Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Chapter 629: Attacking Death Knight

Kane seldom underestimates the small people with excellent ability, but the ones who are above the top. He sometimes vomits and talks about grotesque things like "because of this, and also lose to this" or "this person has stopped moving forward".

In the eyes of Kane, the death knight Karel, even if he is capable, at least his ability, quality, courage and wisdom have the potential to achieve some achievements.

Karel eventually took the dark path as Kane had expected.

Not only did he have a certain accumulation on this road, but also because after analyzing the current situation, he felt that there was more room for development along this road.

Kane agreed with him.

"First of all, your talent is hard to come by, and it ’s a waste of not going this way. Secondly, I do n’t think there are any special characters in the dark camp. It is the Lich King who is now making waves, looking at his life experience, but it is only Yu Qiang. The weak, the weaker is the stronger. It has not been able to create a world of its own in a harsh environment, through arduous struggle, extraordinary ability and will, and now the open teeth and claws are nothing but the reward of the Burning Legion. The power and technology bully the backward indigenous people. "

"Of course, we have to admit its achievements. This is the manifestation of strength. It's just that this is not a high mountain, it can only be sighed and cannot be pursued. You are ambitious and aspiring. But you lack time. The way you chose to attach and then climb, you have achieved what you are now, including what you get, and the embarrassing situation you face. I think you should take this opportunity to change. More positive, Be more autonomous ... "

Karel was also a wise man. Hearing this, I still don't understand Kane's suggestion.

"You let me go back to the Scourge, when your eyes and ears?"

Kane smiled and shook his head. "Although I have developed consciously, I haven't swelled enough to think that I have the ability to remotely control you."

With that said, he suddenly changed the subject and said: "Are you satisfied with this transaction between us?"

Karel nodded subconsciously, then nodded vigorously.

He understood completely.

Kane didn't want him to be an informant, but hoped that a transaction similar to this one would have another time.

The initiative is on him, he feels that there is high-value intelligence or things that can be traded, and there is a need to trade, then just follow this again and again.

Of course, you can also say the other way around. If you do n’t have any high-value ‘goods’, do n’t contact them. You can get as much fun as you want.

"Something interesting ..." Karel thought about it playfully and asked a bit cautiously: "Like you, Holy Light ..."

Kane laughed: "What do you think the Holy Light is? How do you think the concepts of right, evil, good, and evil were born? Are they really related to the attributes of extraordinary power?"

Kane asked these three questions without waiting for Karel to answer, and solemnly said: "If you control the power, it will serve you, if you are controlled by the power, then follow its footsteps. Well, today We ’ve talked enough, let ’s see if I have something for you ... "

A few hours later, when Karel appeared in front of Tyranus, his body and even his side reflected Kane's giving.

Karel still seems to be wearing the original Scourge Death Knight suit.

As a commander-level death, in fact, it will not be an Acherus suit, but a giant helmet of the Scourge Warrior, blood-stained Saronite iron shoulder armor, blood-poisoned command handguards, and the blood of the sky-covering person. Cloak and other sets.

This armor has an outer panel, inner scales, and a fur lining and outer edge. The base color is dark blue at night, and the parts with equal functions and decoration are illuminated by the magic light of ice blue or sapphire blue, which looks quite majestic.

After being trained by the Burning Legion, Ner'zhul also learned to frame her face. I have to say that this is really a very meaningful approach. Many cannon foes who cursed the sect only joined the Scourge's dress because they were cool and popular. The enemies of the Scourge are often afraid of the majestic and neatly dressed warfare. They are armed to the teeth at a glance, which is not easy to provoke.

As a modern man, Kane, of course, is also very clear about the uniform dress, the impact on the morale of the army, the sense of glory, and the sense of belonging. Therefore, under his leadership, this aspect is also the same, even if it is a cloth suit, all It's pretty and beautiful. It suits the wearer, and the magical set gifted to Master Dalaran is so popular and has a lot to do with it.

However, Karel is going to continue to climb inside the Scourge. Suddenly, a handsome set of armor is naturally prone to doubt, so Kane is given a set of excellent inner armor.

This armor is like a dry suit for diving, with a thickness of about 1CM. It is very close to the body and is woven with materials such as magic wire.

The characteristics of this armor, like the equipment given to Luo Ning, Medivh, and Jaina, are high-end goods. After wearing them and related magic pendants, Karel felt that the two or two swords could cut down and hate.

Kane not only sent equipment, but also sent his children.

This is a very sensitive field, not to mention outsiders like Karel, even if they are themselves, it is inevitable that people will be born with doubts about whether they are sent to secretly monitor me.

However, Kane ’s rich experience in this area is less than anyone else ’s, and the related services are absolutely intimate, so people ca n’t pick and make mistakes.

