Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Chapter 770: Rise from the ashes

Kane saw the evil things killed in the rainy night and had some speculation about the owner of this deserted amusement park.

Guyin has many similarities with the plague puppets that the fire eaters encountered outside Durian City the night before. But in terms of appearance, these evils are obviously more mysterious.

On the basis of humanoid form, they can be roughly divided into pig heads and crow heads. Pig heads are very common domestic pigs, and crow heads are multiplied by the effect of witchcraft. Matching beak.

They are obviously blessed by the power of the field, whether it is a pig head or a crow head, they are very well connected to the body. They know that it is unreasonable, but they still give people the weird feeling that they should have grown like this.

They wore suspenders, plaid shirts, and leather shoes that were often worn by juggling clowns, but they were also exaggerated, but they did not have the madness, joking, and weird temperament of clowns.

Due to the large number, Kane's wave of hot guns and spears failed to wipe out all of them, and more than a hundred insults threw over like a wolf.

Afterwards, the invisible energy curtain began to shine under the collision of the evil things. These evil things furiously hit, even opened the pig's mouth to bite hard, or poked with the beak.

Kane was embarrassed.

Before using the statutory template, the opponent did not answer the move, proving that this field is mostly generated by ritual magic or artifact creatures. The user can't control it, it can only be said to borrow strength.

This is a good thing, which means that he can use the twisted rules to force the abuse of the other party with extremely high technology.

However, the card template he used needs to be developed in the early stage, and the action initiated by the other party fits the idea of ​​'you hit you, I hit me' from a certain angle, so there is a chaos in front of you. Fist knocks down the master's characteristic collision.

He is constrained by the stat template, and he cannot freely release his spells. The hot gun spear just now is the result of activating the magic pendant. Now, he can only wait for the card's spell cooling to end.

The evildoers attacked fiercely around the energy hood, and Nija was amazed to see that the flame energy bar, which was divided diagonally in front of Kane's head and was divided into 20 equal parts, was burning a little bit, just like the slow-motion fuse was ignited.

Niya knows that most of this represents the endurance value of the energy hood. She does not know what will happen to the exhaustion, and it is probably not a good thing to think about it.

In fact, the situation is even worse. The essence of the law is to rely on huge constraints in exchange for strong power. This flame energy bar is equivalent to the life of the salary king. Once exhausted, the law template will completely collapse, and Kane will also be seriously injured, even permanently injured.

Enduring the crazy attacks of the evildoers, Kane finally waited for the crystal ball to shine, and it was his turn to cast the spell.

He calmly sacrificed an energy card again, which turned into the third flame gem after the Mirage.

Then, he used two spell cards in a row.

Fiery fault, each requires 1 (standard unit corresponding to the law template) magic power of +1 fire elemental power. 1 magic power can be replaced by any energy gem, including flame gems, and the magic ruby ​​pendant makes its spell exempt. 1 magic power.

As a result, only three flame gems were used to create special summoning creatures and bury fire chargeers after two fiery faults.

The external spell effect of the Fiery Fault is a moving and spreading ring-shaped fire wall, which is isolated from the energy cover. The two walls of fire are completely ignited, and they are screaming and burning ashes.

It was in this blaze that the burial charge charged by the ashes was born.

They look as if they were sculptures made of semi-burned coal. The burnt black stone skin is covered with flame cracks, and the ends of the limbs are completely flames. The golden and white light represents the high temperature beyond ordinary. The air twists and rises.

Kane nodded in satisfaction, with the burial charge, the template of the law called "Rebirth of the Fire" was even started. This kind of elemental creature with flame essence has two major characteristics, 1 is that it can be attacked by flame gems, there is no upper limit, and 2 is the cooling reset phase of each round, it will be reborn from the graveyard and return to the battlefield.

The only way to completely solve the funeral charge is to banish it, which is an extremely cost-effective calling card.

