Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Chapter 340: Mental illness has improved

8, 9, 10, these three months are almost garbage time for Kane Zhao.

The only thing worth mentioning is that the sale of his anti-epidemic agent failed at Chosala Star.

The reason is simple. The reputation of the Federal Garrison in Chosala 10 years after the protection fee was received is stinky.

Although the people have discovered in recent months that they are no longer as annoying as they were in the past.

But as soon as the anti-epidemic agent was launched, people immediately felt that the reason for not disturbing the people was to use the anti-epidemic agent to bury the money for this moment. You are a garrison and exercise the heart of the health and epidemic prevention department, can you not order Bilian again?

Laozi, but pioneering people, what kind of fierce level of soil and water have not seen before? For epidemic prevention, if there are anti-garrison medicines, I must buy them.

Kane said: "It's hard to persuade the **** good words, that's not bad for me."

The Fox family went to the door, hoping to buy out the formula of this medicine.

This is normal. After all, they did a lot of things during this time. According to the technical information provided by Kane, the investigation team conducted a secret investigation on 13 major colonial stars in the Federation, and it was found that 7 had latent virus problems.

After receiving definite information, even Sean, who had never taken the lives of untouchables seriously, shuddered.

In addition, he also reproduced the distortion caused by the virus according to the method provided by Kane, and Sean witnessed everything throughout.

This is a gene-oriented virus, and once it is infected, it cannot be eradicated, because it is like the mutation of Spider-Man. The virus should be integrated into the human gene chain and become an indispensable part. The elimination will directly cause the gene chain to collapse.

Although experts have made progress in suppression, they can live in sterile rooms like AIDS patients in the late stage. There are more contraindications than those of allergic patients. What does it mean to be alive? How many people have that condition to play that way?

Therefore, the Zerg virus, at least until now, is sentenced to death as soon as it is infected. Although the incubation period can be longer than AIDS, it can be activated.

Imagine that the arrival of Zerg will inevitably activate this virus.

This virus can turn organisms into nutrients that can be easily absorbed by the rug and become a resource for the army of helminths. It can also cause mutations to become monsters, or monsters that retain certain self-awareness but cannot effectively control the deformed body.

Murder is not too much, is there anything more painful than the soul imprisoned in the body and watching all the things that you cherish are destroyed?

Sean felt that it was gone. If there is an ultimate punishment, this is fine.

So if you are a bit brainy, it is not difficult to imagine what will happen to the humans in the Copley Star region in the near future.

Glory, wealth, authority, all these premises are based on human beings. There are no more people, to whom to show off, and to rule over who?

So Sean really realized the seriousness of the problem. The catastrophe, he is about to face the catastrophe of mankind.

Of course, even so, he still sold the intelligence at a good price, and in this way promoted a small alliance, among them, there was a founding family that had made a lot of achievements in medicine.

However, until now, related drugs have not been invented.

This is not surprising. Zerg's advancement in bioengineering is unquestionable. Just three months is like developing a targeted medicament. Is it true that Zerg swept the galaxies to eat dry rice?

Kane Zhao, also on the basis of the prophet, bypassed some difficulties with unreasonable magic, and then cultivated a virus specifically used to fight the Zerg virus.

The reason why it is called a virus is because its survival mode is viral. After this virus enters the human body, it will also complete genetic fusion, but it will become an invalid gene and will not have any impact on the human body. When the virus invades, it will go viral, indicating that 'this old man in the pit has occupied first, and get out quickly.' To put it bluntly is rejection.

As for the reverse engulfing the Zerg virus, it is really impossible to dove to occupy the magpie nest. Zerg is a creature found by Sarnaga in the search range of the universe.

"If you don't sell money, I will make this recipe public. Even though I know I can produce it, I will still be the industry leader. But this is the bottom line of my conscience."

The negotiating representative can only shrug his shoulders, half-shadowed: "Then I thank you on behalf of all mankind."

Kane grinned: "No, you can't represent it."

The formulation of the anti-epidemic agent is so public.

For this reason, Kane also plasticized a handsome man who was handsome and terrible. He was the official spokesperson of his own power. If human beings look at their faces, then they can do what they want. The promotion of anti-epidemic drugs should have a positive bonus. It is aimed at human beings in the entire Copley Star area, so even a few percent bonus is definitely more valuable than that plastic surgery.

In addition to publicizing the formula, Kane also promised that if there is a need for the original virus, he can come to the Arkham Guild Office of Agria Star to get it for free.

The Arkham Guild, which is the name Kane Zhao gave to his own forces, is from the Arkham Asylum House of Lord Wayne. The slogan of the guild is: Mental illness has improved.

As for why I ran to Agria, it was not because it was peaceful for many years even after the outbreak of the tribal wars, and the sharpest human-like eco-environmental equipment and related research in the entire Coplu Star area.

