Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Chapter 715: Eternal curse

Luohan exerted force at a critical moment, a move of 'quietness', which disintegrated Saratas' early investment.

The meat is rotten in the pot, the power of the Holy Light and the power of the earth element are forbidden, and the pit is filled with darkness. Darkness is the entry point of the power of the void, but it is also the first line against the void. It has a huge base and has always weakened the penetration of the void by quantity.

According to Luohan's understanding, darkness even has the characteristics of absorbing and transforming the power of the void, but the process is very slow.

The black mud created by 'Tranquility' successfully smothered the big gap in the ground fissure and the sinking force continued to fall, just like freezing and solidifying the mud, the area where the dark force exists, all became silent. In the area, the force of the void is drilled out again, and the power spent is increased hundreds and thousands of times.

Even the two blunt barbed tentacles of Saratas and a dozen eye handles were unable to escape, and they were sealed there with a sturdy seal, and even the remains of Akumal were sealed. Now, this "sealing" is mainly reflected in the extremely low energy activity, as if absolute zero degrees make the energy of atoms and molecules reach the minimum value allowed by quantum theory.

Saratas was really lost this time. She lost and lost again. She did n’t even have a chance to say hello or say a few words. She was directly knocked out.

Although the world is broken, it still operates with natural laws, and its overall volume is not comparable to that of Saratas. It is like a borer in an apple. It is indeed capable of nibbling it completely, but now, If you want to re-enter the interior, you have to spend some time and energy, at least for the Maai City, don't think about it for a short time.

However, Saratas was not willing to admit defeat in this way.

He used the coffin book and used the power of time and space to cast a sin.

Sin is a deformed thing with divine characteristics and can be said to be the ultimate representative of the chaotic camp.

The reason why Saratas can cast the evil spirit quickly and smoothly is because there is a qualified coordinate in the city of Maai, Zemran.

Priest Zemran, he betrayed his soul in exchange for strength.

For Saratas, one of Zemran ’s soul uses coordinates.

The first step in the gods is to complete the deal with Zemran. Zemran gained a powerful power with the power of divinity, but his soul is also owned by Saratas, Saratas The treatment of his soul is to eat away the evil spirits, so a monster with the memory of Zemran dominated by the spirit of the evil spirits was born.

When this monster was born, it looked like an ugly worm with many tentacles, which looked very evil.

Its purple hairy tentacles soon glowed, consuming the vomit-like energy of Zemran. And soon after, it turned into a pupa.

A pupa that pulses regularly like a heart pacing and glows brightly.

This pupae can continue to grow, the length quickly exceeds 2 meters, and the diameter quickly advances to 1 meter.

Then the chrysalis shell cracked, and a monster that looked a bit like Engaji Faceless was born.

This monster with external characteristics that blends the characteristics of lobster and octopus immediately opened its mouth and swallowed all the pupa shells. The translucent mucus on its body surface was also sucked into the mouth like Baichuanhuihai .

Then the monster's head expanded and fattened several times, especially the upper body represented by the width of the shoulder. The increase was obvious, even exaggerated.

It took less than 3 minutes from birth to maturity, and then the monster began to wreak havoc. It had three pairs of eyes and released a bright purple beam, with each beam lasting 2 seconds at a frequency of 3 meters. Sweeping.

Wherever the light was swept away, whether it was a building or a temple, it was cut open.

The essence of this beam is that the negative energy that engulfs everything is accelerated by the power of time. This means that the surface that comes into contact with this beam has suffered continuous high-intensity erosion of negative energy for thousands of years in a seemingly short time. There is very little that can last so long under this engulfing effect, so it shows the terrible power of nothing.

In addition to this void-cutting beam, this **** will explode into a wave of purple lightning rushing energy, which is also based on negative energy, but is endowed with the power of space magic, and within the area affected by this energy, matter will be It is eroded in all directions, so it dissipates very quickly, just like the wind blows the snow, and the scum will be in an instant.

Whereas the random lightning, no matter where it is bombarded, will cause the material to disintegrate, no matter the rock or the house, it will be broken down into powder in a flash.

Undoubtedly, out of revenge, Saratas sent a pure spoiler.

The subtext of this thing is: rich, willful.

This has nothing to do with devouring the world, but export evil.

Luohan did not have a very good response to this kind of operation. The most difficult thing to deal with was this kind of particularly pure attack. From a certain point of view, it was a nature with the loss of nuclear bombs, but the use of power was more Hierarchical and controllable, and with intelligent features.

As the incarnation of destruction, this **** is the king of demolition. While walking, he casually vents the void-cutting beam, and the energy of the void bursts from time to time. After only ten minutes, half of the city of Mae It is ruined, and it is super environmentally friendly. There is nothing but debris.

These debris are substances that are not as good as ash. No matter how powerful the magical plants are, they ca n’t grow on them. Generally, they can only be landfilled and wait for thousands of years. A little bit better.

At this time, Luo Khan chose to circumvent, rather than stand up and talk to the gods, then there would be no benefit except to consume his power seriously.

In his view, the value of the power controlled by him is higher than the ordinary power of nature, because the power controlled by him contains a higher potential technical bonus.

When Luo Khan hid, God's Sin was naturally incurable, and its destruction lasted for almost an entire night. Eventually, all the energy was released and the disintegration dissipated.

