Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Vol 2 Chapter 1298: Tracing back the origin and recalling 0 sons

The Infinite Supreme Wizard Chapter 1298

Seeing the sight of the order wizards fighting on the messenger, the cruel Orson was unavoidable.

After all, according to Kane's standards, Orson is nothing but a legendary level of strength. It is nothing more than that he has savings and can defeat most of the same level through the strategy of winning by quantity, and if he wants to discuss the level of combat skills, he may not be better than the order wizard.

As for the combat experience that Orson has always been proud of and accumulated through being an interstellar warrior, it is even more so. The combat information collected by Miranda is extremely rich. If it were not for the limited amount of equipment, Miranda would be enough to destroy any warworm. The combat experience is raised to the level of God of War.

Although there is no suitable high-end combat power on the front line, Orson can understand the upper limit of the strength of the order wizards, but the number of people in the hundreds is enough to discourage him.

"Ground warfare, just against these hundreds of high-level combat wizards, is a strong enemy that is almost insoluble to me, and space warfare is not my strong point. What should I do?"

Saying that it is not his own strength, he is already suspected of putting gold on his face.

Like many Chaos War Gangs, or Chaos Lords, Orson also has his own warship. It was a thing when it was put in peace, after all, it was a heavy cruiser.

This is already pretty good among the Chaos Lords. They are usually light cruisers, but the big deal is ordinary cruisers.

Orson, not only has a well-known heavy cruiser, but also two destroyers, two frigates, one supply ship, and four armed transport ships, which together form a small fleet.

The positioning of the Lord of Chaos is like a baron in a medieval kingdom.

And Abaddon, who has launched many black expeditions, is equivalent to the king's favored commander Hou Jun.

The so-called big demons are those with extremely high qualifications, who have followed the evil spirits very early, and even are like evil spirits in nature. They also represent the power of a certain negative emotion, but the flow is not as good as the existence of the negative emotional power corresponding to the four evil spirits.

If the evil **** is a king, then these great demons say that they are grand princes and princes, which is naturally appropriate.

From this comparison, it can be considered that Orson's position and approximate strength in the Chaos Force can be seen more clearly.

If he was not in the Far Eastern Star Territory, but in the Eye of Fear in the Misty Star Territory, then Abaddon's upcoming twelfth Black Expedition would probably have him. Just as the king appointed the commander Hou Jun to fight against him on his behalf, and the commander, in accordance with the agreement between the vassal and vassal, required a quota of one to two years, or a few years, for the vassals to prepare their own soldiers and horses. Come to rally, and then go to war.

However, compared to the average baron, Orson is the kind of person who has some brain and communicative talents, so his connections are not bad, and he can even reach God.

This is also the reason why he has always learned from Luo Jia, the gene primitive of the speaker, worshipping the four evil gods, and having milk is the mother.

He didn't want to stop right now, because there was still a way to retreat from contacts.

Orson thought for a while, summoned the Shadow Soul, and ordered: "Tell Karass that the plan to launch warships against the orc ancient junk warship has been completely suspended. However, Zornholer and the Death Legion can enter the arena at any time."

Hammer Karas is the number one general under Orson, a famous red killer, and once had a good relationship with Orson as an old officer and subordinate.

The two still maintained the original relationship until Xinzai, and because of the accumulation of time, they have experienced many things together, and the personal relationship is even more profound.

Karas is the vane of Orson's will, and now, Orson has pressed the pause button for this battle.

As for the demon Zornholer, and his commander-in-chief of the Death Legion, Orson had originally wanted to get rid of this battle the most.

After all, according to Orson's original plan, after he was successfully promoted, it was a new era and new atmosphere. Zornholer, a subordinate who originally had low control and had many problems, became a chicken rib.

Therefore, in this war, Orson identified as expired ammunition pending clearance.

Zornholer didn't know that the enemy was a strong man with the legendary strength of Lun Dui, and he was waiting excitedly for the battle.

It has the terrible temper that most demons have, and the arrogance that is more impressive than most demons. The reason is that in the past few decades, its life has been fairly smooth, and it has been successfully spoiled.

To make a demon feel good, you can imagine how many people can do it. From a certain perspective, the Death Legion led by it is its record book, or the best evidence of the sins it has done.

"Marshal, the lord sent information. The enemy has a few powerful characters. The orcs can't stand it anymore!" A slave demon crept in front of the huge and luxurious throne and reported to the people in it.

The person in this seat is Zornholer. Like most demons, when it comes, it doesn't bring anything other than the characteristics of the faction and individual characteristics.

Demons often pay attention to showing their own characteristics, and they usually like to emphasize this. For example, its huge pair of corners are smooth and polished, rather than layered with scales. They all like to emphasize this detail repeatedly. , In order to allow the world to circulate their heroic deeds, to explain their characteristics more comprehensively, and to say as much as possible.

This is something that is beneficial to them and helps to gain strength. Just like when mailing a package, facing a honeycomb-like cage, in addition to writing a clear address and piggybacking on the characteristics of the recipient, the more accurate the better.

Zornholer is different, in its words: "I don't rely on fame to gain strength, I rely on doing things."

