Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Vol 2 Chapter 1318: Terrorist abusers

The war in Gradieus quickly changed from a vigorous party mode to a home living mode of firewood, rice, oil, salt, sauce and vinegar tea.

This can be done mainly because of the first order. After all, this model of competition is precisely what the First Order is best at.

And as the new entry of the Horror Demon Army, it is obviously not suitable for the atmosphere here.

Many of these demons utterly speak out, and it is the shame of the demons to scold the treacherous demons. The fly camp dog Gou is like a mortal, which is ridiculous. Even scolded in person.

In the past, I have never lost people and strange demons, and it is rare that they have never replied, but many demons have said in their hearts: "You will soon understand the first rule of Gradius' Law. Later, see if you can still do this. Such rhetoric."

The first rule of Gradius’ Law:

If you die on this battlefield, you are really dead!

The demon can’t play the seesaw like before, and the main body of the demon soul returns to the subspace. As a result, the remaining part of the demon soul, which is mainly used for positioning, is at most remnants, echoes, and missing bodies. The position will definitely fall. Even if it is swallowed by other similar species, it is 80%. If the devil soul is not strong enough, it will be muddled and degenerate. Even if consciousness can be born again after many years, it will be no different from another existence.

When I know that there is only one life, I realize that it is so precious.

The Burdington crossed the star gate and was attacked by a terrorist army.

The creation named ‘Demon Engine’ is popular among the forces of Chaos. Among them, the visual sense caused by the Demon Engine of the Terrorism is the most shocking.

The organic fusion of flesh and steel, huge and distorted, the nightmare-level appearance, extremely vicious, can make people easily give birth to an unmatched sense of insignificance.

But in Kane's eyes, it was nothing but punk stuff.

The essence of punk is destruction and reconstruction, a rebellion and subversion of the mainstream. It is diverse, street-oriented, and often obsolete.

The style and appearance of the terrorist abusers fit these characteristics. Those huge, starship-class demon engines looked like a thing from a distance, but they looked unsightly if they were a little closer.

Rough and simple, it's like big cast iron parts, gears, steel pipes and other parts that are stuffed together in graffiti style and unruly.

If these creations are reduced to the level of hand-made figures, you can get a few words of praise such as "shape structure, starry sky, rich imagination". It is not a miniature version but a super enlarged version. The result is that Kane thinks of the human first Those silly and crude machinery during the second industrial revolution. Just because it shines with extraordinary light, it can also bluff some ordinary people.

It is worth mentioning that the combat power of the four evil gods is relatively eye-catching in terms of color and luster, which can be said to be clear at a glance.

Tan Qi and Lu Nie both like magnificent gold, but the second color, Tan Qi prefers blue, especially sapphire blue and azure blue, while Lu Nie prefers dividends, especially peach pink.

Fear is not resistant to gold, but it particularly prefers scarlet.

But Nagu is green and yellow, but green is terribly green, and yellow is earthy, with its own rotten smell.

Red with gold, in human terms, is blood and wealth or kingship.

The overall feeling of the horror of abuse of the Legion is like this, except that it emphasizes red and the smell of blood is extremely heavy.

The sight in front of him was a red patch, rushing over like a cloud of fire.

Kane could even see them marching in the dark and deep sky with his naked eyes.

Terrorism indeed started from Kane’s ‘rough but detailed’ evaluation. Its legion seemed reckless, but in fact it did absorb the experience and lessons of the Tecchi legion against the First Order to a considerable extent.

Moreover, after integrating the tactics that he was good at, it was decided that this kind of tactics that seemed to be hard to attack and attack was just frontal, but in fact it was a strong attack.

The specific core method of this tactic is spatial displacement.

Obviously, the Terrorist Demon Army has not only invested a lot of extraordinary energy for this, but also done well in advance intelligence work.

You know, according to Kane’s speculation, it is for the reason of ‘not to be seen as a joke’, and he will not share information with his old rivals under the current circumstances.

As for the four evil gods group, there may be of course, but the weather vane, as far as Kane's disposition of the four evil gods and his understanding of the nasty things between each other, he believes that the lowest-key Nurgle is the soul figure of the four evil gods.