Saratas thought that with this operation, it would destroy the fruits of the victory, thus equalizing the loss to a considerable extent, so that the winner of Luohan did not make any money.

But in fact he took it for granted.

From the beginning, Luohan regarded the city or the trolls here as wealth that suits his needs, or from the beginning, Luohan ’s ultimate goal was not to win, but to gain strength as much as possible to ensure that he did not Will sink with this fragmented world.

And if Kane appears, then his task will end early, because the key information has been collected, and then added, it is just to increase the richness of details.

Kane will not compete with the God of the Ancients in this fragmented world. He is not so stupid, relying on his own skills, he has to artificially increase the difficulty and challenge the strengths of the other party.

Like this time, Luo Khan clearly won, but the vengeful Saratas lost a bit of nausea.

The rise of Saratas waves, after all, he has eaten too many benefits from the broken world. Kane could n’t do it, Rohan did n’t do it anymore. He won this time by means of calculation instead of hard power. After exerting the trick of “quietness”, he did n’t have much power left, if he could n’t succeed , Then he had to think about running. After all, let Ark's natural temple become the heart of the world, which is already a very real gain. Compared with the name of victory, he is more concerned about whether he can get dry goods.

Of course, it's better to be a decent ending like now. After all, if you scrape here, you can still scrape out some oil.

For example, the power of darkness settled through ‘quietness’, and now this area can be said to be extremely abundant.

Just before the sun rose, Kane ingested a wave hard. As one of the basic elements that make up the world, the power of darkness is very versatile.

In addition, it is also a valuable operation to balance the damage caused by the Great War and the evil in this area. The heart of the world wants to be worthy of the name, it must take corresponding responsibilities. This type of treatment for the world ’s trauma is more than a few times, which can increase the upper limit and precision of the natural power of the world ’s heart, and also shorten the response speed of natural force.

Simply put, this temple with a natural heart is like a magic weapon. Proper use is the main way to improve its quality.

Even the void **** created by the war and God of Sin has certain uses. What the shadow troll can use, the main way for the shadow troll to improve is to interact with negative energy and matter. These void wastes are barely considered to be somewhat beneficial.

The centralized treatment of these waste residues is also a specific step to balance the environment.

So in the next two days, Luohan spent all kinds of environmental governance issues.

He didn't care much about the affairs of Maai City.

After this incident, the shuffle war that Maai City will break out every few years is basically abolished. Zhalan has roughly detected the loss, the population is tenth, and the city architecture is five. The remaining one, the spider cave collapsed by 70%, and the void pollution will continue for at least a hundred years.

It can be said that if it is not because of the particularity of this world, the city of Maai can already declare its collapse.

Now the only hope that Maai City can continue is one of the trophies of the shuffle war, divine power. After the transformation of these divine powers, it can nourish the city with severe wear and tear to a certain extent, so that it may continue to exist.

The survivors of the incident also tended to take this path, because going to other city-states to take refuge, even if they did not die in the ghastly area between the shelters, they would only become slaves.

The dignitaries are also very clear that without the population, they are nothing. So, next, it was Maai City who licked the wound, and the policy will be more humane.

Two days later, the natural temple fell from the cloud, and a hilltop was selected as the foundation in the relatively polluted ruin area and settled again.

Two more days later, Luohan built the road with the natural power as the main production capacity and bordered the area beyond the ruins, and built a huge pond on the flat ground under the temple.

The materials that make up this pond are all void waste. Since these days, Luo Khan has been sending people to collect this stuff ~ ~ Even the dust-level ones have been collected as much as possible. After the pond is built, it appears as purple with different color differences, and it looks beautiful and magical.

Afterwards, the golden dome light of the natural temple will split into a beam, which is always shrouded on the pond like the sun is shining. Due to the effect of the spell, water-like liquid substances will gradually form in this pond. In fact, it is the empty waste residue that changed its shape. After that, these liquid substances will rise like evaporated water vapor, and form clouds within a fixed range. After the accumulation, the rain will fall into the pond.

In the process of ascent and rain, there will be energy flow, which is a kind of transformation and release, and the whole process is what Luohan devised to accelerate the digestion of the power of the void through the power of nature.

This is the way to balance the environment and solve the tumor. At a deeper level, he still can't catch it, and he can only do it step by step.

With this action, the corresponding responsibilities are fulfilled, and the force of the heart of the world can be preserved. This force is not necessarily tied to the temple of nature, but can also be a magic weapon that can be carried.

Luohan did just that. The crown of nature is surrounded by six gemstones that symbolize the six elements. The large gemstone in the center is the heart of nature, and this crown is a symbol of natural priesthood. To a certain extent, it has the characteristics of a stone of faith, but it cannot handle the power of faith and interact with believers.

This crown will not be worn by Luo Khan himself, but he can use it round the corners, which largely gets rid of his dependence on Gonk.

That sentence is good, no one is worse than oneself, and no one is worse than oneself. It would be a necessity for a person like Kane to scrutinize everything around him with a trembling attitude and a suspicious attitude, a fate determined by character, just like a curse forcing the sky above the sky, even if it becomes a god, Can't get rid of, or say, unwilling to get rid of ...

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