Obviously, it has confidence in its ability to do things. In fact, it is indeed remarkable. There are very few demons that have their own army like it. Most of them enter the physical universe, and they will be exiled back to the subspace after a short time. In other words, its existence in the physical universe is destroyed.

Zornholle belongs to the Tricky family and is inextricably linked to the famous Thousand Sons Army.

The Thousand Sons Legion, the Fifteenth Legion, is one of the rebellious legions.

Just as each legion has its own tragic story, so does the Thousand Sons Legion.

When the Fifteenth Army was born, it was cast an ominous shadow.

It was formed in Holy Terra.

When its genetic seed was cultivated and implanted in the body of the first legionary soldier, it coincided with the short-lived subspace storm.

This short-lived subspace storm affected many Terra people, mad, violent, and indulgent.

So did it affect the original batch of genetic seeds? There is no conclusion.

And if you look at Qianzi's performance later, it probably affected it.

Let's talk about Qianzi's gene primitive, Magnus.

When the emperor shaped Magnus, he designed it on the basis of giants, both physically and psychologically.

Magnus was banished to Prospero after the well-known event that the protoplasma was scattered throughout the galaxy in the infancy.

It seems that it is the arrangement of fate. Prospero is a rare planet of psionic exile. If it is replaced by other imperial colonization stars, the ugly and mutated Cyclops like Magnus will be When a catastrophic meteorite descends from the sky, most of it will be killed.

The situation in which Magnus met the emperor was also unique.

According to relevant historical records, the two met like old friends for many years.

Later generations believed that the face-to-face conversation was just a visual afterthought. Their spirits had already searched for each other through the subspace before that and had contact.

After the emperor and Magnus met, he soon entered the hot-cold Kandashan mode, and then the emperor handily gave a regiment he brought to Magnus, which was the starting regiment of the 15th Army.

And Magnus said at the time: "I am your son, so they are my sons."

Obviously, although I didn't say it, the powerful psionic power still let Magnus know that this group was transformed based on his genes.

Therefore, the Fifteenth Legion was originally called the son of Magnus, not the son of a thousand sores.

The emperor left, and the thousand sons stayed in Prospero.

Few people know the specific reasons.

However, not long after the emperor left, the number of mutants in the Thousand Sons group surged out of control, which is an indisputable fact.

As a powerful psionicist, Magnus began to rescue his sons. I don't know the specific method used, but in the end, the genetic structure of those warriors with a lesser degree of mutation was indeed stabilized.

After counting, barely enough people survived. The title of Qianzi was obtained from here. Because it is generally believed that until then, the Fifteenth Legion was truly complete, met with its own genetic source, and became a unified whole.

The Son of Thousand Sores is the name after the betrayal. The painting before the betrayal is red and white, the emblem is a white sun ring with a red background, and after the betrayal is a gold border on a blue background, the emblem is a flame ouroboros.

The specific process of betrayal is also quite a bit.

They did not rebel with Horus, but before that.

The Star Warrior Legions represented by Primarchs are not all intimate, but some have similar temperaments and strong relationships, while others dislike each other.

Riemann Ruth's wolf group is very displeased with Qianzi.

The wolf group was famous for its wildness when the emperor was in control of the overall situation. It was a bit like a justice version of terrorism. It generally believed in melee combat true men, and long-range tricks were women.

As for Qianzi, he prefers long-range, and it can even be said that he does not fight close combat with the enemy, and uses psionic energy very frequently. In addition, he prefers to use strategy to win, rather than to crush it upright.

In that era, psychic energy was generally considered to be the source of mutation. After all, it is well known that psychic energy is to use spiritual power to invoke the power of subspace.

And Riemann Russ also witnessed the mutation of the Thousand Soldiers with his own eyes, and these all became the incentives for the famous Nikaia Conference.

After the meeting, the emperor issued an edict: the interstellar warrior should no longer use psionic energy.

This meeting hit the Fifteenth Army the most.

Magnus and his men were asked to explain the abuse of psionic power.

Also, they were sent home to the garden star to rest.

At that time, it was still in the famous empire expedition period. The emperor led the army and the people to march forward, reconnecting the colonized world of human beings that became isolated islands due to the subspace storm.

The Fifteenth Army was ordered to return to camp and rest. For the star warriors who pay attention to glory, the impact can be imagined.

But Magnus was still loyal at this time.

And shortly after returning to Prospero, he foresaw the great rebellion through psionic energy. It's like foreseeing the meeting with the emperor.

At the same time, the loss of honor made the thousand soldiers mentally unstable, and many people questioned their beliefs. And the corrupting power of subspace power, taking advantage of the emptiness to enter

In Kane's eyes, this is actually the inevitable result of using extraordinary power.

If this is not the Warhammer 40k universe, but the dnd universe where the interaction between mortals and extraordinary powers is more harmonious and mature, magical powers will cause radiation pollution, and the impact on the mind is the most serious. For spellcasters, It's basic common sense. When you come into contact with this profession, you will be psychologically prepared.

But at Warhammer 40k, Thousand Sons and his ilk are the forerunners of post-humans in the use of psychic energy.

