Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Vol 2 Chapter 1315: The first order

After Sauron's so-called test of torture was completely slapped in the face, many people wondered, according to the usual arrogant and domineering nature of the torture, this hatred is too strong, and whether Sauron's flagpole can stand is a problem.

But the facts are shocking. Fear of abuse does not retaliate, and find an excuse to play the drama "More money and more brothers is to bully you, what can you do".

It was uncharacteristically as if nothing had happened.

For this reason, ordinary people can't guess, but Kane can guess the same.

Mainly because of divinity and priesthood.

Terrorism obviously sensed Sauron's spirit traits.

In fact, this aspect is not so mysterious, especially in the Warhammer 40K universe, the emperor's star torch effect is a more representative example.

Among the gods, even if they are sitting in their own kingdom, they can'see' the light of the same kind from a distance, just like the beacon on other mountains.

This divine nature is difficult to conceal, and the test of fear of abuse is more of a disapproval of Sauron's rising model.

When they were born, they were all earth-shattering, why this is so smooth, and suddenly there are more of the same kind, are they raised by stepmothers, born secondary gods, bullied by these great gods? Come, give it a try.

In the end, I didn't try it out because of the stepmother, but I tried it out if I didn't die.

The Cthulhus actually understand that the emergence of a new Cthulhu is the general trend of the universe. Because of this, they count the emperor, because when the evil spirits were in power before, the other three benefited from the calculations, the most capable of calculations. The benefits are the most, and the Well of Eternity completely fell into its hands at that time.

So, since the emergence of new gods is inevitable, why can't we be controlled to a certain extent?

But when it happens in reality that a new **** has come, the four evil gods can only comfort themselves by saying, "There is always a first time, and a new era has arrived."

This is the manifestation of the limitations of the gods. Being in it, detachment is difficult.

Kane was not bound by this world in order to hide from the sky under the name of the four evil gods. Of course, he could not enjoy the various benefits of the gods. He was completely dependent on technology and his own strength to support him.

As the creator, creating gods is undoubtedly a practical and obvious operation.

The four evil gods also vaguely felt that the appearance of death **** Sauron was a bit strange. But without strong evidence, it can only be temporarily observed.

However, whether it was the rise of the **** of death Sauron or the battle of Gradius, to some extent, they sounded the alarm for the four evil gods. Let them realize their shortcomings.

So a wave of horses and soldiers is already on the way, and I believe it will soon have a full impact on the universe.

And what has now appeared is that the friction within the four evil gods has obviously decreased, especially the major incidents, which have disappeared.

Two years ago, Sebastian and Nurgle, because of the chaos together, sent their powerful army to fight for life and death. Generally, such wars are based on ten years, but now they end abruptly.

Behind this is the Cthulhu's heart for the signs that have occurred in the physical universe in recent years, represented by the Gradieus War.

In this context, whether it is Gradieus or the Gothic Zone, the ongoing warfare has begun to have a tendency to feed.

Victory is not particularly important, but Cthulhu clearly wants to find out more information through adding materials.

"The terrifying demon legion is going to enter the arena, and Nurgle and sorrow will not be delayed for too long, and their legion style, one good raid, one very secret, you have to pay attention to these."

Kane reminded Luvansberg.

The development of the situation is always difficult to achieve. This time Kane's encounter in the Warhammer 40K universe is obviously the same.

From the moment Carlos peeped into the Well of Eternity, the secret treasure that he had stolen by him, the whole situation began to spiral out of control.

Of course, Kane did not regret his choice at the time.

After all, after all, he came to this universe not to fight for the well-being of human beings in this universe. But to save himself. Now that there is a chance to get out of the pit quickly, how can it be missed?

After self-rescue, he went back to the pit to hunt for treasures. Looking at this stall, if there was anything that made him feel gratified, the two hundred years of farming development in the Big Dipper area would undoubtedly count as one. It is also one of his main strengths to contend with the Four Evil Gods with a strong family background and a sharp affiliation.

Kane didn't know that the Four Evil Gods had an extraordinary premonition, and they began to'prepare for disasters.' He just considers the problem in his own way.

The First Order has been farming silently in this universe for more than two hundred years, and the power of its savings has been exploded by Miranda. The nest system of hundreds of thousands has begun to grow rapidly in the resource-rich places of various galaxies.

The First Order now takes some time, not too long, a few years will be enough. At that time, the First Order will be like a towering tree rooted in the earth, firmly rooting itself in the universe, no matter what storm it is, it will never be destroyed.

And how to buy enough time for the development of the nest?

Kane thought in the opposite direction on this issue, and felt that at this time, in this situation, counseling and patience were not the way to go, and reckless, fierce offense was the right choice.

And since it is such a way of thinking, how to respond to the salvation of the soldiers and civilians in the Gothic zone represented by Luvansberg is easy to choose.

"The First Order will do its best to support." Kane began to promise: "Within a month, there will be more than two hundred Apocalypse-class armed transport ships that will be put into use to rescue refugees."

