Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Vol 2 Chapter 1387: Rough sea black forest 1 lonely

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The defense team was not dead, but was embarrassed by the operation of dropping dung bags in the air by the dark side.

Many people had to pick up their armor, clothing, and even skins in the grotesque screams of ‘Mah Lao Tzu’ because they carried paint-like corrosion thick juice.

The taste of corrosion is more painful than cutting a piece of flesh and blood.

There are a few individuals who are not smart enough or decisive or rather unlucky, just because they are corrupted to cause incontinence.

This has played an excellent urging effect, and in the same situation, people are decisively picking their skins. After all, it's just skin wounds, and the effect of Brox's spring water totem is still very powerful, but if the specially made toxins are not removed, then let's talk about it.

The Lord saw that the second wave of the giant bat's high-altitude drop package was over, and he could not force the opponent out, and his heart sank.

Because it was basically confirmed that the other party had a big master, and there were extraordinary barriers to rely on, combined with the loss of more than 150 giant bats in two waves of air strikes, she did not dare to fight.

But just giving up, she was not reconciled.

After thinking about it, he decided to conduct a few more rounds of ground strikes to see if he could force the opponent out.

Therefore, the Lord summoned Heide (dark druid) to cast spells in groups.

They first water the selected trees with the dark alchemy creation ‘magic juice’ and then cast spells.

In just a few minutes, the Twisted Treant was spawned at a speed visible to the naked eye.

In the elemental barrier, Rosalind and the others who saw this scene with the help of Brox's Earth Eye looked solemn.

The enemy showed an extraordinary comprehensive strength, which reminded her of a letter conversation with a certain powerful man in the kingdom.

As a well-known warrior from Wanghai Town, Rosalind's network has a depth and breadth that far exceeds the recognition of most people in Wanghai Town.

Most of these contacts were established in the course of adventure, and some owed her a lot of favor.

The kingdom sent troops to help the people in Wanghai town to encircle and suppress the dark elements, which was brought together by Rosalind.

Sasha was able to be the mayor of the previous generation, and a considerable part of the reason was because Sasha and Rosalind had a very good personal relationship.

Therefore, in the eyes of a small group of insiders in Wanghai Town, Rosalind is the big thick leg who hopes to save Wanghai Town.

It's just that loyalty and filial piety are difficult to balance. Rosalind also has a mission that has to be fulfilled and a debt of favor.

For the specific situation, Kane has made up lessons these days, but he also knows a thing or two.

To put it simply, Feralas' Dire Maul has reopened in recent years.

The real name of Dire Maul is Elthalas, and you know it by the name, it belongs to the Kaldorei elves.

During the reign of Queen Azshara, it was the hall of the Elven Kingdom where arcane books and items were stored. Just like the undead city in the world of "Legend of Gods and Ghosts", Am'shee is very specific and not open to the outside world.

The city is garrisoned by a secret wizard sect of the upper elves. It is forced to be too cold. After the well of eternity explodes, it is even more lonely.

Like the elves of other branches, they also faced the problem of magic addiction after the explosion in the Well of Eternity.

Sin'dorei has a sun well, Randorei has a dark night well, and ordinary night elves represented by the Stormrage Brothers and Tyrande Whisperwind have gained the guardian dragons by worshiping nature and the moon **** Elune. A certain degree of shelter, and sharing fate with the world, thus solving the problem.

What about the Syndra elves of Errethalas? They didn’t have the luck of ordinary night elves to find the source of the source, nor were they able to obtain god-level items that could solve the problem. They were originally isolated from the world like a monastery in the mountains. The only thing in their hands that can be related to extraordinary energy is capture. One of the monsters of the Burning Legion used for research-Imottal.

In the end, Syndra embarked on the path of using Imotar as an energy harvester to obtain energy and meet needs. So the distortion is inevitable.

Although this has been a long time ago, the Dire Maul still left some dark residues. Imottar was imprisoned here for a long time. Chu'gall, who believed in the Twilight Hammer of the ancient god, also brought People have been here for a while.

