Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Chapter 379: Melting planet

Supervisor Al Darius once thought that Kane had drilled holes in Chosala in order to get a deeper look at the inside of the planet.

But it turned out that Kane was smarter and fiercer than he expected.

"I'm going to blow up Chosala and let Chosara's internal situation fully appear before our eyes."

Both Tasada and Aldarris showed a strange expression.

Glass-burning and exploding planets, the former is obviously still a few grades worse, especially eating the glass-burning of the Golden Fleet is actually very particular.

Xing Ling called this kind of attack "Era Purification". As the name implies, the effect it achieves is like a planet through a large-scale crustal movement, volcanic eruption and other phenomena, opening a new era, burying the past, creating the future, showing a Inherit the new nature of the past.

This is one reason why Josala and Marsala returned to live in the second year after the Battle of the Mother Nest. Even the atmosphere that is about to be completely destroyed has dissipated, becoming the most common type of barren planet in galaxies. Humans will not go back and return, even if there are special minerals, they will not come back so fast.

Exploding the planet is what Ling Yi said. This kind of unreserved, almost complete destruction is deeply rejected by the instinct of the Carai Stars influenced by the teachings of Kara.

Tasada said directly: "Is it too much to do this?"

Kane's abdomen: "Superficial kindness, no wonder he is always taken advantage of by Tadarin."

Tadarin is a group of protagonists who believe in Emmen. The road of promotion they believe in has a style characteristic of weak meat and strong food. At the same time, they are sly and greedy. Over the years, they have secretly robbed Carlisle's personnel and ships and stolen Carlisle's technology.

In the words of Protoss Artisan Kerax: "They are used to stealing and cannot taste the joy of creation."

Tadarin is very similar to Carlisle in terms of technology, but chooses different ways of presentation, and his behavior is more fierce and unscrupulous.

Kane feels that he really wants to cooperate, and Tadarin should be more in tune with him.

Of course, he knew that it was random to think that Tatarin ’s protagonists were not easy to deal with. Extremists and even Carlisle despised it, thinking it was weak and hypocritical, let alone human.

Regarding Tassada ’s disagreement with the bombing of the planet, Kane ’s reply was: “I can at any time put my people on top and sacrifice my life at any time, but it does not mean that Don't care about their lives. In my eyes, their lives are more valuable than a planet. "

Tasada is silent. Most devout devotees of the Kara Way like him mostly have a "heart of nature". Naturally, they are uncomfortable with the rough operation of exploding the planet. But Kane's statement makes him not very good. Back to back.

Kane also knows that from a certain perspective, the Way of Carla seems to be a book that guides and regulates the Three Views. It contains all things, and the part of the heart of nature. A simple understanding is a kind of cognition that interacts with nature in harmony. It is also okay to say that it is a kind of more naughty environmental awareness.

Kane doesn't approve of this set. He feels that this kind of thinking is not objective and fair, emotional, looking up. It even gives nature a certain sacredness. To speak humanly is that Kane believes that the Protoss have the suspicion of treating nature as a 'Gaia' consciousness.

He insisted on blowing up the planet and looking at the truth, rather than letting people go down and drill into the cave.

Tasada was thinking about how to stop it. Aldaris communicated with Tasada in Kara ’s mind channel: "I suspect this is a trap. This human does not want his people to go deep into the trap, so there are words like this to run. Us, let us take action. I do n’t think humans have the ability to detonate planets, especially when the preparation is not sufficient. ”

Tassada was secretly surprised, not for the possible traps, but for Aldaris's thinking. There is no doubt that such a guess can prove that the thinking is dark.

Kane did not pay attention to the point behind the Protoss. He used the power of Protoss to survey Josala, and the goal was achieved, but it was not achieved.

The place reached is to confirm that there is a large amount of gold and hydrogen in the deep underground of Chosala. The place that is not reached is that knowing these alone is not enough to prove whether there is an old dominator.

In this context, he will not be involved in danger himself, nor will he let him go down to investigate, too passive.

