Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Chapter 641: Sweeping

Kane's death stab, this metal with the dragon king's blade as the living material, has a unique shape and a full of spear, which is called the name.

Of course, this was just named by Kane himself according to the consistent naming format.

Krasus, and later others, were more accustomed to calling it a killing gun. It was said that he was stabbed by this gun and no one could live. Even the demons were afraid of its power and tried to destroy it several times, but failed to do so.

Krauss learned from Kronen that Kane had a generous shot, and he followed his story with him, which was very eye-opening.

It now appears that it is well-deserved reputation.

Naturally refused to let go of the opportunity. Therefore, I did not rush to do things, but continued to follow the regiment.

Alexstrasza and Ysera basically had no opinion on Kane ’s decision to dispose of the magical power, but Ysera still asked Kane a question: "The power of the earth, do you intend to give Onixi Asia? "

Kane shook his head with a smile, "I think Luo Ning told you that there should be a piece of information: Onyxia was brought back by me half-detained during the conspiracy and subversion of Stormwind."

Ysera nodded, indeed.

Luo Ning played the role of diplomatic envoy, devoted to the harmonious relationship between humans and dragons. Kane is the character he recommends the most. Naturally, he does not want Kane and the dragons to become enemies because of the black dragon. Do n’t say Kane mentioned it, but he did n’t say it.

Because the dragons knew this, they did not trust the intelligence in this area very much. After all, it's common sense to think about it, and all of you marry home to be wives, can this relationship be worse?

But now, Kane is bluntly saying that public and private are separated, and the relationship is good, but the relationship is good, but if it is related, it is really not good.

He said: "After a period of observation, I think that Onyxia's talents are not enough to save and revive the Black Dragon in today's complicated environmental situation. Her thinking and style of action are easy It ’s the way to kill yourself. So, no matter how you think about it, it wo n’t be her. ”

The two queens are secretly calling, mainly not because Kane's words are persuasive, but because Kane shows his strength and makes the two very afraid.

Strong and fierce against the enemy. Approximately few people are willing to be hostile to this type of existence.

If such a Kane favors Onyxia, or even the Black Dragon family, things will become very troublesome, even desperate.

Fortunately, although the words were unfounded, Kane's attitude was very positive. Instead of avoiding evasion and avoiding talk, he simply expressed his views and positions. Obviously, people have thought about this issue for a long time, and the draft is very mature.

While they were speaking on the side, Kane ’s men were not idle, guided by the shadow, and the Dragons had launched a full attack on Kazak ’s lair.

This is not a sturdy and large demon fortress.

There are no qualified architects around Kazak. If there is no magic, the stranger structural design than the HP World Wesleygar ’s burrows is a dangerous building.

Of course, there is no such thing as Kazak's powerful existence with one enemy and ten thousand city defenses.

The strong always have a lot of followers. Kazak's thick thigh also has a lot of leg hair. In addition to the traditional demons, there are some creatures such as ogres and orcs.

The unique environment of Draenor has created an orc tribe culture that is brave and fierce. In the eyes of Medivh and Kane, the Dark Portal is a high-tech creation that is very compelling, but in the eyes of the orcs, it is just a strange bridge available.

Taking the orcs' thoughts into consideration, they think that since they have used it for the first time, they can use it again. Therefore, they do not value this facility very much, nor can the magnificent dark gate be destroyed by ordinary forces.

In this context, some creatures of Draenor successfully arrived at Azeroth through the Dark Portal, not just ogres.

There is also the draenei who fled.

That's right, this part of the draenei who fled to Azeroth through the Dark Portal was a dozen years earlier than the Velen.

These draenei had no choice but to leave their homes to save their lives. Later, it failed to restore the old view.

Perhaps it is because the Sassar Ereda headed by Archimonde and Kil'jaeden are happy to see these betrayers in their eyes panic like a family dog, down and down, not as good as life, so these scattered escapes The draenei of Azeroth did not suffer an organized and large-scale hunt.

Interestingly, they are not as close to the Velon family. The main manifestation is that they do not believe in the Holy Light.

The civilization established by the Eredar people is very advanced. From the perspective of human civilization in the original world, although it is not democratic and civilized, it is not backward. For example, the concept of ‘freedom of belief’ exists among the Eredar people.

From this perspective, Velen and they are faithful believers of the Holy Light. The ability to organize resistance and escape in the first place had a lot to do with the organization of similar religious groups.

The news first spread through the congregation and spread among the congregation, and then spread to the relatives, friends and neighbors of the congregation. At this time, the wind has leaked, the style of the Sascha is tough, and it controls the key departments, and it is supported by the Burning Legion The arrest and even the massacre began.

The ideological struggle has always been cruel, it is difficult to imagine that before that, they lived peacefully with each other for many years, and even had a benign interaction.

In general, there are so many Eredars who neither believe in the Holy Light nor wish to consecrate their new father, Sargeras, and finally chose to follow Velen and flee with them.

For these Eredars, the thousands of years of life in Draenor are considered to be a relatively stable period in a long escape journey.

Then, again, the Burning Legion chased and the tragedy happened.

It's just that this time the Burning Legion's killing plan is more secretive and sudden. They didn't appear directly, but fooled the orcs as cannon fodder.

Sure enough, this trick of boiling frogs in warm water is very effective. The Horror Avenue paved with draenei bones in Hellfire Peninsula fully proves this point.

The draenei once again suffered devastating blows. These draenei who fled to Azeroth through the gate of darkness or who used the cleverness of cleverness seemed to them to be the usual missing population.

