Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Chapter 608: Individual in war

In the partial hall of King Lordaeron, a court mage suddenly rushed to Terenas to play with himself.

It must be said that this is an assassination operation with a very high probability of success.

This mage assassin did not even switch to the common curse system of the Scourge, but still used arcane. This makes it extremely deceptive, and even the inspection of the Holy Light system is missed.

The timing of the assassination was also very good.

Even if Terenas is not sitting high on the throne, keeping a distance from the interviewee, he is wearing a protective armor, and a bodyguard is nearby to protect him.

Only when the situation is similar to the current situation will the leak leak out inadvertently.

The bodyguard is not far away, but the mage assassin is closer!

Seeing that Terenas was about to be killed by a self-explosive assassin incarnate into fragments.

Terenas flashed in front of her, with more figures.

Immediately afterwards, there was an explosion, with bright lights shining and flesh and blood splashing. The core radius of the explosion was almost 5 meters. Not to mention Terenas' advisor, even several other court mages were affected.

The scene after the explosion was very tragic, and the people who were blown up close were gone, and farther away, there were often more fragments of bone stubble embedded on the body. When deliberately ingesting magic power, no refining is carried out, which makes harmful energy exceed the standard, which is used to harm people at this moment.

Due to the tremendous power of the explosion, no one at the scene was able to stand steady. Even the bodyguard was blown away by the impact, and the internal organs were shocked. One of them vomited blood, which was obviously very serious.

The professional qualities of the guards and the sense of honor in their hearts made them get up and rush up to check Terenas' situation.

It turned out that Terenas moved away from the person he was pressing and stood up.

Unscathed, the clothes were messy and slightly embarrassed. Terenas looked around with a somber face, and then Shen Sheng gave orders to the guards who heard the movement rushing in.

More than ten minutes later, he was neatly dressed and there was a new batch of guarded Terenas listening to the report in the war room.

He released the news not long ago that he had been seriously injured and was nearing death. Those guards who rushed in, except for a few he believed to be credible, were banned from others, so as to avoid any apostates from leaking the news.

One of his substitutes, who arrived in secret, played the seriously injured and was treated in the treatment department with the other wounded. And he launched another system, where he dispatched troops.

Such a deliberate acting, naturally want to see who would jump out of trouble at this time.

Terenas is well aware that with the assassination, there must be coveted thrones, and even the assassination itself is related to it. If he can't take the opportunity to remove it, how can he be worthy of this dangerous death?

"Your Majesty, the man is dead. When he was protecting His Majesty, the special technique he used seemed to sacrifice his life."

Terenas was sinking in water, unable to see any expression, and his voice was calm. He asked, "What about identity?"

The reporting person submits a written document.

Terenas looked through it, detailing the person's past, including his family, referrals, etc.

"The remains are preserved and preserved in the Underground Palace. So far, the relevant records indicate that the magical stress I carried with me played a role and saved my life."

"Yes, King."

Terenas has a lot in mind, and he guessed that most of it was Kane's handwriting. There is no need for too much evidence to guess the character of the character. Among the top people today, Prince Garin is the only person who can do this kind of thing, and has the ability and conditions to do it.

Terenas was very angry, not because Kane put a man on his left. Every king is doing this kind of thing, and the amount of investment and effectiveness are different.

Terenas was angry that he, who pretended to be an eagle, was actually taken care of by a younger generation. He is so old that he can't even handle the king's career? This is just a daily routine, not a political-governance game with Yun Chubo.

If there is no cure for one room, why should the world be the home country?

Although there is no such refined proverbs in this world, there are still similar meanings.

It is applied to Terenas, and even his own personal safety is not well greeted. What political-governance game is he playing?

The achievements made in the past have now become a background against incompetence, and Terenas is the one who is angry.

Coupled with the betrayal of his son Alsace, Terenas' confidence was somewhat shaken.

This also means that he needs a decent victory, not only to regain confidence and face, but also to relieve the resentment in his heart.

At the same time, Kane received an urgent report about the assassination of Lordaeron's palace and the sacrifice of an agent.

"Really that simple?"

Kane's suspicious character broke out again.

Assassination of Terenas, the chaos of Lordaeron. Perhaps plus rescue Alsace?

To be honest, Kane couldn't think of a more serious possibility.

After the Stratholme incident, all countries including the Kingdom of Lordaeron have long remembered. Strengthened access management of lifeline materials.

Moreover, the Lordaeron City, but focus on cleaning the area. Not ordinary officers and soldiers to check from house to house, but to separate the enemy and the neutral through the faith of the Holy Light, but this is really carried out to the bottom of the sweep. After the completion, the black households and homeless people basically no longer exist, where is there a cult big Soil gathered on a large scale?

Insufficient scale, just a small force, is not enough to cause too much harm to a city in a short time. After a long time, the official power will enter the field. After all, it is its own territory, with the assistance of the people. It is difficult for the members of the cult to survive, let alone make trouble.

Therefore, Kane could not think of the possibility of Lordaeron becoming the second Stratholme.

