Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Vol 2 Chapter 1361: Mantis catches cicada and oriole

In 13 minutes, leaving the boundary of Yugan Town, the speed should not be too fast, so that the sheriff has no reason to go crazy.

To be honest, this goal is not easy to achieve, but Nicolas is very confident about it.

"That annoying sheriff, really drove behind us!" Even Yacarly couldn't help but get angry.

Although it was Grum who had pleaded for letting go before, the other three also felt dignified, which caused the atmosphere in the carriage to be clouded.

"I hate humans!" Grum said abruptly through gritted teeth.

"I think that every race has bad people and bad things, but we live in a human country, so..."

As a result, Grum said again: "I hate humans!"

Well, this kind of paranoid state, it is impossible to listen to any reason.

Olaf simply shut up, then looked at Sacco. That means: you speak better than me. Talking and talking, Grum's mentality can't be achieved. Before that, he owed it to him, and in exchange for greater humiliation.

Nicolas, who was driving, noticed Olaf's gaze from the corner of his eyes, and instead of speaking, he responded with an expression.

Given his closeness to Olaf, he naturally didn't worry about Olaf not being able to read it.

What he meant was: take a moment, don't compete with someone who is angry.

Then the four of them spent ten depressive and tense minutes, feeling it was one of the few difficult times in their lives.

Fortunately, Sacco's computing power is indeed strong, and his driving skills are not bad, so he crossed the forest road with his time.

"Hey!" Sacco roared in vent.

Olaf and Yakari also breathed a sigh of relief, and Yakari, who had been paying attention to the movement of the police car following him, said with joy, "Their car has stopped!"

Nicolas said: "Next time you travel far, you have to ask your dad to help you get a military license, so that these dog patrols will not dare to stop when they see the license plate."

"Let you auspicious words." To tell the truth, Olaf had no confidence in his father's ability to be freed from the wrongdoing. After the analysis of the ring grandfather Charon, he became more and more hopeless, but he was still not ready to give up, saying that he was stubborn. Whether it's silly or stupid, he just knows the thing, he must stick to it to the end and never give up halfway.

"It's getting dark, let's find a place to sleep in."

Nicolas nodded, and they had eaten enough for the loss of the night. Olaf's proposal he completely agreed.

At the same time, the car was still driving along the road. This section of the road is obviously relatively deserted, the road is full of grass, and obviously there are not a few cars passing by.

Nicolas was about to say: "This kind of place, I'm afraid it's hard to find people."

As a result, the two police cars in front were blocking the road, and the four patrolmen stood ready and aimed their guns at their side.

And behind their car, with the roar of machinery, the sheriff's car drove up at a relatively fast speed.

"Asshole!" Nicolas couldn't help cursing. If he didn't see that they were being calculated, he would be a fool.

However, sometimes, when people are stupid, it is really incurable.

As a bystander, Kane felt that the main reason was a fluke.

The reason for being lucky is because he doesn't want to get into trouble.

Kane felt that he had this kind of psychology even when he was not a reincarnation.

To be better, this is called An Shanxinmin. To be more ugly, it is because of weakness. If you have the strength and the background is hard or something, I am afraid that this is not the mind. Carrying a weapon in the body and starting to kill himself is also this way, but it is more extreme.

It was later that there were more things experienced, and the use of violence became commonplace. Kane discovered that many evildoers are using the mentality of ordinary people to bully people. This is especially prominent in the rogues.

Naturally, the police are also good at making use of this. After all, they are serving the job, but generally speaking, the police's reasons are more high-sounding and well-measured.

But the black police are really worse than the rogues. Using public office, their gameplay is richer, their methods can be more vicious, and they are bolder.

revenge? Then you are fighting against the national justice.

What's more interesting is that Kane also discovered that in most of the civilizations and countries he experienced, when such things happen, officials like to play internal processing.

