Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Chapter 456: Everyone has a price

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After talking to Eugen, Kane was able to roughly smooth the whole story.

First of all, Eugen came to him because he was forced to be high.

It is not that he exists in the future, or that he was a high-dimensional existence, but that he belongs to a category in which the mind and will do not differ in the process of perfecting the soul.

It's even harder to say that Kane learned from Eugen, the variable-level information controller, that he is actually the son of fate. The evidence is his terrifying bad luck.

As the so-called blessings and misfortunes depend on each other, the biggest difference between ordinary people and the children of fate is that at the same time, ordinary people will never encounter such big events as the children of fate.

Indifference is a feature that matches the average person, but bad luck.

Bad luck shows only one thing—too much death.

Kane's overkill is reflected in his greed. Greedy for perfection, what he wants is far beyond ordinary people's imagination. Or, ordinary people will have some unrealistic ideas, but most people can fully realize this, that is, to seduce, and Kane is not. He dares to do anything except dare to think.

Therefore, from the moment he signed a contract with the Dark Force, kicked Dodom, and replaced himself as the Lord of the Dark Dimension, he will consume his luck for the next day. challenge.

It is said that without the diamond drill, he does not take the porcelain work. He does not have the diamond drill, but he takes the porcelain work. The Lord of the Dark Dimension has the difficulty of matching the problems he needs to deal with. He has insufficient strength and encountered After the problem, you will feel particularly unlucky.

For example, if you are reborn in the dark HP world, if he really has the strength to match the lord of the dark dimension, it should not be so miserable, even if it is calculated, it will never be reduced to the beginning again, and the technical system is fragmented and needs to be repaired. Perfect dilemma.

And, if he really has the strength to match the lord of the dark dimension, even if he settles in the dark HP world, it does n’t matter. He is catching up with the darkness before dawn. The magic tide is at a low time. All the superpowers are like fish that will die of thirst at any time. , Lack of energy to use extraordinary skills. Then he with the endorsement of the dark dimension should be able to easily crush.

But he was not strong enough and became a variety of hardships.

All in all, it's all greed and perfection, and you get the qualification by skillful means, then you will get a negative BUFF with unstable foundation and easy to overturn.

In this context, the so-called bad luck is actually a manifestation of this negative BUFF.

Kane understood this explanation by Eugen.

After all, he had the experience of stepping too hard and pulling the egg, and then making up for the pain. For example, the antecedents and consequences of his achievement of the deity, he only made up for the deficiencies by the sand of time, and the various tortures and sufferings during the period were not good for outsiders.

And Eugen now talks about the statement that he is the son of destiny, which is exactly the same as his process of becoming a god, but it is more magnificent. After all, the lord of the dark dimension is basically at the level of the creator **** and creator, naturally it is Included the part of becoming a god.

Eugen told Kane that the craving for the whole pitted Kane and also made Kane. The bad luck keeps him winning in the horizontal comparison, in terms of the will of mind and nature. This is why there is no difference in the number of steps. That's why Eugen came to him.

Another important reason is Eugen ’s help, and the world involved fits well with his attributes.

"In the world of Ikara, I am the **** of the sun and the **** of light. I used the power of darkness against Niederhog to prevent me from being able to overcome the difficulties of the test of will with an ordinary body."

Kane understood that the test of will would have been difficult for Eugen, who lacked steps in thinking and will. Because of the divine power, nothing can be a help. Supported by will. His opponent opened the reverse hook, making him have to deal with the erosion of the forces of darkness, so Eugen couldn't get through anyway.

And with his help, the situation is different. The other party's reverse hook is equal to his gain BUFF.

But is it really that simple?

Kane knew that most of it might not be.

Most of Eugen has reservations.

And if he remembers correctly, Niederhogg is the Nordic mythology who finally bit off the roots of the tree of the world, showing the divine dragon that the gods are coming at dusk.

In addition, the price he needs to pay is very high.

There is a special world that exists specifically to promote the state of the soul. Once it fails, there will be a related reverse reduction. It's not as simple as an incarnation.

In other words, the salary is indeed very high, but it is also a high-risk job, and it is a real earning of hard-earned money.

Many people will not choose this way. Even if they are also in the original accumulation stage, they are more willing to sacrifice conscience, credibility, affection, and so on, rather than selling their lives.

Of course, Eugen ’s price is really attractive.

In addition to the elements of the universe, there is more valuable information.

This is like the mortal saying: The problems that money can solve are not actually problems.

This kind of resource is not a great thing for the veteran gods who mix the multiverse. There are many ways to get them, but the information is not necessary.

"I am not interested in knowing what kind of enemies I will encounter in the future, what kind of opponents I need to go around, and what I can do to avoid leaving a lifetime of regret. I am only interested in natural technology. For example, where The technology that connects the world technology and the extraordinary technology in the region, I am quite lacking. "

"Sorry, I cannot provide the relevant information that best meets your requirements."

Through communication, Kane reviewed his ideas for the first time.

It can be said that his development ideas are closely related to his chances.

As a reincarnation in the previous life, he often suffered from various restrictions, such as placing certain worlds on the side of science and technology, extraordinary powers could not be exerted, and other worlds on the side of magic, even the chemical reaction of gunpowder. Achieved, the laws of science simply do not make sense.

So he had to adapt to the environment and develop a highly adaptable technical system. If the system can organically integrate science and magic, it can greatly solve the problem of limited environment. A set of technical systems can take all types of task environments, at least most of them.

