Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Chapter 604: Guardian joins

nbsp; Regarding the future of Karazhan, Kane has a shaped plan.

He spoke to Medivh unhurriedly: "My team's strengths are construction. The operation is water milling, and it takes a long time to work hard to achieve results. In this field, I still think who has the best place to worry about."

"Of course, it is difficult to make a business bigger and stronger in a short period of time just by making a car behind closed doors. Karazhan's current situation can be said to be in vain. If you want to thrive and develop, you need help and selling points."

"I think that the relationship between the power and the selling point is very close. If the selling point is enough, the power will come naturally. Of course, sometimes it can be reversed. For example, the one I introduced to you now, Isar and his vain compatriots."

Medivh blinked, feeling a little bit interesting. Nodded: "They are indeed a good selling point. Karazhan in the future is likely to be the only commercial city in Azeroth that sells goods from different worlds."

Kane nodded with a smile, and said: "This old Mai is also somewhat ambitious, even trying to build a city."

He added: "We must realize that Karazhan is in a deserted place, and the situation of the neighbors is not very good. Therefore, Karazhan needs to open a new one, and the first wave of momentum must be created. Not enough. Fortunately, our second selling point is also an out-of-the-box door. "

"It is not good to say that it is possible to open several alien channels, but I think 4 of them should be guaranteed. That is to say, we have at least 4 unknown worlds waiting to be explored, and there is a possibility of digging up rare and precious things. At the same time, it also has extremely high research value. "

Medivh nodded. He didn't know what other people were thinking. Anyway, for him, the attraction of this selling point was really quite big.

Not only to seek the secret, but for this, there are many areas where Azeroth has not been involved so far, and there is no need to go to another world.

The real value of different worlds lies in horizontal comparison. Different worlds have something in common and very different, and by studying this comparison, it is very possible to get inspiration, find a way, and break through some stuck research topics.

After all, all sources of the world can be called to follow nature.

The lesson that Azeroth did not teach, or the less esoteric lesson, you can go to another teacher to hear, maybe that teacher can explain these lessons in a simple, vivid and interesting way.

At this time, Kane also said: "The third selling point is naturally Arcane Energy of the Magic Web. After our transformation and the rational planning of Karazhan's energy system, in addition to self-use, there are still many balances. These purified Arcane energy is a relatively popular commodity. Dalaran needs it, as do the Quel'Thalas elves. "

Kane further explained: "When I visited before, I had been warned about the dry spell and magic addiction of the arcane body caused by long-term bathing in the rich arcane environment, and the elves were also very concerned about this issue. . A project team was established specifically to study this topic. "

"Not long ago, the elves contacted me and said that after more than a year of observation, they have determined that, except for those with strong mental strength and high control over their own strength, the rest of the Quel'Thalas elves left Almighty. If the environment is filled for 1 month, the symptoms of energy hunger will begin to appear. If it can not be relieved in time, it will be 3 months as soon as possible and half a year as slow.

Speaking, he also called up a magic image for Medivh to see.

Medivh frowned: "I didn't feel much before, but the situation is already so serious."

Kane said: "The problem has always existed, but it seems that the seemingly peaceful civilization of the high magic kingdom Quel'Thalas, within the society, is also problematic. In short, the problem of the lawless and magic addiction is difficult to appear in the power. Body "

Medivh is naturally transparent, and then

A good monarch yelled at my people, but in fact there are differences between relatives and distant relatives, as well as being third-class. The problems of dry law and magic addiction have been around for a long time, but they have not been paid attention to. Naturally, it is because the dignitaries with higher entry in the material aspect are basically not troubled by such problems.

This topic stopped here, social issues are not clear in three words and five words.

Kane also reminded the Silvermoon Council when he went to Quel'Thalas last time that key seals, such as the key to protecting Quel'Thalas' magic enchantment, should not be in the hands of one person, but should be kept by multiple people. Things, shared with Medivh.

Medivh combined with the comments of Jaina not long ago, it is easy to understand that Quel'Thalas has apostates seduced by the Burning Legion, and is still a high-level, probably more than one.

In general, knowing this information, Medivh understands the value of arcane energy as one of the selling points.

As the saying goes, take precautions, like the elves of Quel'Thalas, don't store some Austrian crystals at the bottom of the box, so I am sorry to say that I am a real person?

This is actually similar to the meaning of storing food for human beings. Austrian crystallization is definitely a strategic material. The magical civilization with sprinklers like Quel'Thalas has almost unlimited demand for it.

Also, Medivh now understands the nature of the Sunwell ’s operation.

Suppose, instead of extracting the power of the solar well less frequently, but to give it more time to assimilate the original magic power, what will happen?

The Sunwell has been upgraded to an eternal well?

Well, this is too difficult.

But it is still possible to make the Arcane energy of the Sunwell more pure, and bathing in this high-purity energy well water for a long time will certainly make the elf ’s demand for Arcane more discerning, but it can also create more powerful. Of individuals.

