Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Chapter 672: Rohan's 3-axe

The velociraptor's endurance is not good, and the riding feel is not smoother than the horses, but it is explosive, and the trained velociraptor can even carry the rider to play high jumps and climbs together. It can be said to be a very different kind of light cavalry mount that can be used well.

At this time, the group of velociraptor mounts in front of Luohan was very strong and strong, but he looked calm and calm, without barking and no extra small movements. It was obviously a well-trained combat ride.

Luo Khan knew that fighting horses developed this way, I am afraid there would be credit for witchcraft. Good mounts correspond to high costs, with few exceptions.

When Daga saw the cavalry from afar, his heart raised his throat, and he recognized it as the elite army of the Zuatu city-state, the fangs cavalry.

Daga has heard many rumors about the fangs cavalry team, among which there is this cavalry team that needs half of the temple to pass this one.

So Daga was puzzled. He didn't understand what Luohan had done, and it was worth Zou'at to be so active.

And when the knights started to charge directly towards the camp, Daga's face was green, it was clear that he would clean up together!

Thinking of the benefits he has given to the dignitaries and dignitaries in Zuatu these years, Daga has a deep feeling of betrayal.

He has always thought that with his contribution, his status in the minds of those dignitaries is higher than that of ordinary people. The performance of those dignitaries every time he approached him seemed to confirm his speculation.

Now I understand that he is not much stronger than the slaves in the eyes of those powerful people. He usually coaxes him with a soup. When he should slaughter, he does not need to think about it.

At this moment, Old Daga secretly vowed that as long as he could escape this robbery, he would spend the rest of his life, energetically working with Zuatu, and he wanted to let those dignitaries know that once his Daga launched a bite, then It hurts too.

At the same time, Semma's face was pale, and her breath was held tight by tension. As a warrior, he knew better than ordinary people how terrible these riders were. He felt that even if Luohan was as powerful as the legend, he would definitely be injured in a round of charge by the knights.

As for him, it is very likely to be beheaded on the spot.

Because it was not an attack, but a series of closely connected attacks, the speed of the velociraptor would bring extra lethality to the sharp knife in the hands of the rider. He had personally seen an excellent velociraptor, in fact, using the high speed of the mount And the skill of using war knives, the hard wood that is thicker than the waist is cut in two pieces.

Fear and despair hit Sammar's heart, so that the brain was blank, so nervous that he couldn't think of what to do next.

Luo Khan laughed: "It's okay to do it directly without ink."

Just as the riders climbed the slope, he strode forward to the edge of the dirt **** and pulled out the sword of guardianship.

The guardian sword is a weapon with troll characteristics. It looks more like an odd-shaped hand axe, with a large front end and a sword body with a wave-like high-angle tooth blade at the back. This weapon is good for hacking and stabbing. Almost, and you want to make good use of that tooth blade, it requires quite high skills.

Kane is not very used to using this kind of Qimen sword, but this is Luo Khan's famous weapon, very famous, he made a hand in order to play the image.

As for how it is used. Let's put it this way, when the strength reaches a certain height, it is basically a pass. It may seem a bit reckless to deal with powerful opponents with unskilled weapons, but the high-end is low-end, that is, the show is sharp.

Now Luohan is ready to compare in front of everyone, let these friends and enemies know, what is a high-end warrior, the son of nature.

According to the classification of the DND system, he is now a 16th-level warrior, a 6th-level son of nature, a 1st-level spirit, and a total level of 23, and has entered the ranks of the sanctuary.

Of course, this sum of more than 20, the strength is relatively water. One of the specific places of water is that there is no realm, and you cannot build your own home field anytime and anywhere. Other high-end spells involving laws generally refer to level 9 or higher, and are more difficult to use, unless you use special instruments or the like.

Although there are various restrictions, but it is also the legendary and holy domain, it will show weakness, against ordinary soldiers, hehe ...

Rohan imitated Kazak, the overlord that Kane had fought in the Swamp of Sorrows. He came up with three axes, and each skill compounded his skills.

The first move is to break gallbladder roar + battle roar.

The former is to amplify the fear in the enemy's heart, the will is not firm enough, or even lose their fighting spirit on the spot, and flee.

The latter is inspiring, can make people very brave, directly enter the state of beating and forgetting life and death, just asking for a fight.

However, all the skills of this type of war roar are generally of a scope nature. The specific factors that affect the scope are better. Skill strength is undoubtedly an important factor.

Luo Khan's battle roar has formed a wave of sound waves that can be seen faintly rippled, and the strength of the skill can be seen.

With this throat howling, Daga could n’t wait to raise his sword to fight. Samma was an old man ’s fighting blade who was already hungry and unbearably combative. Moreover, his face was desperate and overwhelmed. people.

The knights on the opposite side suddenly reduced their momentum by 60%. If there is a large number of people, it is estimated that they can directly fall to the bottom line, and they will not be defeated on the spot.

The trade-offs are long and short, and this one-and-a-kind awakening is surprising.

This hasn't really started yet, the winning scale has suddenly tilted, showing the weight of Luohan's first axe.

The second move, the **** of heaven + kill heart suddenly.

The gods can temporarily achieve this skill of strengthening the surroundings (strength, agility, and endurance), and the trolls can also achieve it with witchcraft, and can be stabilized into a constant state.

