Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Vol 2 Chapter 1385: Flying Bulwark Demon Blood Slave

Olaf needs to rely on the peculiarities of the Sarres Manor environment, experience the shock of dawn and the shock of dusk, to temper his will and awaken his blood.

And Samuel also looked forward to Olaf meeting the standard as soon as possible.

So in the next few days, the life of the destiny trio can be described as faint and unhappy.

On Brocks Whiteclaw's side, he also entered a stage of recuperation.

Without Kane's support, the injury that Brox suffered would not be a pediatric. But it really has to be supported.

And Rosalyn and her little friend, because of Brox's robbery, failed to make a resounding appearance with the dark elements.

However, it can be regarded as a residual rescue, and it has indeed saved more than a hundred people, so it is still a good place, but the focus of the additional item is changed to the'remediation' section, and this is not Rosalind's good at, so Time, the hottest one, is actually one of Rosalind's little friends, the priest Scudder of the Holy Light.

Rosalind has six close combat partners, five of whom she met in Feralas, Desolate, and Scudder is one of them. Another combat partner who came back with Rosalind this time, Can be regarded as half a fellow town, Ninet from Kul Tiras, a druid of the Drustvar school.

Kul Tiras and Gilneas face each other across the sea. Although they are not like Britain and France in the original world, they are not much different.

And Rosalind’s temperament is also very Kul Tiras sailor style. She and Nainite ran to Kalimdor to take an adventure because of a boat relationship. They also walked in partnership. The relationship is more than a simple comrade-in-arms. One floor closer.

Skard was originally majoring in healing, and he was considered a sacred priest. Although Nenet’s healing methods were far less powerful than Skard’s, they were better than others. This time it was because the dark elements were virtue. The Ruiyi family has a certain degree of similarity in the extraordinary knowledge context, so it also contributes a lot.

It is these two who are positive and one strange, one main and the other auxiliary, and the right medicine is used to perform a comedic ending. The captured people were basically rescued, and there were no serious sequelae, but some of them had external injuries and internal injuries in addition to the problems of confusion and control, which needed to be raised separately.

Of course, in fact, the real first hero was Kane. If he hadn't made the shadow clone take a shot in time, Rosalind and the others would be able to kill the former folks and now the walking dead puppets.

However, in everything, there are gains and losses. The rescue operation was perfect, the hostility value was low, the hatred for the dark elements was not so unforgettable, and there was a little lack of motivation to advance. It's not like the great filial son slaughtered Stratholme by himself, and roared at Malganis' phantom: I chased you to the end of the world, have you heard it, the end of the world!

As a result, the recovery of self-cultivation became more and more logically the main theme of the Wanghai Town Defense Team. Sasha and several other members of the defense team who witnessed the confrontation between Brox and the dark evil things, even hope that the elemental barrier will be restored to its peak state.

Kane whispered secretly, and said in his heart: "How is it possible? Such elemental barriers are largely due to the creator's ability to make money. Brocks Zhao Wenrui is just a poor D wire, and he is not enough to use it. How can I give it to you? The mysterious element?"

Indeed, the essence of Brocks is still Zhao Wenrui's early virtues. Without the ability and equipment to extract mysterious elements on a large scale and mechanized, it is naturally a saving-oriented approach.

In Blox's cognition, smashing such an elemental barrier is already a headshot, and he has become the operation of the dog slaughter.

However, he did not regret it much. After all, if there were no elemental barriers, he would stiffen the demigod-level dark evil things, and most of them would have to die on the spot, because he was reluctant to spend money to die, and it would be quite aggrieved to think about it.

After several days of recuperation, Brocks recovered more than half of his injuries, and it is no longer necessary to seal the injured part in a semi-petrified state to avoid the collapse of his body.

He is walking the path of the elemental body, and now he is one step away from Dacheng, and he is the legendary shaman who opened the path of the elemental god.

Going further, his current progress stays at the stage of condensing the law of light with the way of thunder. This is a relatively positive transcendence, but correspondingly, the achievements are limited, because the theory of light and shadow is abandoned, and there is no contribution in the negative direction. In the end, even if it is successful, it is incomplete.

However, this is precisely the difference between Brocks and Kane. After all, he has no experience of reincarnation. No matter his vision or heart, he is far from being compared with Kane after rebirth. In the pattern, he inevitably carries a strong little Richness means peace.

