Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Vol 2 Chapter 1309: Warhammer is burning

The dark HP universe is similar to a point in the Medieval Warhammer universe, where one star is popular and ten thousand stars are silent.

Kane’s dark ban project is essentially holographic mapping. This process involves first having a rough blueprint, and then detailed investigation.

Of course, the universe is widely praised. Thousands of stars are born and die all the time. Just by monitoring this phenomenon, the amount of calculation is unimaginable for ordinary people.

This is also the main reason why this project can hold back most of Kane's energy, making him, the creator, unable to show off his glory, and he has to routinely fight against some levels and ‘financial resources’ that are far inferior to his existence.

Holographic mapping of a universe is a project that lasts 10,000 years.

Another time-consuming difficulty is that the universe is dynamic, constantly evolving, until all the information is fully obtained, each surveying and mapping target needs to update the data in time to ensure that no information is missed.

It was precisely this problem that made Kane choose to destroy the stars during the Medieval Warhammer. After all, his ability hadn't grown to the height it is now. Compared with monitoring a piece of dust scattered in space, carefully observing the evolution of a planet will undoubtedly consume more computing power.

A few planets are nothing, but a billion trillion planets are too large to be affordable. Therefore, it is a way to silence the universe in advance.

From the point of view of the creator, this is like picking the fruit before it is ripe, which is a waste.

Waste is also wasted. There is never a lack of such things in human nature, because of selfishness.

But the dark HP universe, at any rate, is Kane's second hometown, and he has become a little uncomfortable. However, in close analysis, the main reason is that he has become stronger now and can do it calmly. Naturally, he will also become decent. This is the point of starting with those who do bad things and look back and play charitable people. In essence, there is no difference in the behavior, and it is also human nature.

In the dark HP universe, the earth is the son of destiny of the entire universe, and other natural planets, even if they have life, have little development.

This is obviously good for Kane. If you concentrate your energy and analyze this mess clearly, the progress of the entire project will be greatly improved.

However, people call cold when it snows, and call tide when it rains. On a sunny day, it is too hot or the sun is too strong. And once the pressure is enough, you can't care about hypocrisy.

Therefore, Kane took the initiative to run to the Warhammer 40K universe, and the matter here can be understood as a trusteeship. This kind of trusteeship is not looking for an agent, but like a skilled worker, relying on muscle memory to repeatedly perform some operations without worrying about it, just leave a little thought to greet. For example, typing without looking at the keyboard.

Back to the Warhammer 40K universe, it is still the Big Dipper area first, then Khulna.

After more than two hundred years of time, the Big Dipper area has been thoroughly sorted out, and while being orderly, it has also become free of suspense and makes people feel impatient.

Therefore, Kane just asked about the progress of his general directional projects over the years, and it's nothing.

Due to the problem of time flow, his return to the dark HP universe is close to four years for this side.

The famous Gothic War has already begun. It's just that the script was changed. After Abaddon happily led people into the Gothic zone, he soon slapped himself on the thigh with chagrin: "We are in the TM!"

However, Abaddon won all the battles, it is not too bad. Anyway, it depends on how reckless he was in the early stage and how he lost because of only recklessness in the later stage.

The expedition led by Abaddon is like a soap opera that stubbornly occupy the golden time period every night, repeated bitter feuds, deep love triangles, and broken shoes. The routines make people too lazy to think about it, but they will feel that if they don’t have it. Bored and not used to it.

So there is one small fight for three days and one big fight for five days. Only then can this universe have a super battlefield with the head of an inexhaustible enemy in the Warhammer universe.

However, in this'big fight', it was not Abaddon's turn to lead the starring role. Instead, Gradius took the lead.

It's just that news about this war was banned by the top empire, and the news anchor didn't even mention it lightly.

It’s not that the human side fought badly. In fact, this is definitely the most powerful war ever fought by human beings. It is even recorded by humans, including the battles of aliens such as Elda Protoss. And epic wars.

The main reason for not reporting is because of despair.

Trick was really angry because of the loss of the Well of Eternity and his face being beaten so hard, so he targeted Gradieus. It was not the'Imperial Army' like Abaddon, but the demon elite army, and had enough Give a lesson to mankind, and let mankind understand what is meant by endless sea battles.

Including the observation of other interstellar civilizations in this battle, such as the Spirit Race, Titanium Race, etc., they are deeply moved, silent, and understand the so-called subspace demon invasion in the past. It is really just'teasing you to play', and I really want to work hard. , They are tied together, they are still just small bodies that can't stand the ravages.

