Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Vol 2 Chapter 1369: Reflections on strange encounters

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Unlike Olaf's expectation, the other side of the covered bridge is not a castle located in the middle of the gloomy forest or on a steep cliff, but a farmhouse with rural scenery.

At this point in time, naturally someone was walking outdoors, and no one was surprised when they saw the three people wearing ragged clothes and full of dirt and blood, as if this situation was normal.

There were people who smiled at them friendly and showed them the way.

This made the three of them feel a little creepy while wondering.

Nicolas couldn't help asking a half-hundred old man who looked kind and talked well, "Do you recognize me?"

"Of course not."

"The people here..."

The old man smiled, "It is not easy to come here, either because of fate or the approval of the owner of the mansion, no matter which one you have, you have to negotiate with the owner of the mansion."

"Thank you."

The old man said nothing, and left on his own.

"It feels weird here." As the old man walked away, Yacari murmured.

"Well, the behavior and conversation are not like people living in ordinary farms." Olaf is a detail-oriented person, and he agrees with Jakali's judgment.

"Then we want to continue?" Sacco couldn't help asking a little bit.

He didn’t particularly agree to continue to push the incident before. In his words, “We are seriously lacking in combat effectiveness.

Olaf said otherwise, "Do you think that the IQ of our opponents will give us time to grow? How long will it take? One month? Six months? If we don’t move forward, just the death of six policemen, We can’t explain it clearly.”

Yacari also turned towards Olaf, but her angle was more convincing to Nicolas

"I think Brocks is really a very good person. Whether we are ordinary or extraordinary, we can treat us with the same non-separable attitude. Brocks clearly saw something and reminded someone to try Raf’s blood, but it doesn’t warn us that continuing to explore is a mortal situation and we should give up. What does this mean?"

"I don’t think it’s not that Brocks believes that the situation we’re about to face is not dangerous, but that to become transcendent, some tests must be passed. It’s not possible to have no adventurous spirit. I don’t believe in my luck and strain. Ability is not enough, because we may never have the moment when we are truly ready."

Olaf also added a little more in detail. "Brocks also said that seeking the bloodline requires the cooperation of the bloodline owner. I think this is our support this time. Wisdom is the key. And Brocks also warned. It is undesirable for us to seek quick success and quick gains, to gain strength through sacrificing principles, and as a result, to blacken ourselves. In fact, it is also implicitly telling us that strength is not enough to rely on, and in the long run, the point of combat power that is paid at this time is huge The increase is not worthwhile."...

It is precisely because of this discussion that the three of them finally decided to continue the adventure that seemed to be advancing the plot with their faces. However, Nicolas was not completely persuaded after all, or he recognized the truth, but when he thought that as long as he was given some time, his art industry on the Dark Road would be able to advance by leaps and bounds, I felt that this kind of adventure now is a bit embarrassing. But let him leave the team, he is also unwilling, it is really a dilemma.

Nicolas was reluctant, but after all he could not stop the plot from advancing, and the three came to the mansion.

The mansion is elegant, chronological, tidy and clean, with first-class cultural atmosphere and mystery. In the face of such a building, it is hard not to think of what kind of person it belongs to, and then they can’t help it. Some are embarrassed, especially now that the three of them are really down.

Even Olaf, who has always been determined, stood in front of the antique wooden door.

However, before his hand touched the knocker, the door opened automatically.

There is no such squeaky friction sound, obviously the details are well maintained, and it is not the kind of dark prison-style mansion that is magnificent on the outside and old and rotten on the inside.

Olaf took the lead and stepped into it, then Yakari, and finally Sako.

The door closed on its own without waiting for the three to pass through the lobby area.

When the three people thought that the new adventure had been completely rolled out, a young man appeared.

This young man has short platinum blonde hair, meticulously combed, and extraordinarily neatly dressed. He has a classy manner, and his gestures are very decent and educated.

noble? A deacon of the court waiter class? Or simply this is the owner of the mansion.

The three of them were guessing that the young man took the lead in a polite manner. He smiled and said to Olaf, "Mr. Gorman, we have been waiting for you for a long time, welcome home!"

Although there was a certain degree of psychological preparation, such a statement still surprised the three.

"Home? You mean, this belongs to Gorman?"

