Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Vol 2 Chapter 1396: Ship with a heavy load

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Seeing that the aerial bombardment still could not shake the opponent, the Lord asked the prophet to divination.

There are also many details of divination. Simply put, the more you try to predict the details, the higher the strength of the fortuneteller, the greater the cost and the lower the accuracy.

As an'veteran player', the pros and cons of the Lord are naturally clear. She only asks for a summary almost every time. Anyway, she is the commander and can grasp the general direction. If there is a problem with the details, it is also relative to the person who is looking for the back. easy.

After the divination, the lord set up the altar again and contacted the archbishop.

"Why, the task entrusted to you has been completed?" The light and shadow of the archbishop appeared on the altar, and the first came up.

"The subordinates are incompetent and weak in resistance. Please guide the archbishop." The Lord said, playing the prepared video to the archbishop and acting as a narrator.

The Lord pointed out that the defense team is basically full. It can be seen that as a defense, the defense team performed well in the previous series of battles, far exceeding their own estimates.

In addition, during the transfer process of the defense team, the extraordinary BUFF was blessed with great energy, and there was no sign of lack at all.

The Lord said that he currently lacks the offensive means to break the enemy. He watched the defense team leave the range of the black cage, so he asked for guidance.

The archbishop was mentally prepared for failure, and planned to let the Lord take the blame. However, the Lord has a clear-cut approach. When he is responsible, he can make reasonable tactical arrangements in light of the actual situation. Although it is not excellent, he can't pick it up. Wrong; when it is time to ask for instructions, contact them in time, instead of making a big deal, or deceiving them; moreover, they have magical version of work notes and video recordings, which can not be deducted by anyone who wants to buckle.

Seeing this, the archbishop could only make a small account secretly, after all, although his legs are thick, the lord is not his legs.

"Send someone to keep an eye on his whereabouts first. I will make my own arrangements later. This time, I won't say anything I can't do."

"Subordinates understand." The lord responded very simply. When she thinks about it, she can’t beat the defense team because the opponent’s big master has not yet lost its strength, but stalking can definitely be done. After all, most members of the defense team are ordinary people, even with BUFF blessings. Relatively limited.

So she ordered the flight team to change their tactics. The giant bats had good explosive power but no endurance. Since it is useless to bombard them in groups, they should continue to harass them in groups. In short, they should not be comfortable.

Soon, the flight team was divided into more than ten groups, each with a navigator. The navigator was also responsible for guiding the bombing because of his strong professional ability. The rest used the corrosive power of the spore bomb dropped by the navigator to perform predictive bombing, which to a certain extent made up for the poor business ability of the dark elements and the lack of accuracy in high-altitude bombing.

As for the previous, because it was a range saturation attack, the accuracy requirements were very low. You only need to refer to the bombing area of ​​your teammates to know where to throw.

All in all, in the hands of the Lord, the giant bat has indeed played more detailed tricks than the brainlessness of the archbishop.

However, the defense cannot be broken, no matter how many tricks it is, it is no use.

For Brocks, consumption does exist, but it is still within the scope of tolerance.

At this time, he was naturally grateful once again that he regarded ‘building walls high, accumulating grains, and becoming king slowly’ as his standard.

From storing food to prevent famine, to saving money to prevent disasters, traditional Chinese people have this habit. Deeply speaking, it is a lack of security.

As a traverser, if you walk into a fairy pit like the World of Warcraft universe, the sense of security is really lacking, so ‘Save the extraordinary’ becomes a matter of course.

With food in your hand, you will not panic in your heart.

Moreover, just like some people are used to setting up secret compartments at home, where money is hidden here and some gold and silver there. In the universe of Warcraft, which lacks a trustworthy savings department (National Bank), Brocks is also used to putting eggs in several In the basket, and in the process of traveling around the world, every time a suitable place is found, it is marked, or it is simply built into a safe house.

Of course, he didn't know that this was actually the reason Kane arranged for him to open up and explain some peculiarities.

Opening up is specifically about the resources. The technology that Brox possesses is top-tier. As long as the extraordinary resources are enough, under normal circumstances, it is a typical invincible flow protagonist.

The peculiarities, such as those few contract elemental creatures of Brocks. At the beginning, Kane was rich and wealthy, and for the sake of his feelings, he ignored rationality, and he just created a nostalgic, but exceptionally powerful element servant.

But from the point of view of Brocks, there must be a reasonable argument. After all, a person with a monthly salary of 10,000 yuan drives millions of sports cars and wears millions of famous watches, which is beyond the scope of ordinary outfit ratio.

