Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Chapter 659: Old Warrior Rohan

Perhaps it is because the social status is not high enough. The trolls that the team used to obtain information in some ways provide ambiguous and limited information.

But in general, Kane and they still figured out the social deconstruction of Zuatu.

The highest level is called the Witch King, which is not the King of Lich, but the King of Voodoo.

The difference between the words is different. Voodoo is a peculiar business of trolls. It is very old. In Kane's cognition, he is more inclined to druid and is good at extracting materials from nature, especially animals and plants.

With the further development of voodoo business, doctors, poisons, curses and other factions were gradually separated. According to the memories of the patrol trolls, Zu'atu's most powerful witch king Wakan belongs to the curse system and is called the magician Wakan.

To be honest, the name of Vakán still makes Kane think about it. Because the intelligence of his shadow spying showed that the chief commander of the Southern Expeditionary Fleet dispatched by the Lich King was called Varkan, a troll death knight.

Is it a relatively easy place for the strong to come forward, or is it just a coincidence?

Of course, this question is biased towards gossip, and Kane's mood for knowing is not so urgent.

In Zulutu, the high priest is under the witch king.

This article alone basically proves that here, a large part of the power of the gods is dominated by mortals, and then strengthens and consolidates the status and gains authority.

Below the priests are the nobles, including the slave owners. It can even be said that the nobility is a group of foreman slave owners.

What is special is where the slaves come from.

The free people who went bankrupt for various reasons are not the main source of slaves, nor are the foreigners who are trafficked from other city-states or arrested for such reasons. The largest source of slaves is the struggle between religious denominations. produced.

Only this one made Alexstrasza and Ysera deeply disgusted. For the dragons, the true God is a great wise man who overrides the world. This kind of gangster behavior that uses God as a tool for fighting for interests is a very serious blasphemy.

Since the battle is fierce, the technologies and creations that are naturally associated with it are relatively developed and require a lot of thugs.

To this end, there is also a samurai class,

Those with outstanding strengths, such as champion warriors, temple warriors and the like, should be above ordinary nobles.

It is not appropriate to describe such a city-state with poor soldiers and militarism, but can only be described as extremely deformed and rapidly moving towards destruction.

In the past, nobles were proud of having received a good cultural education, but now, they also spend more time on combat skills, which is obviously not because of martial arts, but because of self-protection.

The clergy, nobles, warriors, farts, and Zuatu are these four types of people. The nobility is only divided into large and small, and their positions are theoretically equal. The main difference is the temple they serve and the number of slaves.

The samurai is more strictly graded, but it is easy to identify. All samurai wear a crown, and the feathers represent the rank of the samurai. Several feathers are several levels. The feathers are monopolized by high-level. Immediately become serfs.

In the entire Zuatu, slaves accounted for more than 80% of the population. Like Kane, the team they encountered was composed of two samurai and seven serfs.

Kane also knows that feathers are a symbol of the warrior's honor. Only through the annual grand arena, or war, can they be awarded. The more gorgeous, the more impressive the record.

So, like the peacock-like soul feather crown he made in the temple of Atahaka, he dare to wear it into the city, and I am afraid that it will cause a lot of trouble immediately.

The final result of the discussion between Kane and the two queens was that Joe loaded into the city and tried to get more information in a peaceful manner.

To this end, Kane is eyeing a small caravan of more than 20 people.

Daga, the leader of this small caravan, had no idea that Zu'atu was looking around, and he would be attacked, and he was on the road.

The caravans, like the previous patrols, were knocked down by Kane's faint before they could figure out what was going on.

The difference is that this time Kane used a little divine power to complete the hypnosis of these people.

Everyone was implanted with some memory by him.

The more clever thing is that Kane hasn't changed the memory of these people in a big way. Their caravan already had a two-feathered 2nd-level samurai. Kane will select all kinds of this samurai and add another person who does not exist.

So when these people woke up, they didn't realize that there was anything wrong with having a Kane in the team.

Daga also complained that he was old. He used to walk this road completely without feeling tired, but now he has a sense of trance. When he arrives in Zuatu, he must take a good rest.

As for the other trolls who act as porters, they have no words at all, and it is their normal state that they are in a trance or something, and they can't detect the abnormality at all.

The most difficult strategy is actually the warrior, Samma, who makes a determined warrior think he is a follower and needs a large amount of information that he can self-consistent.

Kane finally did it with magical power. The related costs will soon be comparable to the cost of building an asylum number. Whether it is worth the money or not depends on the next performance of Daga and Semma.

Kane had a great chance to enter the city by chance, but he was still a black household. If he wanted to act brightly, he had to perform role-playing. He felt that it would be better to play an outsider, not easy to make mistakes.

