Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Vol 2 Chapter 1332: Advance with the times

Just like the saying that is often heard in the world: when you have money, you can do whatever you want.

But Kane prefers to spend his money on creative devices.

He used his own power to fabricate a fascinating and huge device out of thin air.

More than 126,000 models of spells, corresponding parts were manufactured, and they were automatically combined. In addition to the spectacular scenes, there are mysterious values ​​second only to nothing.

The impression given to others is that Kane has fantasy-level creativity, extracting the required parts from the various wrecks in the battlefield, and then forming a brand new complex device.

The first order of this kind of equipment is actually more than one, but in today's general environment, it is more energy-efficient and safer to build now than to open a transmission channel for transportation.

Then there are a large number of light servants.

They are actually the holy light energy version of magic servants. They are short-lived, have a low IQ, are chubby, but do not have a lower body, and the circulating energy allows them to float forward, but at most they can fly tens of meters. .

Originally, they have some other shortcomings, such as not being able to hold heavy items. But the same technique, in the hands of Kane, the power is always much stronger, even several times, dozens of times.

Servant of the Light is the same, they are very powerful, and their hands are very steady. The number is still large, Kane can generate thousands at a time, without having to repeatedly cast spells in order to get enough numbers.

In this way, mana saving is second, and spiritual saving is the focus.

After the Light Servant was created, he began to work as a coolie. They collect everything in the battlefield except white sand, salt water, air, and things protected by Kane's holy blessing. Then stuff it into the big machine that Kane prepared.

This big machine is like a sci-fi version of Taishang Laojun's alchemy furnace, giving people a sense of smelting substances.

In fact, it does have this function, but the real realization of this function is not intuitive. The part that gives people the feeling of smelting material is actually only responsible for energy supply. It can be understood as a super boiler.

What is stuffed in are raw materials, and what comes out are products.

The device made by Kane is actually a complete production line, but it is not an ordinary thing, but a demon engine.

The Kane version of the demon engine is said to be more suitable for composite golems.

Compared with the tool maker, Kane's operation is more like a practical attempt.

This attempt allowed him to confirm the gap between his creation and the real demon engine. In essence, this is a gap in rules and a gap in information.

So yes, these golems are not a complete remake.

If it is really waste utilization, it would be easier to rebuild it, after all, Kane has a crushing Cthulhu cell.

After being swallowed by the Cthulhu cells, the original information completely disappeared.

In front of him, it was incomplete smelting. It's like just softening the alloy so that it can be reshaped instead of changing its properties and becoming another alloy.

Even with this degree of reshaping, differences in techniques, environments, etc., as well as the lack of certain elements, still make the golem and the real demon engine quite different.

"Obviously, subspace is still in a dangerous place for me now." Kane sighed in his heart.

Although he has not been there in recent years, Miranda commanded the First Order and the chaotic forces dominated by treacherous demons, and the information method was also reaped.

So when he looked back and received this information, he felt a little lucky. I think the time to visit the subspace is ripe.

This so-called actual maturity, of course, means that he has enough ways to resolve the subspace's rejection of him as an outsider, and does not need to consume his huge power all the time.

And this is not just a matter of energy consumption, it also involves issues such as privacy. He didn't want to be like the emperor at all. Once he appeared in the subspace, he was as striking as a super campfire in the dark wilderness.

When Kane's commander cleans the battlefield in an orderly manner, Aura is looking for suitable pieces for his stubbornness.

Tan Qi's withdrawal was naturally aware of the fear of abuse.

He even noticed that Yin Qi had suffered a lot from the dark sky, and at least the resources he was planning to invest in the new battlefield had been crippled.

But he didn't notice that Trick was targeted by Kane's particularity, and even his family was taken out a lot.

In fact, facing the dark sky, all those present suffered heavy losses.

The nature of the dark sky determines that once it appears, it will be targeted and neutralized by the laws of the universe.

If the light pit is a toxin-like ulcerated abscess, then the dark sky is a bleeding wound. At least at first glance, it was a bleeding wound.

Kane has long been dark in the sky, and he has taken advantage of the formation of the light pit and the general trend of the gods' reaction to the immediate aftermath. The reaction force is also part of the power of the universe, so the law of the universe can recognize the power of darkness.

But the laws of the universe cannot identify unique information, which makes the wound seem to have added some anti-coagulant toxin, which is not easy to stop bleeding naturally.

Of course, it's just not easy, not impossible.

After all, for the Warhammer 40K universe, the darkness of the sky, even mosquito wounds, is far from being bled to death, and the toxins will eventually be eliminated through the passage of time.