Due to dense mountains and dense forests, and no high-value mineral deposits, even in this era, the development is very limited. The Mallet of Doom in the depths of the dense forest was so ruined.

In this regard, the people of Azeroth don't feel very distressed. A night elf and a troll, when they were glorious at the beginning, they all opened up residences everywhere, covering almost the entire continent of Mu, so the relics of these two clans are found all over the world, and they are not rare at all.

As a result, the stinking ditch was filled with water first, and when the dark power enveloped the world, the first problem was that this kind of dark history and dark foundation could not be cleaned up.

Rosalind's ancestors, and the organization it joined, are similar to the previous Tirisfal Council and belong to a world-class guardian organization.

From the perspective of this organization, in terms of priorities, Wanghai Town is still not ranked.

Even so, it did not sit idly by. The organization wrote a letter of advice to the kingdom, and combined with Rosalind's favor, it pushed the kingdom to send troops to help Wanghai town to eliminate the dark elements.

As for why the Kingdom Army is so difficult to request, an important reason is that the landlord’s family has no surplus, and Wanghai Town can be said to be beyond the reach of the Kingdom.

Gilneas was not restored in the end, and now the northern United Kingdom stands on this land.

There are now four countries in the East Continent. They are:

The Kingdom of Kul Tiras with the three islands of Kul Tiras as its core

Occupies the entire south, including the Ayr Forest, Burning Steppes, Redridge Mountains, Dusk Forest, Swamp of Sorrows, Blasted Lands, Deadwind Path, Stranglethorn Vale, and the Kingdom of Stormwind in the Westfall.

And the northern part is centered on Arathi, the birthplace of mankind, including the Eastern and Western Plaguelands, the Hinterlands, half of Alterac, and half of the new Arathor Kingdom in the Hillsbrad Hills, as well as including Tiris Forest Land, Silver Pine Forest, Gilneas, West Otterac, and the Northern United Kingdom to the west of the Hillsbrad Hills.

This land contained the original Kingdom of Lordaeron, the Magic Kingdom of Dalaran, the Kingdom of Alterac Mountains, and the Kingdom of Gilneas.

And because the inheritance of Lordaeron, Dalaran, and Gilneas has not been cut off, even the Alterac Kingdom, which betrayed mankind after the second war between humans and beasts, was nothing but a royal family. Part of the nobles and population have gone south to Hillsbrad, so they also have inheritance.

So the name of "United" came from this.

As for the Arathor Kingdom, the Arathor Empire was so full that the seven human kingdoms later, six of which were separated from the Arathor Empire, so they did not join or unite, but returned.

The Stormwind Kingdom, as far as the situation back then, can be compared to the original world where Europeans went south to Africa to open up the country. The Dun Morogh and other areas that lived in the dwarf era are the Mediterranean, but the Mediterranean uses the sea to block each other. Snow-covered mountains and lofty mountains, huge trenches in the sky all year round.

The King of Storm is the only king, and New Arathor has a large number of small ones, and Kul Tiras manages their own stalls (four major families, Wecress Animal Husbandry, Meat Processing, Weapon Manufacturing, Ashfan Commercial Trade, Stormsong Agriculture , Shipbuilding, Proudmoore Army), the situation in the Northern United Kingdom is more complicated. Although after years of running-in, there are still many internal troubles.

In addition, the kingdom’s center of gravity is that Lordaeron will become the northern capital, and Amber Mill, a large town attached to Dalaran, will be the southern capital. Wanghai Town is a typical new port in the south, so it is naturally not taken seriously.

As for the once big city of Gilneas, it is now a hundred miles of fertile fields.

From a certain perspective, this is also helpless. The Forsaken with Sylvanas as the leader can be said to be the victims of the Lich King and its Scourge. However, when they got rid of the control of the Lich King, they were blue on the road of plague and evil. , They once occupied Tirisfal Forest and Silverpine Forest, both of which were deeply corrupted, and West Hillsbrad Hills also suffered a certain degree of poison. Asking the magic TXT

Until today, these areas are still not very suitable for agricultural cultivation, so the original Gilneas has become an important granary for the Northern Alliance.