In the end, the four alternative element servants of Earth, Fire, Water, and Wind, became elemental energy storages that could be peeled off. Wearing a semi-fused elemental heavy armor, it has such a different appearance. At a critical time, removing the elemental heavy armor and transforming it with an exclusive method is a lot of elemental energy. This is the same as wearing a big gold chain and using it directly for emergency situations when needed.

Because of this, Brocks has the courage to'send the Buddha to the West,' guarding the Baishilai oil bottle, embarking on a simple concept of evacuation, even if he is stalked and beaten, he did not abandon it.

In this way, it naturally won the respect and gratitude of Sasha and others. This kind of psychology has been discounted to the present and basically achieved active cooperation.

This alone has enabled this second-rate team to have a BUFF with concerted efforts and unity, which is considered to be the best state to play.

Traveling swiftly all the way, when he rushed out of the forest area, the shackles of the black space cage were broken.

Although he was still in the shadow world, the palpitations that seemed to be stared at by a beast, and the coldness and groggy feeling that seemed to be surrounded by evil spirits disappeared.

As soon as the body became lighter, the field of vision became wider, and the people of the defense team were refreshed, and their spirits were refreshed.

"Go there." Brox, who was walking in the middle of the team, pointed the way for Rosalind, who was walking at the forefront of the team and acting as a pioneer, through the flying air spirits.

Rosalind did not ask why she didn't enter the city, and led the team towards the military port without hesitation.

Wanghai Town has its own military port, which is of a decent scale, with more than 20 docks and more than ten permanent warships.

However, there are some differences between the shadow world and the real world, and they are not simply a mirrored version of gray and dark tones.

After the Lord knew the direction of the defense team, his mind became alive again.

She wondered, according to the current trend, she might be able to consume the mighty power that blessed the defense team again.

At that time, even if she is not strong enough, the dark **** who was wounded and escaped before will most likely take the opportunity to stab the knife.

The more she analyzed, the more likely she felt that the possibility was high, and a new decision was made within a few minutes.

As a result, when the defense team was only half a mile away from the military port, more than a hundred giant vampire bats were once again dispatched, like a dark cloud, coming from high above.

"Really endless!" Rosalind grumbled. Huaheng College

Although Brox insisted on staying, Rosalind and her two little friends were at the end of the battle. This way, just repeating and repeating the BUFF will make the three people tired enough, but this is still the blessing of Brocks' totem BUFF, otherwise they will be paralyzed.

What made Rosalind and the others unexpected was that the giant bats arrived in a swarm, but instead of dropping bombs, they passed directly over the defense team and went to the military port first.

"Asshole!" Rosalin couldn't help but swear.

Obviously, the enemy saw its own intentions and went to the military port to destroy and arrange it first.

Sure enough, the giant bat colony reached the sky above the military port and began to throw. It's not a spore bomb, or a corrosive bag, but a kind of catalyst.

These sacs exploded in the air, creating a scarlet shower over the military port.

After that, he turned to Wanghai Town.

Faced with this situation, Sasha walking beside Brocks couldn't help asking: "Master, what should we do?"

"We can only go to the military port," after a pause, Brocks explained briefly: "We need a ship to leave this area. As soon as the opponent can pull the elemental barrier into the shadow world, I have reason to believe that from From the perspective of the Shadow Realm, the entire area has been infiltrated by the enemy."

These words of Brocks reminded Sasha of the supernatural events that have occurred in Wanghai Town in recent years. In fact, the frequent occurrence of supernatural incidents, causing illness or even death, is also an important reason for many residents of Wanghai Town to leave.

As a townsman said: "Adults can persist, but children can't grow up from frights and strange diseases."

Thinking of this past, Sasha was shocked and said: "Master, will these people do anything to the people in town?"

Brocks pondered for a moment, and said honestly: "I think so, but we can't be led by the other party. We have to have confidence in the townspeople. At least it is daytime. Standing in a place where the sun can reach, it is basically safe. Guaranteed."

Sasha nodded. She understood that what Brox said was right. Since the dark elements knew well about Wanghai Town in the Shadow Realm, it was very likely that they could use this understanding to quickly dig Wanghai Town into a new one. pit.

As for the defense team, it can be said that they are all supported by Brocks, and self-protection is impossible. Let alone attacking the enemy, it is difficult to change anything in Wanghai Town, but it will increase the burden on Brocks.

Therefore, it is a sensible choice to save snacks when there is no ability.