And just because Kane had noticed a detail on the Manhof star where the Agria refugees temporarily resided during the previous life in the SC universe-Qiao Zhencheng, city slogan: Seeking truth and being pragmatic (the original version is seeking truth and pragmatism) true).

It is this city sign that has a very core of oriental culture that makes Kane Zhao look at each other.

Even in this star area, which is all hybrids in terms of blood, Laozi has to let people know that this Zhao is not a surname.

The supremacy of population is the national supremacy, and the key to a nation is its cultural core. Culture determines the foundation of values, and the recognition of culture and values ​​determines the distance between people.

So in the future, if there is a rescue line called Agria-Manhof-Haven Star, Kane is ready to take over, instead of waiting for Jim Reynolds to save.

Jim Reynolds, as he walked among the three tribes, completely measured the problem from the perspective of the butcher's justice, and he was really busy.

Helping the Agria refugees in a hurry, and in fact that line has never been a story of uncompromising loyalty, choosing to agree with the purification action of the Spirit, Ariel Hansen will be eager to study the antidote and become infected The Zerg virus died in grief and anger, and the refugees were only temporarily calmed down.

I chose to do my best to protect the interests of mankind, to prevent the purification action of Protoss Executive Sirentes. On the surface, it seemed to be a refugee, and I also played a little spark with Ariel (to be confessed by the beauty). There are Zergs, and there are very sharp poison eaters, and there is no other Zerg virus spreading infected people, live performance level.

In the face of such an opponent, this time Agria could not even send out a distress call and would be destroyed.

Who owns this pot? It ’s basically Kerrigan ’s. She ’s unfavorable for Zerg ’s confinement. She has a dark heart in the front and a grudge in the back, so even if the Zerg just passes by, it ’s enough to throw a few sources of infection on a planet. Chicken and dog restless.

Kane ’s conscience did not work in response to society. The handsome face of the spokesperson only made people less disgusted. In this era where genes can be changed indiscriminately, appearance and figure are not a thing.

Of course, there are still people who care about the formula, but it is also because people say it lightly. When professionals look at the so-called ‘protovirus’ involved in the formula, more than half of them immediately sneered.

Everything is based on the particularity of the "protovirus". Such methods of cheating money are too old-fashioned and will not be popular on the eve of the 21st century in the earth age.

Find a cutting-edge technology gimmick, vigorously speculate value, and then go public for financing. Round A and B are actually money-making. All the immune genes deceived by people have been generated, and there will never be old turtles learning. After a scam and a scam, there was no one to play.

Well, the hardest thing between people is trust. Kane feels that this matter does not need to be vigorous. Just listen to the destiny of the people and play with the Buddha (Sui Yuan). Wait for those who come to the door to lose money for a long time. Although this loss represents tens or even billions of lives, this is what In the eyes of Zhao's family, human life is like a set of numbers like money.

On November 1st, Halloween, the humans in the Copley Star District are no longer this festival. Kane left Chosala and went to Marsala on the other side of the orbit.

The operation of the Fox family is in place, the Chosala garrison is transferred away, and from the space station to the ground, they are replaced. The Miao squadron of the Federal Mobile Force was ordered to arrive here and take over. The reason is to assist the Alpha Squadron, who has not been able to make effective progress, to arrest federal wanted criminals, anti-social and anti-human terrorist Akturos Mengsk, and members of the organization that he leads, the son of Keha.

Miao is the twelfth in the Greek alphabet, it has a commonly used meaning: Mobius function.

Undoubtedly, this concept makes Kane feel a little hurt.

Because during the battle of the SC tribe, the most active villain was not Emmen but Narud.

Emmen is still corpse in the void due to the battle with many Sarnaga, and there is no suitable body to come in this universe.

Although Narud is a subordinate Sarnaga, he is the only one who is active in this universe.

This guy jumps up and down, matches, plays N roles alone, and is quite dedicated, including the Mobius Foundation and the research institutes under it.

Kane was wondering if Narud's tentacles came over.

To be honest, he is not like meeting Narud now, after all, he has only been in this universe for more than 3 months.

And Narud, although it has no talent in bioengineering, it took a long time to get the hybrid element, but the insight and comprehensive ability are first-class. , I am afraid that his future life will be very uncomfortable.

So, Kane decided to hide in advance, so that his own forces are still in their infancy, hiding behind the scenes.

Suspicious character and keen intuition helped Kane again.

Narud's tentacles did indeed reach into the Miao Squadron, which originated from his ability to predict.

This ability is not only possessed by Protoss, but also by Narud, it is also its common means to obtain directional enlightenment.

Narud began to pay attention to this matter from a series of changes in the founding family headed by Fox.

For the unplanned intelligent creatures of human beings, Narud has paid considerable attention to it, that is, worrying that it will damage Emon's plan.

Because of this, Fox's little secret did not hide it for too long.

Then Narud was surprised. This matter had a great theoretical impact, but it never manifested in his dream of prophecy.