So from a certain perspective, now Brocks regrets a bit.

He felt that he should retreat and practice hard, and go straight to the legendary, instead of just stumbling around just looking at it. Although today’s Azeroth, the overall magic value is declining, but because of this, all powerful and transcendents who can maintain their position are not compatible, but old Yin with many means and many cards. Beep. This time he seemed to have encountered one.

He'looked' at the newly added crack on the outstanding magic orb floating in the sea of ​​consciousness, and sighed secretly.

This is his golden finger.

In his cognition, he used the occasional thing as some kind of gem, but it was accidentally activated and then passed through.

This treasure is also his soul vestment, without it, he would have been lost in the process of soul wearing.

In addition, this baby has resisted the calamity of soul damage for him several times, otherwise he would not be able to maintain a good mental state to reach the present height.

However, until now, he hasn't had a firm way to repair the magic beads. He can only rely on some taken for granted methods to ‘warm’ them, hoping to be useful.

If money is a man's guts, then the Zhuozhuzhu is his heroic guts. He doesn't know how to go on his transcendent path once he loses this soul shelter.

In a bad mood, the food tastes like chewing wax. After eating a little bit, he went back to the room to rest.

In just a few days, the inside of the elemental barrier has changed a lot. The barracks and basic functional facilities have been erected. Although the energy of the elemental barrier has not been restored, the material-oriented wall has been filled. The ruined walls before restoration.

People are in awe of Brocks and built a special wooden house for his use, which can be regarded as a guest. And his usual actions, naturally, there is no shortage of followers, and he is afraid of being negligent.

Sasha looked at Brox's somewhat depressed back, put down the barbecue in her hand, and asked Rosalind beside her: "Can't we help with Brox's injury?"

Rosalind after chewing and swallowing the food in her mouth, she did not rush to explain: "This problem is very complicated. Taboo is a major point. To treat injuries, we must understand the situation, the more detailed the better, but the more extraordinary In other words, this is a secret involving wealth, life, spiritual practice, and school inheritance. Where can people know it casually?"

"Furthermore, Blox's transcendent level is obviously higher than us, and the injury is mainly due to transcendent backlash. Even if we go all out, we may not be able to help."

Sasha murmured, "According to you, powerful transcendents can only save themselves."

Rosalyn naturally nodded, "Almost. The master's loneliness not only refers to the absence of a long and short enemy, but also the absence of friends who can help each other, surpassing everyone, and becoming a pioneer in her own way. You can only rely on yourself."

He said again: "But you don't have to worry too much. At the height of Brocks, as long as there is no immediate death, life is generally not a problem. It may be difficult to live, but it is also normal The self-comparison in the heyday, if compared with outsiders, is far beyond ordinary people in the least."

Sasha uttered an ‘oh’, and then explained after a moment: “I just don’t want to see good intentions not rewarded. Now there are really not many strong people like Brocks who are willing to reach out to help strangers.”

Rosalind nodded: "That's true. According to my experience analysis, if it hadn't been for Brocks to build elemental barriers that led to the dark evil things, at this moment, we, and even everyone in Wanghai Town, are afraid that we can't die, we can't live better. dead."

"Is it so scary?"

"Yes, all the remaining traces show that the dark evil thing is highly likely to be of the demigod level. If there is no elemental barrier at the level of protection, ordinary people will not even have the qualifications to reach out, and within a few seconds, they will collapse on the spot , To be slaughtered."

Rosalind said again: "This is also an important reason for our delay in taking action. If we are not sure that the dark evil thing is seriously injured and cannot be shot, the conquest is equivalent to sending it to death. It is not an order of magnitude at all and cannot be beaten."

Sasha murmured again: "I didn't see you either. I showed enough respect for Brocks." She had always cared about this and felt that Rosalyn had a problem with Brocks.

Rosalind smiled: "Does respect mean like a mouse meeting a cat, confessing cautiously, and panicking when there is a turmoil? That's just a fear of power. Besides, you feel that you are living a life like a wanderer. Lockes, hasn't experienced racial discrimination, or hasn't seen the pros and cons?"

Rosalind concluded: "As far as my personal experience is concerned, whether it is slanderous or respectful, it is quite annoying, because that means being reminded again and again that you are a special one. The good is the beast, and the bad is the monster. In short, It's a beast, and maybe overnight, the attitude will be subverted. For you, do you like to be treated like this?"