And, as Brocks said, the most basic operation to fight against evil in the daytime is to rush outdoors, open areas, and cling to other people. The people in Wanghai Town have fought the dark forces for several years, and this point of common sense and reaction power should still be there.

The only thing that makes people worry is that they are caught off guard. After all, the dark forces have never attacked Wanghai Town during the day.

Although I understand the truth, Sasha is still very worried about her mother, her age is up, and her health is not very good, just in case...

Sasha didn't dare to think anymore, she kept telling herself, don't think crazy and scare yourself.

At this time, many people in the defense team couldn't help but start to worry. After all, the dark elements rushed into Wanghai Town from the air. There was quite a bit of an aura of wolves rushing into the sheep pen. scene.

Fortunately, at this time the prestige of Brocks in people’s hearts has been achieved, and the extraordinary means previously shown by the dark elements have repeatedly refreshed people’s perceptions. There is awe and fear, even if it is no longer anxious. People do stupid things.

Next, the team moved faster, if it wasn't for Brocks deliberately suppressing it, I'm afraid that people would run involuntarily.

And when he entered the military port, many weird evils were born here.

These strange evils formed by the organic fusion of wandering spirits can be regarded as monsters. They have two major characteristics. 1. The strange shape means that you have to use your brain when fighting. Many fighting skills against ordinary beasts or humanoids are not applicable. 2 Astral life, general physical attacks are basically ineffective.

Fortunately, Brocks’ totem BUFF is really awesome, and there are endless patterns. He created a temporary element pool with the four element totem. People holding weapons, dipping and rolling in it like quenching. Obtained the most basic weapon effect. Then there was nothing to say, and the formation was all the way down.

This time, Brocks did not show off his combat skills, but prepared for the occupation of the ship.

There is only one warship in the military port, the Sea Hawk.

There is only one ship, naturally not because in the real world, the warships in the military port are all sailing. But because only this Sea Eagle was a warship that was deeply cursed.

The people of Wanghai Town have close contacts with Kul Tiras, so the Sea Sage's set is naturally very slippery.

Simply put, it is blessing rituals, purification rituals, etc., which enable the ship to obtain the hidden BUFF blessing on the mysterious side, which has many benefits.

However, the Sea Hawk was not built according to this routine, from the selection of shipbuilding materials and laying the keel, step by step blessings, stage by stage, and ceremonies. The Sea Hawk is strictly a ship of the Stormwind Kingdom.

This ironclad ship with a majestic and luxurious sea eagle bow was first born in the period when the Alliance and Horde attacked the Lich King.

At that time, it was a sail + wheel paddle, and after many generations of evolution, it has the current mainstream, the dome ship.

In today's Stormwind Kingdom, the cutting-edge dome warship is already the fourth generation, while the Sea Hawk is the first generation. It can be seen that this thing is really an antique.

The Sea Eagle also had a glorious time, known as the "unsinkable sea eagle guarded by heroic spirits and favored by the ocean".

However, after being robbed by certain naval forces that were mutated by the riots, it has gradually become a doomed ship. First of all, it has continued to malfunction, so that it dropped the chain at two critical moments and was removed from the front-line sequence.

Then when the pirates were wiped out, the two main forts were locked, and the pirates succeeded in jumping to help, almost killing a boat.

Later, there were accidents such as crashing into an iceberg and stranding, step by step from a doomed ship to a ghost ship.

And it appeared in Wanghai Town, when the Kingdom’s reinforcements supported Wanghai Town to suppress the dark forces.

In the end, the kingdom troops chose to give up Anyway, the suppression of the bandits was not done, and many people died in the war. Without this ship, the troops could still be removed in one wave.

Therefore, although the Sea Eagle was anchored in the Wanghai Town Military Port, it was a death ship. The seafarers in Wanghai Town are just as superstitious as the Kul Tiran seafarers. They are not even willing to dismantle their parts and use them, and no one even wants to board the ship.

But from the perspective of the Shadow Realm, the entire military port, only this dead ship and ghost ship, is the most complete. The rest are either completely invisible or only a hazy shadow.

This is the difference between the shadow world and the real world. Here is the underworld, the world of dead and ghosts, and the living things of the real world cannot be seen here.

There are naturally more dead ships at the civilian ship pier in Wanghai Town, but the Sea Hawk is the only option for Brox. After all, the ocean in the Shadow Realm is not safe, and there are so many near the sea just like the sinking of fangs. A ship needs a ship with the powerful physique and powerful power of an icebreaker to crash away. Except for the Sea Hawk, Brox can't think of another ship that can do it...

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