To put it simply, the civilian version of the military court will not pronounce judgments in public trial, so as not to corrupt the official image due to a small group of people. But this is actually a suspicion of shielding. Enforcement violations should add one level to the crime, but at least it gives the public the impression that it is because it is their own dog that the crime is reduced by one level.

In the Kingdom of Stormwind, this phenomenon is even more well-known and self-evident, and the lack of clear and clear government officials has a great relationship with this.

Going deeper, the rulers of the kingdom do not want their people to run around. Although they are more enlightened than the medieval monarchs of the original world, they still hope to lead the people from life to death. Locality, production, living, tax payment, OK. And this kind of heartfelt willingness will always be reflected in some details, and it will be figured out by the people below, and then as much as possible to let the master go in this direction as satisfied as possible, the master will be severely punished because the people below do too much. Well? Rarely, or the probability is very low. When it comes to it, it is: rare minions are filial and want to share their worries for the emperor. This is my family. It is different from the white-eyed wolf mud legs who will never be familiar with...

To the root, this is the difference between distant and close relatives, and then to the root, it is human nature. To be unpleasant, herders are like shepherds. Dogs can stare at the sheep and prevent them from running around. Sheep naturally hate dogs, and they can also because of dogs. Biting a certain sheep and breaking the dog leg for fairness?

So Kane has a deep understanding of the phrase ‘people live in an invisible cage’. In peacetime, you stay on top of yourself, work nine to five, work hard, live your life regularly, and don't dare to go out of the way. In this way, it is not easy to feel the existence of the cage, but if you cross the boundary, you can vaguely touch some ‘rails’.

This is why it is said that certain criminal acts, as well as jaw-dropping madness, are social problems.

There is no perfect society. After all, the people who make up the society are not perfect. But it must be said that in Azeroth's high magic environment, social defects are more prominent, especially after the concept of racial discrimination is added.

So the phrase "wolves travel thousands of miles to eat meat, dogs travel thousands of miles to eat shit" is really appropriate to use in this world and this country.

Olaf and the others are obviously still in the initial stage of wild transformation. After a little hesitation, the situation is greatly disadvantaged. They are pointed at the vital point by multiple guns at close range. At this time, they resist, it is really a halo of the protagonist, and it must be the price of blood. .

Interestingly, until this time, the police were still playing psychology with Olaf. This is the manifestation of IQ online and professional online. After all, in this high magic world, there are extraordinary variables, and the hunting team has reminded them that the goal is a bit difficult.

Although in this world, the systematic psychology knowledge is still high-end knowledge mastered by the spellcasters of the confusion and control type, departments like the police have their own set of relevant accumulations through their own specific work. Native methods are often taught by old birds in the process of bringing newcomers through experience.

An old bird was taking the four people to a certain place and said: "I knew that they will attack again tonight!"

The other said: "You mean, they are bandits?"

Another said: "But it seems that they are like travelers."

The sheriff sneered: "Unless the car was stolen."

"It makes sense!" The echoer appeared immediately. And it's not empty: "I looked familiar with their car before, but I couldn't remember it for a while. Now I remember, the funeral car, this is the funeral car driven by the big man Karl."

Nicolas couldn't help but said, "Sir, this is a big misunderstanding. We are not gangsters, and the car is not stolen, we bought it."

If you are an experienced adventurer, you will not be attracted by this topic at this time, and ignore the behavior of the police.

Under normal circumstances, what should I do after arresting a suspect? Naturally, he was escorted back to the station for interrogation. What's more, the sky is getting dark quickly now, and the wild is already very unsafe.

But what are they doing now?

Leading four people to a place on the roadside, what is this for?

In fact, if it is known that this is a gang of black police, it is not difficult to guess its purpose. This is to send four people to the ‘crisis scene’.

This is much smarter than the gangsters often use to kill and lay the blame. Letting the dead ghost go to the scene of the crime by himself will not only save energy, but also have fewer flaws from the perspective of trace studies. This is one of the terrifying points of law enforcement offences. The law enforcement is the best anti-enforcement candidate.