The land of the granary is naturally to be protected, but across the Haihe River (sea water inverted during the cataclysm period), the wilderness, the east and west roads are very difficult to walk, and they are depressions in the black forest and Wanghai town, the kingdom is not very interested.

Moreover, from a certain point of view, the people of Wanghai Town are a group of lonely diehards who are not in tune with the Kingdom. The Kingdom especially doesn't like to listen to them or talk about ‘we are the real Gilneas’. Some people even replied, ‘the real Gilneas are humans, and you are at best the real Gilneas werewolves. ’

Tugging and tugging, it is back to the issue of racial discrimination. At the time Gilneas recruited disasters, a considerable part of them did not suffer the poison of the werewolf curse.

Among them, some are pure luck, and most of them are wrong and left early.

These people, especially their descendants, gradually separated from the werewolf compatriots.

In the turbulent times, the basic qualities were relatively better, and the werewolves, which were a kind of transcendent creatures, were undoubtedly more viable. Compared with ordinary people, they seemed a bit cumbersome.

In peace times, ordinary people have an advantage over werewolves. After all, werewolves have a violent temperament, even with a little uncontrollable, and they are more likely to run away due to extraordinary phenomena. This is troublesome in daily life.

The most important thing is that no matter what kind of grievances and entanglements there were back then, for most people, living in the present is the first and very realistic.

Why do we need to embrace and tolerate again and again? Even if the ancestors are kind, they will have to repay endlessly from generation to generation?

Of course, the problems that lie between each other are far more than these.

In short, although there are not many half-orcs in the Northern Alliance, racial discrimination still exists. Even Gilneans themselves cannot coexist harmoniously, let alone outsiders.

And these complicated factors are put together to create the particularity of Wanghai Town.

Wanghai Town is basically self-governing. The officials are looking at the righteousness and the face of some important figures and sending troops to encircle and suppress the dark elements. It cannot be said that they have not done their best, but the intensity is definitely different.

Anyway, in the eyes of the people in Wanghai Town, the army had arrived. After a few battles, they couldn't solve it quickly. Instead, they were caught in the quagmire of the fierce and cold war, and quickly and decisively.

But from Rosalind's point of view, the high-level officials who sent troops from the kingdom did not deal with the errands, and they also explained it afterwards.

At that time, people made it clear that this force is not simple, and the high probability is the tip of the iceberg. Because the technology is very good, the behavior is also very organized and prudent, which is obviously different from the upstart or lunatic villain.

More importantly, the purpose of this force is not clear, money? manpower? The other party seemed to be in short supply of supplies, and was not in a hurry to take Wanghai Town and rule it out.

Therefore, the dignitaries and Rosalind gave a confession: It is impossible for the kingdom to engage in a long-term fierce battle with such a force for Wanghai Town. It is recommended that Wanghai Town people be pulled away.

He also said that it is indeed stupid to sit and watch forces that look like enemies and not friends and grow up by your side, but even if you put aside the problem and solve it from the urgent, you have to think about it. Sometimes, letting the enemy unfold is easier to clean up. , There is basically no good way to tighten the group except for death.

Rosalind felt that the rich man's statement was not unreasonable. What's more important is that the kingdom will not smash the dark elements in the depths of the black forest for Wanghai Town. This is an objective fact.

And the people in Wanghai Town are not without retreat. In fact, although Wanghai Town can't interact with the Northern Alliance, the Kingdom of Kul Tiras, which is separated by a sea (slightly wider than the strait), has good contacts. Rosalind and Ninet are good sisters, which is a very representative proof.

Also, Rosalind has been venturing outside these years, and vaguely felt the more and more violent and strange undercurrents, so she felt that Wanghai Town, hanging in the middle of the desert sea and black forest, was like a sampan sailing towards a rainstorm area. The board boat is very dangerous.

