Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Chapter 804: Relationship with race is a bond

In reality, it has never been mastered.

Not every city that has lived for a long time will know how to calculate deeply and suppress the fire.

Kane's negotiations with more than a dozen South American sacred domain powerhouses failed, almost collapsed.

Some people pick their heads, and the second one who dares to stand up soon appears. The same is the use of the power of the Holy Land, wrapped to the butcher.

This is the most common way of playing. First pull into your own home, and then play a big set of tricks, you will soon be able to distinguish between victory and defeat, or even life and death, not ink.

The butcher who used flash to avoid a blow can only flash again.

But this time, the third person launched a targeted attack, high energy release, which affected a large area nearby. Due to its interference, space-time techniques such as blinking were greatly restricted. Not only was the risk of being countered greatly increased, the loopholes It was also enlarged, large enough for people to seize the opportunity to come down.

However, the butcher did not give his opponent such a chance. He directly left the area through the lock recall function of Mysterious Fort. As a super-large magic device, Mysterious Castle has abundant spell energy and various protection and anti-jamming capabilities. It is also a space-time spell. Mysterious Castle is very stable, even if the target is in energy turbulence.

Half of the body of the detached butcher was already in the blue field. He hooked his fingers and showed his white teeth. He smiled sensibly: "Come, please continue to show your courage."

The three holy domains that have already been shot are also decisive people. Until the bow is opened, there is no turning arrow, one glance is ignored, and at the same time, the three supernatural energies containing the power of the law are shot from their hands, and then hemp The entanglement condenses only, slams towards the butcher.

The butcher avoided again.

The controlled three-in-one extraordinary power did not continue to hunt, but turned down and directly hit the water curtain along the border of the blue field and the fire prison collar.

‘Om! ’Energy release, high-energy light burst, extraordinary shock waves destroy and decay, melt everything, and there is a huge gap in the boundary line.

However, the operation of the blue field is still normal, and without losing one of the energy water curtains, the jet is out of control.

The three saints of attack looked at each other. They turned the attack to the border. This was the main purpose of intelligence spying. The current situation shows that the extraordinary force field generator is perfect for controlling the energy in the area. The energy water curtain generator is nothing but The icing on the cake will not affect the force field because of its destruction.

Such a strong control means that their domain ability has no priority in the blue field. After all, the small arm can't be screwed on the thick thigh, and the energy throughput efficiency of the super-large equipment is not comparable to the individual.

Without the priority of the field layout, it is equivalent to being suppressed by the opponent's field. If you want to destroy the force field by attacking the force field generator, the difficulty will be very large, because the transmission spell will inevitably be restricted unilaterally. It is not far away. Block by layer.

This is impossible to play, unless a dozen brothers can really work together, regardless of the cost.

"Ah, forget it!" The three saints instantly retreated.

After all, the extraordinary crisis has only just begun, and the risk of getting into the fire is too high, it is better to sit and wait for other opportunities to appear.

With this kind of thought together, there is no need to ink anymore, the three immediately flashed, and the rest of the Holy Land saw the charge go away, and did not stay for a long time, and left.

These sacred domains are still relatively reserved, or rather arrogant, holding a shelf, not willing to talk to Huolao Ling, not only because of their self-confidence, but also because they know that when they talk about the transaction at this time, most of them will be pained by Kane slaughter.

It must be said that this is a misunderstanding. Kane will indeed kill, but each has different perceptions of wealth. Kane will speak in terms of professional population, and the sanctuary in South America is a bit extraordinary. The meaning of **** doesn't care about secular technology, otherwise it won't be that the whole of South America is still beautiful.

It does n’t matter if you do n’t cooperate, Kane himself is a little bit big-eyed, and now the construction is lagging behind, and even the rate of absorbing the population ca n’t keep up with the gathering rate of the border defectors.

In order to cope with these problems, Kane used himself as a big animal and did not know how to engage in production.

Of course, not only is he busy, but his task is also heavy.

In fact, it is nothing more than two contents, one is life and the other is work.

To sum up life, it is clothing, food, housing and transportation, and work includes production itself and learning.

With extraordinary tools such as ‘hand system’ and grounding gas, the need for a fire-holding equal to manpower is very low. High-end art model creations are eager for more operators, but unfortunately mortals are not competent.

In this way, the most important job of people who come to Huolao is to learn.

The Johnsons are typical representatives. The ancestors were British. They committed crimes in their hometowns and ran to the New World. The federation founded the country. They naturally got their citizenship. It was good. The grandfathers ran from the east to the west because of the gold rush. Relevant equipment and tools, not those in order to realize the dream of making a fortune, and lay down the treasure on the gold mines.

