Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Vol 2 Chapter 1311: 23 things to develop in the universe

Although from the perspective of a prophet, the absolute protagonist of Warhammer 40K is an interstellar warrior, but it can be substituted into reality. No one has to admit that the era of interstellar colonization is an era of great navy.

No one can ignore the role played by the starship. Even the stubborn interstellar warriors who have repeatedly used their great achievements to steal the spotlight have to admit that if the spaceship battle is not won, they will probably be abused, and the scene is very sad.

Kane recognized the usefulness of starships early on, but he didn't particularly value the interstellar warriors. So the production tone of the first order perfectly embodies his attitude.

During a small chat with Luvansberg, Luvansberg also asked this question in a detailed way, saying: "Men have dreams of guns, mechas, ships, etc. since they were young. It seems that you are more I love ships and I am very interested in being a commander."

Kane said: "Being a commander is mainly because of the habits I have developed over the years. I can't talk about the love for ships, and I pay special attention to it, but because of the lack of romantic feelings, after rational analysis, I grasp the darling of the times."

Kane considers himself a relatively serious and somewhat boring person. He has no feeling for Don Quixote's style, and even hates the humorous attitude of facing serious problems.

Therefore, the Warhammer 40K universe, for Kane, has the meaning of showing the blind a little beauties.

After all, the biggest selling point of this universe is the romance of the interstellar version of the knight.

But it is precisely because Kane is not tied to this universe. The mainstream style of this era is to play with billions of turrets, billions of glory, and the Red Alert Apocalypse Tank Sea. In the Dius war zone, the war is in a stalemate, instead of being swept by the chaos.

When Kane saw Luvansberg again, Luvansberg was discussing military affairs with a vote of generals and captains under his command.

For the human imperial navy, the general and the captain correspond almost clearly.

Major general, often the captain of a heavy destroyer.

Lieutenant General is the captain of the cruiser.

The captain of a battleship is rarely held by an officer below the rank of general.

Therefore, the scene that Kane saw was a gathering of stars.

Luvansberg knew that it was Kane who came, and did not follow the relevant naval regulations, suspend and reschedule the military conference, but directly led the crowd to welcome him.

The Dafan fleet comes with its own ostentation, even if it is arranged urgently, it is enough to make ordinary people dazzled, and give birth to the feeling of "being like a man."

Kane naturally had no sense of the scene itself, but he understood the attitude the other party expressed through the scene.

To say that he and Luwansberg were friends once, at least on the surface they look alike.

But as he continues to show his strength and his social status rises like a rocket, it becomes more and more untimely to be friends.

There is a saying among the folks, which roughly means, ‘I am after your people, not your money’, and so on, to express equal interaction between people of different classes.

However, people like him who had been beaten repeatedly by the society when he was not well-known in his previous life did not believe this for a long time.

This is also one reason why he himself thinks his character is a bit boring. It was too realistic, and it automatically picked up the argument of ‘righteousness’ that was denounced by contemporary media as ‘residual feudal thoughts and traditional dross’, and regarded it as a standard.

Then, in a long career, time and time again verified the correctness of this statement.

With unequal power, status will be unequal.

The status is unequal, and there is no equal intercourse.

There is no way to be friends if you cannot be equal.

The change in his relationship with Luvansberg is a typical argument.

At the very beginning, it was Luvansberg who had the meaning of ‘successfully hand in hand’, because at that time he acted like a magic stick and his strength had not yet been shown.

After he initially showed his strength, the two could barely be friends.

After all, that is that although he is powerful, he has not yet obtained a matching social status, and Luvansberg is the governor of the star fleet who is generally respected by the world.

And that's because he showed mainly personal strength, and team strength was production.

He analyzed that even though Luvansberg knew that from the overall and long-term perspective of civilization, productivity is more important than destructive power, but he was a bit unreasonable at that time, and he was able to do his own ideological work and be equal. He got along.

What's more, in the interaction between the two sides at that time, the characteristics of mutual benefit were very clear.

Then it won't be.

Now it is even more impossible, not because the First Order has proved its strength to the Ten Thousand Clan in the Gradius battlefield.

For those with a good mentality and strong will, it is possible to do something like ‘no matter how rich you are, it’s only your business, I don’t ask you, I don’t owe you, why should I lower your head’.