It is for this reason that it feels weird. I do not understand what chess the Scourge is playing.

At the same time, in Beiliubao, after nearly four hours of fierce fighting, the battle finally came to an end.

This piece of land that will be recorded in the annals of history in the name of a **** battlefield is still filled with this bloodthirsty and passion.

Even the blizzard seemed to feel this. The cold wind rolled up the broken snow, sprinkled and swirled, and embellished the hot battlefield with a strange poignant.

Due to the overcasting of the area, this area has been reduced to a magically disordered area, which has severely affected the casting of spells and the effects of running spells.

For example, the magic eye used for observation is affected by the disturbing magic power, and it cannot be seen.

Even, in the void, the smoke shining from time to time is violent magic turbulence. When it appears in the lower area, the creature that unfortunately crashed into it knows how terrible the magnificent behind is.

The Scourge still refused to admit defeat.

To be fair, changing Kane's perspective from the other side will also be unbalanced. After all, the battle loss ratio is too ugly.

At first, it seems to be half a catty, even from the general situation, the natural disaster side is even better.

However, now that the Abomination Corps has been exhausted, the number of red copper puppets has not yet decreased.

What happened?

In fact, it's nothing wrong. It is the copper puppet, strictly implementing the ‘piranha tactics’.

In the words of Kane: "On the battlefield, only rookies will fight with passion, veterans rely on discipline, tactics, and finally combat skills."

It is actually not easy to implement this tactic. You can't be afraid of war, and you can't kill the brutal nature, you can't be sharp, but you can't be greedy.

The mogao ogres did it because they were puppets.

The essence of piranha tactics is to advance and retreat in an orderly manner. Observing the piranha eating, you can have a deep understanding of this. The individual piranha will take a mouthful of the piranha and withdraw it, and the immediate back part ...

On the battlefield, completing this set is easier said than done.

And the copper puppets did not take advantage of it, but resumed evacuation and injured evacuation.

This degree made the battle appear stalemate, even the illusion of natural disasters prevailing.

In fact, whether it is a single soldier or an array, the copper puppets are stronger, and the abominations rely on huge losses to play a winning effect.

It ’s a pity that the Volunteers basically have no morale. It ’s possible for the secondary dragons to collapse in the face of the abomination of the abomination corps, but they could n’t meet it, and they died with guns and cannons. For Minions, that scene can also be called a slap.

Under the command of the war drum, the secondary dragon's return formation is constantly moving in the wilderness, like a section of a dike, resisting the tide-like natural disaster cannon fodder.

Every collision, there are always a large number of low-level undead, like the waves smashed on the reef.

And almost every quarter of an hour, there was a round of fierce big waves and a defeat of defeat. In the past four hours, more than ten rounds, how many low-level cannon fodder died of the Scourge can be imagined.

But they were still tenacious, the gargoyle flew at low altitude, sounded the horn, scattered and seemingly dazed ghouls and skeletons, heard the horn sound, they had the main heart, chased away.

No way, this is the battlefield, even in the daytime, in it, I do n’t know what the overall situation is like, even without a flag, I do n’t know which side is the enemy, which side is the friend, just look The corpses everywhere in the wilderness. Taking the ghoul's brain out of the group, they don't even have a target, let alone a skull without a brain.

And now it is night, even if it has night vision ability, it is not every day that can regard night as overcast daylight, but has the farthest horizon, no matter how far away it is misty darkness.

In this case, it is a special instrument horn with energy fluctuations, which is more useful.

The Scourge still knows how to clenched their fists, and it's enough to take back and strike again. So each time the cannon fodder disperses, it will gather and gather, and then attack again.

Of course, this job must be coordinated with other types of offensive work. After all, the Volunteer Army is not a dead man, and he will not just watch the enemy reorganize time and time again.

The way the Scourge used to cover and gather the scattered soldiers was magic strike.

Curse wizards, bone mage, and cast spells on a corps scale.

Because it is a cluster cast ~ ~ The conscription is also very obvious. From afar, the sky is illuminated by the magic light. That's the starting hand of the cluster cast, just like the situation seen when the artillery position fired from afar, but it is more magnificent.

Although the sub-dragon troops have been moving, they still mainly deal with magical attacks. Not only is the movement speed not as fast as the strike speed, but also because the magic strike is guided, the Archmage of the Scourge is responsible for networked guidance. The area where their spiritual power is locked is where those magic strikes are.

The magic blow is like a bombshell bombardment, drawing an arc in the sky and falling down.

The secondary dragons use the defensive force field scroll again, as if propping up a huge glowing turtle shell, invalidating most of the blows. A small amount, even if it can penetrate, the power is greatly reduced, which can be carried by people.

If you are injured, you should be treated. You should send out the array's own dedicated person to do this, while others continue to listen to the war drums and orders, and proceed in silence. No conversation, not even many expressions.

This is the individual in the war. Relative to the overall situation, most of them are unable to confirm their own situation, but are almost mechanical, giving up their own strength until victory or defeat. ()

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