Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Vol 2 Chapter 1364: The Emerald Dream Says Nightmare

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Perhaps it is because Kane is taking the ‘road of discovery’ and always loves to trace the roots and understand the essence of things.

This encounter with the werewolf also gave birth to the thought of finding out.

The result naturally led to the Emerald Dream.

Most people, even Malfurion Stormrage, have a certain deviation in the understanding of the origin of the Emerald Dream.

In other words, the pattern limits people's horizons, and what they see and think is correct only in a local area.

This is also an important reason why the Eredars or demons of the Burning Legion, or the minions of the ancient gods, are always narrow or short-sighted when they lose, and say that the righteous party is anxious.

Regarding the Emerald Dream, it is an American saying that it is a blueprint designed by the Titans for Azeroth.

Seriously speaking, the Emerald Dream was what Azeroth was before it was transformed.

There are obviously differences between these two statements.

So, the Emerald Dream, is it the "garden of life of order" that the Titans originally wanted to achieve, or the "wild nature" before the power of order intervened?

Kane crossed both claims.

If you want to clarify the Emerald Dream, you have to talk about the basic rules of the Warcraft universe.

Light and shadow, life and death, order and chaos.

These three kinds of opposition, in the WoW universe, are divided into birth order, and level.

The collision of light and shadow gave birth to the Warcraft universe. It can be said that if anyone can travel beyond the boundaries of the Warcraft universe, then what they see is endless light and shadow.

Light and shadow determine the existence of this universe.

Then there are life and death, the power of life and death, which controls all living things in the physical universe, including spirit bodies, including ghosts that people often talk about.

Life and death make the existence of this universe meaningful.

Finally, there is order and chaos. The most representative of the order is the gods of the Pantheon headed by Aman Sur, while the chaos is the Dark Titan Sargeras.

Once you have such a concept, you can look at the Emerald Dream again and you will find that it is actually a work of nature that the gods of the Pantheon try to use the power of order to control the ‘life’.

In other words, the Emerald Dream is an ecological garden built by the Titans, and it is a tamed nature.

Then I will mention the ancient god.

The master of the ancient gods is the Void Lord who represents the shadow in light and shadow, so the ancient gods are obviously more compelling.

In terms of specific operations, it sounds like a very compelling "curse of flesh and blood", and the ancient gods played very slippery.

This skill is extraordinary in Kane's eyes.

The ‘curse of flesh and blood’ is only a malicious expression, while a kind expression is ‘giving of life’.

The universe has activation techniques and spiritual enlightenment techniques, which can make a rope a living thing and make the structure wise.

But these cannot be called ‘giving of life’, or that they have not reached the key standard of real ‘giving of life’, spiritual gift.

What the Titans did in Azeroth was to organize the wild nature programmatically, and then leave behind a bunch of intelligent robots, and the Emerald Dream, which resembles the building model commonly used by real estate developers in the original world. Let the robots follow this example to continue to deepen and refine.

In this way, the star **** Azeroth, who is a member of the future pantheon, was used to the orderly environment when he beat the fetus, so he grew up and was also a member of the order camp.

So before the Titans?

The wild nature shown in Azeroth in the ancient times was not the nature with lush life backed by a large number of primitive dense forests, but the kind with very harsh environment.

Frequent earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, cross-flow of magma, raging thunderstorms, and hurricanes are also part of nature.

In this kind of nature, there is also life, that is, the elements, earth, fire, water, and wind element life, the earliest natives of Azeroth.

Then the ancient gods came, saw, and conquered.

The Dark Empire is established.

In the later subjective descriptions that people obviously had a strong negative feeling, it was really a cruel and dark era. The sky was full of lead clouds, lightning snakes, black buildings, standing among the rugged rocks, and rivers of lava and fire. The enslaved creatures work around the clock...

But if you use a fairer perspective to analyze it, during the time when the planet was born, the crustal movement was extremely active, and the air was filled with a lot of carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, methane, etc., without vegetation transforming them, and there was no frozen soil. It is normal to build a "cold storage" similar to the Arctic and Siberian regions of the original world, and the environment is bad.

Later, people use the environment suitable for their own existence to compare and judge the environment at that time, and say that it is not good, which is somewhat ridiculous.

What's more ridiculous is that such an environment was not created by the ancient gods, but Azeroth was such a prehistoric prehistoric appearance, just like the appearance of many planets in the hundreds of millions of years when they were just born. .

The ancient gods could tame local creatures and build civilization in such an environment. It can only be said that this is an intelligent race that has reached the level of interstellar colonization.

As for the judgment of likes and dislikes, is the likes and dislikes of human beings the only standard used by the heavens and all realms? Human beings are just carbon-based terrestrial creatures, but what about silicon-based creatures, marine creatures, and spirit bodies? From the birth to the establishment of civilization, the road people have traveled is very different from the road of human development, and the standards of likes and dislikes are different. Isn't it normal?

By the same token, must the Pantheon’s way of order be correct? What's more, any road is not achieved overnight, but is improved through continuous corrections.

Therefore, it can only be said that the winners and the winners write history. Since the ancient gods lost, were hacked, and detained, this is normal operation, and it is reasonable.