Luvansberg is such a person.

What really makes Luvansberg unable to be friends is the precondition of ‘no demand or owe’ for equal fellowship with high-ranking people, which Luvansberg breaks by himself...

Feeling the cold from the heights again, he said he was used to it.

Luvansberg showed the set of being sincere and fearful and welcoming big guys. He also cooperated well, and the relationship between the two of them was no longer necessary.

Then the military affairs conference opened, and Kane attended the meeting.

Then through this military meeting, Kane discovered many things that made him unavoidable.

For example, the shipbuilding of Antioch Fortress. This is regarded as a military industry. It was built by Luvansberg in the name of the Goth Fleet and is now part of the fleet's logistics foundation.

However, when the Gothic War was in full swing, most of the ships built by the Antiochian Fortress were to supply the imperial navy outside the Gothic zone.

From a certain point of view, not only did the empire official fail to support it, it also pulled the Gothic zone back!

Another example is the Stargate Channel.

Because the Star Gate was set up with the original intention to ensure that in the case of subspace storms raging, to leave a way for humans in the Gothic zone.

Therefore, a high-power energy force field device is specially prepared to counter the energy with energy to protect the normal use of the star gate.

But now, this star gate has basically not benefited the humans in the Gothic zone, but has been used as a ‘material for battleship’.

What comes is the shipbuilding materials that are in short supply because the resource mining area is caught in the war, and what goes is the finished or semi-finished starship.

Semi-finished starship, this is the new business of Antioch Shipbuilding in the past few years when Kane was absent. The main reason lies in the fact that people in the ship industry in the empire have generally realized the benefits of one-piece keel and one-piece hull.

And this integrated construction process, in addition to the first order, can also be manufactured by Antiochus shipbuilding. Although Mars, the headquarters of the mechanical gods, can also be manufactured because of the acquisition of related shipbuilding equipment, it is awarded in the name of research. , Not up to scale.

All in all, Luvansberg must unconditionally meet the needs of the high-level empire, and even the strategy and tactics of fighting against the Abaddon Expeditionary Force must be adjusted accordingly to give priority to ensuring production safety.

Kane grinned at this, "Well, this is an empire."

Instead, before getting in touch with the Dark HP Universe, he laughed back to laugh, shot back to shot, this kind of hind leg behavior, he probably couldn't bear it.

But now, there is no sense of urgency to fight for his uncertain destiny.

At the same time, he also understood why Luvansberg saw him this time, and it became more and more obvious that he placed himself in an inferior position.

This is like someone who has an old lady who doesn't understand her son. The son makes money hard, but she tries to get the money, so the son can only take advantage of outside partners.

A sense of indebtedness, yes, this is the emotion.

The Gothic Star District is now extremely dependent on the First Order and has owed a lot.

During the military meeting, Luvansberg kept paying attention to Kane's expression.

Kane had been upset before, and the empire also kept a record. This time Luvansberg was actually willing to give up, and he was prepared to be scolded in public by Kane.

Kane has no attitude, Luvansberg is another kind of uncomfortable.

However, his daily work is to face all kinds of difficulties, for a considerable part of which there is no hope of solution. This exercised his face to a certain extent.

So the meeting continued on the surface as usual.

In addition to observing, Kane also used Miranda to understand the situation.

If Kane has been in the past few years, what great progress has been made by the First Order, the field of intelligence investigation is undoubtedly an item worthy of a big book.

After the batch of probe ships that were originally built in the Big Dipper area due to detection needs and later sealed up began to explore the physical universe of Warhammer 40K, First Order, under the management of Miranda, sent thirty more probe ships successively. .

These probe ships are roughly divided into three types.

One is a non-jump type direct ship. This type of ship uses near-light-speed propulsion equipment, which seems to be the largest. Their main performance is that they are on their way most of the time.

There is also a stellar gravitational coordinate transition ship. This kind of ship is like checkers, jumping between stars, and every time it arrives, it will conduct more detailed surveying and mapping.

The last type is the hyperspace transition ship. This kind of ship has the highest technical content, and the transition conditions are extremely harsh. It must have detailed surveying and mapping data before it can start operations.

They are characterized by repeated transitions back and forth.

Through this operation, data is accumulated, and horizontal comparison is performed, thereby specifying the star chart route. Pave the way for the construction of the star gate.