"At the same time, within one month, 30 large self-sufficient colonization satellites that can accommodate 200 million people will be built in the Khulna star system, and this is only the first stage."

"Also, the robot troops of the First Order will join the battles in the colonies at a rate of 5 million units per month. The first phase is twelve months."

"In addition, the First Order will form a dedicated orbital fleet, 120 ships of each fleet size, and five fleets will be invested in the first phase within three months."

"Finally, the Holy Light Sect will support 30,000 high-ranking Templars and 100,000 Holy Light priests to relieve the extraordinary pressure of the colonial stars."

Luvansberg was dumbfounded at first, then swallowed continuously. After Kane finished speaking, he asked carefully, "The First Order has such power?"

Kane smiled: "To tell you, most of them need emergency production. This will cause consumption several times that of general production. For the first order, this is almost equivalent to taking out one-third of the assets at once. Up."

Luvansberg was emotional and said with a heartfelt: "I represent all the soldiers and civilians in the Gothic zone..."

Kane waved his hand and interrupted: "It's not necessary. You have to know that I smashed so many resources into the Gothic area, which is equivalent to turning this place into a battlefield. It is a change of direction that makes people here ruined. In the days to come, Many, many people will die here, more tragic and larger than the Kadia Fortress."

As the logistics base of the Kadian Gate that guards the portal of the Eye of Fear, one of the many characteristics of Kadia Fortress is that all the people are soldiers.

There is a saying that at the age of twelve, he or she is not a qualified Kadia.

The fighting instinct has been engraved into the genes of the Kadia people with the passing of the years.

It is generally acknowledged throughout the empire that since many years ago, every new generation there was more talented in combat than the generation in other parts of the empire, and they were born soldiers or officers.

Behind this feature is the gunpowder that has never dissipated. War is already daily there. If there is no decent fighting this week, people will find it abnormal.

Luvansberg, like many generals in the empire, fits well with the characteristics of'being merciful and not in charge of soldiers'. He was not surprised when he heard Kane say this, but replied: "Even so, I still have to represent people. Thank you and First Order. After all, it is at least you, who gave everyone a chance to die in battle without being so suffocated."

This answer left Kane speechless. The Warhammer 40K universe is in the heavens, and those are all lawnmower universes that can rank in the top three.

Human lives are really the same as pig grass, being cut piece by piece, and most of the time, the people who are being mowed often can't even talk about the most shabby armed forces, and they can't even fight.

But in today's Gothic zone, this problem does not exist.

As long as you are willing to fight, there is no shortage of weapons, ammunition, and basic protective gear. There are many styles, and there is always one that suits you.

The reason why this is possible is precisely because the production and delivery capabilities of the First Order are terrifying.

When First Order cooperated with Luvansberg in the early stage, it paid great attention to the establishment of its own logistics system.

At that time, the industrial production line was still in the stage of self-replication and could not mass-produce transport ships, so the First Order offered to purchase transport ships at a price 30% higher than the market. In addition, high welfare benefits and safety guarantees were used to hire seafarers.

Therefore, when the transport ships began to roll off the assembly line in batches, the First Order did not lack seafarers. Related hematopoietic mechanisms have been established, and qualified seafarers have been continuously trained.

The so-called qualification naturally refers to the adaptability between man and ship, which is a mutual matter. Ordinary seafarers on the market, even if they are excellent and experienced, may not be able to switch to ships manufactured by the First Order and related methods of operation.

It is precisely because of this that the First Order is not so eager for the kind of experienced and skilled old seafarers. Those who are flexible in mind, good at learning, willing to learn and able to endure hardship, are the favorites.

This has led to many underachievers who were looked down upon by people in the circle (the ranks of seniority and superstition in this circle are very serious) young, and within a few days, after a change, they also became captains and first mates.

This has led to the spread of sour contempt from the navy and military and even the civilian population in the Gothic Star District. For example, a certain dog who is lucky enough to enter the first-order transport convoy will be able to become a captain after a while.

But many times, time comes with a face-slapped effect.

Two years have passed, and three years have passed. The first-order transport fleet did not have frequent accidents and disasters as some people asserted. On the contrary, it quickly became the most trusted industry overlord by merchants.

In the words of some old captains: "If they hadn't been in their own business most of the time, we would have been unemployed."

Not only professional, but also tough. Since the establishment of the First Order Logistics Ship Group, all, pay attention, all pirates who tried to hijack the ship group have not escaped. Either he was beaten into cosmic dust on the spot, or he was hanged on the pole, or he was digging to death on a certain mining star.

Regarding this hanging pole, the imperial navy of this world has no related customs. It is the cultural feature of the First Order itself, and it is said that it can be traced back to the era of great navigation within the planet.

At that time, one of the traditional methods of punishing pirates was to hang them on poles near the port so that those who came and went could take warning.

The first order did not hang the port, but deliberately prepared a piece of Gobi land, and then hung the pirates like dried meat, hanging there, in the wind and sun, and died alive.

Because it can always be wiped out without slipping through the net, and the punishment is cruel, it is said that it has become a forest now...