With the death of a large number of evil things, the way forward was cleared. Kane did not continue along the road, but moved towards the rotating ferris wheel.

Since the other party is nothing more than a realm of borrowing material achievements, he naturally does not mind using technology to sweep through the area. At least he can also harvest some essence. If it works well, he may not be able to harvest artifact artifacts.

He is now employed as the salary king, and has barely reached the level of the meltdown artifact. Through meltdown to achieve engulfment absorption, it is equivalent to changing the direction to increase the high-quality firewood salary. .

As Kane speculated, the owner of this field is a member of the Ten Witch Club, with a variety of code names. Lordsburg has a special terrain and is a secret stronghold that has been secretly operating forever.

After the incident in Duryak City, Ten Witches scattered and lurked, and came here to change, and activated the realm. There are several relics obtained from Duryak City not long ago. Although it hasn't been able to decipher its true use, it can only greatly increase the domain power if it is used as an extraordinary energy converter. Coupled with his own extraordinary ability, there is a strange domain like abandoned amusement park.

Variant didn't care about Kane originally, he felt that even if the extraordinary people who attacked the city of Duryak came last night, they would meet and break their blood here.

But when Kane used the template of the law and changed the field, Wanchang realized that he had encountered a strong enemy. Although he didn't know where to go, he could feel the changes brought about by the distortion of the law.

He knew that the longer the time dragged on, the deeper Kane's distortion of the law would be, and the more the accumulation would be, so he decisively gave up the original plan, mobilized combat power, and began to fight output.

The ever-changing extraordinary power characteristic is to rearrange the molecules and atoms of matter, or to accelerate or slow down its movement, thereby producing different effects.

This ability has greatly increased in the field of abandoned amusement parks. Like now, the changes control the rainfall, and the water quickly becomes a deadly poisonous mist, which later turns into a wind of corrosion.

However, this has very limited damage to Kane with an energy hood. The 20 grid energy nest is reduced by a trace. I am afraid that it will not consume energy for a few hours. The premise is that Kane does not have the ability to return energy.

It was a low-defense burial charge who was greatly affected by the continuous attack. It turned into a flame-extinguishing charcoal within a few minutes, but when the cooling was over, it ignited again and continued to follow Kane.

During this time, Kane was not idle, and successfully summoned the core creature of the fire rebirth system, the burning heart.

It looks like a thunder flame version of the heart of the mountain, releasing a bright and magnificent light.

These rays form a lightning stream, which serves as a skeleton and veins. The outer layer has a layered flame as a flesh and skin. It exists in a humanoid form, with a height of about four meters, and an exaggerated proportion of flame claws and tyrannosaurus. The head means its fierce personality and good melee.

But in fact, its real role is an amplifier. As long as the burning heart exists, all the non-summoning spell-like powers of the rebirth of the fire will double.

After the Burning Heart debuted, Kane quickly let Wanchang see what the fire spell under double power was like.

Hongyang is empty!

This is a fairly flexible spell that can regulate power and has no theoretical upper limit. It requires 1 flaming gem for basic detonation, and the rest is +1 for each additional flaming gem.

Under the influence of the burning heart, 1 + 5 achieves the effect of 1 + 10, and a plasma fireball with a diameter of 100 meters directly appears in the dark void.

Except that there is no nuclear radiation, the other aspects are exactly the same as the 50,000-ton equivalent nuclear explosion effect. At close range, the face of the devastating shock wave and the scorching wind of destruction, even if it is known that there will be nothing protected by the energy shield, Niya is still deeply affected. Shocked, San value decreased by 2, the brain was blank for a few minutes, full of urine, and almost incontinence.

The red sun directly destroyed the metal vulture launched by the ferris wheel. These slightly shaped metal vultures, originally the ferris wheel's cockpit, were activated by extraordinary powers, making them resemble a large number of bats hanging on the top of the stalactite cave. Countless semi-melted fragments.