The so-called post-human era is the era in which the extraordinary power of Gods and Shinto Tao is picked up after embarking on the way of science and technology, making great progress, and achieving interstellar Ming.

The forerunners often crossed the river by feeling the stones. It is similar to the death of Madame Curie who studied radioactive elements because of cancer. It is very common. This is called tuition.

Not to mention Magnus, the emperor, don't you also pay the tuition in this respect. The creation of the gene progenitor paid the tuition. Established the entrance and exit of the network under the palace, trying to excavate the network heritage of the ancient sage, and once again paid the tuition.

The painful relationship this time was related to Magnus. This man was in Prospero, concerned about the emperor's affairs, foreseeing Horus's betrayal, and wanted to inform the emperor of the news, and let the emperor beware.

Didn't the two communicate with each other through the subspace a long time ago? This time Magnus also wanted to use this super phone to inform in time.

To say that this thing is not new today, among the important institutions of the human empire, including the Star Language Academy, to put it bluntly is subspace communications.

In the era when Magnus called the emperor, even if the star language system was immature, it was not so bad that something went wrong after a phone call.

Again, I'm not afraid that there will be no good things, but that there are no good people.

Tricky, one of the four evil gods, calculated this behind the scenes, and even the Horus rebellion was originally a series of operations to divide the cake jointly by the four evil gods. It's weird to be good at the key point.

So Magnus found that his mastery of psionics was too shallow, and the phone failed to make a call. Instead, he destroyed the emperor’s network engineering, causing the network to rupture and a large number of subspace creatures invaded, so that the emperor could only personally Sitting in town, and unable to quell the Horus Rebellion in time.

Here is the question, why is there a large number of subspace creatures nearby when the network is broken, and they are surging like crazy?

Answer: If you are ready again, just stay nearby and wait.

The beginning of the Horus rebellion was in the frontier areas of the human empire at that time, and the news has not yet returned. However, it is an indisputable fact that Qianzi committed crimes against the wind and used psychic energy shortly after the Nikaiya meeting.

The emperor felt that it would not be enough to let Magnus and his Thousand Sons introspect themselves, so let's get Tyra back.

As a result, the imperial army and the natural enemies of the Silent Sister Psionicist were dispatched, and there was Riemann Ruth who volunteered.

In the process, Trick shot again. He changed the emperor's order to let Limanus and his space wolf group bring destruction to Magnus and the Thousand Sons Army.

Riemann Ruth was in his arms.

What Magnus received was the emperor's order, decided to accept sanctions, ordered the fleet to be dispersed, the orbital defense closed, and waited for Terra to come.

Look, the biggest misunderstanding has been frustrated. Magnus thought that he and his subordinates were just going to Terra for trial, confinement or something, but the team headed by Limanus directly delivered a devastating blow. The tricky tricks made the emperor not human inside and outside in this matter.

In addition to the Gene Primarch Magnus, another important figure in the thousand children is called Azek Aliman.

Aliman was the first group of thousand-born space fighters to receive genetic seeds. And the twin brother Olmuz died in the suppression ceremony held by Magnus. Since then, Aliman has a psychological shadow.

Aliman is a great hero of Thousands of Sorrows' betrayal, and now leads Thousands of Sorrows as the chief wizard.

What about his brother Olmuz?

As we all know, the soul of a psionicist shines particularly in subspace and is the favorite food of subspace creatures.

The Son of Thousands of Sores is a cake made by Tan Qi, and a series of arrangements were laid out early in the morning. How could the twin brothers of the important figure Aliman be eaten like that? It's too wasteful In fact, from the perspective of chaos, Almuz has more potential by Aliman. This is also the reason why the suppression ritual has not survived. The mutation is already deep. The ritual of Magnus at the time can only stabilize the genetic structure of people with shallower mutations. It was an elimination, but it is not impossible to watch. Doing is a screening.

Thousands of times, the former Olmuz is now Zornholer. As a demon, he appears in the form of a giant, which is the deep thought of the past.

Of course, Zornholer himself does not admit it. As far as it is concerned, this is its characteristic, and its reckless behavior.

As for letting his subordinates call himself a commander in battle, it was intentional.

The title of war commander, in the human empire, except for Horus, who had been entrusted by the emperor to command the expedition, no one has used it again.

Zornholer used this title, in fact, because of a casual sentence of Trick at the beginning: Your talent is not inferior to Horus, if it were not for another mission, it might be you who led the uprising of the pseudo-emperor.

Everyone knows that Trick's words cannot be believed, but Zornholler is still willing to take these words as a letter. I don't even look at what I have done over the past 10,000 years, and I feel that I can compare with Horus, especially Horus is still a dead man who cannot create more memorable achievements.

Zornholer always feels that he is a great talent, but now even his brother Aliman, whom he had always looked down on, has a real status much higher than it.

In fact, it can only comfort itself by saying that Lao Tzu is a demon and immortal. Of course, its ambitions are still great, and it has been wondering how he will one day.

But I don't know that the ghost gate that belongs to it is already ahead.

There is someone named Kane, he can completely annihilate the demons, and cannot be reborn in the subspace

Infinite Supreme Wizard

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