If the Four Evil Gods are a family, then Nurgle is the eldest brother of the father, the second child is the most promiscuous stranger, the third child is the fear of abuse, and the youngest is the wicked.

This was also another reason why he had placed Sauron, the **** of death, under the name of Nurgle. Nurgle can recognize it, and Sauron is easier to stand on. If Nurgle doesn't recognize it, it will be troublesome. Nurgle's system is the most pervasive, and it is good at setting off the general trend. It has a deep and stable foundation. It does not care about temporary gains and losses. Is a fierce battle expert.

Take Gradieus in front of you. If the first order is not against Qi Qi, but Nurgle. Then Kane estimated that the First Order has now taken the initiative to admit counsel.

It's not that I can't beat it, but even if it succeeds in bringing the rhythm and enters a mode that is more cost-effective than production and cost-effective, it will not be shocked.

When faced with enough pressure, the most likely thing for his legion to do is to break the battle. At that time, the battlefield was not Gradius, but it was probably half of the Far Eastern Star Region, and a large number of colonies would be destroyed. A plague swept across. The plague can create the main war feed for the Nggle army.

Faced with such a situation, the First Order can only admit defeat. After all, it is not ready for resettlement. If half of the human colonies in the Far Eastern Star Territory are poisoned, then even if the First Order wins, Kane will think that it will win or lose. .

However, Kane and the First Order dealt with the style of the Tricky Army and the Terrorist Army with relative ease.

The Treacherous Legion is a fighting group whose members love to show their IQs like their masters, and have almost blind confidence in their own minds.

Arrogance tends to make them love horns.

In addition, being more savvy is also prone to less interruption and even self-disturbing.

This means that whether Trick’s army is downwind or upwind, the biggest problem will be the internal disagreement. It is the kind of corps that can do it alone, but on the battlefield, they dismantle each other and pull back their legs, and perform very ordinary.

The horrified regiments do not have this concern. They are the regiments with the characteristics of soldiers most recognized by humans. Of course, it is not a serious army, but a mercenary.

Mercenaries often follow the law of the jungle and obey the strong, so they appear to be more orderly. Even if they disagree on the tactical arrangements, they will carry out the task carefully.

The Legion of Horror Demons has such characteristics, so if the four evil gods form a coalition army, they are the best candidates for the battlefield.

And right now, even if this energy is released.

And by coincidence, he was just in time for Kane to take the Burdington to Gradieus, and the main target of the terrorist army attack turned out to be the Stargate.

From the energy point of view, star gates can be said to be the most dazzling existence besides stars, especially when it is in operation.

Moreover, with the passage of time, the First Order’s control over the Gradieus star has rapidly strengthened. It has evolved from the original Dyson swap to the current 80% Dyson sphere. Only the star’s poles have not been covered, so far From a distance, it looks like a beam of light broken in the center.

And the star gate near Gradieus, because of frequent use, shines like a small sun.

As for the planet Gradieus. Ever since Trick’s demon army was beaten in a space battle and couldn't find it, it has concentrated on using the subspace cracks and tunnels on the planet's surface and underground to open up passages, and then projected the army, built a bridgehead, and started the war.

Counting the time, this kind of war has lasted for three years, and the surface of Gradieus has long been destroyed by the high-intensity war into a barren land.

The two sides once started a harvest competition against Gradieus's natural world. The main purpose of the First Order is to obtain the Gradius species, and the secondary purpose is to curb the resource acquisition of the Demon Army.

On the other hand, the devil uses life and the souls of non-intelligent creatures to supplement basic supplies that are always lacking.

Therefore, three years later, the surface of Gradieus no longer needs sunlight. The First Order simply waits for the end of the war and rebuilds Gradieus.

The premise is that it is necessary.

After all, for the awakened space necromancers, they are more adaptable to the current environment.

The star gate is eye-catching, and the first order prevention work is multiple, including misleading traps.

The Terrorist Demon Legion obviously failed to break through the ingenuity. This time the force projection of combat power is somewhat of a ‘missing a thousand miles’ meaning.

As a result, as soon as the powerful vanguard came on stage, it was first hit by the stellar gamma-ray cannon.

The First Order can also be regarded as the horror and abuse of the demon army, showing what is super first-class micro-operation, perfect detail processing.

