Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Chapter 184: Splash 1 face of dog blood

Godfrey, who became a demigod by igniting the divinity in the bloodline of the Divine Descent, heard that Kane wanted him to transfer his divinity, and almost blurted out: "If you have a way to take it, I can't ask for it, give away!"

After all, he is also an old stranger who has lived for hundreds of years, and his basic consciousness is still there. Ω ヤ 看 圕 阁 Free download and download network メ WWW. .kà lA

What if? What if Kane really has a way to take away his divinity and leave him facing the worst, but worse?

It must be said that Gao Frei has been greatly lost by the self-confidence of Kane's "nagging *".

God can't know all things and all things, let alone an ancient **** who is almost imprisoned. It can even be said that if you don't consider professionalism, just by reading and memorizing the amount of information, a netizen in the 21st century in the original world will be more widely known than Gao Freibo.

Kane flicked him, not much harder than Fan Fan Wei, who had a big head and a thick neck, either a big money or a fireman.

Of course, it also has a counter-productive effect, and Gao Frei's thoughts, which had already tended to be ashamed, have restarted.

The ants are still greedy, not to mention the gods who once walked on the peak of life.

"His Royal Highness, you should understand that, except for the diminished divinity, your present soul fire is entirely supported by regret and unwillingness. Once it is degraded (de-divine), it will soon dissipate."

"Is there a way to delay the degrading process so that I can make up for more regrets."

"Uh ... it does."

"Okay, I want this. If you are willing to help me, I will help you, Saint Hunter's Residence ..."

"His Royal Highness, this starting facility that even cats and dogs can give, is not good to talk about the conditions?"

"You call those heroes like this, you can't be too disrespectful. You can go to their homes to see them, and the hero wall will generate its heroic deeds on its own. The strongest one has achieved four thousand records and died in There are countless evils in his hands. "

"His Royal Highness, those are ordinary people whose souls are polluted and mad, do n’t you have any pride in slaughtering them? Moreover, I believe that the four thousand beheaded heroes, the final outcome is to turn into an unprecedented powerful monster. ? "

"How do you know? Forget it, not to mention this, how about the construction technology of the floating temple? Are you interested?"

"Flashy, energy-intensive."

"How can it be flashy? I'll give you the benefits ..."

The white crow was watching this scene beside him, and inevitably gave birth to the sigh of ‘Living for a long time’.

"Is the future people as good as this, or is it just Kane? Shafick?" Thinking of this, after the white crow gently presses the left ear lobe, the crown of the king crow covers the face, like the electronic eye, the eyes shine brightly, and the vision penetrates Layers of obstacles, looking for the soul.

According to the authority of the guardian of the madness and the perspective of the soul energy, the soul is like the color of the water element, the blue and white color is clear and pure, and the spirits of the madness have a pinkish orange soul.

With such a difference, the White Crow quickly found Dumbledore and his party.

Unlike Kane and the demigods who slammed Fang Qi and directed the mountains and rivers, Dumbledore's vision was much narrower.

They were trapped in a big house first, and then there was no suspense. The people collapsed because of different ideas, so that they acted separately.

The eldest son, Ellen Carret, first left, and gave a grace to everyone before leaving, and then in Fran ’s aunt Marcy ’s ‘you ’re just going out, you are looking for death! In the growl of the roar, deaf ears left.

Marcy still caught up with it, and when she opened the door, the corridor was empty.

When Marcy returned, her husbands William, Fran, Fran's sister Mellie and her husband Black looked strange at her.

As a pure-blood wizard, Marcy usually refuses to look at Allen even with her right eye. At the critical moment, she behaved this way. The contrast is too great. If there is no secret behind the two, it is the IQ of the person who humiliated the presence.

Immediately afterwards, the Coney Brothers scolded Fran, or scolded the Carret family. The general meaning is that the despicable villain of the Carcaret family does not keep its promises and continues to reduce the actual supply. In recent years, even the four Chengdus that were agreed in those years did not. This time is better, and it is planned to kill people.

Elder brother Baird is okay, still holding Alice, with a gloomy face, and his younger brother Barry, as always, screaming, pointing at Fran almost accusing:

"You vicious villain, it's not enough to encourage others to kill our guards. Now I'm planning to pit us in a madness. I'm going to see. We are dead. How will Carrett explain to Coney and stole the news, Carret died without a burial place! "

Then, the 'Station Event' broke out.

First, Black, the head of the colonel of the British Royal Musket Regiment, has always been in a red uniform, fearing that others would not know he was an officer.

However, he is very non-existent in the Carret family.

Now, this officer with a small belly and a small belly, stood sternly next to the Coney brothers, and received firearms and weapons from Baird, so that he was fully armed. Suddenly, the old soldier's toughness Breath came.

Mei Li watched this pillow man, who was seven years older than her, show the other side in public, the unknown side, the traitor side, and he froze on the spot.

When Mellie wanted to use the woman's talent skills of "cry, two troubles, three hangs", and re-launched Black's "taming" action, Black pointed at Meily with a gorgeous revolver equipped with a broken bullet. Said: "Don't think I don't know about your scandals with Ryan and Fran."

This sentence is more effective than any spell. Meili first seemed to be given a fixation method, and then she directly withered and burst into tears. Then she rushed towards Blake frantically and scolded: "You killed Gordon, you!"