The feeling of being sent under the fence is certainly uncomfortable, but the green hills will not worry about no firewood, the ethnic group will leave intact, and there will be strength to return in the future. If it was smashed into a falling water and flowing water, it would be repentant, then the lost personnel, coupled with the fact that they fled, there really is no future in Wanghai Town, and the remaining people in Wanghai Town can only be integrated into other social groups.

Therefore, Rosalind did not contribute much to the subsequent migration projects.

Between Kul Tiras and Gilneas, there are actually two springboard-like islands. The one near Kul Tiras, called Tol Dago, is a famous maritime prison in Kul Tiras. In the chapter of Battle for Azeroth, many things have happened around the island.

And close to Gilneas is Tol Barad Island, the prison that made the island famous. Baradin Prison, as far as the former alliance was concerned, was used to hold the most dangerous prisoners. After a catastrophe, it became a major battleground for the alliance and the tribe.

The two islands, one large and one small, are basically vacant in this era, but there are some building bases.

The prisons back then were definitely fortress-level, even magic fortresses, more resistant to the erosion of years than granite buildings. With such a base, if you repair it and add more facilities, you can use it as a residence.

Those people who were unwilling to live in Wanghai Town were moved here first.

The ones represented by Sasha are of the type that the homeland is difficult to leave. There are also many people in Wanghai Town of this type.

Rosalind is from Wanghai Town, and she naturally knows the stubbornness of the people here. Therefore, there is no hard persuasion and persuasion, but a compromise method is adopted, which can hold the best, but if you don’t want to go on the line and do not want to take risks, let them complete the construction of the back road, so there are few defenders. Some worries about the future, and if you don’t lose, you are dead.

In fact, she prefers to withdraw from Wanghai Town in order to wait for the future. Coupled with more important tasks, she did not return home to fight the war.

Until I received a letter from Sasha.

In Sasha's letter, it is quite a considerable statement of the current situation in Wanghai Town.

As soon as Rosalyn analyzed it, she concluded that Sasha was almost the last-minute person and was very likely to die.

Based on her relationship with Sasha, she could not sit back and watch Sasha die, and she knew that she could not persuade Sasha by replying to the letter. Since Sasha was willing to take the burden at this time, it meant she was full of mission. Full, regardless of their own safety.

So Rosalind returned. Also invited two capable comrades in arms. The squad she was in was split into two, and the other four-person team first did some pavement-type tasks. After the three of them returned, they started the key tasks.

As a result, I hurriedly hurried, only to find that I was too optimistic before. If it weren't for the sudden killing of such a suspected legendary master, let alone Sasha, the entire Wanghai Town would still be left behind, and it would be hard to escape bad luck.

By now, the nature of the incident has changed. As far as these giant vampire bats and the new twisted treants are concerned, Rosalind has reason to believe that if the enemies represented by the undercurrents around the world in the past few years are powerful dark forces similar to the ancient gods, Then the Black Miasma Forest is probably one of the breakthrough points of its concoction. It was just accidentally detonated in advance.

"Master, have you recorded these scenes?" Rosalind asked Brox.

Brocks nodded. He did have the habit of saving audiovisual materials for detailed reference later and searching for details that could not be seen in real-time viewing.

"Could you record a copy for me? I want to send it to the official officials and the guardian organization to get their support."

"No problem." Brocks nodded As he spoke, the Lord had already started to project remotely. To put it bluntly, he used the huge and special-shaped twisted treants to throw'big sweet potato. '.

These big sweet potatoes were also born urgently. They were about a meter in diameter and hundreds of kilograms in diameter. The Twisted Treemen rounded and cast them, and they could cast nearly a kilometer.

The biggest feature of the ‘big sweet potato’ is its enveloping energy, burning like a flame.

This special black flame can ignite the corrosive liquid previously dropped by the bats.

Its weight can also create decent lethality, but on the elemental barrier side, there is no restrained long-range weapon, let alone the dark side, and dense forests cover the figure.

"Let's see, in this case, what can you do to get out of it!" The Lord murmured somewhat resentfully.

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