The young man smiled and said, "Mr. Gorman, I can understand your current mood. Few people can come here smoothly by their own abilities. Bad luck, plus a lot of doubts, it is difficult to maintain good Mood. But what I want to point out is that things need to be dealt with one by one, and we are not so short of time, so why not start with freshening up and relaxing?"...

Olaf is not the protagonist of the Long Aotian style whose subtext is ‘Master is unhappy, he can do it whatever he wants, and he doesn’t listen to what others say’.

So more than two hours later, the three joined together.

Nicolas said, "Guess what I found in the room I arranged for me?" Before Olaf could answer, he explained, "All kinds of cutting-edge mechanical books, as well as some rare classics, are all I want but I can’t get it for a while. To be honest, with these books, let me stay there for three or five days, I won’t feel bored.”

"Maybe that is what they want to see."

Yakali turned around in front of the two of them. Girls love beauty. Yakali is not surprised. She used to have no conditions. Now not only has the conditions, her mentality has also changed a lot. She is more confident and more relaxed. When it opened, she showed that she had some unisex clothes that looked like riding clothes and said, "It fits perfectly, and there are at least ten different styles in the cabinet, including the kind for aristocratic dinners."

Nicolas said half-jokingly, "I have a feeling of being valued, not just in your light, Mr. Gorman."

At this moment, the white-blond-haired youth who had greeted them before suddenly appeared, as if he had been there all the time, but the three of them were sure that there was nothing there a second ago.

Seeing the three of them with solemn and nervous expressions, the young man smiled and said, "Don't be so formal, there is nothing to be afraid of. I am very happy that the three of them can freshen up before lunch. Please allow me to **** the three to the balcony to have lunch."

This is nearly 10 minutes before 11 o'clock. Lunch is obviously a bit early, but it is barely okay.

Olaf and the three of them ignored a glance, had a tacit understanding, took a calm side, and watched this man perform.

The mansion is very large with many rooms and passages. The young people bring three people through the house and cross the corridor, wandering in an environment composed of luxurious furniture and cultural decorations with high artistic value.

This kind of environment is enough to make ordinary people feel ashamed while sighing, but Olaf is even more emotional at this time is that what is displayed here is the cultural crystallization of human civilization, not half-orcs. Based on this alone, it cannot be true here. The surname is Goman.

"William?" Olaf asked the youth aloud.

"Yes, Mr. Gorman, that's my name. I didn't expect you to remember it all at once, after all, when you first came here in the morning, you were a little bit crazy."

Olaf didn't bother to talk nonsense with this guy, and said straightforwardly, "My uncle, Beom Gorman, are you here?"

"I'm not here now. He went to Stormwind City with Miss Salez the day before yesterday to hire a well-known lawyer. I believe there is no need to explain why. I don't know the return date."

Nicolas asked slightly mockingly, "What makes you know that we are coming?"

William kindly explained to Nicolas, "It's not what, who it is, Miss Sarres, she told me to take care of you and treat you as family."

Nicolas said tit-for-tat, "So Miss Sarres is a prophet?"

"She does have good spellcasting skills, but I don't know anything about it, so I only know some superficial information, so I won't show it off, so as not to mislead you."

The question Olaf asked was relatively more punctual, "Who is Miss Sarres?"

"The daughter of Mr. Samuel Sarres, Mr. Sarres bought this manor as a summer resort. One of the reasons is that the special environment here allows it to be undisturbed by the outside world, whether it is magic flying letters, Or the radio communication invented by the gnomes, it won’t work. This way, you won’t be disturbed by ordinary customs. It used to be part of the Dawn Forest, and the legend of the Dawn Forest must be known to the three."

It is indeed known that the dawn forest is a piece of pure land in the twilight forest area, in the form of a huge crater, a basin isolated by a nearly perfect circle of mountains, with a towering old tree in the center, and an entrance to the emerald dream is located here. Guarded by the green dragons, no outsiders are welcome, no matter the reason.

"In other words, it is not Gorman here." Olaf asked again.

"Yes, this is Sares Manor, but Mr. Sarres has said in front of everyone more than once that he and Mr. Beom Gorman are very good friends, and Gorman is treated like a master here."

"So do you know the story about the deep friendship between the two?"

William shook his head. "Sorry, I don't know. Even if I know this kind of very personal information, I shouldn't talk too much."

