Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Chapter 546: Chase

The history of Lordaeron, the human kingdom of Azeroth, is full of tragedies.

Pamela of Dallon County, Timmy of Stratholme, this is a feeling of sigh and sadness when you think of it.

The child ’s innocence is in sharp contrast with the cruel reality and touches the heart. Even if he is lost, it is difficult to pull out.

As a situation-focused controller, Kane was unwilling to get stuck, which would seriously affect his judgment. He told himself that if he wanted to save, then he would save most, and if he wanted to sacrifice, let sacrifice have its value.

The video record of the battlefield brought back by Youying, he is ready to save, so that the dignitaries of the various races of the Alliance, even the tribe, can feel the terror and cruelty of the enemy of life and the enemy of order.

But this is not enough. Victory cannot be won by grief and anger alone. Victory is the crushing of quantity and quality, the transcendence of technology, and the competition between creation and destruction of efficiency.

The ghosts also brought back a large amount of combat data and various samples collected.

Kane observed the entire series of events with a cold attitude.

In his eyes, this is a crush with technology as the core.

He also knows that most of the people who are trapped in it are now more willing to appreciate it from an emotional perspective.

Arthas exploded on the spot after learning of the loss in Dallon County and the situation in Colin City.

He denounced the incompetence of the local lords loudly, calling them foolish idiots. It was their serious negligence that caused the people to suffer tremendous harm ...

At the same time, Marganis and Kel'Thuzad were equally unhappy. Although they won one game, they did not win much. The fruits of the victory were far less sweet than expected, and they were much worse.

The two analyzed the reasons for this result, and felt that the performance of the Lordaeron side can only be regarded as ordinary. In the high probability of meeting the ambush, it also held the main force at the critical moment, and did not commit muddling, so the casualties were limited. .

Among them, the Paladins of the Silver Hand are more eye-catching. Marganis believes that Kel'Thuzad, who is in charge of intelligence, is obviously lagging behind in the intelligence against Paladins.

Kel'Thuzad did not refute. Indeed, he was a bit busy and dizzy, and also a little too conceited. His impression of the paladin was mainly still in the state during the Second Orc War.

Although someone mentioned it, the hand of silver learned from the sacred temple and made great progress, but he did not care too much.

In his perception, Garin Torbain is indeed a good player in making money.

But it is unbelievable to say that he can build a Paladin better than the Silver Hand from scratch.

Who dares to blow hundreds of orcs, but dare to blow!

This is the mistake of self-righteousness and self-righteousness.

As a result, in actual combat, the Paladin has a powerful role, completely beyond his estimation. If it is not limited, the battle situation will be even more ugly.

Kel'Thuzad is loyal to the Lich King, not the Dreadlord. He said that this time the result was far less than expected, and he did not recite it.

Kel'Thuzad pointed out that if there is a strange combat group inserted into the battle situation, which affects the operation of the entire battle, the outcome will definitely be another situation.

The subtext of this statement is actually: It is not that we have a big problem in battle command, but that a strong third-party intervention has disrupted the rhythm, and the pot should be backed by the third party.

Marganis rarely did not fight against Kel'Thuzad, mainly because it also learned the third party's power, its pair of devil horns were cut off, and even the bat wings were badly damaged, but they are not Healing is regarded by him as the greatest shame in the past five hundred years, but unfortunately no one can even figure out who the other party is now.

Kel'Thuzad bluntly stated that this was done by his colleagues. Some people had opinions on his master and deliberately secretly shot, not wanting the Lich King to win too much.

However, Marganis believes that this third party is not from the Burning Legion. The "flavor" or the number of routes is wrong, but it can't explain this matter to Kel'Thuzad.

Because this is pure intuition, and experience talk. Only as an army veteran can feel strange. But it ’s just a feeling. From the perspective of the power used, it ca n’t say a rebuttal. This third party does use dark power and evil energy. The very authentic kind is exactly this. Marganis was particularly upset.