Every time the Burning Legion pursues and strangles, there will always be some people who are unsure of whereabouts, and most of them especially do not believe in the Holy Light, because the lack of a layer of church members ’organizational relationship channels, the relationship is relatively not close enough.

In other words, when the draenei who believe in the Holy Light, such as Velen, are still resisting, while gathering the church members everywhere, while preparing for a new escape, these draenei are already in Azeroth Start a new life.

This life is not good.

Just to avoid it, the technology is also lacking.

Most importantly, Eredars are long-lived species like elves, and such long-lived species always have special methods to achieve their goals.

The upper elves rely on the eternal well, the sun well, and the night well. The night elves rely on the world tree. The longevity of the Eredar people is also related to extraordinary energy. The earliest orthodox dependent energy is arcane energy.

Kane called it the magic crystal civilization. It is a manifestation of the high level of magical civilization reaching a very high level. It looks like there is a soft spot for crystals. There are crystals everywhere in civilization, and work and life are inseparable.

In fact, it is the energy crystal with stable structure, which is very different from the crystal in the original world.

Eredar's belief in holy light began with the arrival of Naru. In a frivolous way, some Eredars were limped by Weiguangzheng's Naru.

From this perspective, Kil'jaeden and Archimonde are not all along with Velen. Those two are more powerful, believe in power, and believe in themselves, rather than believe in the Holy Light wholeheartedly. As for Sargeras, it was just a grand long-term deal.

From the perspective of the extraordinary energy that is important to the Eredar people, it is divided into three factions. The most powerful in the past, and the most insignificant Austrian faction today, have strong destructive power, etc., bringing significant increases, but the sequela are also large The evil energy school, as well as the peaceful and persuasive light school.

In addition to killing Kazak, Kane had another thing to do by the way today, that is, to see the declining Austrian relics, who called themselves broken.

To see the broken man, a suitable knocking brick is needed.

These civilized creatures would rather suffer from the alienation without the shelter of the Olympics, live in the swamp and drink blood, and would not seek the help of the civilized races of this world. The depth of the guards of the foreign races can be imagined.

This is also easy to understand, after all, the orcs are a lesson. The lesson of Zhongshan Wolf is not painful enough?

There is no suspense in attacking Kazak's lair. Like this chaotic system with too thick thighs, it can't accommodate aspiring aspirants, and most of them are mixed legs waiting for death.

As soon as the thigh dies, the trees fall and fall, and even decent resistance is hard to see.

The most tragic thing is that these shrimps have been stared at by Kane ’s people for a long time. Kazak suddenly died. They have no psychological preparation. When they realize that the birds and beasts need to be dispersed, they find that there is no chance at all.

Kane's main force in the world's blood-sucking worms is the dragon. These average heights are 3 meters, the body is well-proportioned, and the overall body is biased towards humans, and there are some dragons with detailed characteristics. They are both qualified warriors and excellent spellcasters. By.

They are proficient in dragon language magic, but the most frequently used is the HP-based quick-acting spells. Just a few syllables, the spell is cast, and the strong wand is used, but the performance is better. After all, it is a high-magic world. The magic wand of the old magic wand level can only be regarded as a stall in this world.

Kazak's servants, encountering these super magic swordsmen with a combat team as a unit, a magic wand and a sword, basically couldn't get away with a triad, and then defeated again and again. The entire annihilation process was quite tedious.

Of course, this is the boring Kane likes.

Warriors have no merit. He would rather want this kind of boredom, not to be thrilled. It is difficult to score in less than the last second, and even if he wins, it will be a lot of work.

About half an hour later, the dragon came to report, and the expected goal was achieved.

So Kane condescended to Kazak's stinky lair, where he saw the broken man captured by Kazak.

Perhaps it is to want to please Kil'jaeden and Archimonde in the future and make a gift. Kazak seized these broken people and did not torture to death. Instead, he paid great attention to playing evil. This gameplay can be To understand the pet dog breed of the Burning Legion, the purpose is to equip a pet dog dedicated to play ~ ~ And in this process, the most impressive is the betrayal.

Similar to traitors and traitors, this type of role seems to be never lacking, and there are also among the broken ones, that is, they betrayed the whereabouts of their compatriots and helped to complete the capture. Those demons are even more vicious, and their means are despicable, and they have no limit.

Kane said to the broken people who were rescued: "In my personal preference, I can provide you with penalty services for free. I guarantee that these traitors will live in extreme pain for a long time until the soul is completely wiped out and will never survive. . "

The breakers looked at him in fear, and one of the leaders said, "Thank you, but we do n’t think anyone should bear that kind of punishment. Although we hate their betrayal and betrayal, if we use such brutal Revenge is not much different from them. "

Kane smiled and said nothing more.

Alekstatha and Ysera nodded, and they recognized the ugly leader. Ysera even stated that if necessary, she could provide a place of refuge for the broken people in the Emerald Dream.

After all, it's kindness, and Kane didn't ridicule face to face, or repair your broken house first, and then think about entertaining people.

Anyway, with this rescue, there will be a knocking brick.

As for why they are so interested in this group of exiles. To be honest, it's mainly utilitarian.

With this group of draenei exiles, plus the coordinate parameters provided by the phantom Isar, Kane can build a reliable space-time door to Draenor without having to resort to the dark door Or any other path. This is important for Kane, who is extremely independent. 8) More exciting novels, welcome to visit everyone's college

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