What's more, Kane will not allow his unique information to be absorbed, so when appropriate, he will take the initiative to help Warhammer 40K universe detox.

In any case, during the existence of the dark sky, the bleeding effect caused the continuous energy loss of all the gods present, filling the pit of the dimension newly created by Kane.

And this pit, obviously controlled by Kane, is like a mud pit for storing rainwater. It doesn't need to be too big, but it is a little deeper and easier to fetch water, and then distill it.

Fear of abuse naturally hates this feeling of being exploited.

He heard early in the morning that Kane and his First Order like to play rhythm very much, and are very good at it.

This time I learned it personally.

I feel that the energy expenditure is really big, with a left hand and a right hand, nothing is done, a lot of resources are thrown out.

There is also the amazing loss of combat power. Although strictly speaking, they are all cannon fodder units with a large number and waves, but they are frustrated. When did their own combat power be so unused?

But in Gradieus, the elite battle group is the price of cabbage, and the casualties are shocking.

After hearing all this, witnessing all this, and feeling all this, the fear of abuse will inevitably change.

People in the world say that they are afraid of abuse and madness, but since they can be judged by Kane as rough and fine, it is naturally not the kind of thing that is really indifferent and satisfied with the status quo. It's just that the fear of abuse actually has some insights into the principle of'ruling a big country is like cooking small fresh'.

What are the characteristics of cooking Xiaoxian?

One-sentence explanation: Don't cook the stove too quickly, and don't turn the cooking ingredients frequently.

Therefore, the fear of abuse has never had problems such as changes in the day and night, but it gives the human race the feeling that it is always internal.

But in fact, what is inside is the overall style, the details are actually changing, becoming more adapted to the times and the situation.

The current situation has a great impact on terrorism. And his thinking changed, and it was actually smoother and more decisive than the wise, listening, and wide-ranging trick.

The traitor is the one who has been blinded by arrogance, and has no eyes, and is stubborn in his bones.

Fear of abuse felt that the situation in front of him might as well be "the teacher and the enemy.

That is to learn the first order.

One of the characteristics of the first-order combat power is the kind of few elites who can stand alone and can swept together when combined.

To analyze the series of wars since the Gradius Incident, let alone the small encounters, just talk about the big battles, as long as the First Order opens the main battle group to meet the enemy, there is no one that is not a big victory.

The chaotic forces headed by the treacherous demon have always set their sights on aspects such as information intelligence, strategy and tactics, environmental utilization, etc., and rarely mention the combat power itself.

This may be due to the fact that no one is willing to really face the frontal battlefield, without fancy and rigid, that he can't actually defeat the enemy.

Or in other words, Chaos high-end combat power, the statement that the universe is invincible, is the last fig leaf of the Chaos forces. Anyone who has a bit of emotional intelligence will not jump out and tear this cloth.

But giving the feeling of horrific abuse, the middle and lower ranks of the Chaos forces have been confused. They don’t know that their elites are just as good as the enemy, but they really believe that “I can’t fight, but the enemy is too cunning.” know.

The bag that has been beaten up, still can't wake up, still immersed in self-righteous cognition. This turned the fig leaf into a drug for mental retardation and an important factor in the heavy losses of each war.

Atrophobia believes that such a regiment, first of all, its members are seriously outdated and unsuitable for entering the Gradius battlefield.

Fear of abuse even further reflected on the reasons for the backwardness.

He believes that it is not simply the advanced strategic and tactical concepts of the First Order, but also the outdated elements of the chaotic forces themselves.

The main target that the Chaos forces are aiming at, the human empire, itself is like a stinky chess basket.

Playing chess with a stinky chess basket does not gain strength, but is easy to be stinky. Chaos forces are satisfied to rely on the power far beyond the opponent, basically ignoring the opponent's technology, and crushing the opponent's pleasure.

As a result, when encountering a truly strong master like the First Order, who took the elite line, the advantages of power crushing were gone, and even the disadvantages such as insufficient technology and backward thinking were completely exposed.

This problem cannot be remedied in a short time.

But it is not impossible.

The idea of ​​fear of abuse is to learn the first order and follow a few elite lines.

Specifically, it selects a few spiritual awakening people with strong dominance ability, and directly raises their combat power through the power grant, and their subordinates don't hesitate to grant them, all of them can fight.

Then use the battle group or even the battle team as a scale activity, I believe it will be more combat effective than the large and improper corps model in the past.

Under the guidance of this kind of thinking, the abuse of terrorism finally saw two goals.