Similarly, the various forces have clearly seen the horror of the First Order.

It is no longer possible for anyone to believe that this is just a legacy of human civilization. The mainstream judgment is that this human being has been enslaved by a **** who is not weaker than the evil god, and it is a petitioner civilization that is deeper than the general religious civilization (similar to Osiris's Netherland God Kingdom). That's why there is such a fighting power.

With this recognition, the war in front of us becomes irrelevant to the commonplace, and becomes a fight with gods.

No one knows exactly why the war started, only that soon after the new saint of the human empire Kane ran there, the war broke out.

Kane never showed up.

So gossip inevitably spread.

Some people say that Kane has been trapped in Gradieus, and can't be contacted because of the ban caused by the super subspace storm.

The biggest basis for this statement is:

There is no strong man like Kane sitting in town, but the science and technology unit cannot deal with the unreasonable extraordinary attack of the demon army.

Others said that Kane was just a sanctimonious hypocrite under the cover of a saint, a coward. He took away from Gradius a certain artifact that even the evil **** was bound to acquire, and then went to his master to ask for credit. I didn't dare to show up after hiding. But sooner or later, the anger of Cthulhu would not get enough vent and transferred to mortals.

This statement is obviously a bit unpredictable, but it is quite marketable.

On the one hand, the followers of Tecchi are working hard, trying to make the human empire stand on the opposite side of Kane.

On the other hand, it is the capitulations who indirectly flatter their new masters who they believe are bound to win.

But it is rare that the empire leaders who knew the truth this time did not betray Kane in a unified way.

The reason is not just being shocked by the combat effectiveness of the First Order in this war. As a result, there is a mindset of having both sides in the cracks of the war of gods, at least not sinning.

It was also because of the kindness that Kane had given them before, which played a tangible role, giving them the minimum conditions for neutrality.

This blessing is mainly from the spells of the Holy Light system, especially Occlumency.

If you conduct a comprehensive survey of the humans in the Warhammer 40K universe, and ask them what they fear most about the transcendence?

Unknown, of course, is the basic answer.

So what is the most afraid of specific symptoms?

The answer is: the whisper of the evil god.

For Cthulhu, this is a cost-free method, especially Xianqi, because of his own characteristics and hobbies, especially in this respect, he is willing to make that effort.

Therefore, when I say "the evil spirit whispers", it basically refers to him.

Of course, he did not pretend to be a Douyin lady and put on a performance in person. Instead, he used a set of mechanisms, matched with something similar to recording, and played 24 hours a day without interruption.

Ordinary people, as the end audience, have a trigger condition to receive the "Cthulhu Whisper". And there are many styles, but in the final analysis, it is mainly caused by the backlog of negative emotions.

In the world of origin, the old Chinese medicine practitioners of the celestial dynasty had a saying: All lesions come up because of qi. To put it bluntly, a bad mood can easily lead to various diseases.

In the Warhammer 40K universe, this statement is used to blacken and fall, and it is simply a tailor-made true knowledge.

It's just specific, there is still a key point, and that is the psychological balance of light and darkness.

Corresponding to despair and depravity is hope to forge ahead. Therefore, it is simple to understand that if a person does not have what is beautiful and yearning in his heart, and he is willing to degenerate, then he will be more likely to fall into evil. The possibility is extremely improved.

It is this characteristic that makes the circle of power and nobility a heavily polluted area. After all, the politics are dirty and the interests are attractive, and the two are superimposed, and it is rare to clean themselves.

Therefore, the big bosses are extremely human and wealthy, but they can't enjoy them enough, but they ran to be a licking dog for the evil god.

However, these long-standing big problems have been significantly improved as the Holy Light sect does more and less talk about the truth.

For example, it has now been accepted by the entire empire, and even passed the purification system to the Elda Spirit Race through the court.

The most common one is naturally the door of purification. The simpler one is a holy light door frame made of gold.

This is not Kane's vulgarity, but because gold, as a heavy metal, is a relatively common but not bad alchemy material.

The human empire with the Milky Way as the stage really does not lack such things. What's more, the Essence Gate cast by the Holy Light School is not pure gold, but the proportion is relatively high, and the exterior is pure gold, which caused the concise and clear term "Golden Gate" to spread more widely.

If conditions permit, it will be not just a door, but a holy light channel. The specific length ranges from a dozen meters to tens of meters, and no more than a hundred meters. Any longer is a waste. People of the Holy Light sect will also refuse to participate.

As famous as the Gate of Purification, it is Occlumency.