Olaf and the others were lucky enough to think that the police had misunderstood them, because of the bonus of racial discrimination, they mistakenly regarded them as the gangsters who committed crimes in this neighborhood recently.

Nicolas tried his best to defend, but the result was already there, and the sheriff said sharply, "Let them all get down!"

So Olaf and the others were savagely pressed on the ground, even Yakari was no exception.

The sheriff said to Nicolas: "I'll finish it for you. When I asked about the theft of the Vernon mansion in Jugan town last night, and the murder and robbery of the Orchard Farm a week ago, you would say, what theft? Robbery and murder Case? We just passed by."

Nicolas is still defending: "We are really not thieves, let alone murder and robbery. You can check our car to ensure that there is no stolen goods, but there is a contract with Karl to buy a car."

How could the sheriff be stunned by such words, and said disdainfully: "I heard it right? Did you teach me how to handle a case? Or you **** is allowing me to search your car?"

Someone at the side immediately echoed: "Be smart."

Even if the incident progressed to the extreme, according to normal circumstances, the black policemen would easily rectify the Sako trio on the spot, and then arrest the desperate Yakali to make a deal with the hunting team in Night City.

It's not the first time that they have done this kind of thing, and they have no longer felt guilty. The only rookie newcomer is'covered' by the most experienced sergeant. After today's out, he can be regarded as having turned in his name and joined the gang. After a few more orders of this kind of black business, he is a qualified person. The black police came out.

In the words of the black policemen themselves: "The world is such a world. We have to support the family. How can the government give it enough? What's more, the work itself is more dangerous. Don't earn more money to defend yourself. If you’re disabled, who cares? It’s not bad that the noble master can give some pensions, but can also care about your old age?"

Of course, after earning money, do you really save it? I can only say that most of them don't, but they are spent. The monthly expenses of the sheriff are higher than the monthly expenses of many real barons. Most people dare to believe it?

It's a pity that today they are walking too many nights and finally meet ghosts.

Olaf was already the most vigilant and realistic, and with the reminder of the ring grandfather Charon, he had already been preparing. However, Charon not only made him wiser and more alert, but also taught him the key to using violence, that is, to choose the right time.

In Charon's words: "When the opponent is closest to success, it is often when he is most paralyzed, that is the time to shoot."

This statement is actually the same as Kane’s ‘the moment before complete victory’.

And Grum, or Poole, couldn't just sit still. After all, he is still not good enough, and he has little experience. The experience is far better than Charon. He is not in a hurry to make a move. It is not that he does not want to, but cannot. He is brewing. The longer he brews, the more powerful he will be after the shot. Big, and very likely to have an uncertain future.

After all, he only occupied Grum's body for a long time, and he was still in a period of weakness. In this case, using extraordinary means, the main consumption is one's own psychic energy. However, after he experienced the two major events of death and seizing the house, his spiritual energy was already very limited, and he could only do his best to squeeze and take risks.

Yacari was in a strange state. She didn't know what to do. As far as the situation was concerned, it was already very dangerous at this time, but she actually gave birth to an inexplicable confidence that she knew that she could get through the difficult situation. Should be afraid, but inexplicably confident, so the mentality is very strange.

The most painful is naturally Nicolas, who made his ‘dad’ not hard enough, just a magic book. He also felt that the situation was not good, so he could only work hard to survive. At the same time, he secretly vowed in his heart: "This is the last time! If I can escape to heaven, I will never give my life and death to others to choose, no one can do it!"

There is no doubt that this injection of chicken blood is very powerful. And Kane knew that to study dark magic, he had to have such a brutal force that he would rather die than surrender. At the beginning, he also made a similar cruelty to pass the entry level. This is the case of the Orc Pool, and now Sacco is the same, only this way, It is possible to succeed, otherwise the dark magic book is a suicide weapon, and the difficulties and dangers of the dark road are not just talking.