In Eugen's eyes, such a technical system is basically a ladder to climb from ordinary mortals to extraordinary gods.

Before becoming a god, it may be said that this is a way to become a god. I perfected it to use it to become a god.

But he is already a god, and this method is not used, so what is the need to make this ladder as usual? Is it because the circle of gods is not lively enough to serve mortals and let more people become gods?

Therefore, Eugen does not pursue a complete technical system.

But it is precisely because of this, not to mention that He is a creator-level existence stepping into the high dimension, and the adaptability and combat effectiveness of the low-end game are far better than that of Kane.

To put it bluntly, with a **** skin, put on a mortal body, and limit the use of extraordinary power, then Eugen has a high probability of being taught by a mortal.

This is also a big reason why he will get stuck in the will.

But Eugen is a long-lived one after all, and the accumulation of technical information is still very rich, and some of them can indeed play a role in the connection between technology and magic.

For example, some technologies of dark matter and dark energy are derived from the technology inflection point of certain civilizations after encountering a catastrophe (similar to the DND universe ancient Nesiri Mokui event), and many ideas are very useful value.

Moreover, there are very few that Kane can directly use. After all, the blood-blooded swarm system has its own rules and characteristics, and foreign technology must be completely transformed before it can truly become a part of itself.

It can be said that Eugen can come up with such a product, in theory Kane has been very satisfied. Although he is greedy, there is still a minimum of receiving people.

In addition, after all, the day of becoming a **** is still short. Compared with the creator, it belongs to the family of turtles. It has a vision and a good appetite.

At most, it is due to Eugen rushing to get him to help, which belongs to the seller's market, so it is required to pay 70% first, and then pay the final payment after the fact.

Eugen was very generous, paying 100%, and said that he would be rewarded afterwards.

What makes Kane more comfortable is that Eugen honestly told Kane that as a variable-level information controller, he has many advantages, such as knowing what temperament Kane is, so he can better communicate with Kane Interaction, to put it bluntly, is asking for people, flattering, and knowing that you are a donkey, then I will put a low posture.

Kane naturally understands this kind of thing. The reincarnation goes to the mission world to be a character, and the protagonist's thigh is not such a face?

Now that he is the protagonist, it is quite ridiculous, but really speaking, is this protagonist better than the reincarnation who has the variable-level information?

Kane thought it was hard to say, it depends on what the comparison people care about.

For the generous rewards, this single business Kane took over. After all, he sent secondary avatars to multi-universe chaos, in order to obtain generous rewards and let his family spend the early childhood of the gods as soon as possible.

Now that there is such a well-paid business, what needs to be dispatched is an avatar instead of an ontology, why not do it for Mao?

Kane Zhao spoke with Eugen, and soon contacted the ontology.

And the ontology quickly considered and understood this task.

But he did not send Kane Zhao to finish.

Overkill, not to mention Kane? Zhao still has a lot of affairs to deal with. Kane is a principled person, including the beginning and the end, and the humans in the Koplu area must have an explanation. Can't just leave the stall alone.

Eugen didn't mind Kane's other characters.

As the controller of variable-level information, he was quite at ease with Kane's character during this period. Choosing Kane? Zhao as an entry point is also because Gao Wei's Kane is guarded against tampering with his own origin. Although he is the creator level, he is far from Gao Wei Kane's opponent, and he can't touch the branches and the main root level at all. Kane's body can only touch the foliage level.

The growth of the Lord of Darkness is particularly well-known in the multiverse, which means that the opportunities for its use can be very few. From the perspective of space and time, it is only more than 130,000 points, other high Dimension exists, which is not a ten million level?

Therefore, Eugen is actually taking great pains, preferring to be more generous, and unwilling to mess up few opportunities.

It is precisely for this reason that when Kane himself proposed to let Eugen help a little more, Eugen readily agreed.

Kane's extra requirement is that Eugen can use the variable-level information to take advantage of the master and tell him the coordinates of the clone that was exiled by Voldemort.

Eugen naturally knows that he did n’t even hit a mop, so he told Kane, and also briefly introduced the situation there ~ ~ Kane knew that he dared to be exiled to the dark soul of sin The world is gone.

From this matter, Kane extended to a question, how is Eugen's variable-level information controller formed.

You must know that he has variable-level information advantages for the dark HP universe, the dark SC universe, the dark sin soul universe, etc., because he comes from the source world and is called by the Vientiane door system. For him, these mission world universes are all two-dimensional worlds from the source world perspective, books, comics, movies, and so on. So what is Eugen's perspective?

Eugen did not lie to this issue.

He told Kane that his perspective is the entire multiverse, or the universe.

He explained this:

The origin of the heavens and the world lies in the earth, where it is the starting point of everything, so it is called the original source.

The reason why the Vientiane door system recruits reincarnations from the earth is because the intelligent life from the original world has its own talent for walking the multiverse. It is a real super-large oil unit, no need for adaptive transformation, just this, save a lot of special expenses.

Then from the perspective of the heavens and the worlds, you can make a detailed division. One of the division methods is the division of the elemental camp. With this division method, Kane belongs to the entire element of the dark camp. Determined by the source, Kane ’s highest position is the top-level existence of this division method. The Lord of Darkness, the multiverse of all dark attributes, that is, those beginning with black letters, are under his control.

Of course, this kind of **** is not to say that the gods of the dark multiverses found themselves suddenly having a wild father to serve, but a kind of personality. With the power of Kane at that time, the gods may not be able to discover, because for them, Kane's operation is the invisible level of the elephant.

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