However, the size of the blown up with witchcraft is like the muscles generated by the use of steroid drugs. It has a shape, but lacks elasticity and toughness. It is the ‘dead muscle’ in industry jargon and has a low cost performance.

The Luohan's increase of 200% can make people become a 3 minute Titan, which is scary and explosive.

Since the beginning of the killing, Kane has always paid attention to the mental state during the battle, often determining the mental state first, and then using the appropriate skills to perform around.

Like this time, the mental state is positioned as violent and cold, which means that the anger is extremely extreme, but instead of showing violent, it is abnormally cold.

When the killing heart suddenly starts, this extreme anger can be completely ignited, and a far more extraordinary emotional force can be exploded, so as to control the powerful combat skills.

When Luohan's second axe was used, he saw his body soar in the vigorous and radiant light, and his head passed 3 meters at once, and his physique also improved accordingly, directly becoming the muscle of the devil's muscles. Extremely developed state.

Moreover, his body burst out with a flame-like red light, which was full of anger and became tangible, and it was frightening to feel the touch of the flame.

The climbers, looking at Luohan on the hillside, gave birth to the frustration of self-seeking death, and the crotch mount also became a soft-footed shrimp, without the sturdy and fanatical racing before each other. The two groaned, trying to slip their tails.

Then Luohan used a third axe.

After the forefront of the first two strokes, this third axe shot with great power.

Giant Strike + Blade Storm.

Giant Strike is a very domineering power bursting skill, just like the Titan bombing with huge weapons, it can directly hit the target.

The blade storm seems to have a very skillful combat skill. One sword cuts through, but it can form a tornado-like N times of cutting, just like dozens of swords at the same time.

The ultimate outburst of power and the extreme use of technology, these two tricks are compounded together, and can be called a name alone-slaughter!

Unless it is an advanced dodge pendant or teleportation, Ruyi door and other dodge skills, or has a legendary level of armor, otherwise there is no legendary warrior, can be directly faced with this is actually the end of the six-in-one Skill.

Including the third-tier samurai rushing to the front, the entire rider, except for the 6 riders with their wings behind and relatively marginal, the rest of the riders, even the screams, did not have time to exhale, just in the energy wind where scarlet and golden coexist Was torn.

That kind of effect, like a peach cake, encountered a cricket stick slamming. They were all shattered into bone residue and blood mist. And accompanied by an indescribable violent sensation of slamming, it seems as if the **** of heaven slaps in a round at that moment, the flesh and blood are fragmented and have a clear directivity.

There are also armor pieces that are also shattered, as if the armor pieces were made of thin borneol.

Not only the rider, the mount was not spared.

In one move, all the creatures in the 100-degree conical area on the front were completely destroyed into debris. It can be said that the living people will not be so shattered when they block the muzzle of the mortar, but Luohan has done this trick.

After this trick, the surviving riders were ugly.

The mount was directly paralyzed and fell on the spot, even the energy to get up seemed to be gone.

There weren't many people. Two of them were scared and collapsed. They were silly, as if their souls had been taken away.

The other four, after a short period of stun, wailed with a cry of exclamation, and then turned and ran wildly.

Where did Rohan let them go?

Finish the fourth axe, heroic leap + thunder strike + slash + slash.

The impressive explosive power brought by the gods of the gods once again showed, the whole person's shells generally jumped up, and then fell like a meteorite.

This smashing is combined with a thunder strike, the effect is comparable to 150MM howitzer bombardment, the core has a range of about 9 meters in diameter, and within this range, all of them will "enjoy" the energy impact of the explosion shock wave, and it is also full of lightning strikes power.

Thunder strike was obtained by trampling when landing.

The beheading is caused by the weapon in hand. It ’s like a leap into the thunder strike, and the slashing has also been integrated into the slashing, very fierce chopping skills. At that moment, the air is cut, and there is an obvious misalignment, let alone flesh and blood. The body, which is a puppet made of steel, stands here and is still cut off.

The four riders were cut into several pieces without any suspense, and they died at the time. After all, in addition to chopping, there is also the role of energy shock.

'call! ‘Luohan ’s mouth spouted a long white gas, which actively relieved the **** ’s mortal state. While the body retracted, a large amount of fresh green natural light overflowed and circulated, acting on his body, and then gradually dissipated.

This is the place where Niu is completely controlled. You will not waste it if you have the spare power, but you will give yourself a sip of milk and restore your state.

Afterwards ~ ~ Luo Khan looked at the guard blade in his hand, but it was a temporary product, which could not withstand the majestic power. It had been seriously deformed and even showed signs of melting on the edge.

Moreover, the guardian's blade is used in the ordinary state of the gods, and it is small, just like carrying a kitchen knife.

However, he didn't lose this weapon. He had just killed nearly thirty vigorous warriors, which can generate a considerable amount of force, which can be added as a blind material when building weapons in the future to strengthen their power.

On the soil slope, Luo Khan's dust that was shocked when he bravely jumped up just now, and now it fell back, and Sema, not far away, stared like a cow's egg, and the whole person was watching this silly. all.

This is not only because of shock, but also the aftermath of Luo Khan ’s attack ...

Semma talked about this many years later, and he did not shy away from saying that Yu Bo blanked his deterred brain, and how desperate it is to people who bear a head-on blow.

And often people will reply: "You are pure nonsense, who can stop the serious Luohan blow, that is the God of War!" ... ()

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