Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Chapter 402: Burning Sky-B

Marsala ’s northern hemisphere high orbit, where there are a total of eight sky base stations, has been mastered by the Northern People ’s Democratic Union at the time of the war.

You should know that most of the base stations in these days are not synchronously orbiting, but flying around the world like satellites. This means that at different times, the sky base station that appears in the high orbit of the northern hemisphere is not fixed, so there was a robbery incident.

After grabbing the ownership, it immediately began to build a temporary launch system. It took only a quarter of an hour from the breakover to the earliest batch of equipment to be put into operation.

Fully explain the two things, the staff can make perfect, the operation is very sharp. Also, the system packaging and deployment design are smart enough, and enough pre-preparation is done.

There are two main types of weapons in the sky station after arming. One is the deflection nuclear missile and the firing pin.

This is a kind of nuclear weapon that deconstructs a spaceship that is not inferior in complexity. It can also be said that it is a version of the space ship version of Kamikaze.

The equivalent of 100 million tons of hydrogen bomb. The way of striking is hitting and dropping.

When the missile hits the target, it will ingest the real warhead into the target like a nail gun. Its positioning is to combat Leviathan, the mother ship, units of this level.

It can be said that in the firing pin missile, the advanced technologies related to the Federation are reflected, and some are not available in the Federation, such as ultra-high-speed jump jump in and out.

In other words, the speed of the weapon is very fast before it enters the breakout and after the breakout. This weapon also has a nickname called the flashing death.

Looking at the attack process of this weapon from a sufficiently large scale, a lightning light and shadow flew up, then suddenly disappeared, and then appeared again across a very far distance, from this section of space to the other side, and then still Fly at lightning speed and contact with the target.

In the face of such ultra-high-speed leaping missiles, interception in the general sense is almost meaningless.

Although the space is empty enough, there is not enough medium for the shock wave to conduct, but inside Leviathan, there is air and material.

The explosion of 100 million tons of nuclear bombs can turn Leviathan into a bright space firework.

In a short time, hundreds of Leviathans were destroyed by the flash of death.

But the result is over, these days the base station was also destroyed by the giant spores of the worms.

Before this, Zergs tried to attack nearby Zerg air combat units, and a large number of Zerg died in the base version of the ATA laser air defense system array of the dead porcupine equipment.

A large number of laser towers release laser beams at high frequencies, forming alternative barrage storm-like killing areas.

Those who try to go through the barriers basically hate the spot. That kind of killing efficiency, even the Zerg looked straight.

Later, the worms were ruthless, and they used the same method to deal with Chi Tongxing again to deal with these sky base stations.

This time it really works. These temporary sky base stations do not have a complete multi-layer active and passive interception system like Chi Tongxing. Dense spore artillery completely plowed the surface of the sky base station several times. Except for the facilities deep inside the sky base station, the rest were destroyed.

This is actually equivalent to being abolished, but Zerg requires more thorough cleaning. Or a large number of Zerg landed, looking for entrances or exits, or simply digging, and directly open channels to invade underground facilities.

Street fighting starts.

After watching the destruction of the astronomical scale, and then look at this kind of battle, you will feel very bored, and you will not die much after a long time. Unlike the flashing death, one million units of worms will be wiped out in one blow.

To say that Leviathan is indeed sturdy and huge enough, 100 million equivalents of nuclear bombs imploded, and there are still large pieces of wreckage and survivors left.

Kane feels that his design is still not bold enough. For Leviathan next time, he can produce 150 million tons of twinkling Grim Reaper, which is better and not wasteful.

Under high orbit, all the way to the beginning of the warm layer of the atmosphere, this area with a vertical span of more than 400 kilometers is the area bombarded by the earth's artillery.

In fact, it is the kind of quantum artillery used by Red Eye Star, but the gray beard is in Marsala, but it lacks the construction conditions of Red Eye Star. The quantum artillery has only one hundred thousand doors. Grade.

Of course, even so, the destruction area created still makes Zerg stricken, and the huge number only withstood the pressure of this blow.

