Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Chapter 530: shared

Lor'themar Theron was an idea. When Kane pointed out that the elves had problems with the puppet regiment's control, and even implied that there was a problem with the related system, he seized the opportunity and asked: "Prince Garin , Did you foresee from the Holy Light? "

Lor'themar asked this as a basis. At the beginning of the year, Kane widely spread the **** head of the orcs scolding a dog in what is now called the Hammer of the Fallen Hammer.

Ordinary people listened to the excitement, and felt the hatred of Prince Garin's scolding. But what professionals listen to is the doorway.

Like Terenas, he once publicly praised that Thoras had a good son, much stronger than his elder son, and did what the older generation could not do. From mouth to hands, the orcs did it. Convinced orally. And it did speak of the key point, being frank and politically intelligent.

The elves like Quel'Thalas have a far-reaching vision, but they know what kind of characters Sargeras is. Although Das Mare's stubble of high elves has been made ancient, many elves have listened to their fathers' narratives since childhood. Brought up in splendor and disaster. & 1t; i> & 1t; / i>

Kane spoke out the concepts of Burning Legion and Sargeras in public, and they were deeply horrified when they heard it. The last time the Burning Legion came over, Kalim Dugu ’s 6th burst to a halt, what about this time?

Some members of the Silvermoon Council said Kane was alarmist. But some people came forward to refute that if Kane's many accusations were wrong, the orcs would face so many people, wouldn't they put one fart?

These rebutters pointed out that Kane not only knew Sargeras and the Burning Legion, but also knew that the orcs drank the spring water polluted by the blood of the abyss demon Mannoroth before they became the details of his eagle.

He even knew the Eredar people with a history of tens of thousands of years of magical civilization.

The high elves did not know the origin of the Eredar and their relationship with the draenei.

This means that Kane must have its source, which is bizarre and worth noting. & 1t; i> & 1t; / i>

As a member of parliament, Lor'themar naturally began to pay attention, and then he appeared in the various arrangements of the Kingdom of Stromgarde, it seems that they can be seen as preparing for war.

For elves who are accustomed to seeing the world with a large field of view and a long perspective, the arrangement for a few years can also be a very coherent action, just like issuing multiple commands in a row.

Attentive person Lor'themar took a look. Oh, the Kingdom of Stromgarde is going to fight a big war, and he will upgrade the armaments of the alliance countries, and arm the armed forces of all countries at a low price. The armor of the original army As a result, all weapons are lost to the civilians, so that the militia organizations of all countries are fully equipped and the swords are cold.

Not to mention the Kingdom of Stromgarde, it is hard to strengthen, seeing the heavens playing melee with the orcs, and then squatting the bandits to experience, the standing army accounts for 10% of the total population, and is a professional soldier out of production It has also established a complete logistics and supplementary system of soldiers. By the end of last year, powerful veterans have recovered and become coaches and backbones of the militia system, making the militia very combative ... & 1t; i> & 1t; / i>

Besides the Templars, ordinary people only saw those knights wearing standard armor, riding ordinary war horses, and plain outings. They rarely noticed that they also had the most terrifying heavy cavalry in history. Ma's feeling is not like being prepared for ordinary enemies, too high-end luxury.

Coupled with the mad farming and sending away the orcs, all the actions showed that this is to solve the internal hidden dangers, clear the walls, and prepare for the war.

Now I'm telling myself that I can't put the safety of the population in the hands of one person. Isn't that what I mean?

Kane did mean something, because the original historical line Quel'Thalas was easily broken, it was a traitor inside, if non-parliamentary member Darkan? De Lahill deceived the key from Lor'themar, Quil Saras is still able to carry for a while.

It was precisely because Quel'Thalas was about to fall, Antonidas led the few Dalaran mages hurriedly to fight, and as a result, he was defeated and robbed of the key artifact of Archimonde. & 1t; i> & 1t; / i>

It can be said that the Scourge destroys the alliance, the process is like the repetition of the two wars of man and beast, occupying the first opportunity, equipped with heavy soldiers, vigorously attacking, and progressing gods ... The plague was born in East Tirisfal Glades and Dallon Mill The catastrophe is just a prelude.

Now that Lor'themar has asked, Kane doesn't mind continuing to flicker in the name of the Holy Light: "The orcs are eagle dogs of the Burning Legion. If they fail, the Burning Legion will come down by themselves. Their arrival is imminent, and this Once, they learned the lesson of the orc's failure. "

He also said: "Forbidden magic that can bring great power, there are always a lot of obsessed people. Among the orcs are Ner'zhul and Gul'dan, and there are also humans, and the elves, too, do you think."

"What I want to know is, can war be avoided?"

Kane shook his head and answered in the affirmative: "There is absolutely no possibility of avoidance." & 1t; i> & 1t; / i>

Another said: "Throughout Azeroth, there are very few sources of energy that can make the Burning Legion see and achieve a certain purpose. The Sunwell is definitely one. How important it is to you, you know for yourself."

The elves are indeed clear.

For them, magic is life. The reason why they can live longer is to nourish the endless energy of the sun well.

This is also an important reason why the Quel'Thalas elves chose isolationism.

For most elves, the land outside Quel'Thalas is like a dump site with oxygen-thin, radiating land.

And this is precisely the main reason why Kane wanted to explore the structure of the sun well.

The ancestors of elves are a member of the ancient troll clan, and the trolls have not changed significantly for thousands of years. Why is there such a big difference between elves and trolls, especially in terms of Shou Yuan. & 1t; i> & 1t; / i>

Not only Shou Yuan, but also the soul has been strengthened, otherwise they will die or collapse after a thousand years of life.

