Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Chapter 683: High Magic Edition Biochemistry

In reality, or in film and television, such a paragraph is often seen: in the early years, he was ruthless and did a lot of ugly and harmful things. When the career became formal, he began to bleach, and it was a public welfare. It's charity again, and each one has become a man-like dog, and even the shameless and shameful self-confessed.

From a certain point of view, Kane is also considered as such, but he is not so shameless and shameful. He never said that he was a good person, but most people who interacted with him said that he was not bad.

Isn't it bad, then these people didn't see the fierceness and viciousness of his early childhood.

For the World of Thousands of Worlds, the Vientiane Gate system is a king and **** institution that brings endless disasters. The reincarnations under its command are more sinister than evil, so bad that they are pus. The world was devastated, and then patted the **** and left.

As one of them, how could Kane get better?

It can even be said that the higher the rank in the Vientiane Gate system, the more capable samsara is, for the world of thousands, the more scourge, or even natural disaster.

Countless lives die from their direct and indirect operations, and like Kane, who is constantly going to wash the ground with war worms, is also the extinct of life, the killer of civilization.

Since the rebirth, there is no longer any need to kill for the Vientiane Gate system. In addition, you have superb technology, you do n’t have to use **** and brutal methods to achieve your goals, so this looks like a kind person who builds bridges and paves the way for economic development. It is still the scourge of destroying civilization and souls to satisfy selfish desires.

When his power was reduced to the level of Luohan, and at the same time faced with a situation that was almost hostile to the entire world, this essence was manifested.

Just like now, a biochemical infection is being staged, and the source of the infection is the rioter.

Their body strengthening has an upper limit. It is impossible to continue photosynthesis and continue to strengthen, so how should the enriched energy be used?

Luohan's design is to cultivate more mutant seeds.

These newly generated seeds cannot be as powerful as the fighters. They were carefully crafted by Luohan. It can be said that in order to increase the ‘appreciation’, the principle of lever control is applied to a peak level.

And the seeds generated by the fighters are more like the virus seeds of the T103 mass production tyrant level, which can quickly infect and turn the creature into a weapon-level monster.

The fighters fired these seeds in a dragon's breath, and the effect was like being wrapped in rice in super saliva, which looked disgusting.

Some warriors were accidentally sprayed, even covering their faces. At this time, the problem of insufficient airtightness caused by the armor style of the typical tropical cool costumes of the trolls appeared.

They originally had a magical body protection. This kind of protective force field has a high force and good effect. However, when it encounters biochemical plant seeds, it can only accelerate its growth, and it cannot achieve the protection and interception effects.

The shells of the warriors of the temple are also infested with divine power all year round, and the power of the sun is abundant. This has become a catalyst for the rapid growth of biochemical plant seeds.

Sunlight, moisture, hotbeds, the body of the samurai in the temple, satisfied everything, so the seeds quickly took root and germinated.

It was a situation where the eyes felt dazzling. The seeds suddenly grew a lot of silky tentacles, and as the seeds became more and more full, the tentacles were also thickened, and then like a vicious nematode, hard Drilling into the flesh, even if it is handled in time and forcibly pulled, will only break the very vibrating tentacles, and then continue to drill like nematodes, and it is useless to burn. The nutrients in the seed capsule have been quickly injected into the tentacles, and those tentacles are The real harm, not the cyst-like seeds.

The only more effective way is to lower the temperature and reduce the vitality, and then take advantage of its rigidity and slowly get out.

Unfortunately, it is the blood trolls who praised the life of the Dala Islands, not the Dakkale trolls and frostmane trolls. They have limited achievements in the ice technology.

So in the process of savage response, they were transformed one after another.

Existing souls can deal with the destructive damage of the T-tyrant virus level. The transformed troll is no longer a warrior of the gods. It becomes a monster that can only understand simple commands and is controlled by the mother.