Next is the caravan into the city.

There was no guard at the gate, but on the bridge. The warrior on duty first noticed Daga sitting high on the pack animal, and recognized the opponent.

In this region, the trade between the city-states has not been very prosperous, especially Zuatu ’s demand for slaves is almost infinite, very hungry, and he often bullies outsiders and makes them ruined by reasons such as violating the law. As a slave. Caravans that can trade with them are becoming rarer.

It has been more than a decade since Dhaka took this trade path, and it was normal only when it was recognized.

Zuatu city-states also know their urination, so they are wary of strangers and even ruthless, but they are relatively tolerant of this old caravan. After all, they also need to exchange supplies with other city-states.

Even so, Kane still attracted the attention of the guards, because Kane wore three feathers on the crown, two of which were very gorgeous, one bright red, one blue, and the other was the ordinary Falcon Grey Ling Too.

Falcon gray Ling, is a proof of the qualification of a samurai. Its changes are mainly reflected in the young and old, which is the proof of the annual ring. The root of Kane Dai is wide and long, which means that he has more than 10 years of samurai qualification.

The bright red will be awarded only if the first level of the strong enemy is removed from the battlefield, or if there are martial honors such as the first person to break the city and the first person to climb the wall.

And the blue color means that the arena wins. Like Kane, the three-time arena champion can wear it.

In other words, Kane dressed himself up as a veteran warrior second only to those champion warriors or temple warriors. Such warriors basically each have a name. It is natural for the guard to pay attention to it.

The guard stepped forward dutifully and asked.

Kane pretends to pay more than to pay a price, slightly leaning on his chin and not talking. This is a deserved leader of a high-level warrior. The character he designed for himself is obviously stronger than the general trolls. Among the 173cm tall crowd, a 190cm big man appeared, and there was a mighty flock standing there.

And this big guy is still a kind of black basketball player, tall but not clumsy, it feels very healthy.

Kane had all the bells and whistles of piercing jewelry himself, but the war patterns were of an artistic level, and it was unclear to look at. As for the critical fangs, he didn't like the long tusks of ivory, he intentionally got a broken tooth.

As soon as he showed his mouth, he was caught in the gold hoop and wore a gold hat.

This means keeping in mind the shame of breaking the teeth, when will the field be recovered, and when will it continue to grow.

Such details also explain why there is an old samurai like him in this small caravan.

Kane pretends to be a gangster, but someone has to interact, which is naturally the new assistant Samma.

To say that Kane ca n’t stand the grievances, he has to get such a role as a starter, but also basically missed the low-key role. Rather, in the memory of Semir, there was exactly such a troll warrior, Luohan, who had worshipped him and collected a lot of relevant information, but he did not actually see it.

Semir is the most critical task of the entire caravan. His memory cannot be changed hard, and he must use the existing information elements to outline a character.

In the end, Luohan was born.

The real Luo Khan disappeared for many years, most of which died silently in which ditch.

This is normal. There are very few soldiers or generals who can fight to death in the battlefield. As the legend of the original world has been, when their own victory has been won, they are shot by the last bullet from the enemy. ~ ~ Such a death method is not only poetic, but also in line with the wishes of a real warrior.

After a long time of blood on the blade, I have seen too many deaths, killing people like numbness, my hands are full of the blood of the deserved and innocent, the psychology of such people is naturally different from ordinary people, they have rubbed with death countless times Passing by the shoulders, knowing the feeling of dying is not as fearful of death as ordinary people. They know that one day, they will usher in death. Since this is doomed and bearish, then, how to die has become a new one. focus point.

Most of the real fighters hope to die vigorously, not to suffer from various ill injuries, to die on the sickbed in pain, or to be manipulated in hospitals, and toss enough to swallow.

In fact, most of them died silently. What did that sentence say: It's not good to be old.

Kane is now playing such an old warrior who has disappeared from public view for some time, and does not know whether it was killed, revenge or practice.

Now that he is back, the folk may have some legends. But this is a world and era where the front wave died on the beach. In just a few years, there were a large number of new warriors who could fight, and they did not admit it.

For these warriors, veterans like Rohan are second only to the popular champion samurai. Although killing him does not win his honor, he can prove his qualifications, especially the rising star is always criticized for his lack of skill and experience, and if he can trample the veteran under his feet, he can no longer take this Angle accusations are tricky.

With such a background, it can be said that from the moment Kane played Rohan appeared, it was destined that his life in Zulu would not be calm.

Of course, Kane is completely uncomfortable. He is quite confident in his combat skills ...

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