This is not what pure energy can do. Kane suspected that it was a programmed energy.

He believes that the Well of Eternity is a high-end energy equipment that combines many functions and has the characteristics of nanotechnology.

When the Titans made this equipment, they made overall calculations, so they did n’t need the function of self-replication. As long as the well water was used up in the normal way, Azeroth could become what they expected at the beginning of the design Order form, thus affecting the consciousness of the star god.

Taking into account the possibility of being disturbed, eternal well water is self-consistent. This is why Illidan can still form a new magic well after stealing a few bottles of water.

The wells designed by the Titans are not afraid of being divided and taken in the general sense. As long as someone uses it, it will be able to exert its proper effect. & 1t; i> & 1t; / i>

Sargeras taught the elves how to use well water. As a result, the elves gained the ability to destroy the well water as they owned it.

This situation was not expected by the Titan gods.

As a result, the self-operating Well of Eternity was completely destroyed and exploded before completing its mission.

The ancient Kalimdor 6 was divided, and the orderly transformation of the nearly circular ancient Big 6 planned by the Titans was completely interrupted.

And all these speculations need to be proved by studying the well water of the Well of Eternity.

No, then you have to be a submarine player.

In addition to proving his many speculations, Kane also hopes to parse out high-end technology, especially the technology that strengthens his soul, which should be very helpful for the further strengthening of his soul.

Sunwell ’s well water is not for drinking, it is completely different from the Shadow Elf ’s moon well water. & 1t; i> & 1t; / i>

He also spent a lot of energy and energy in order to get the sun well water.

First, it took several years to establish its own worthy position through interaction with the Kingdom of Quel'Thalas in the economic and technical fields (sharpening the knife does not mistake the woodworker, nor is it just for this purpose).

Then the elves were given a solution to the long-term enemy (Amani troll).

I came here this time, and I rolled my sleeves off and showed a lot of knowledge and became a technical consultant.

He even used an experiment to prove to the elves that he was qualified to discuss the magic addiction of the elves.

Before this experiment, the elves only knew that the addiction was terrible, but they did not have intuitive feelings because they had not experienced it.

Kane prepared to let them see.

Experiment with an unholy elven prisoner. & 1t; i> & 1t; / i>

The horrible appearance of this elf shocked everyone present.

Kane concluded: "Most subjects of the Kingdom of Quel'Thalas have a soul strength that is not as high as him, and the probability of being caught in a vicious circle is higher."

"The wells of eternity and wells of the sun give elves not only the nourishment of energy, but more that it is a power of order. Because of this, elves are distinguished from ancient trolls."

Many members of the Silver Moon Council objected. They did not believe that they had a blood relationship with the dirty troll, even if it was very early.

"This is actually not particularly difficult to prove." Kane said: "I can tell you a secret, Nozdormu dragon, built in the Tanaris desert at the southernmost tip of Kalimdor A special facility, the Caverns of Time. If you are willing to take risks and pay enough to impress the bronze dragons, they can take you back to the ancients to witness the evolution of the elves as an observer. "& 1t; i> & 1t; / i>

Look, in order to achieve the goal, he even does the job of intelligence broker.

"Nozdom, guarding the dragon?" Asked a knowledgeable parliamentarian.

"Yes, the king of the bronze dragon, the guardian of time. There should be records in the elven literature that the four guardian dragons blessed Nordrassil, which was born about 10,000 years ago. And, Dasmare In the secret record left by His Majesty, it is probably stated that in the event of the Well of Eternity, humans and orcs joined the battle and played an important role. "

"Ten thousand years ago, Azeroth had no humans, but only Vryks, and no orcs. Where did they come from? Why did the Burning Legion value orcs and let them be eagles? Everything has its cause.

There are elven councillors who try to know more, but they are stopped by Anastarian. In the past, it would be better to let it be buried in the sand of time. After that, it is estimated that Dasmare will reveal how to steal the bottled eternal well water. & 1t; i> & 1t; / i>

Anastarian said that everyone is talking about things ~ ~ Don't think about it now is to discuss the magic addiction of the Quel'Thalas elves.

The members of the Silvermoon Council approved Anastalian ’s proposal, and felt that since Kane had shown their own far-sightedness in this matter, they might be able to point the way for the elves in the future.

Of course, in Anastalian's opinion at this time, this is just a plan in case of a move, or even a free move.

Ken ’s well water for Kane ’s Sunwell is mainly thanks to his contributions to the elves over the years, and the sharing of the secret and precious information.

So, under the operation of the members of the Silver Moon Parliament, Kane finally got his wish and got the sun well water.

As the most important facility in Quel'Thalas, the Sunwell cannot even dictate King Anastarian. It must cooperate with the lawmakers.

After that, Anastarian couldn't help but ask as a private person, is it possible to crack the magic addiction?

Ethan didn't answer directly, but asked them, do you know how Eresalas solved the problem?

Anastarian opened his eyes wide: "Here Saras still exists?"

Kane shrugged and said: "This is the deficiency of the Elves of Quel'Thalas. He didn't hear the things outside the window, and focused on a small life. When did the disaster fall and he couldn't bear it, so he was anxious Now. "

Kane, who knows the original history, whether it is the night elves or the Quelzales elves, is a population with such a lack of crisis awareness and vigilance.

"Born in sorrow and died in peace. At that time, the Amani trolls were attacked. There were humans but a cannon fodder. This time humans have been exhausted by the leading troops of the Burning Legion. Who will help you solve the disaster? "

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