But this is not the end. The frame of the Ferris wheel has begun to deform, and a huge metal monster is taking shape.

However, at this time, Kane had 6 flame gems, plus the artifact ruby ​​reduction and a new round of flame gems, which is actually equal to 8.

Kane directly used the Destruction Beacon, which required 5 gems, and blessed the remaining 3 on the Burial Charger to make it attack.

An ugly and huge metal monster has a red thunder falling from the air, followed by a thick and magnificent flame, and the metal monster is enveloped, as if the effect of the furnace is produced, and the body of the metal monster is quickly heated and turned red , And began to melt, melted while walking, and soon turned into a red iron juice, flowing all over the ground.

The Burial Charger, with the afterimage of flame, crossed the area and plunged into the rock puppet that was forming, shredding it like a hot knife cutting butter.

Kane has entered a new round on this side, but due to insufficient hands, he did not cast a spell, but instead added the energy of the cooled fire gem to the Burial Charger.

The attack power of the Burial Charger is also based on the power of the blessed flame. The blessing of 8 flame gems makes it like coke blown down by a blower. There is no char black, but red glow, and the hot temperature will be ten. The air outside the meter is twisted.

At the same time, the speed has also been significantly improved, rushing through the abandoned playground at a speed close to the speed of sound, destroying all suspicious objects along the way.

At this time, the change is already very passive, and his extraordinary power is not without limits, but there are traces. If it is arbitrary, there is no need for an amusement park, just wilderness.

In fact, those amusement rides are pre-made semi-finished products, such as carousel horses, can be activated into evil things, the rails of the roller coaster can also be twisted at will, and the roller coaster can become a deadly iron dragon ...

In short, the classic killing mode of the deserted amusement park is actually a complete activation of terror as the main body. There is no need to deliberately arrange and kill everywhere. Being in it is more terrible than the death, there are always a variety of targeted serial traps .

However, in the face of the raging flames, the classic qualities of the deserted amusement park simply cannot play a role. If you don't get started, take out the super monster that should have appeared in the final high timeout.

As a result, this super monster failed to survive 3 minutes under Kane ’s recklessness. After that, he did not wait for the restoring strength to change, and Kane sent a summoned beast to sweep. One, the Phoenix series that was later summoned is the main force.

Flame Phoenix, Magma Phoenix, Deflagration Firebird, especially Deflagration Firebird, after completing certain attack conditions, it will appear with a bloodthirst +3 effect, and its power reaches a legendary level, which is more than the fire element elders. Powerful, if it rages everywhere, it will produce the effect of burning the city with flames. The entire field becomes a world with flames as the background. The sky is reflected in red, and the end of the field of vision is the red light of flames. Everywhere, thick smoke rolls, the air rises, the heat waves roll, and the abandoned amusement park becomes a burning earth, giving people the feeling of destroying everything.

Ever changing has clearly felt the pain of being crushed, he dare not show up now, while secretly recovering his strength, while suffering bitterly as a tortoise, he knows that as long as he shows up, he may be afraid of waiting for him to leave the field. Bombard.

Kane rarely has such an opportunity to let go of his hands and feet in the field. He is not in a hurry to pack up his opponents, but tests the actual power of the rebirth.

In fact, he can now end the battle in a round, because according to the statute template, both sides of the confrontation will have a 20-point energy bar representing each other ’s lives, and both sides are also aimed at bombing the energy bar of the other party, but only If you have pawns and spells, you need to calculate the yuan. Otherwise, you will lose your strength and you will not be able to get up to speed. As now, one side can no longer produce dry goods, and the other side has more and more powerful hands over time. The summons are bombarded with spells and will be quickly taken down.

In the more than half an hour after that, Kane has successively displayed several other cores of the fire rebirth system, Obsidian Flame Heart Demon, whose ability is crystallized in the energy of non-flame attributes (similar to the energy of the law card system of the flame gem (Crystal) placed on the fire indicator, each indicator will cause the loss of 1 standard unit of energy cover during the cooling reset phase.