After the start of the Gothic War, the fame of the First Order Logistics Ship Group remains true. Whether you are a demon ship, a fallen star warrior ship, or a chaos believer ship, you will basically be unable to leave.

It is not entirely dependent on the **** fleet to protect the convoy. The transport ship itself is also equipped with some simple but efficient weapons. Many despised people are defeated by this kind of "wasp tail needle".

Precisely because of the supply of weapons, ammunition and medicines, there is the first order guarantee. Those colonial stars who have been attacked by the chaotic forces do not have to be mowed or surrendered in despair, but can also choose to fight.

The good news is that both the Imperial Defense Forces and the Imperial Navy, in this context, have continuously incorporated civilians who have proven their combat abilities and talents on the battlefield, making the military's combat capabilities quickly transformed into elite soldiers.

The first step of a good soldier is nothing more than enough training and seeing blood without breaking.

Of course, there are the second and third steps, the Nth supplement, what kind of military spirit, the quality of basic-level officers, etc. Most of the civilians tempered by the war are very suitable to become special fighters.

After all, they did not go through systematic military training at the beginning, and they failed to cultivate and form in time for the very critical discipline and obedience of soldiers. When their strength fully grows, it is as if they have left the trunk of the'seedling' stage. difficult.

The special fighters are not special forces, but between the special forces and the guerrillas, and they have the flavor of special agents.

The army needs such people, especially in the Gothic zone today. The mode of warfare is rapidly shifting to this ground warfare, and the human side often has the right to dominate, but because of the rat trap, it cannot be let go of bombing, which requires exceptional qualifications. The lurker is the eye.

This is also the change brought to the Gothic zone by the First Order. It is replaced by other zones. According to the inherent habit of the imperial military, it has long since exploded without distinguishing between the enemy and the enemy, and it is often the local people who have been broken by jade, causing far-reaching casualties. More than real enemies.

But in the Gothic zone, doing so is tantamount to not giving face to the First Order. For people here, whether it is an official or a civilian, a soldier or the common people, not giving face to the First Order is a very serious dementia. problem.

The prestige of the first order is won by solid performance. The public praise is much higher than the media propaganda. In the complacent words of some people, we are only responsible for winning the battle.

This statement is actually a bit of a boast, and most of them are surrounding people, not the core people of the First Order.

To be more precise, so far, the First Order has been in the Gothic zone. It can be said that defeat is a small defeat, and victory must be a big victory.

A small defeat is to lose things and land without losing people, to transfer in orderly, and to retreat successfully.

A big victory generally refers to the complete annihilation of the incoming enemy.

This is also Kane's definition of a big victory, which cannot be called a big victory without annihilation.

Whatever was captured, how much land was occupied, or which important land, these weights in Kane's heart are relatively light, mainly personnel.

In the words he used to be hostile in a certain incident: "I see how many soldiers you have that can withstand the death of the organization."

It was with a master like Kane, First Order quickly gained a reputation among the forces of Chaos.

Abaddon, as well as the demon army generals who later reinforced them, were all melancholy for their lost battle groups. After all, everyone now understands that encountering and losing contact with the First Order combat force is more or less bad, even if it is unbelievable.

The most bitter thing for the generals of the Demon Legion is that the First Order listens to its name and looks at its appearance. It is the organization that loves the people to a little bit of the Virgin.

Before they set out on the expedition, they all felt that this was a point that could be used to intimidate the people and force the first order to submit.

But in fact, that's not the case at all.

Facts have repeatedly proved that, in the face of such coercion, the first order response method is often straight into the nest several well-known demon warbands have been cut off in this way. Except for the group that went out to participate in the coercion, the rest of the group who were guarding their homes were killed. However, the group that was taken out was not provided, supplemented, and even unable to communicate effectively with friendly forces and called for reinforcements in time, so that they were tragically and continuously eaten away. They can only be delisted.

It was the fighters from Gradius who did this kind of activity.

Now, at least in the Gothic Star Zone, the Swordsman's reputation is far from comparable to the elite Stormtroopers of the Imperial Defence Army, but on the same level as the Star Warriors, and the overall combat power is even stronger.

Fighters came from Gradius to the Gothic Zone, what about their home, Gradius?

There is a fairy battlefield. There are not enough ordinary people to fill in. Two years ago, Gradieus was basically empty. Either he was withdrawn or died. Anyone who can stay there is not a war-tempered elite. The elites in, are the commanders of the puppet battle group, and tearing up the whole demon battle group is just their daily life.

As for how the Gradius people withdrew, the main thing is to thank the space dead.

Speaking of this, even Kane was surprised.

After all, in his perception, the space necromancers are a group of people who are born in a bad environment, so they hate almost all other lives (more precisely, the living conditions are better than them, but worse than their original living conditions. In the end, However, they can become the intellectual population of interstellar civilization, and in this universe, they have not yet appeared) psychologically distorted people.

He really couldn't imagine what kind of flattery it would take to interact with this group of super cautious people who can't see others well.

And reality gives the answer, the external pressure is strong enough to turn the enemy into a friend...


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