But if you don’t understand the engine behind these, but take it as the truth and truth, you may be fooled.

For example, this Emerald Dream.

It can be said that the creation of the Emerald Dream by the gods of the Pantheon is equivalent to the transformation of the natural environment by the people on the earth, which is a bottom-up, inside-out operation.

Because order is obviously lower than the concept of'life' in terms of hierarchy. In other words, the pantheon gods who established the concept of "order" are themselves tolerated by the concept of "birth".

The methods used by the ancient gods, including the curse of flesh and blood, were from top to bottom, from outside to inside. After all, they are the executors of the Void Lord who represents the shadow.

Of course, this is just an overriding of position, which means that it is relatively easier to achieve.

So what it showed was that the ancient gods knew better what life was than the gods of the Pantheon.

The curse of flesh and blood made the iron and stone flesh and blood, and gave spirituality, thus giving birth to self-consciousness, no longer a robot with no emotions.

This is precisely because of this, even if the ancient gods continue to tore each other and are locked in the cages by the Titans, they still play their own roles, which still completely changed the order of Azeroth, and almost started the Titans. The formatting process of the planet left behind.

After understanding and analyzing this information, Kane has a more unique perspective on the emerald dream and the nightmare that has plagued many wise men, including the green dragons.

The background of the Emerald Dream is nature, and the background of nature is birth.

It allows consciousness to wander in it, that is to say, it can accept spirit and soul.

In the parlance of Xianxia World, the soul goes out of its body and enters the world to play.

Judging from this feature, it is affinity with the soul, while the element is affinity with water.

Because water has the characteristics of circulation and moisturizing everything.

Then the shadow kingdom corresponds to the Emerald Dream, and its background is death.

Obviously, there is an ambiguity in the boundary of the rank here. The backstage of the Shadow Kingdom is directly death, not like the living side, there is also the rank of nature, and then the Emerald Dream.

In fact, the concept of nature can be very large, encompassing death, because the key laws are never just antagonism, but mutual complement. The purpose of separating their camps clearly is to better understand.

But in any case, the backstage of the Kingdom of Shadows is directly the concept of death, so its status is significantly higher than the Emerald Dream.

From a practical point of view, the Emerald Dream is nothing but a special plane ecological garden created by the Titans; the Kingdom of Shadows is a natural realm born on the basis of laws, just like the birth of a planet, it is not caused by humans, but life, In other words, the spirit body performed on this stage to make it more existential and meaningful.

As far as extraordinary power is concerned, the ‘power of decay’ (corresponding to the power of soul, psychic energy) is the main power attribute of the Shadow Realm, and the elemental affinity is wind.

The wind is also circulating, but the effect it brings is contrary to the moistness of water. At least in the Kingdom of Shadows, the characteristics of the wind element are mostly manifested in the dark side.

The essence of the power of nightmare is the power of decay + the power of wind + the power of earth.

The Void Army series, the affinity elemental soil and mortal, and the Naaru series against it, the compatible elements are fire and soul.

The orderly Titans are friendly to earth and water, and the chaotic demons are wind + fire.

All in all, after understanding these basic concepts, Kane also understood the power of the nightmare of the ancient **** N'Zoth, why the green dragon, and even the forest gods, and druids should not be abused.

Because the elemental power represented by the righteous side lacks the fire of light and affinity. Especially when one of them represents the power of the earth and the guardian of the mountains, the black dragon Neltharion is vacant.

Relatively speaking, N'Zoth had a broader vision and a more general view. He knew who should engage first.

The affinity elements of the Titans are water and soil, while the void system is decay and soil. There is a dispute over soil power here. Whether the dark side soil is better or the smooth side soil has the upper hand.

Neltharion's betrayal of the Dragon Legion and the subsequent cataclysm chapter have all proved the results.

After the war, the green dragons lacked the complete essence of the flame, so even if they had the home court advantage, they were still being eroded until the Libra tilted.

The rest of those who have been corrupted, and where they have become nightmares, are just branches and leaves, a concrete manifestation of the results of the contest. Back then, the attention of the righteous party could only sway on this level. It was really sad and eventually won. It is basically fate.

Of course, Xavius, as the executor of N'Zoth's plan, also has serious personality defects. Too determined to take revenge, and even forget about the simple truth of ‘live to have output’.

If N'Zoth’s cannibalization strategy can be implemented as always, instead of fishing in troubled waters and taking advantage of the Legion’s temporary outbreak, then based on the poor performance that the justice side could not even detect the source of the nightmare, it is most likely to be the villain. Last laugh.

N'Zoth was also the same, also suddenly demented and became uncomfortable. The Azeroth warriors who know that this year’s Azeroth warriors break off, they all kill Argus, and push the Burning Legion’s lair. It can be described as **** experience and fierce generals. Why can’t you wait for him for dozens of hundreds of years, etc. The descendants of these Azeroth warriors have grown up in a comfortable life in the Chengping environment laid down by their ancestors, then just jump out?