Gordon is the first child of the two.

Taking Merly's irrational behavior as the fuse, a short but fierce battle broke out.

First, Colonel Black fired coldly at the rushing Meili.

Almost at the same time, Fran released the puppet, and the werewolf was shot at Meli with his back, and put Meli in his arms with his arms halfway.

Immediately following, the vampire puppet appeared in mid-air, and the foil in his hand gleamed with lightning in the air, piercing Black's head.

I have to say that Maria ’s puppets are very ruthless, and their hearts are insignificant. They are directly attacked by the brain. (Kane: The pot is mine. Either do n’t take the shot, and be merciless.)

However, the lightning bolt of the vampire was cracked by the wizard with a disarming spell.

The shot wizard was Marcy's husband William.

William Gunter. That's right, it was Voldemort Tom Riddle's maternal lineage, and later the Gunter family, one of twenty-eight pure blood.

William Gunter, is not as stupid as Tom Riddle ’s uncle, nor as funny as his grandfather. He is a silent wizard who has a lot of care in his heart. The title of 'silent lion'.

Many wizards believe that if this alternative pure blood graduated from Gryffindor (politicians and scholars, generally Slytherin, and Ravenclaw who loves peace), it is not due to the carlett genocide The Gunter family will not be like that later.

William used the disarming spell at a critical moment, saving Black's life, and also stated his position.

Baird was suddenly in trouble, his goal was Fran.

Then there was Barry, who had no idea other than Seine Nee, it was like Baird's horseman. He would fight whoever Baird hit.

If Kane is present, he will give Barry a thumbs-up and save something if he doesn't have the skills. This can also be considered a value.

At this time, Fran was not afraid of the Coney brothers, and the other two puppets were released, defending and attacking, and he himself cast a spell.

Marcey was shocked by William's betrayal and failed to respond in time to be a visitor.

Baird was also a ruthless man. The vampire's lightning bayonet was launched. He took Alice in his arms as a shield and continued to cast a magic wand in his right hand.

Seeing that the war was about to heat up, Dumbledore shot.

"Howling wind!"

The cyan light shone in the room, and there was a whirlwind around everyone, which caused people to spin and dizzy to the ground.

At almost the same time, Laura's upward white beam of light illuminated her body. In the light, her body quickly blurred, and then she converged with the light and disappeared.

That's all right, Dumbledore has no one to share the gossip secrets with a huge amount of information.

The proud aunt Marcy had a leg with her eldest son Allen.

The proud Meili and her two elder brothers have more than one leg.

Meli's husband Black was bought by the Coney family long ago.

And Marcy ’s husband William is an ally of the Coney brothers, betraying his wife without hesitation.

In the wizarding world and the secular world, the Carret family is actually a villain.

The Carney family, the contractor of Carrett, has a vague relationship with the Holy See.

The Kone Brothers are not good birds, they have close contact with the dark wizard.

They have been guarding Alice, not because of their uncle's niece, but because of the value of their ritual items, even if the magic has been awakened, and can be abandoned at a critical moment.

Are there any good people here?

Dumbledore felt very tired.

After an infighting was stopped by master Dumbledore, the two sides fell into a confrontation.

At a critical moment, Dumbledore was also sharp. He directly said to Baird in an imperative tone: "Alice and I, don't force me to fight you!"

Baird did not dare to obey. Dumbledore performed a multi-target magic combined with the power of the element. This is an elemental wizard, and the wind elemental magic is known to kill invisible (refer to Snape invented the "Feng" No. (Shadow), plus Fran's puppet guard is also terrible, he wants to fight Dumbledore, Fran must take the opportunity to start, the result is not good.

In spite of Alice's crying (didn't see Baird using her as a meat shield), Baird gave it to Dumbledore.

Dumbledore let Alice fall asleep, and then tied it to his back with an activation rope. This said: "Fran should know some secrets after taking over the power, but there are other reasons for this situation. The maid, Pamela, and the evil, all the servants of the Marquis House were also transformed into minions. In addition, Fran ’s girlfriend and his guards are demon-servants ... "

When Dumbledore combined the information that Kane shared with him, analyzed the situation, and tried to pinch the two factions out of cooperation for the time being.

Although the situation is somewhat abrupt ~ ~, as an elite explorer, Laura has quite a good psychological quality. She soon stopped thinking about the mess and focused on exploring the area in front of her eyes.

At this moment, Kane appeared, in his original face, not Ted? Aston.

This is the shadow of the soul. Unless Kane and Ted merge, his form of soul is the look of Kane Shafiq, of course, it can also be a dragon.

"Laura Crawford, become a saint hunter, this is the last time I can give you help. No matter what your wishes, please plan and use your power carefully. When the flame of the star chronograph tower is completely extinguished, you are still not If you can escape, then you will be lost here forever, or you will be completely erased. Good luck! "

It turned out that this is an alternative video and audio communication.

Laura pouted, but must also admit that Kane, who is always stinky, does have the cost of stinky farts. In the face of the incident, his solution is very unique. Up to now, she already wants to learn from some players. Now: Are we playing the same game?

It is the same paragraph, but the opening method and purpose label determine the distance between each other. Up to now, it is indeed impossible to compare horizontally ...

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