What Kane meant by this was: The First Order does not necessarily have to be a cosmic highway network project like Old Sage’s network, but no matter where you want to go, you must have the ability to deploy quickly, and To achieve this goal, you must survey and map the entire universe.

With the investment and feedback obtained from the surveying and mapping of the entire universe, the First Order gradually turned its sights from the corner of the Milky Way into the boundless universe.

Miranda has followed Kane to participate in large-scale projects across the universe, and Zhao Wenrui's information heritage has also broadened her vision. It can be said that Miranda also has a creator-level vision.

Therefore, when Kane was absent, she took care of the affairs, Miranda soon established a cosmic structure.

She differs from Kane in many ways. One of the more obvious points is that Kane is human and is always affected by it consciously or unconsciously, especially when the new world she visits has humans recognized by Kane. It's easy to get involved with things that involve human beings, and it's slow to act from the perspective of the entire universe.

Miranda won't. For Miranda, the little things related to the Warhammer 40K universe, the Milky Way, and the human empire are just some details worth remembering.

And the reason why it is worth remembering more is mainly because they are “righteous”, which is like looking at the symptoms of “getting hot” from the perspective of Chinese medicine. Some people have inflammation of the tonsils, while others have blistering of the tongue. The Milky Way is the inflamed tonsils or blistering tongue.

Although Kane also knows to treat the disease, divide the symptoms and cure the root causes, he will advance Gradieus's Creator project. But after all, he is more concerned about symptoms, hoping to remove blisters and relieve inflammation.

Miranda is harder and swollen? Is it swollen, festered? It's rotten, you can't die, just suffer a bit of sin.

And the result of this attitude is that a considerable part of the productivity of the Big Dipper area has been turned to serve the Cosmos Project.

Therefore, Kane returned this time and received good news including that 37 million high-quality collection areas have been discovered, and First Order has begun to start the egg breeding program on 600,000 of them.

The so-called egg breeding plan is actually self-replication, self-proliferation, and then build a nest.

The Worm’s Nest is hierarchical, the first level is within a planet, the second level is within a star, the third level is within a galaxy, the fourth level is within a star cluster, and the fifth level is the universe level.

This has also become an important reason why Kane can endure the bad things that happened in the Gothic zone. After all, even if it loses all here, it is far from letting the First Order suffer. 600,000 potential projects are in progress, even if only 30% of them finally bear fruit, it is enough for the First Order to become a cosmic power. .

However, what Kane is listening to now is not how profitable those investments are. The prospects are promising. It was the reason why the empire had to draw blood from the Gothic area at this time.

To be more specific, he wanted to know the specific destination of the finished or semi-finished battleships that have flowed out of the Gothic zone in recent While looking at the overall situation, Miranda has not given up on the current, in the galaxy, It also carried out surveying and mapping.

However, another system is used.

It is based on the style and mode of action of the Victoria, Elizabeth, and Margaret that Kane decided on the reconnaissance motherships, a total of 120 sets, a total of 360 reconnaissance motherships, The three ships are in a group, and the search and investigation are carried out.

Its mode of action is more delicate, including the creation and dispatch of spies.

Therefore, it is not an exaggeration to say that today's first order is more clever than the imperial government that has been working for many years.

When Kane heard from Miranda that a large number of finished ships were used for the replacement of the fleet of the Terra defense circle, he screamed.

It is human nature to keep close relatives and protect oneself first. If this is done, it will give the empire's bigwigs a sense of security, and the spine will be slightly improved, so that they will not be frightened by Chaos and immediately betray the interests of the ethnic group, then Kane will not be prepared to care about this.

However, when he heard that there are still some ships, especially semi-finished products, after three turns and five turns, he went to the Dark Mechanical God Sect to contribute to the great cause of chaos conquest. Although he was still a man on earth, he knew that this was not uncommon. Otherwise, there would be no saying that'an arms dealer who cannot sell weapons on both sides is not a good arms dealer'. But it is still inevitable to feel resentful.

He thought for a while and told Miranda: "Summarize the information, including the information that can be used as evidence, and send a copy to the top officials of the department involved. By the way, tell them if the Empire supports the Gothic zone in this way. During the War of Resistance against Demons, then the First Order does not mind sending all the people involved and their relatives to the gallows."


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