate.

In the words of some people: "It's tantamount to changing to another city life, and countless cities are chosen by themselves, with comprehensive travel expenses, and a lot of money can be used to do nothing."

By this time, the threshold has become the real threshold, the migration storms have started in various cities, and too many people want to leave...

Through this great migration, the First Order also did many important things and successfully took over Gradyus.

One of the more secret and important tasks is to investigate the hybrids of the gene thieves of the Taryn Zerg.

Due to population migration, there is a large flow of people in the city, so re-registration and so on have become a matter of course. Not to mention a series of security checks during the migration process.

And, along with the big migration, it also includes matters such as house recycling and demolition. In this respect, the strong construction ability of the first order is reflected. So many people lamented: "In a city where I have lived my whole life, in just a few days, I was completely lost to the point of nothing!"

In fact, behind this, it is also to completely eliminate the tumor nests that are parasitic in the city, and to eliminate the dens of genetic thieves.

In addition, in the process of handling specific affairs, not only genetic thieves, chaotic cults, believers and other issues have also dealt with a batch.

Correspondingly, the supervisory system in which people and equipment cooperate with each other quickly spreads all over the city, making the official’s sensitivity to the city’s situation a few steps higher.

It is against this background that the First Order not only noticed the abnormal energy fluctuations in space, but also noticed the abnormal energy fluctuations on the planet Gradyus.

According to Miranda's analysis, this is not the Taryn Zerg, nor the sleeping space undead. The greatest possibility is the chaotic force, ready to move...

Infinite Supreme Wizard

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