These fearless monsters cooperate with the fighters to destroy the puppets of the Sun Temple. The most effective way to fight is parasitism, using the power of germinating seeds to crack the rocks. The temple puppets are basically so dead, turtles The cracked body was covered with creeping vines and became a pile of still stones.

As for the fighting before that, except for the greater strength, the faster speed, and the stone chip blasting, it did not pay attention to it.

But it was this strenuous battle, which successfully completed the adjustment of the tiger and the mountain. The people of the Sun Temple could not put down the devouts, and they could not bear the great loss of the golden feather snake warrior.

After they learned that the war situation was unfavorable to their own side, they sent another support force. In the process of leaving the temple, the shadow troll seized the opportunity and completed the infiltration.

Then it quickly infiltrated into a raid. Four shadow trolls started killing from different areas, using various tactics and skills to kill every living creature they encountered, even the battle riding and hounds. Let go, it can be said that the chickens and dogs do not stay.

And other personnel in the temple realized that the situation was wrong, the killing process had passed halfway, and the temple's energy pool was also found.

Although in the temple of Sabe, Sabe did not suffer the exploitation of the priest system like other gods, but in order to cope with the current situation, a reserve pool of divine power was also prepared.

This is like a competitor who has built an arsenal that can replenish ammunition in a timely manner. It is best to build an arsenal to avoid conflicts.

As a result, the energy in this energy pool is now cheaper than Rohan and Gonk.

Phase matrix, space-time diversion, shadow trolls arranged the magic circle according to Luohan ’s instructions, and the energy was transmitted away. With the help of Gonk and his followers, the solar power was divided into divine power and solar power.

The **** power gonk can slowly absorb, the power of the sun can be used by Luohan.

The confrontation has been carried out until now, the Luohan side obviously has possession, and it is a battle with high profits. This is considered to be a battle.

Seekham saw that the golden dome of the Sun Temple was no longer bright, but was dirty, and knew that the internal operation of the temple was broken, at least it was damaged, and it was difficult to repair in a short time.

At this time, the options before him were very depressing. Either, continue the battle of conquest with unpredictable consequences, or go back to rescue, but it is estimated that within ten days and a half months, it is impossible to organize a conquest. Fight.

Eventually, Secam ordered to continue to march.

Fairly speaking, Setham's decision is actually the most wise choice under the current circumstances.

Luohan's system unfolded, it can be said that it inherited Kane's efficient tradition and developed with each passing day, so for him, the most precious thing is time, then energy, and others.

Missed today, let Luohan digest this wave of harvest, and they will lose their qualification to challenge.

Many leaders of the Helian League, seeing this scene, are all happy in their hearts. The big brothers fight against each other. They are happy to see it. After all, whether it is short-term benefits or long-term benefits, they can often be improved.

So in the praise of ‘wiseness, wisdom, decisiveness, and firmness’, Seckenham led the crowd to continue to kill the temple of Gounk, and soon approached the city.

Then the trolls were shocked by the strong city structure of the new Gonk temple. Although the dignitaries have read the relevant information for a long time, there are some things that have to come to the scene in person.

The outer walls of the Gongke Temple are tall and majestic. The magic light flows on the walls, the runes shine, and the weather pattern is unusual. This appearance directly leads to the lack of confidence in Helian ’s protection against the attack.

Of course, I still want to try it. After all, I am well prepared this time, and the Dragon Roar cannon has brought everything.

The trolls ’heavy firepower dragon roar gun is not a gunpowder weapon, but a crystal of energy for power, but the principle is similar to that of gunpowder weapon. It involves a variety of smelting and manufacturing processes such as gun barrel casting, combined with the reality of each temple. There are obvious differences between ordinary, high-quality and inferior.

The scorching dragon roaring cannon at the Temple of Sabe is the best, and the one that is not the best in terms of technology. There have even been scandals in which female spies seduced Israel and stolen the information of the cannon.

The reason why is good is that it is good in execution. In the Temple of Sabe, strict management can be smoothly implemented because of the absolute authority of Sabe. Only this point is much better than the corruption of other temples.