"I think I'm so wicked that I've been stolen, is this really justified!"

This is naturally Kane's arm, he let the demon hunter go online in advance, and the magic warlocks, the shadows brought back by the actual combat data, mainly their ...

The Dalong area was swept by powerful evil forces, and the loss of people and property was huge. This series of vicious incidents has made all countries tight.

The rulers are self-confident and they may not be able to handle it better than the Kingdom of Lordaeron. The international situation soon became tense.

Facing this situation, Terenas chose to keep the royal territory first.

He dispatched the cloth he trusted to carry out operations throughout the Tirisfal Glades, following the practices of western Dallon, concentrating the population in towns with strong defense forces, and asking for help from Thoras Torbane, asking him to send the Holy The Knights of the Temple came to the Kingdom of Lordaeron.

Terenas asked the Templars not to fight, but to detect and troubleshoot.

The power of the Holy Light in the sacred temple is now very famous, and they have the energy reserve of the Holy Light. They can be built by the priest or the priest.

Due to the large number of believers in the light of the Kingdom of Falken, there are churches in various large towns in Falken, and many villages also have altars.

Terenas's idea was to widely spread the sacrificial light in the Kingdom of Lordaeron, thereby pulling out the latent cursed believers.

Terenas's approach is old-fashioned, but Arthas is very dissatisfied.

He felt Terenas had lost the courage that a king should have. And its approach also makes other lords feel chilled, especially in the Dallon area.

In this context, he received a report from the air rider that Marganis had merged with Kel'Thuzad, and they took a path that no one thought of, along the east bank of the Sudrell River into the depths of Jufeng Mountain, and from there A cave in the valley entered the Jufeng Valley.

Jufeng Valley, also known as the Valley of Terror in the future, where people live, the town of Loka.

The town of Loka found ore veins in Jufeng Mountain, where a mine hole was opened, and was the main iron ore supply place in Stratholme. It can be said that it grew up with Stratholme.

Today, it is this mine that is used by the undead together with the caves where the Sudrell River originated.

Air Rider can't even determine when the town of Loka was lost. But it is certain that the undead have been in control there, because we have seen the strange and evil buildings looming in the poisonous clouds now, the surrounding trees are also dead, the land is also eroded, and the rotten and strange colors are exuded.

Everyone was anxious, and Arthas seemed agitated in addition to being anxious.

While receiving this latest information, the Dwarves' Thunder Spear Guard arrived.

Thunderspear has never been a clan, but a legion. It used to be and it is now.

In the past, Thunderspear had been withdrawn from Alterac to the Wetland Dan Ogaz to cultivate. Now the Thunderspear Guard is newly formed, and the commander is Gorok? Stone Blade. Since Danmode ’s shaft access to the wetland has been repaired, Ray The Spear Guards boarded directly from Menethil Port, disembarked in the South China Sea town, and then drove over by the transportation vehicle provided by the Falken Kingdom.

Arriving with Thunder Spear, there was also a group of Paladins of the Silver Hand, most of them flying by air from the Kingdom of Stormwind to Dun Morogh, and then rushed back by boat.

Thoras Torbain of the Falcon Kingdom also sent the Falcon Vanguard.

This falcon cavalry stationed on ice wind barriers is not a unit. The vanguard should be more elite, and it is the trump card of "use me in the first battle and win with me".

Soon, the envoys of the Quel'Thalas elven kingdom also arrived. They said that they would send the puppet army and the ranger army to participate in the battle against the undead.

Arthas was completely excited.

Since he was previously recognized by Terenas, he now represents the king. This is a public office, and the Kingdom of Lordaeron is the leader of the alliance, so he rightly became the commander in chief.

The coalition was divided into two parts, the elite Knights of the Silver Hand, and the Thunder Spear Guard who had dealt with the stone for a lifetime, and Alsace led the rest of the troops to the city of Colin. The armies of the Quel'Thalas elves converged, and then they fought together to destroy the undead army.