Further down, the middle layer and the stratosphere, heavy fighters lead many falcons, and they will go to this height after receiving orders. Because they use plasma jet engines and are not restricted by the thinness of the air, these fighters can still fly to this height, 80 kilometers above the ground, which is the ultimate height of these fighters. With their power, they can be separated from the planet. Gravity, but their materials are not enough to cope with cosmic rays and the temperature there, their location is in the atmosphere.

As the fighter fleet soared, the star cannons were replaced with scattering shells.

The structure of this shell is very similar to the shotgun bullet. After being shot, it is a piece. Each individual is a nuclear bomb equivalent to 1,000 tons.

Wave obstruction, liquid dynamics, and liquids reinforce each other according to the principles of geometry.

This theory is actually suitable for use in air environments, although air is less dense than water.

The gravitational field of the planet is an invisible hood. The hollow area from the ground to the edge of the hood is like a closed lumen. When these principles are properly used, the flow velocity in this lumen will exceed the imagination of ordinary people. hurricane.

So, what would happen if this hurricane carried enough combustibles?

Burn the sky.

The sky across the planet is burning.

This is Kane's; B.

Many planetary cannons use flowering nuclear bombs, which is actually a spark of ignition. It itself can only make a relatively small area into a sea of ​​fire, and then the sky that ignites the entire planet.

This plan requires not only a Star Cannon, but also a fuel package.

This positioning jump delivery technology is the same as the previous carrier platform, which belongs to the Protoss star gate technology in terms of its roots, not the speed of human navigation.

This is a paradox, why did Greybeard master this kind of technology before trading with Protoss?

A closer look will reveal that the technology that Kane Zhao traded with the Protoss did not include this item at all.

This technology actually comes from the universe of the highest commander, and the maturity and development progress of the technology should also be above the similar technologies used by the Protoss.

With the fuel in place, planet-level combustion and ignition, this is a multi-point interactive super explosion, and the explosion error of each node does not exceed 0.5 seconds.

With the first batch of projectile-type nuclear bombs being sprayed into the sky, forming a big bang, the second explosion point, the third explosion point ... successively exploded, one after another the sky was lit, and the light of the explosion even made it in the true sense Dispel the night.

From the outer space, the brown marsala sky began to glow, one after another, the light was flowing, and soon the entire Marsala began to glow. When it reached the peak, its light could even be with Sara The sun of the galaxy is comparable.

Of course, the difference is actually far, only one is closer and the other is far. It is not easy to distinguish between the two based on the optical recognition of the human eye.

Even so, it is very remarkable, it set off a super hurricane in Marsala.

Marsala already has the nickname of the windy planet, and it often winds around 12 degrees. This kind of wind usually only appears in the depths of the ocean on the earth. Occasionally, when the typhoon lands, it will show a bit of a sudden, and the resulting disaster is already devastating.

Compared with the planetary storm set off by Kane, the hurricane is simply pediatric.

This global fire storm changed the planet ’s atmospheric structure in just 10 minutes, and a large amount of hydrogen and oxygen participated in the combustion. After this storm, humans living on the planet ’s surface will need to carry oxygen tanks. Otherwise, long-term exposure to the natural environment will cause the problem of hypoxia.

The destruction caused by such consumption is also extremely terrible. The altitude of the global high mountains has dropped and one layer has been cut. The cities that were built by humans have basically turned into slag, just like the flames of the engine. There are signs of melting and burning.

Relying on this fire storm, Kane successfully fulfilled the previous promise. The Zerg did not wait for the landing, and died halfway first.

Regardless of whether it is an empty bag or a flying unit, as long as it was still in the air at that time, it basically did not survive.

As far as the individual's feelings are concerned, they suddenly feel that they are in a flame storm, blown away and ignited involuntarily.

Those with thick skin and thick flesh can see other worms blown into ash by hot air before they die, and see some worms burned into the sky, and then it is their turn to be burned into coke, but they ca n’t The landing, like burning charcoal blown by a blower, completely turned into fly ash before it really ended. Of course, life ended long before that.