In the sound of the order, a well-made dragon roar cannon was pushed forward. This scene of Luohan was clearly seen. Looking at the elaborately decorated series, you know that the production of weapons is not easy. After all, only a rare one will spend time in this delicate but irrelevant main field. I think Kane Zhao is in the SC universe. The constellation-class battleship has a daily production of 100,000. The name can not be up. The design uses minimalist style and insufficient decoration. The 2% was added considering the comfort of the long-term warship life. It would not be like the artillery in front of you, and its artistic shape is different.

"Today, let me crush this flashy display completely." Thinking in my heart, under the control of his spiritual power, an organ in the natural temple started.

It is a system similar to a fully automatic production line, but the external manifestation is not the model of the SC Universe Marine Corps power armor assembly production line, or the circuit board production line, but in a peculiar space, there are a lot of eyes. The stalk and tentacles exist. The so-called eye stalk is the end of the tentacle is a spherical deconstruction. This sphere is a single eye that can open and close the eyelid.

This kind of gadget appears with a large number of tentacles, and it is not very good with people's perceptions, evil or even obscene.

But it is only the perception, and the perception is mostly in the background of preconceived prejudices. In fact, their purpose is to fix the type and specifications of the cast, which can be understood as the magic version of the electronic monitoring eye and the ingenious robot arm. .

Now, these eye handles and tentacles are happily running, and through magic, an object consisting of multiple layers of concentric rings is created. They are a bunch of rings. In addition to rotating clockwise and counterclockwise, they will also flip 360 degrees. All rings are like this. At their core, they are energy gemstones activated by the strange light of the eye handle.

The process of forming this energy gem is very similar to the process when Tony Stark invented the new synthetic element.

When this peculiar object was completed, it was immediately thrown out through the dedicated channel. When it hit the sky like a shell from the jet channel of the pyramid, the operating speed of the outer ring has reached a very high level As for it looks like a bright ball of light.

These light spheres are called thunder cores. They can absorb water vapor and generate rain clouds at an unimaginable speed in the air.

From their perspective, Seeken saw a dozen orbs of light in the sky, and then the clouds gradually increased and flew away, quickly forming a cloud of thunder snakes.

At this time, even a fool can see that these magic thunderclouds are probably used as weapons against the enemy. Setham let the pterodactyl rider go to heaven, trying to destroy those Thunder cores.

Pterodactyl Rider ~ ~ is a rare combat unit that is more scarce than ground cavalry. The Pterodactyl Rider of the Temple of Sabe, called Ray Rider, was able to release a high-temperature solar beam through magic weapons name.

Both the light rider and the car pterodactyl are covered with vines woven by sun vines. This vine is strong enough and light. The vines are afraid of fire, but the vines protected by the power of the sun do not have this short board, so Well received.

But today, the light rider encountered not fire but thunder.

The magic thundercloud generated by the thunder core can be understood as a spiritual power floating turret, but the thunder launched by it is not a stream situation, but a more natural lightning bolt.

Click! A thunder that can illuminate the surrounding sky. Under this high-energy attack, the defense of the light rider and the pterodactyl is not enough to see, just like the human body armor ca n’t withstand the bombardment of the ship ’s electromagnetic railgun It is not an equivalent at all, but after being locked by the electromagnetic principle of repulsion and attraction, the accuracy is extremely high, so this is really a cannon bombardment of mosquitoes.

The light riders were disintegrated and shattered by the thunder, and the disastrous appearance of the gray smoke disappeared. The faces of the people watching below were all green. The opponents were unexpectedly powerful. Chills.

Luo Khan didn't care about it. From the beginning, he didn't treat these shrimps and crabs as opponents. His real target for breaking his wrist was a deity, or even a more powerful key monster that caused the world to be swallowed by the void, If it is only to deal with these creatures in the world, then a high-magic version of the biochemical catastrophe can completely wipe out the troll civilization of the Zandalar Islands. Why do you need to develop such a bright light?

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