Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Chapter 645: Blasphemy

The Green Dragon grudged with Haka early and deep.

During the Battle of the Eternal Well, both sides had already fought, and the battle of Haka ’s flesh was destroyed and rolled back to the twisted void. The green dragon was the main force.

Another time, it was more than a thousand years ago.

As Kane said when evaluating the trolls: Want to rise again and restore strength, but refuse to take a step-by-step approach, and do some plans to sword and deflect.

The Rabashi troll was once one of the powerful tribes in the troll empire, but in modern times, even in a wild place like Stranglethorn Vale, there is no unified panorama, only a large arena is left, which can be suspended Prosperity.

The Rabashi trolls wanted to rise, and as a result, someone turned over Haka based on family knowledge. In this process, an Atala troll named Jindu played a very important role.

In the original historical line, Haka's third active, has a great relationship with this Jindu. It was the kind of big beep that sat behind the scenes, tried to be a fisherman, and almost succeeded.

The real purpose of Jindu is to hijack the power of Hakkar. He knows how much the limits of the coming of some gods in this material plane of Azeroth. And with it as the core, a series of plans was made, intending to dig a pit for Haka to jump.

But Haka is also an old river and lake. Not only has it failed before, even Sargeras has planted it, it is impossible to learn a lesson from it.

So this time it didn't come in a hurry, but used small favors to benefit big profits.

This kind of strategy in the modern world of the original world, which just happened to favor the small and cheap, elderly-oriented groups in the three or four cities, was a great success in Labash. Most of the Rabashi trolls felt that Haka was really good, and they were willing to give their blood to them so that they could gain strength.

As everyone knows, this development of offline binding makes each troll become an indirect slave of Haka in order to gain more power, provide power for it, and become its eyes and ears.

The eventual failure was mainly due to Haka ’s greed, it wanted more, and repeatedly deducted that part of the power that gave the troll.

This led to the poor progress of Rabash ’s expansion. The poor soldier model could not plunder sufficient resources. The expansion war seemed difficult to sustain. A large number of ordinary trolls felt the misery of life. Soon after, the civil war broke out.

This time, also at a critical moment, the Green Dragon entered the field to help the Haka faction defeat the Atalés who had dominated the power hierarchy at that time. Some of them saw that the momentum was wrong and fled into the Swamp of Sorrow.

So if the earliest aborigines (wisdom races) in the Swamp of Sorrows were Atal'ai trolls.

At that time, the land of curse had not yet formed (the west of the land of curse is the Valley of Stranglethorn), and it is one with the current Swamp of Sorrows. It is large in area, second only to the barren land of Kalimdor.

It is undoubtedly very difficult to chase down small trolls in such a huge Ze rain forest.

However, the Green Dragons entered this area most in accordance with the principle of eliminating evil.

Here, history begins to diverge.

In the original historical line, this past record clearly shows that Ysera knew about the pursuit, even she was the planner.

Later, after several years of chasing, the Atalais were almost wiped out, and finally gathered their final powers, and a battle of death was erupted with the Green Dragons.

The battle naturally ended with Atale ’s defeat, but the Green Dragons also paid a heavy price. In addition, due to the speciality of Haka, the temple still has a certain evil power, thus sheltering the remaining Atale.

Ysera considered that Hakkar could not be completely killed, and it was a bit worthless to attack its final stronghold, so he let his first lover, Eranikus, and a part of the Green Dragon supervise here to avoid risk. Those who brought the kind of faith of Haka back to the world again.

In the WOW world that Kane touched, the Rabash civil war thousands of years ago brought down the Haka faction more thoroughly, and the Atalé were uprooted.

But the Hakpa faction also exposed its brutal face. They killed the Atalé people cruelly with capital punishment. This behavior was uncomfortable for the green dragons. The two sides parted ways and did not chase Atalé into. The history of the Swamp of Sorrows.

And one of the four big dragons in the green dragon, Eranikus, is the disappearance of the mystery. Its last appearance is the entrance of the Emerald Dream in the Forest of Dawn.

Dawn Forest is now in the middle of the Twilight Forest area and is one of the main entrances and exits of the Emerald Dream to the real world.

Before the storm kingdom of humans settled in the Elwynn Forest, today's Redridge Mountains, Burning Plains, Searing Canyons, and Barren Lands are all green and lush trees, as much as as many as ash valleys, plus sad swamps and thorns Valleys and twilight forests can be said to be the southern part of the entire eastern continent. In addition to the western wilderness of the westernmost coastal area, which has the characteristics of the Scottish highlands of the original world, the other areas are a huge virgin forest, a wild land.

Such a place is a land of animals and plants, the home of the Druid.

The Dawn Forest was set up to rule this primitive forest area.

As a result, Eranikus and a group of green dragons went out to work, and never returned.