Attentive person Jaina once again discovered a situation in which it was estimated that the war with the undead would start at night, perhaps.

Will there be fraud here?

She spoke out her worries.

Alsace stated that even if there was fraud, it was still so. The whereabouts of the large undead troops have been confirmed. Even at night, the number is so large that there is no way to slip away. This time it is just positive, and strength speaks.

Everyone thought, this is indeed the reason. And this time is not suitable for hesitating to wait, always have to act.

So the troops went out.

Paladins have horse legs and lightning spears, and war sheep are also not slow.

Both of these forces were strong soldiers armed to the teeth. They successfully overtook the army of the undead. The two sides fought, and the dead flowers were killed.

Arthas looked hot, but didn't forget his task. He parted ways and went round.

After the Silver Hand and Thunder Spear chased into the cave, they encountered unstoppable obstruction by the undead. The team could not be opened here. The undead carried a large number of corpses and constantly summoned bone bone warriors to top.

The Paladin and the Dwarves rolled forward in a mixed wheel war, and for a moment they could not see who suffered more.

Arthas and his party joined forces with the elves on Beigu Avenue this afternoon.

Ranger general Sylvanas Windrunner, leading her ranger troops.

Arthas noticed that the elf's ranger troops were highly motivated.

As far as he knows, Sylvanas has the personality trait of "eliminating evil and easy disease". He guessed that most of the rangers were willing to participate in this operation.

This is indeed the case. Originally Quel'Thalas only planned to send the puppet regiment, but Sylvanas shouted to come, and the members of the Silver Moon Council calculated that there were Rangers as scouts and remote protection, which was also quite Well, Anastarian agreed, and he took special care of Sylvanas. He liked the four children of the Windrunner family.

The puppet army is commanded by members of the Xingge family. The Star Song family followed Dasmare from an early age and was a staunch supporter of the Sundial Family.

This family is rich in arcane masters and has a lot of leafy leaves. There are 23 members of the Starsong family of the same generation as Kael'thas, which makes the thin sundrow family of young people very sigh.

The Star Song family is loyal to the Sundial family, but it disdains the rest. It is a kind of extreme arrogant cluster except the Sundial family and the rest of our Starsong family.

The reason why he surrendered to the day-to-day is because Dasmare resolutely did not go to the primitive life with the night elves, but believed that the Eternal Well event is not in the art of man, arcane is a great knowledge, life is exploring the universe One of the keys, Das Mare said: "I would rather choose a life with a bound than a foolish immortality."

This sentence is the family motto of the Xingge family.

They feel that only Xingge and Sun Daily are still determined today. The Sun Day family has delayed research because of the need to manage state affairs. Then the Xing Ge family should be a strong guarantor of the creed and always stand in the Sun Day family. Beside.

They are very disdainful to the Windrunner family, do not study arcane art, go to the nature, play with bows and arrows, this group of guys 'thinking is infected by the night elves' thinking. The disease is not light.

As for other families, greed and luxury ~ ~ rest in pleasure, easy and evil, all degenerate.

Only the Xingge family and the Sun Daily family are still struggling.

In fact, it's almost the same, because the sundial family is really busy. The Xingge family took the initiative to keep themselves busy. Their rhythm of life is similar to that of a human mage, which is definitely different among elves.

As the saying goes, diligence can make up for it, not to mention that their family studied arcane from generation to generation. They are clever and have high affinity.

Their appearance is characterized by platinum hair, purple pupils, and Sarandra Starsong, the puppet army commander this time.

Not long ago, he came to a crushing slaughterhouse against the Amani trolls with the puppet army. He was full of vigor, and the whole person seemed to be a sword with a sheath, and Alsace, who had always been conceited, looked at him.

The army of elves is more than Arthas expected, especially the Puppet Corps, 10,000 units. Arthas feels that he does not have to worry about the tactics of the dead bones this time.

He thought to himself: "Let's see if you summoned quickly, the troops will be quickened, or our crush will be fast!"

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