It ’s a pity that it ’s a little late to wake up, but it ’s not the latest, so I opened a grocery store to solve the living needs of the rushing gold prospectors, let alone make money, at least the invisible noose around the neck was loose, no need He was forced to commit suicide by debt.

In this way, Johnson's grandfather landed in the west to take root and spread leaves.

Old Johnson has always been extremely authoritative in this traditional family. They originally belonged to San Francisco, and when the second wave of migration from Huolao Ling began, they chose to move in.

In the words of the old Johnson at the time: "The suffering and the fright have been suffered, and the dividend will be seen soon, but they have run away, so stupid!"

It was easy for the Johnsons to enter the fire prison. At that time, there was no border line or checkpoint, but free entry and exit. They just chose a city that seemed to sell well, found a room, and moved in.

At this time, old Johnson spoke again: "Go to the manager and register a new identity."

Do other family members think that it is necessary to do more? The younger son of Old Johnson also sneered at the ruler, who might not be able to distinguish the identity of the rulers under the rule.

Old Johnson held the opposite view. He said that Kane dare to say in public speeches, ‘Do n’t come back if you leave. Even if you ask for it, you wo n’t be allowed. ‘Then it ’s clear that the identity of each aboriginal is clear, and no one can falsify.’

In addition, it is precisely because the situation is a bit chaotic, some people even take advantage of the opportunity to fish in muddy water, and even some spies. In this context, it is very important to take the initiative to cooperate and clearly express your willingness to be a good and kind person.

Well, after all, Old Johnson came from the war years. He has experience and high vigilance for spies and struggles.

The result is also obvious. The old Johns mixed the same treatment with the good performers among the aborigines, and were all regarded as the first echelon of Shunmin, and they were the first to be admitted to the central city.

And one of the personalities of Baoling, with the identity of an AI terminal, like Shunmin in this area, including the old Johns family, introduced in detail what they will face in the future. .

The old Johnson family, like others, was cautious at first, and with certain doubts, after all, according to the description of the Doraemon doppelganger, it was better to take the opportunity to enter the future era rather than catastrophe and refuge.

But a series of things that happened later made Shunmin more and more believe that most of the descriptions of the Baoling doppelganger were true. Even the old Johnson chose several courses to adapt to the new living environment and new era.

In the virtual world, Old Johnson is not a severe rheumatoid arthritis patient who can't even get in a wheelchair, but a great boy who can run and jump. He is eager to learn knowledge and has fulfilled his military dream. He sharpened his strong will and has many excellent qualities. He graduated with excellent results.

Then a miracle happened in advance. In the real world, he and 33 other elderly people, as the leaders of this area, were given the opportunity to restore vitality.

In fact, the key point of the so-called vitality recovery is that there are very few magical substances. As an extraordinary source of human stem cell recovery, combined with extraordinary active agents synthesized by four elements, people can experience a wave of dream-like metabolism, and the body repeats its adulthood. Time standard.

In fact, with the soul strength of these old guys, they are fully qualified to work in extraordinary professions, and regardless of the choice of method or war, in general, they are not bad luck and can achieve a certain degree of rejuvenation.

Kane only used technology to omit this process, allowing them to get results first, and then make up for practice.

And their practice is the inevitable result of the major they choose in their learning process, and most of them are the future military police.

In this regard, Kane clearly has a wave of capital. He does not need to choose young, strong, and well-informed, but takes the spiritual content of the soul, will, experience, etc. as the first measure.

For the pursuit of order, Kane also paid more attention to the construction of organizations in this area. The fire slaves and candlemen, acting temporarily, or emergency management, will not work for a long time. Not only is it a problem of insufficient professionalism and lack of wisdom, It is also because he is not grounded. He also pursues the enthusiasm and activity of the people. Even in prisons, it is not the goal of resolving the dead walking corpses, let alone normal society.

Therefore, in the future, the army's fire eaters will definitely retreat behind the scenes, rather than provoking the nerves of mortals every day, suffocating and lethal.

By that time, there will be certain military and police officers who have responded to basic extraordinary events and come from the civil society. They will play the role of the grassroots. Instead, they will be the original police. After retraining, there will inevitably be a group of eliminated.

Different concepts have different requirements for the police system.

Old John was not in the first place. As he returned to his adulthood, he became even younger. He was still in the police internship stage, and he got a new look. A widow who died in the previous Catholic raid. Then, the two fully reflected the European and American style of love, and soon they entered the room and formed a new family.

"Go, go! You should also be truly independent. I have a new wife who needs love and children who need to be raised."

In this way, Old Johnson officially separated from his son, and had a small life with the widow and his children.