Kane had also inquired about what they were doing for Eranikus.

It is a pity that his information channels in the dragons are not good, so far he has figured it out.

He estimates that it is not a major event, otherwise it will inevitably be widely known, because the major event is never isolated, but implicated extremely widely, there are reasons and follow-up.

To be honest, Kane is also not sure whether the Atahaka Temple still has a lot of fallen green dragons and remains as it was in the original history.

After all, this is a temple, with a strong spiritual field, and even the shadows ca n’t go deep, but the bones of the dragon are still found, so Kane guessed that some horror still happened here.

Bringing the dragons here this time mainly allows them to feel the maliciousness of other creatures in this world.

In today's world, in the eyes of many creatures, the dragon race is not the tall and awesome group in the past. Although there are not many people who dare to play the dragon, they are not unique.

A group of people walked down a long staircase to a rectangular hall. As soon as Kane looked at the layout and furnishings, he knew that it was a ‘mask hall’.

What is more distinctive here is the wall pillars on both sides, which can be called ‘mask boots’. Its shape is like a boot, and then on the front of its front face, the head mask of the troll stands against it.

In fact, these mask boots are standing coffins.

As we all know, coffins and cassocks are two kinds of objects. The corpse is the coffin, and the coffin is the casket. In other words, inside this boot-like coffin, there is also an exquisite coffin for holding mummies.

In addition, this skull mask-like sculpture will be different when you look closely. If you can compare and restore, you can also find that the restored appearance is exactly the appearance of the mummy in the coffin.

Being able to have this kind of treatment and visiting the coffin by standing is naturally not an ordinary role.

In fact, here most of the time means to fight for XX at any time. It is the special body of the war spirits, which can be understood as the mortal mechs of the warriors that Valhalla is always ready to fight for Odin.

In addition, this coffin is itself part of ritual magic.

Like this mask hall, its center, along the hall, has a large longitudinal slot, reminiscent of the kind of tunnel used for car maintenance, of course, it is much wider, but the shape is like that.

In this groove, you can count at least six sternums of adult dragons, which are the ribbed bones. Although they are incomplete, the general shape is still there.

Seeing this, all the dragons were not calm.

The dragon's corpse is in this ditch like a trough, anyone can see that this is a kind of sacrifice. But for the dragons, it was blasphemy.

In other words, this is like putting human remains in a red case in a large kitchen. How does humans feel about this situation?

What's more, the number of dragons is much smaller than that of humans. Even all the five-colored adult dragons are like people who have lived together in a town for decades, even if they don't speak, they are absolutely familiar.

In this case, it was found that the person who lay on the cutting board was the one you could see on the road in the past, and even simply greeted the person, and it was natural to feel deeper.

Ysera could even know who it was by virtue of the corpse, and she pronounced several names in a row, the more she gritted her teeth.

Alexstrasza was also sullen, obviously a scene here aroused her bad memories.

She pointed deep into the front and said: "I feel that there is filthy and gloomy power coming from there."

Ysera snarled: "No matter who it is, they will pay for their crimes."

Before expressing his opinions, Kane waved a strong magic wand and cast a group magic. The Holy Light was scattered ~ ~ The dragons suddenly felt that their tense nerves had been relaxed to a certain extent, and their angry feelings had calmed down .

"There are not only filthy and gloomy powers, but also subtle and orderly magical powers. That is a trap. The enemy would like to see the rash intruder at least to alert them, and we will not let them They did what they wanted, right? "

This actually means: get angry, but don't make a mistake, come up with a professional spirit.

Ysera took a few deep breaths, calmed her emotions, and made people come forward to sort the remains, and she and Alexstrasza stepped forward to observe.

Sure enough, as Kane said, the passage is really conspicuous, but the rich style of the door frame is obviously strange.

The two studied carefully and found that it was a very old troll symbolic text that they could not successfully crack. Of course, violent destruction can be done, but then it loses its original intention of not beating the grass.

At this time, Kane was beckoning to the two of them: "Here, I believe that there are very important secrets hidden behind this magician, but before entering there, let us have more information first."

Ysera found out that Kane was there, and opened another secret door that looked like a normal wall. This moment gave her the feeling that Kane seemed to be the chief designer of this temple, and he was very familiar with the deconstruction. Otherwise, how can you find such a secret door in the case of the failure of ordinary and extraordinary detection methods?

Kane seemed to see Ysera's confusion and explained: "You must be clear that the crown of colorful feathers I am wearing is actually the crown of the souls. There are not only the souls of believers, but also many tortures and persecutions. The remnants of the wisdom of life, they had traveled here in disguise before they died, and these incomplete memories can spell a map here, which is very helpful for our exploration. "8) What a wonderful novel, welcome to visit everyone

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