"Well, you won, I can't argue with you."

"It's a pity that winning the debate doesn't make much sense. I can feel it, Brocks has hesitated, and he may not help us as always." Rosalind said, and started to eat meat again.

Sasha was stunned, whispering to say something, but after all she couldn't say it. She remembered the situation when she hired Brocks. To be honest, she didn't think there was a way to pay for Brocks' contribution. Where could she have the face to force others to continue to help?

At this moment, the wind bell of ‘ding ding’ rang.

It's just that the first feeling of the wind bell is not pleasant to the ear, but a warning of imminent danger.

Even without being informed in advance, people quickly realized that this is an elemental barrier calling the police, and trouble is coming!

So next, the inevitable goofy jumps.

The leading figures such as Sasha and Rosalind also looked stern, because Brox had told them before that the energy shield of the elemental barrier could no longer be supported. In addition, I told them that the wind chimes remembered what level of hostile extraordinary powers approached.

According to the analysis of Rosalind, Scudder, and Ninett, once the bell is remembered, at least there will be single-digit strong enemies, but they are enough to get them into a hard fight, or there are more than a hundred and can be one When the extraordinary enemy of ordinary people appears, it is not worth the fuss about the elemental barrier.

Sure enough, before people were ready, a large number of monsters appeared. Because they were from the flying system, they came quickly and had a strong momentum.

A large number of giant vampire bats, the kind that can carry people.

At first glance, these bats are monsters that have been nurtured by the power of shadows or grown under special magical environments. The short and large pig noses are tilted up to the tip of the nose, the blood basin is big, and the mouth is fangs. Look at the depth of the mouth. The average bear, with its mouth wide open, may not have its scale. This will take a bite, absolutely comparable to a bear trap.

And the sharp claws of these bats are particularly eye-catching, like their eyes, they are scarlet, and faintly flowing with magic light, and people with rich associations, just looking at them, will inevitably tremble in their hearts.

Brocks has richer associations. He is a traveler and has a prophetic memory. The scene before him first reminded him of the scene when the blood troll of Nazmir attacked Zuldazar.

The giant bat that obscured the sky crossed the high wall and hit the Zandalar line of defense between Zuldazar and Nazmir.

Sirik, the **** of the night, also known as the **** of bats, is a **** of Loa enshrined by blood trolls.

The gods of Loa, like the roots and feet of the wilderness demigods Malorne and Ursoc, are primitive creatures bred in the world of Azeroth during the wilderness period.

Although the elemental creatures and the ancient gods had been defeated and imprisoned, and the Well of Eternity had begun to operate, the ordering process of the Titans in Azeroth had just begun. In the prehistoric environment, there was still a high probability of'stones' being born. The superb existence was born in this way.

From the perspective of strength, these beast gods are roughly divided into three levels, but even the highest-ranking stag **** Malorne (father of Cenarius), his strength has not detected the gods in the relevant classification standards used by Kane. level. The rest is even more unnecessary.

Correspondingly, Brocks did not really value these gods.

However, Sirik has some exceptions, because he is a backer, that is the blood **** G'huun.

G'huun is a hybrid artificially synthesized by Amanthul and other Titans for the purpose of studying void divine creatures such as ancient gods.

Just like a mule surpasses his father horse and donkey in many ways, G'huun also has the meaning of being a little bit blue than blue.

Although G'huun struggled with the prison system and guards for a long time, and lacked the extraordinary knowledge of the ancient gods, and the accumulation of experience was not enough for various reasons, he was pushed before he could do anything ruining the world. But the extraordinary power of its unique blood system is still very interesting.

In the memory of Brox's prophet, there is a scene similar to the current scarlet blood-stained claw (the bucktooth). In addition, "Papa Bat" Sirik was indeed subdued by G'huun, so now the first thing he thinks of is the monster of the blood **** system.

However, Kane will not have this kind of misunderstanding, because he has checked the situation of the gods including G'huun, and he can say with certainty: "G'huun's lineage has long followed G'huun. After all, even in the most prosperous moment, they have not been able to get out of the three islands of Zandalari, or even out of Nazmir, and they have not had time to open their branches and leaves."

It's not G'huun's return, but who can make such an authentic blood monster?


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