The other refuges sent a message after the fire storm: "Although it caused a huge loss, but thank you, the fire storm saved us once, and the loss of the zerg is much larger and much larger."

"I know!" Kane said unkindly.

He really knew that, in addition to the corresponding benchmarks during the construction of the shelter, he successfully carried the fire storm.

But the construction standards of other shelters are not enough.

Fortunately, the Marsala people always have the habit of building windproof cellars, and the main body of the refuge is also below ground level.

Although it is known that Zerg is good at digging, there is no ambiguity in the construction of underground facilities. This kind of thing can't be eaten by choking, try to improve the sturdiness standard of building materials.

Grey Beard has made a huge contribution in this regard. The crystal iron material they produced has been widely praised. This material can withstand the excavation of Zerg. The key is that the matching equipment can provide an early alarm to allow people to transfer. , Unlike the buildings in the past, just like a chisel to open a can, just poke a juice to flow horizontally.

This time the Zerg invaded Marsala, there was a huge difference between the southern and northern regions.

First, the Zerg army that attacked the blue pupil star achieved impressive results. Or, the battle that happened on the blue pupil star was the rhythm that the Zerg people were more familiar with, that is, the kind I came, I saw, The rhythm I conquered.

The blue pupil star is the new station of the squadron of the Federal Mobile Fleet.

Miao's Greek letter represents the Mobius function. Kane had suspected that the Mobius mercenary was standing behind Miao.

Some later trivial matters further made this speculation more and more reliable.

The current Mobius fund is not the street rat that everyone later shouted. On the contrary, they are the darlings of Financial Street, and they are also loved by all the big brothers.

The reason is naturally the R & D company of Mobius. From time to time, it can always take out some technologies that can be easily converted into real profits and share them with all parties. This is equivalent to the scientific research and exploration-oriented organization that plays the role of God of Wealth. Naturally won the welcome of the dignitaries.

At the same time, their image among ordinary people can also be used. In someone's words: "High salary, good welfare, in the upward stage, few problems, and huge dividends. Is anyone willing to go?"

It is precisely because of favor that Miao Squadron and Mobius Foundation have close contacts and did not cover it up carefully.

Now, the Miao Squadron has a Mobius Foundation expedition team.

Its real purpose is the first-hand collection of war data, which also includes various evaluation tests.

It is precisely because of this that Miao Squadron has been quite active in the past days and often engages in deworming operations.

Commander Lin Yaohui also gained a good reputation.

But in fact, they did not kill many worms, after all, it was just a series of tests, not a sincere battle.

This naturally led to some people questioning, especially when compared with the results of the gray beard's action, the squadron of Miao Squadron appeared to be fragmented and scattered, and his will was not strong.

However, like Lin Yaohui and Mobis Fund, there are naturally no shortage of mouthpieces and squadrons who speak for themselves. Soon the water was messed up ~ ~ The main message was: "Don't be so harsh, the officers and soldiers of the Miao Squadron have been fighting on the front line, and they are already heroic."

In short, the squadron Miao is very good. They are the second military force to be upgraded to division level after the Ares Division.

According to well-informed insiders, the Mobius Foundation sponsored a large sum of money for the squadron of the Miao Squadron. Since there is such an injustice, the Federal Army will naturally be happy to relax the promotion conditions and complete the force. Increase, can enhance the military's right to speak.

The good day of Miao Squadron has come to an end today, and the blue pupil star at the station was destroyed in a very short time.

The people of the Mobius Foundation were very slippery, and as soon as the Zerg Fleet arrived, their main body had oil on the soles of their feet.

Basically, all the observers hired by high salary.

Lin Yaohui fled without fighting, and soon found that he could not escape. This guy also had the wit to lead the fleet to flee to the refuge on the grounds of saving the people in the Marsala refuge.

Unfortunately, as soon as the fleet entered the atmosphere, it encountered a fire storm ...

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