This is very tempting.

As Terenas said to Arthas: "Children, we rule this country with strength and wisdom."

These two things complement each other. Compared with the saying that the people are the cornerstones of the rulers, power and wisdom feel more appropriate, more practical, and easier to control. After all, people's hearts are unpredictable. Everyone knows this.

In addition to Quel'Thalas, Dalaran also has a great demand for Olympic crystallization.

Thinking of this, Medivh said: "So where are you? I noticed that your troops are mostly energy-consuming units, and you have invested a lot in this place."

Kane chuckled, “I honestly say that I ’m not a magnificent person, and I think it ’s unhealthy in the long run to simply pay without return. If it ’s a Karazhan project two or three years ago, I must leave a considerable portion of the energy output. Today, the relevant demand is not so urgent. "

"In my system, the focus of energy is on evil energy."

Medivh frowned, perhaps because Sargeras had let him know more about this energy after he lost the house. To be honest, he was very afraid of evil energy. Kane's current statement made him very worried.

Kane seemed to understand his mind and said, "I'm worried that I will burn myself with fire, isn't it?"

Medivh nodded and said seriously: "It will inevitably go wrong over time."

Kane did not deny that he often walked by the general, how could there be non-wet shoes.

"Well, this is indeed a point that needs attention. I use two methods to deal with it. The first is to limit the time, clearly give a deadline, and prepare for the transformation as early as possible. The second is to improve the system and prevent the slightest. For example The possibility of being entangled by the Burning Legion because of evil. The advanced and perfect system can find the signs in the early stage to a great extent and avoid the large losses caused by it. "

"It sounds like I have been prepared for a long time. I asked beautifully, why insist on using this power? After all, we all know that this power is very dangerous."

Kane replied: "This is serious, in fact, in one sentence, someone has to deal with garbage."

Medivh was startled, then sighed: "Your mind is admirable."

Life is alive, there is more pain and less joy. Azeroth is notoriously disaster-prone. When the two are combined, it is easier to produce negative things. The output rate of these negative things is higher than the world's digestion rate, which will form a backlog, and then become a hidden danger that can be used by evil factions.

This is Medivh's perspective.

Kane's understanding, there is one more layer, which is the drawback of the two-level division.

Take the modern origin world as an example. Compared with modern times, modern human civilization is undoubtedly more advanced, and this advanced is to some extent based on huge energy consumption, and at the same time produces a large number of negative products represented by environmental pollution.

It can be said that the more high-end and more orderly the civilization, the greater the energy consumption and the stronger the ability to produce negative products.

Magic civilization also has such problems, for example, the original magic power purifies arcane energy, and the remaining **** is a negative product.

When modern people use crude oil, bitumen is used for paving roads, and many waste products are recycled and used, even if they cannot be treated, they are more easily oxidized and then landfilled.

The intelligent life in the world of Azeroth has not yet had such recycling and environmental awareness. Anyway, it is widely sparsely populated, and garbage is thrown out, allowing nature to digest it.

To go further, the ordering process of the Titans has also produced negative products, and they have not been handled well.

The ancient god, and even the four-element lord, the seal. In the eyes of Kane, this is equivalent to running to Africa to build an underground warehouse, and then ship the nuclear waste ship over, regardless of the warehouse.

This is the thing, just be late.

And Kane meant that my skills were high and I had the status of a dark contractor. I came to pick up this stall and organize the wild garbage dump into a waste recycling site, with fences, monitoring, and continued Digesting garbage, this negative breeding ground, breeding evil, is contained.

The demon nodes left by the Titan Guardians like Karazhan are at most in disrepair. From the root, it is a facility on the order side. Do n’t let it fall into the hands of evil or sceptical people, but in the hands of In the hands of reliable people, let it play a positive role.

This is the macro strategy ~ ~ Kane said: "I help you so much, and when you really need it, you are so embarrassed not to contribute? So I am not just paying, but the way and time to ask, It ’s a little unusual. I believe that people with vision, from my standpoint, will not rush to take anything from you at this time, but will find a way to entrust you and make you into the ranks of wealth. . When you are strong and strong, next time you have a similar expedition, it ’s not my dragons who play a one-man show, do they? ”

Medivh lamented: "I don't know what to say!"

"Thank you. Then we went to negotiate with Isar. The arcane fortress we talked about before, he has already moved, and we will work harder. As for the feeling of being trusted and expected, you can taste it slowly when you look back."

Medivh's rare facial expression stretched and said sincerely: "Thank you. For many years, I haven't been as happy as I am now."

"Well, it's easy to say. When we have time in the future, we will build the soul habitat, and maybe we can talk to King Lion and Sir Rosa, they have unlimited possibilities for our future, don't always think about filling our own lives. Go in, we are not tragic heroes. "


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