Since the last humans on this planet are either dead or withdrawn, then the explosion will also explode, and the worms will be killed. It is a pity that the old worms are killed. If there are any, the worry should be what to do if the bombs will not die.

Aldaris was right in the middle. With the scientific and technological means at his disposal, in the absence of sufficient pre-preparation, it was really impossible to blow up a planet.

Don't look at Josala is not big, but it is far beyond the dwarf planet, and achieved a static and balanced celestial body. At its core is a super-high-pressure high-temperature furnace. It is difficult to send such a huge cosmic coal ball and send the explosive to a suitable location smoothly.

Of course, when it comes to the final issue of energy and power, if there is really the power of stars, enough energy to heat the planet in the form of microwaves, then it is much easier to disintegrate.

Although scientific methods can't do it, extraordinary methods can be used. For example, Kane uses extraordinary methods to complete the magical energy shell, used to fight the high temperature and pressure in the depths of the planet, and put the bomb in place.

Of course there are more than one, but twelve. All the constellation-level battleships of the fleet have acted as super Drakken laser rigs this time.

This is not a coincidence, but the constellation level was requested by Kane at the beginning of the design, and must have the ability to destroy stars.

Although this method of star annihilation is still very primitive, there is a huge difference between the presence and absence.

Therefore, the constellation-class warships are not like the human warships in the Warhammer 40K, which emit light spears from the side.

It ’s the ship ’s bow. This layout is also based on the warship ’s propulsion system to counteract the light spear launch, especially the reaction force generated during long periods of exposure.

The principle of the light spear irradiation is similar to the principle of the Drakken laser rig, but it is more magnificent, and multiple light spears converge into a beam to form a strong and unparalleled energy beam, which Kane calls ‘God ’s Needle’.

In the Journey to the West, the Dinghai God Needle, in the hands of Lao Sun, is a sharp soldier who can poke a hole in the sky. But this stalk, no one can understand the SC universe, including the eastern humans on earth. Although they also claim to be the descendants of the dragon, their history is quite different from that of the Chinese people in the original world. The reason lies in the inability of the creator **** to learn.

Somewhat ironically, the reason why the constellation level can be better than Drakken (the ultra-high-power beam can be a black reflective black technology) is because the core material draws a considerable amount from Kaidalin crystal.

Kaidarin crystal, derived from Sarnaga technology, has two major characteristics, one is the efficient conversion of energy, and the other is the energy integration with certain container characteristics.

It can be said that the magical degree of Kaidalin crystal determines the ceiling of Xingling Technology.

When Kane came to this universe, he naturally would not confront the entire universe. He also wanted to go to the hometown to a certain extent. The light spear crystal core is actually the incomplete body of the magical version of Kaidalin crystal.

This technology comes from the body of Kane, and it is the reincarnation. If you look at the system of Vientiane Gate, there are reincarnations who follow the path of the Protoss, and there is even an organization similar to the fellowship "God fanatic". They digested (incomplete) the proof of the Sarnarga Kedaling crystal technology.

The light spear core becomes the point of energy focus, and this point makes the majestic energy controllable (direction, rectification, even power amplification).

Therefore, the constellation-level battleships have a very strong sense of sight in the eyes of the stars such as Tasada and Aldaris, reminding them of their own void ships, prism beams, focused phase crystals, and this kind of constellation-level battleships. The light spear weapon, similar to the weapon of the void ship, is very similar in principle.

Of course, the light spear of the constellation-level battleship with higher power is stronger and can be superimposed twice, that is, the super light spear currently used for drilling holes, also known as the main gun-level light spear, the **** needle.

With continuous exposure, the thick rock layer quickly melted like snow and ice under the hot sun and turned into smoke.

At the end of the rescue operation, the hole was closed, and Kane gave the people who were still on the ground the last quarter of an evacuation time.

At this time, from a high perspective, in the huge city, the streets on the ground are near, and the tunnel insects can be seen everywhere, and in the sky, the insects are like sesame seeds on the pancake.