I can't use it? It doesn't matter, you can let the mage bless you.

Conditions are not allowed? It doesn't matter, you can wear a magical artifact, generally a necklace, but if you are a believer, it will be a holy nail.

The nails in the head are easily reminiscent of the original Twelfth Army of the Empire, formerly known as the "War Dogs". After reuniting with its gene primitives, it was renamed the famous Star Warrior Group of the "World Devourers".

The Twelfth Legion was originally the most brutal of the many Star Warrior Groups.

Because its battles always caused mass murders of indiscriminate nature, the emperor had to give orders to serve as a reserve team.

In the words of the emperor: "When all means fail to work, release this vicious dog."

It can be seen that the emperor's expedition, touted by the state religion, is also quite **** in nature. To put it bluntly, it is a super large-scale destruction of homes and nations within human beings.

After the reunion of the Twelve Legion with their Gene Primarch Anglang, its brutality was further strengthened.

After encountering random exiles like other Gene Primarchs, Anglang was captured by a nobleman and then trained as a gladiator. He was implanted with a'butcher's nail' in his brain, which is actually a kind of brain chip. It can stimulate the user's strength and speed, but it also makes the user's mood more unstable, irritable and bloodthirsty.

The World Devourer was the first non-Black Legion interstellar warrior group to join the Horus Rebellion, and was also the vanguard of every battle. When attacking Tyra, he also rushed to the forefront, and after learning that Horus died, It was also the last to leave Tyra. They looked angrily at the imperial palace that they had failed to capture. They were so angry that they began to kill each other during the evacuation process.

From that moment on, they had transformed into horrific sadistic warriors.

When it came to the Battle of Skalas to attack the "Son of the Emperor", Kahn, the world-swallower Titan, who won the title of Swordsman of Terrorism Champion, stopped attacking because of his resentment of his comrades in order to avoid the severe cold. All of his actions once again aroused a mass killing within the world swallowers, which completely disintegrated the legion.

After that, there was no Legion of World Devourers. Instead, they were divided into large and small gangs. The berserkers shouted "Blood sacrifice to the blood god, head to the skull master" and threw one killing after another.

Therefore, every gang has to be nailed. There is no craziest, only crazier lunatics. They are famous for their characteristics, vigor and the deep suffering they bring to the world.

This has also caused many people to express disgust and resistance to the need to nail nails to join the Holy Light Sect.

However, the nail nail of the Holy Light Sect is not mandatory, and this nail is not a nail in the conventional sense, but a magic weapon. Whether it can be nailed to the forehead depends on the power of faith, rather than physical adhesion or Embed.

The most interesting thing is that the holy nail cannot be forged, even ordinary people can recognize its authenticity at a glance, because it is actually perceived by mental power, but the magic of Kane's series has been simplified. ,Back to Basics. When ordinary people are trained, they have a probability of over 60% to become a spellcaster.

This is like singing, don’t just focus on how high the treble can be ~ how low the bass can be, it is also an important indicator, and the wide range is the most talented talent.

All in all, the Sacred Lights sect was able to spread rapidly in the empire because it voluntarily integrated into the state religion, became its branch (in name), and did not talk much, just doing practical things. After several years, it has become popular.

Under Kane’s explanation, the core members of the Holy Light Sect also failed to correct the state religion’s crooked remarks such as “Holy Light is the Emperor’s Blessing”.

People are the most realistic, and they know exactly what has brought them changes. Even if you drink water and don't forget the well digger, the fancy of the water itself is still higher than the well digger.

So from the bottom of my heart, those who have received the Holy Light's benefits, believe in the emperor, but believe in the Holy Light even more.

And that is enough.

The core of the kingdom of God that Kane is now making is the creator's version, not to mention that the emperor himself is ignorant in belief in divine power, does not know how to use the huge power of faith, but is only absorbed by the crudest instinct. Even if the emperor is good at this, Kane can still get the priority of harvest.

It's just that he pays attention to long-term flow, and he doesn't all rely on this profit. To do this is to walk on multiple legs and take it from the people and use it for the people, thus becoming another force that stops the vicious circle of the empire and continues to decline.

It is precisely because the grass is eaten and milk is produced, and the skin, flesh, and bones can also be used. Therefore, the spread has repeatedly broken records.

It is precisely because Kane did not put his eggs in a basket at the beginning, and at the same time he was willing to pay the money to the empire almost for nothing. The power of the Holy Light faith has become the past few years he has left to turn the tide and follow The demon army played a key factor in Gradius...


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