The first goal is his own combat power, the Soul-grabbing Legion.

It is the perverted legion that likes to fight embarrassing barrier defense wars, and has no conditions to create conditions.

To be honest, even in the eyes of the abuser, the style of the Soul-grabber Legion can be considered alternative. And it is of that kind of playful nature, which can only be fun, but difficult to be a big responsibility.

The main problem lies in the serious self-destruction tendency of the Soul-grabber Legion from top to bottom.

Fear of abuse is to encourage heroic fighting, not afraid of sacrifice.

But what is behind this is to give up one's life and forget about death, to be drunk and single, so as to exceed the limit and break through the self-exposure. Instead of taking life seriously in order not to be afraid of death.

But this time, Horror felt that, at least in terms of results, the Soul-grabber Legion was the one that had the most chance to cause trouble to the enemy.

Then pick the big one among the 第子, and the Soul-grab Legion entered his eyes.

At the right time, the Soul-grabber Legion was in a depressed state.

They finally managed to kill and fight off the precarious Tricky Demon, and took over the fortress built in the ruined town from their hands, and they were saying to fight against the first order people who surrounded this place. As a result, an energy storm came.

This is no better than the Shahu area where Kane went. There is no god-like force field protection here. The blow caused by the energy storm can be understood as the impact of a shock wave with a billion tons equivalent.

It's as if a person inhales and blows the dust on the table vigorously, and every adult in this area is equivalent to the dust. The mess of the scene can be imagined.

Even the Soul Gathering Legion can only be busy stopping the damage, and there is another problem, that is, the fortress is severely destroyed by the energy storm, if it is not repaired, it will not be able to play the defense battle happily.

It is in this context that the power of fear of abuse is given.

The soul-grabbing army has never enjoyed such a powerful and caring power.

Many warriors who were originally chaotic believers were directly promoted on the spot, but they had a good foundation, and they became advanced demons, and even the range of buff talents such as evil auras have breed.

Of course, there are also some who can't bear the majestic force and collapse.

However, this part was selectively ignored by the soul-grabbers from the top and bottom. Things that couldn't be on the table, couldn't catch the generous gifts, and were ashamed to work with them.

The scarlet ‘devil energy’ of the Soul-grabber Legion was soaring up and down, the power of the First Order was naturally seen, but it couldn’t do much to deal with it, and they were all busy saving themselves.

Kane was far away, but he also noticed. On the one hand, it was because of his strength, perseverance, and wide range of perception, and on the other hand, because of the first order's control over the Star Gradius.

In fact, it is not only the rail system, the first order also has a deep network system in operation, and it echoes the rail system.

The deep-earth system is similar to a seismic detector, except that it is buried in the ground, like a subcutaneous implant, but it can cross the earth's crust without going deep into the mantle.

And this kind of equipment can not only generate active shock waves, but also receive shock waves passively, so as to achieve the effect of pulling the net echoing remotely.

This network system is still relatively sensitive to energy interference Therefore, if the demons open up passages and build underground bridgeheads within their perceptible range, they will be known by the First Order.

Through this device, the First Order can know the location of most demon bridgeheads in time, but due to various reasons and overall considerations, it is not in a hurry to fill the pits. After all, the First Order is ordered by Kane, the core combat principle It is the vital force that annihilates the Chaos forces, causing the evil gods who have mines at home to lose blood for a long time.

Kane was able to detect the actions of fear of abuse in time because of this system.

But he just frowned and didn't say much.

Miranda is the chief CEO of the First Order, otherwise the daily operation of the First Order, and he is the chairman of the board, only in the important decision-making, the affairs.

Like this, Miranda will naturally arrange it without him saying more.

However, as far as he knows, the main combat force over there seems to be the outer forces of the First Order. It is estimated that the existing energy storm baptism, and then there will be a wave of madness from the Terrorist Legion, and the loss will not be small.

Kane's estimation is still reliable.

After gaining power, the Soul-grabber Legion suddenly screamed like chicken blood, and stopped playing defensive close blood battles. They rushed to vent and prove themselves to the fear and abuse. They roughly distinguished the next direction, just wailing. Screaming towards the enemy's camp.

Seeing this, fear abuse snorted coldly.

He felt that the soul-grabbing couldn't stick to his habitual true nature, and would float away after giving some benefits, which was an overwhelming performance.

Sure enough, even if it is the bigger one in the scorpion, it is still a scorpion.

With such a regret and dissatisfaction, the horror turned his eyes to the place where Kane was, where there was another target that he planned to invest, a certain treacherous force...


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