After being stunned by William neither soft nor hard. This trip was almost over. When passing by the corridor on the second floor, which was obviously an interior hall, Olaf pointed to a huge oil painting portrait of a prominent figure on the fireplace and asked, “That’s Samuel Sarre. Si?"

"No, that person is a distant relative of Mr. Sarres, a member of the ZTE Sarres family, an amazing arcane mage. This painting is also the proud work of the most outstanding painter at the time. It is said to be very vivid. When the painting is completed, it comes with its own magic protection, which has been for many years."

Sacco, Yakari, and Olaf looked at each other, and they all understood what the other meant that there was a problem.

Nicolas and Jacari are aware of the strangeness of this painting because of the perception of the extraordinary, while Olaf is because of the guidance of the ring grandfather Charon.

However, even if an ordinary person is drawn casually to this painting, an abnormality can be detected. It has an indescribable charm, so that no one who passes through here can ignore it, and can't help but want to watch or even explore.

William explained it as a legend that accompanied the creation of the painting. This statement is nonsense in Olaf's view, but there are indeed psychic paintings in the world, and paintings are extraordinary anecdotes, and even some examples, although they are not as good as hp The oil paintings of Hogwarts Castle in the world are so exaggerated, but they are also extraordinary.

"What's the name of this arcane master?" Olaf actually asked this question on behalf of the ring grandfather Charon. He thought maybe Charon knew about this character who didn't seem simple.

"Ferraleone Salez!"

Charon really knows! But he didn't interact with Olaf here, but just stabbed Olaf. According to the agreement between the two in advance, this means that there is indeed information to remind him, but it is not convenient here.

The three of them led down to the balcony under William's guidance. The scenery here is really good, the autumn is upright and the air is refreshing, and the temperature at this time is also suitable. You can eat in this environment, with the double style of suburban picnic + regular high-end dinner, which is very good.

William politely and diligently pulled out the chair for the only lady present, took off her coat, and said to everyone, "If there is a need, no matter what is needed, just ring the bell and the butler will come."

Yakari said in surprise, "I thought you were the housekeeper."

"No, I'm a good friend of Miss Isla Salez."

Sacco asked tentatively, "Can we go to Zhuangzi in the afternoon?"

"Of course, as long as you come back before dinner." William explained with a smile, "The nights here are not very friendly to people, and generally everyone stays in the house tacitly."

"This villa-style house can block fangs and claws that are stronger than bears?" Sacco said again.

"Of course." William said confidently. "After all, he has been blessed and possesses the power left by the Arcane Master."...

William left.

Olaf and his little partner were sullen. Olaf also called to stop the dishes that had already The appetizer soup that had been put up was delicious, not inferior to Kane’s food, but three People have no appetite.

There is weird everywhere here, but the other party's series of responses have no major flaws, and they are not easy to go crazy.

Moreover, they do not have the confidence to go wild. After all, that basically means the next step is to use violence to solve the problem.

"Damn, this kind of gameplay is really uncomfortable." Nicolas couldn't help complaining.

Olaf also sighed with emotion, "Yes, I am so old, and this is the first time I have met a human who treats half-orcs with this attitude. Although I am sure there must be such a human in this world, it obviously should not be in this place."

Yacarly said at this time, “You’re just emotionally unwilling to accept it, because we’ve already acquiesced in manipulating that terrible dark monster, and we’re in a group with them. But don’t forget what Brocks said last night, those Dark monsters and their masters do dirty work. And these people are of a different style. Now I can’t help but ask? What style? Is it possible that there is really no racial discrimination? After all, the superhuman sees things from the perspective of Ordinary people should be different. Of course, I am not saying that they are okay. I want to say that precisely because their perspective is different from ordinary people, they don’t take human lives seriously without racial discrimination. I don’t know. You two don't understand what I mean."

Olaf nodded, "I understand, you are trying to say that they may be really free of racial discrimination, but at the same time, they do not have the mainstream moral and ethical concepts in the human world. We agree with these universal moral and ethical concepts, and therefore we agree with them. They are opposed."

Hearing this, Nicolas closed his mouth several times and didn't know how to express his feelings. He just thought it was fucking. He was thinking, according to this logic, who is wrong?

They, us, or this world?


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