Seeing that the Destiny Group of Four was about to explode, an abnormality appeared, coming from outside.

‘Choo twee! With some weird calls, the nearby vegetation shook and made a rustling sound.

"What is it?" A policeman pointed a gun at a suspicious spot with caution.

People in this world, when in the wild, are obviously more vigilant towards beasts than people in the original world.

The policeman acted like this, and his companion did not stupidly think that this was a fuss.

The new policeman said, "Maybe it's a howling wolf?"

The black night howling wolf is also a major feature of the twilight forest. It is said to be the same as the flame-colored furry wolves of the Burning Plains, so even Olaf knows it.

"The howl at night is not like this, and it's bigger." Another policeman said so confidently.

This time, the police chief looked like he was facing an enemy. Because this policeman is also an excellent hunter in this generation.

And according to common sense, if it is a large foreign creature, whether it is invading or passing by, it will not be easy to provoke. The main reason is the lack of necessary understanding of it, and it is easy to suffer from encounters with it without preparation.

‘Choo twee! ’

More calls came, obviously in response to previous calls. Even second-hand hunters like Olaf and others can easily imagine a series of scenes in which a certain beast finds its prey, then makes a noise to drag the prey, and calls friends to come to hunt.

Sure enough, the sound of rustling branches and leaves was obviously intensified and increased, and appeared in several directions.

At this time, the black policemen were a little overwhelmed, and they raised their guns and aimed randomly.

The sheriff originally wanted to shout ‘back to back in a circle’, but the core surrounded by them was Olaf and the others lying on the ground.

"Hmm..." The sheriff was about to vent his swear words, and the beast attacked, like a dragon hunting and biting. The huge figure suddenly threw out from behind the branches and leaves, and then jumped into the other branches and disappeared. .

In the process, even though the sheriff had tried to dodge, his upper left arm was directly bitten off. Almost all of them were broken. The forearm and the part above the joints fell to the ground along with the sleeves, and the ‘sticky flesh’ that included the biceps was laughed at by the beast’s blood.

It has to be said that once an open wound appears on the body of a human with a high body water ratio, it is really like a water sac. With the help of the heart pump, the spraying effect of blood is much more exaggerated than expected.

So the four Olafs lying on the ground were covered with blood, and they also witnessed the falling half of the arm. Because the posture affected the relationship of the When this scene happened before our eyes, it was really abrupt. , And frightening.

"Run!" Olaf gave a low growl to his companion, then leaped vigorously, and the cat pulled Sacco and Yakari beside him and started to run.

Kane commented in the dark that running at this time is actually not a wise move.

Because the beasts are hunting weak but threatening units, they also pay attention to hitting the first bird strongly. Whichever action range is large, which will become the first target to be besieged.

But the theory is never dead when it is substituted into reality.

Like now, the black policemen were also panicked. As soon as the monsters came up, they bit the sheriff for life or death. This unintentionally achieved decapitation effect made the black policemen lose their organization.

So it became the scene of flying each other when the disaster came.

At this time, it's not that I run faster than you, after all, the monsters almost surrounded them, it's that I'm better luck than you. Obviously, the black policemen are far from the opponents of the sons of destiny. What's more, the illuminator in their hands, although it brings them a certain degree of convenience, is also equivalent to saying to the monster: I am here!

So Olaf chose to take advantage of the chaos at this time, which is very appropriate.

However, Nicolas did not have Olaf's composure. When he got up and ran, he didn't pull Grum beside him.

Although Grum didn't plan to run, he couldn't run. Because of his brewing and breaking out, the restrictions are also relatively large, including when he enters the state, he will be greatly incapacitated (soul power is focused on accumulating energy, unable to transmit command signals to the body in time).

But many times the details accumulate contradictions. Nicolas did not have Ragrum, but Grum took his revenge. Poole said in his heart: "Like you, I can't see it at ordinary times, but it's ruthless and unjust at the critical moment!"


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