That is to say, if there is no spell to replenish the energy hood, even if the two sides do not move, the target will inevitably fail after 20 rounds. The problem is that the Obsidian Flame Demon is the caster, as long as it is not killed by the first time, Then each round can place a fire counter on the opponent's non-flame energy crystal at the cost of 3 flame gems.

In addition to the Obsidian Flame Heart Demon, there is also the Scorching World Tribulation, Flame Storm, and Flame Will, which are the core. Scoring World Tribulation is a super-giant jedi counterattack, 13th-level spell, destroy everything, only one energy mask left for each other, and then only need to receive a simple patching spell to win.

Of course, there is no unsolvable situation in the world, and it is possible that the World Tribulation will be interrupted during the casting process.

Flamestorm is the core of the enchantment type, which can be understood as the exclusive domain of the fire rebirth system.

Fire will is the incarnation of fire element. Its main function is to switch freely between spells and summons. There are many bombing spell cards in the fire rebirth system, and the summons are relatively limited. If the opponent is a pile of summons There are a lot of miscellaneous soldiers rushing out, so it is a very flexible method to use the flame will to shape the spell into an energy creature to fight against the line.

Of course, there are many other excellent cards, such as chain reaction, flame cone, detonation, flame wave, flame flying chopping, and flame disaster boundary, which are very powerful.

In general, Kane has inherited the style of the main magic of the plastic energy system. The attack power of this legal system is very fierce. The more fire gems, the stronger the power, which is in line with the characteristics of high temperature and no upper limit.

It's just that the opponents I met this time belong to high scores and low energy, and there are empty fields, but they have low strength and poor technical level. They can't use the legal system to generate their own cards to compete with him on the table, but can only play ' You hit yours, I hit mine's set, just after he won a wave, there is no chance of overturning, so that these excellent spells do not have the opportunity to show.

The spell test was almost done. Kane directly smashed the energy shield representing the opponent's bloodstrip with "Furious King's Wrath", ending the battle, and the field was broken.

After suffering a long time of vicissitudes, he discovered that the legal system still had a binding effect, so that he was directly hit when the energy shield was broken.

If you want to run again, where is it? Kane was too lazy to talk nonsense to him, taking advantage of the delay of a few seconds before the field dissipated, and a detonation burned it directly to destruction.

The change of one of the ten witches is so stifling and dead.

Later, when the loot was collected, the holy objects in the construction field and the mysterious artifacts from the city of Duryak were indeed discovered.

Kane breaks it down by extracting essence. His own system is very powerful, and even the old master's technology is only used for reference. These mysterious items that represent high-end but incomplete technologies ~ ~ are not even taken into consideration. Not deliberately delve deeper so as not to be confused by it.

Kane is well aware of his limitations. He is not a deity, nor does he have an advanced team and facilities for analytical technology. Trying to learn high-end technology through analysis, there is no suspicion of being swallowed. His main purpose is actually to selectively record, and then send this high-quality first-hand information to the deity, which is equivalent to the scout that the deity placed beside the old branch.

However, after the death of one of the ten witches, the gold scraps were released, which caused Kane ’s curiosity. He did not rush to destroy it, but temporarily sealed it with cards. Nine pages, may trigger valuable clues, such as leading an ancient **** trying to resurrect?

With the disappearance of the realm, the true appearance of Lordsburg also appeared under the stars. But the situation is not optimistic. Since the big witch is regarded as a secret lair, most people in this area have been stricken by the scourge. The only thing that is worth looking forward to is the scourge. The method of scourge is to boil the frog in warm water, so There can be so few living people.

Kane didn't care much about it. Anyway, in his opinion, he promised Niya that he would be able to get a result tonight, and it was settled. Next, he planned to go back to Waterfall Town to accompany Jenny and What about Lana.

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