Karel ’s twelve points of satisfaction, now the left and right hands and the adjutant beside him are all entrusted by Kane, there are 10 people outside, which are fully qualified for the army officer, with these people, one The highly controlled team framework is built.

Kane sent the Buddha to the west, and picked some soldiers of the Scourge from the prisoners, but Karel changed from a lonely man to a team leader.

So, Karel wandered around in Caen, posing as a member of the Scourge Corps who had escaped from Fenris Island, and headed towards Ping'an Town.

In order to be realistic, Karel also deliberately included a part of the disabled in the team. More importantly, Kane gave him the confusion pendant 'Heart of Darkness', which can make him a weak version of the Lich King. He secretly controlled the minds of some people in his fugitive team, the rest were the bottom of unknown reasons, and puppets who did not consider such issues at all.

However, if this scene wants to sing well, it is not enough to force him alone. In order to be safer for himself, Karel is now hoping that Kane can wipe out the Scourge of Fenris Island.

Therefore, his intelligence was broadcast, and the clover guild clan quickly arrested a group of cunning Scourge officers. Some of these guys were hidden in the secret room, and some hid in the underground military system.

However, Karel is usually a very thoughtful person, secretly staring closely at other colleagues in order to get a handle that can be used.

As a result, the intelligence played a role in such an unexpected way.

Not only the Shamrock Guild, but also the shadows from the sewer of King Lordaeron's sewers, blocking part of the Scourge in the soldiers' road.

The infrastructure of the Ministry of Tyranus is not comparable to the maze of Marganis in the dark area. The terrain of the military road is not complicated. With enough information, such as a military map, it is often blocked. With.

This time the Scourge loses more ugly. Whether it is a shadow or a clover guild warfare group, they have sufficient professional knowledge and complete tools. Once the Scourge officers are captured or killed, ordinary cannon fodder ghouls, immortals, and even abominations can be surrendered.

The final result of the Scourge of Fenris Island was the annihilation of the whole army. Among them, 40% of the total strength of the captured puppets, if the available materials are counted, the number is even greater.

It is precisely because of this, Karel can calmly choose his new underlings.

His army looks awkward, but in fact its backbone is not lacking, and its combat effectiveness is very good.

It is with this virtue that he dared to break into the safe town.

However, before that, he repeatedly pondered the parting advice that Kane gave him when he parted, and chose to adopt it.

Kane said: "Don't rush to pursue independence, the shining strong man is actually a good umbrella."

Karel pretended to be his last enemy, and cleverly snatched the clover squadron's hovercraft escaped troops. He not only contacted Tyranus, but also sent to the Scourge Fleet Department of the Holy Light Monastery, and far away in Dalong Allies in the area sent special messages and even tried to contact the Lich King.

It was never thought that the Lich King would take the initiative to contact him and grant him authority to ask him to blame Tyranus and find a way for him to execute the order.

Karelho had some speculation after thinking about it. He realized that his opportunity came.

When Carrel rushed to Ping'an Town, it was after the Shadow Force had completed the destruction of Ping'an's surface facilities. The smoke and fire were messy.

Tyranus's whispers stopped Karel from going straight inside. As a result, Karel moved out the name given by the Lich King, and these people immediately counseled.

Karel said: "Don't you dare to rebel against the Lich King with this kind of spiritual appearance?"

When he wanted to come, want to be independent or win more right to speak, at least he knew that there was only a general, but no king. At this critical moment, these combat powers are reliable.

Tyranus obviously didn't pay attention to the training in this area. These officers and soldiers are all soldiers of the Lich King. Tyranus is just a escrow. With such a war group, it will not be a thing.

As a result, he broke into the inner hall and happened to see Tyranus wearing a magic seal helmet and red eyes.

Now he started to buckle his hat: "The lord has been blinded. I am under the order of the Lich King and handle this matter with full authority ~ ~ Come here, help the lord to get rid of the control first, if it is rebelled, it will be **** . "

The followers of Tyranus who came in with Karel are still hesitant, but Karel's new left arm and right arm have been thrown up by the tiger and wolf.

The instinctive rebellion of Tyranus roared: "Doesn't it matter, how dare you ..."

But Karel was gazed directly by the technique of silence.

Karel is not what he used to be, his strength has soared, not to mention how many powerful thugs he can't afford. Tyranus was directly framed by his arm, and Karel sprinted slowly past him. Obscured and slashed Tyranus with a magical blade.

This weapon was not a gift from Kane, but Karel ’s own, his killer, which was invisible and very vicious.

Tyranus, who was mentally exhausted due to wearing the magic seal's helmet and did not recover, was attacked by this knife, and immediately became in a trance, and the station was not stable, and he could not even speak a complete sentence.

This is naturally what Karel wants, but he knows that if he wants to take down the sovereign scepter, he still has to use a little trick ... ()

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