The evacuation in this context is indeed called the final rescue. The Reaper UAV no longer fights on its own or cooperates with the combat team, but appears as a companion to the medical boat.

As can be seen from their missile hanging positions, they are already prepared for the extreme survival time, only to have an efficient firepower output during survival.

In fact, this is also the case. The hive missiles output huge damage in a few seconds, open the channel, and then explode. At this time, it is this kind of gameplay to open up the situation.

As for the rescued, it can be said that everyone must be cut by 100 people + **** luck, in order to escape this robbery. It is conceivable that death has become a normal scene. There are people dying in every moment, no team can escape, and a dozen people can finally have 3-5 people on board. This is already a victory. Great escape.

At high altitudes, drone motherships have also been scarred. The flying insects and mosquitoes of the worms are not only staring at the aircraft, but also the drone motherships floating in the atmosphere like giant airships are also their targets.

The UAV mothership is incomparable with the arsenal ship. In the face of the uncountable and endless number of Zerg air units, they are mainly carried by the rough skin.

This is also a test of the ship's defense capabilities. Facts have proved that it is okay. The reason why it is okay, not very good, is because the Zerg unit on Chosala is still lacking after all.

On the ground, units such as thunder beasts, polluters (scorpions), and swarm hosts do not appear. In the sky, guardians, corrupters, devourers (large units designed to deal specifically with ships, resemble the appearance of allosaurus wasps , But the proportion is thicker and much larger), these heavy units have not appeared.

Without these heavy units, Zerg would like to chew on a big chunk, which is not easy at all.

At the last moment, a medical boat was forced to evacuate, even if the gray beard on board was killed for cover and flew out with a jet pack to detonate a high-energy bomb, there were still cases of boat destruction and death from time to time.

There are still living people on the ground, or premonitions, a considerable part of them are trying to hide in the building. At this time, they try to stand in a conspicuous place to call for help, but there will be no airship landing, and no gray-bearded combat team Arrival, a quarter of an hour, was enough for them to evacuate immediately, and rescue up to a few lucky people who had just happened or rushed over.

This scene has also been faithfully recorded by the filming equipment, and it is presented to humans through the media without concealment. Federal mouthpiece media, such as UNN, have accused Grey Beard of inhumane behavior more than once.

The spearhead is naturally directed at Kane Zhao, the commander. After all, the soldiers below have done the ultimate. A large number of self-sacrifice shots have earned countless tears. How stupid will they pick these people's faults?

The dignitaries of the Federation also have brains. Those who like this cannon fodder are actively playing sacrifices and dedication. They must be vigorously exaggerated. It is best to form a wave of moral abduction, so that their cannon fodder consciousness can also be improved. Being so fearless is also a spur.

As for Kane Zhao, who is also the superior, it must be discredited, not to mention being caught by the braid, even if there is nothing wrong, he has to pick bones inside the egg. This is a political-government right, something since ancient times, has a long history.

Kane Zhao naturally doesn't care about this, but Gray Beard cares, so he hasn't used his mouthpiece to counterattack.

But that was all a later matter. At the moment, the quarter-hour evacuation was carried out meticulously.

Then the high-energy beams that punch holes in different locations around the world suddenly stopped in an instant ~ ~ Zerg had a premonition that the situation was not good, and organic tissues madly poured out from the ground, reaching an unprecedented.

In this context, Kane dropped a planetary bomb protected by extraordinary mana.

However, after all, more than half of these bombs failed to be put in place and were blocked by the mysterious tentacles.

Of course, they eventually exploded.

This explosion led to earth-shaking changes in Chosala.

The earth is cracking. What erupts from the deep fissures is no longer magma, but blue and white dazzling light, which is more than a thousand times more dazzling than the sun.

The whole planet was submerged by this light. From a distance, Josala seemed to become another sun, and the surface and underground Zerg were all annihilated in this light.

However, after all, some creatures survived and revealed their true content ...

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