Although it still doesn't think that humans have the ability to block the pace of the swarm, after all, it adds some possibilities. More importantly, it is very interested in the gang who caused it all.

Joseph Hoffman, Yoko Kamikawa, Park Hye-joo, Garrison Commander Will Wood, Space Station Military Chief Tarendino, all six of them have information.

Narud doesn't think these six people are the characters that can lead to such a discovery and subsequent transactions. The profile of these people is enough to show that they don't have that ability.

Narud wanted to catch the people behind the scenes, especially after the defensive potion appeared.

A caring person like it would never believe that Yoko Uekawa could invent this kind of medicine, or, exactly, the original virus named Yoko.

It is a pity that this organization, called the Arkham Guild, slides more hands than it expected.

It thinks that these people are fond of the planet Chosala. No matter if they want to play rescue, or want to obtain first-hand research materials, and continue to study in depth, the organization will not let go of Chosala.

However, the Arkham Guild was particularly happy to leave, and shortly afterwards, there was news that the carrier had an accident and disintegrated in a state of curvature.

Are dead!

This Li Dao Tao stupid trick can be clumsy, but anyone with a little knowledge of interstellar navigation knows how low this possibility is.

Although the clues were cut off, Narud believed that it was only a matter of time before the organization made another appearance, and he might as well keep his eyes on Agaria.

TN-233 was originally a secret research institute, and the anti-epidemic agent was an invention published in the name of Chuan Yoko. So this line has nothing to do with the troop carrier accident, and it is the line most likely to still exist.

Kane also thought about it. He had found an agent in Agria long ago. If someone wants to play cats and mice along this line, it is just used to reverse the direction. Kane will let some people know what to eat. Cat and mouse.

Marsala is a terrible place. The wind blew from early morning to late evening. The rocks were rugged and the yellow sand was everywhere, and there were almost no trees.

Water sources are rare supplies on this planet. Animals either get water by chewing cactus-like plants, or you get water by sucking the blood of other animals, and people, water is basically transported from outside the planet.

Kane arrived in New Melbourne on a water carrier.

Marsala is the eighth colony star of the Federation of Tyrann, a resource planet with a high strategic significance, and here produces the highest quality raw steel of Prey. Its city is named after the Australian city of the earth age. For example, Jim Reynolds was active and broke into the notorious new Sydney.

And now, he is in New Melbourne, Marsala ’s new hotspot, and Jim Reno is the sheriff here.

The sheriff can be understood as a sheriff, and is the person in charge of public security at the town level. The specific authority depends on the size of the town. The big town can have dozens of officers. The town may very well be an assistant and a clerk.

In Marsala, the sheriff is like the rank of the army. He listens to it, but the actual power is not small. The original historical line of Renault was in the four years after the battle of the mother nest. Asylum.

Kane arrived first, and his men arrived in the name of the gray-bearded mercenary.

Dead Man Harbor is the most infamous extra-jurisdictional place in the Koplu Star District, while Grey Beard is the most notorious mercenary organization in Dead Man Harbor.

How many people are tickling the gray-bearded scum-hatred teeth, but they have to admit that they are indeed very good at combat.

Of course, Grey Beard also has its own troubles. Their reputation is not good. Although the Federation of Tyrans is not safe at present, it is generally stable and belongs to the buyer's market. It is not easy to feed a group of people.

Finally, Kaizi, who was not afraid of their notoriety, appeared, a ghost from Tathanis called Kane Zhao. It was actually a powder of gray beard. When they hired them at a high price, the prepayment was 5 million, and the salary was settled weekly.

"Don't our fans hang out? Just kidding, the hangers are the fans." Said Grey Beard, who was already the fourth term, and was the longest in the leader's seat.

When I saw this fan, the first sentence I heard was: "Wu Xiubo's version of Sima Yi, ha, your beard is dyed!"

Greybeard certainly can't understand this terrier ~ ~ But Kane's neat white teeth revealed when he smiled, but made him feel stunned and thrilled ...

After years of warfare baptism, the gray beard is as sharp as a hyena. When he finds that the situation is wrong, he immediately signs a pair of little sisters next to him, and his mouth is half ironic: "It turns out to be a fake fan, you know, some The founding family wanted to kill me. The ghost agents who died in my hands were more than half a dozen. "

Kane chuckled: "It's different. Your twin girls will be mine in the future."

Then Grey Beard was horrified to find that the twin abilities he was proud of had all passed out, and his eyes were rolled, but his body was not paralyzed, and he stood there skewed with strange movements, as if invisible The support of two people.

Gray Beard changed his face within 2 seconds, put on another expression, wanted soft words to beg for mercy, and then found that he couldn't speak at all. He shouted loudly, but just didn't say anything, as if the vocal cords were completely broken.

Kane still laughed: "The gray beard's external image is very good. Offering knees to me will disgust me, or continue to be a promising gangster."

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