After all, it is normal for atlas strike weapons like gamma-ray cannons to have a certain deviation and a large range.

In the Warhammer 40K universe, even today's most technologically advanced space necromancer lacks precision and control in this regard. Its good use of Gaussian magnetism can only hit one piece at a long distance, and it is not accurate and delicate enough.

The First Order dared to use gamma-ray cannons to strike at targets hundreds of light minutes away, without worrying about spreading to its own expensive creation star gates. This is compelling.

Moreover, this time the attack, the first order party added material and added the Holy Light. The purpose is to obtain the high-level "devil-breaking" effect, which means "dispelling", so as to better damage the demon creation.

Therefore, in the light stream of gamma-ray energy that is permeated with strong positive energy, the large number of demon engines that have just arrived have been successfully flushed, especially the outermost batch. It is obvious that it is overflowing. The scarlet energy was completely dissipated, and then began to dissolve and collapse.

The demon engines located in the inner layer have colleagues who take their lives to fight, and the state is relatively better, just better, barely maintaining the protection of the extraordinary force field.

With Kane's ability, he can even distinguish some of their self-protection methods. It is basically the energy being fully turned on, or bursting out, so as to burst a large amount of extraordinary energy in a short time to neutralize the gamma-ray energy.

However, for the Demon Engine, this is definitely a contend that is much beyond its own capabilities. Failure is destined and it will not take a lot of time.

Kane knew that the Terrorist Demon Legion would definitely have follow-up measures, otherwise it would be embarrassing, and Terrorist would be laughed at by the Qi Qi.

Sure enough, in the case of withstand the blow, the demon army's response operation came.

It is divided into two sections, and one section can be summarized as the ongoing combat power projection.

To put it bluntly, it means using elites as cannon fodder.

Of course, the location of the new delivery has been fine-tuned, after all, their purpose is to destroy the star gate, not to die.

In the other section, the Demon Prince took action to protect the combat power hit by the gamma ray cannon with extraordinary power.

Terrorism sent the Demon Prince to participate in the war this time, and Terrorism was also Hao, and sent eleven Demon Princes at once.

You must know that there is also a superstitious side to fear of abuse. His lucky number is 8, which is his own default. This time, he even ignored this particularity and sent eleven, which shows his heart for this military operation. degree.

The high-end supernatural wizard group composed of eleven demon princes is a killer for fear of abuse. It is also an arrangement used to test Kane's strength.

At least Kane thinks so. He thinks that the main reason for the fear of abuse to recruit him in advance is this.

As for why?

Kane believes that in the eyes of the four evil gods, the high-end combat power of the **** level is the absolute protagonist, but it is not easy to move lightly.

Not moving lightly is to prevent the gutter from overturning, but more importantly, it is consumption and impact. Behind this is the'profit ~ the evil **** does not move, but if you move, you must gain, otherwise it will be directly The potential losses, and the potential losses, are very large, and it is likely that they will not be alleviated for many years, and it will be difficult to catch up with one step behind, step by step.

It is precisely because of this that the abuser would rather sacrifice the Devil Prince to test the waters than to end in person. It is not because of his good character and cherishing feathers that he refuses to bully the small, but refuses to bear the price of failure.

Kane even felt that this was actually the second round of his confrontation with the abuse of fear.

The first round was the time that Abuse Projection recruited him.

If he is not qualified, the fear of abuse is not as pleasant as he showed, even if he refuses, it is just a very generous greeting to leave, but directly show the tyrannical side and pinch him to death on the spot.

The projection kills the envoy, and it is not ashamed to say it.

It was precisely because he recognized his strength to a certain extent that he had the actual performance test of the second round.

If he does not leave the field, it is estimated that the high-end mage group will take the first order and let the first order taste the unreasonable transcendence, technology and everything are the bitter fruit of scum.

Of course, it doesn't.

After all, the First Order is not a purely technology-reliant group based on natural science, but a mixture of science and magic. There are many unreasonable ones, including the regularized Cthulhu cells, which, for the existence of this universe, contains unreasonable attributes.

But Kane's combat thinking has always been relatively stable, and he is unwilling to show his hole cards all at once.

So this round, he is ready to go.

"It's been pending for many years, and I haven't personally measured the saint Kane, what kind of weight is it, then I'll see you..."


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