It can only be said that good luck and bad luck, the worst moment of life, did not sleep well, but went to the street when the brain was not clear and the IQ was not online, and the kind of walking without eyes, the result is naturally bad luck. less.

Ysera, the guardian of the Emerald Dream, died, and N'Zoth, the source of the nightmare, died within a few years. But the emerald dream and nightmare still exist.

And the origin of werewolves, the wolf druids represented by Laller Flamefang?

Many people even forget their existence.

Even if some people remember, they will say, "Perhaps you are permanently lost in the depths of your dreams?"

To put it bluntly, it means that the disappearance has been long enough and it is automatically considered dead.


Kane is also not easy to say that they must not die. It can only be said that whether it is foreshadowing or digging a grave, this one was picked up and made into a dish.

And when he came to the Emerald Dream this time, he just wanted to see who was cooking. If it's just the human group that currently plays with the Destiny Four, that's all. If it is a big fish like N'Zoth, then he thinks that he can probably get rid of the Destiny Four.

The Twilight Forest is still a sensitive area at present, Kane did not exert too much effort there, but there is not much scruples in the Silverpine Forest, he directly used the magical magic to lift the curse of thousands of werewolves.

As a result, these people are not so happy about it.

Most of them are confused and don't know how to start a new life when they are burdened with a dark life history, are wild enough, the original life and work skills are unfamiliar, or even completely abandoned.

Others are crying bitterly or screaming violently. These are basically only after gaining the power of wolf transformation, they found themselves, or have been completely used to the life of werewolves, and now they have to adapt again, and are still weak. When the body starts again, it is naturally dissatisfied.

Kane naturally didn't care. He was able to let go of those werewolves who were born with the mother's womb, but only attacked the werewolves who were cursed and transformed. It was already a delicate treatment for his sake.

To lift the curse of these people is not to serve the people, but to collect their blood.

Although the werewolf curse has the characteristics of self-proliferation, it can even improve the blood quality of the werewolf under suitable conditions, thereby maintaining the success rate of the curse infection, but the part that Kane needs is difficult to increase, and it will only follow The branches and leaves with blood veins become thinner.

Therefore, even if the blood of more than a thousand werewolves were gathered and aggregated and extracted, the final available blood was still equivalent to the blood of a random werewolf in the Arugal era.

Fortunately, Kane is strong enough, relying on strength to make up for the shortcomings, and can barely be regarded as a tracking support.

Then, just like a dog sniffing someone's clothes and looking for someone's whereabouts, he came all the way in the Emerald Dream, and quickly went deep.

The Emerald Dream is like a parallel world overlapping with Azeroth. Kane wondered, maybe the instructions given by Aman Sur and the others to the tool people were to take pictures of cats and draw tigers. When the natural scene of Azeroth and the scene in the Emerald Dream basically overlapped, the tool people's work would be completed.

It can be seen that the area of ​​the Emerald Dream is quite vast.

This is also one of the reasons why Ysera was unaware of the fall, capture, and distortion of some of the green dragon heirs for a long time. The stall was too big, the managers were too few, the frequency of communicating with each other was low, and she was used to it over time. Up.

Now, the green dragon can be said to be basically extinct in the world of Azeroth.

In fact, sometimes, Kane felt that being the creation of the Pantheon Titans was really pitiful.

It's nothing more than doing everything, the responsibility and even the meaning of existence is this. But everything must be dedicated, even the strength is borrowed, and you have to pay it back when you need it. This is a bit too much.

He is the creator of the road along the way, even in the most difficult times, he pays attention to giving his subordinates a decent creation, instead of saying, ha, it is dead, come, let’s cook it, share it, and save a few Bag of rice noodles But the dragons are almost like this. The guardian's power gradually ran out in World War I, and finally has been resigned. The essence of the flesh and blood is still condensed in the scales. Being slapped by Azeroth through the spokesperson, it was really rotten in the pot and not wasted at all.

Therefore, since the battle for Azeroth chapter, the dragons have completely transformed into ordinary beasts, and to put it bluntly, they are intelligent, flying lizards.

At this level, many times he is not even qualified as a thug, after all, Azeroth is a high magic world. The job of guarding the emerald dream is naturally difficult to do.

However, there has been no qualified successor for this kind of special forest ranger's work, so they continue to work in the constant deaths and injuries. When the species is extinct, it is considered to be a real dedication and death.

Kane was in the process of deepening, and saw the remains of the green dragon more than once. The former guardian family, now abandoned corpses in the wilderness, dead and no burial places, many have failed to reach adulthood, and the sad style of painting is just like that. coming.

This made Kane thought of his own power sadly. If he is defeated in the battle of the creator in the future, will his first order be like this, with a bleak end? Even worse?

But when the body is dead, the soul is also gone?

Kane wanted to use the remains as a medium to summon the dragon soul. He tried to inquire one or two, but failed.

It's reasonable to fail once or twice, but it's not normal for more than ten times without success once.

Kane said, "What a terrible battle is that all souls are scattered, and these wrecks are obviously not the relics of the same battle or even the same era. Moreover, this is the Emerald Dream. After death, the soul will not flow to the shadow realm. Then, What happened to cause this result?"


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