However, at this time, the original family of old Johnson still bought his smart account, admitting to the right choice to go to the fire, and because he responded fast enough, he took the initiative to get enviable opportunities. first.

In Central California, 34 million people have migrated and there are many empty houses. They have basically become rental houses for temporary resettlement. According to the regulations of Huo Lao Ling, the surrender only has the right to use, and if there is damage, compensation is required.

This provision alone has spawned a new occupation or even a new industry, that is, the resettlement and housing management office.

The number of bonfires and candlesticks is insufficient, and their heads are not very bright, so Fort Ling chooses the right people from the citizens to do this kind of work.

Just like a housing agency will have a commission after renting out the house after the sale, the resettler does a good job, and there is also a commission. This good is linked to customer satisfaction, and it is not money but points.

Points can determine the priority of staying in a central city, the choice of qualifications for new residences, etc., are all inconvenient for the ruler, but successfully saved wealth expenditure, it is also considered an exploitation.

The exploited are very happy. Settlers give full play to their ability to watch dishes. For example, if the other party is a homeless person, then arranging a common room for him can already satisfy him. If the other party is middle-class, then at least there must be a lawn, Independent villas with gardens can make them feel used to it and even comfortable.

Honolulu and candle people can't come to these, and they can't judge a person's social status and personal qualities by dressing up, talking and acting details.

There are many situations like this. In general, mortal society is still the most suitable for management, and the extraordinary is suitable for becoming the sword of Damocles, and it is enough to maintain the fairness of the crimes. .

Of course, in terms of technology, Kane's intervention is very sufficient, after all, he wants a lot.

Several relevant scientific personnel study in the virtual world, observe and practice in the real world, and quickly master the knowledge of nuclear fission and fusion.

Ecstatic and intoxicated, the virtual world became their home. In fact, the time flow rate is the same, but the virtual world is equivalent to direct spiritual communication, which is more efficient and saves a lot of processes and steps, so it seems to be longer, almost 1: 4, which makes many people fall in love with virtual The world, after all, even if it is playing, there is plenty of time in the virtual world, and you can have more fun playing.

Kane's virtual world was first born out of the matrix of {Matrix}, and later supplemented the relevant database several times. The fidelity is very high, and the interactive system is also very clever. Even if it is known to be false, it can still be easily substituted in it .

Kane's main arrangement in the virtual world is the transition from the modern world to the future world. Here, people can take a fantasy journey through the years, go all the way, see all kinds of new things, and understand the development of science and technology in an all-round way. The journey to the future world.

People understand why ‘magic is smart technology’.

This technical connection has fully taken care of the mortal feelings, and to a certain extent made up for their extraordinary appearance, but they are not a part of the sense of difference. At the same time, it was also greeted.

Some people even believe that Kane, who has a complete and highly sophisticated technical system, and a perfect connection between technology and magic technology and knowledge of future technology, is actually a savior from the future.

This also explains why Kane is so different, why his men are puppets, why he is so powerful but has no ground, and he needs a temporary grab. Why be confident, stubborn, and overbearing, because he knows what to do is the most correct one. This comes from the lower reaches of history, and understands the evolution of the trend as a matter of course.

Anyway, Kane's operation was successful.

Although it is a low-level pass, it can solve the basic needs of clothing, food, housing and transportation, and let learning-oriented 'something can be done', although it is not helpful to social operation, but it has a positive impact on social security. Many, this is a phenomenon that has been proven in all worlds.

In today's world, all countries in the world are experiencing the test of this phenomenon to varying degrees.

With the emergence of new nightmare diffusion points in Rouen, France, many people are in a state of panic due to a lack of security.

Then there are ways to do it.

The more mainstream methods of the dignitaries are two-pronged approach, with wealth and connections open together, and strive to obtain reliable shelter tickets. They know that this ticket is bound to be sold, because the extraordinary forces are vampires who are ranked as blood-sucking in the world. They need to be ruled, and naturally they need white gloves. The reliable way out in our eyes.

The mainstream method of the middle class is to spend money in a ruined way, build a refuge, and hoard the necessary materials. They are knowledgeable and knowledgeable. With the widespread outbreak of the catastrophe, real people cannibalize will come soon. Surviving a wave of fear and hostility mixed with countless people, it is very difficult to prepare early.

It is worth mentioning that most middle-class people choose to hold groups for heating, so that they can use their own channels, have sufficient funds, and even hire some good skills to make their immediate family members join to make them earnestly sell their lives. .

In addition, group heating is also conducive to exerting collective wisdom, such as the hidden nature of material hoarding.

As the saying goes, you are not afraid of thieves stealing, but you are afraid of thieves. If you leak the wind and let people know where to store materials, then after the chaos, they will inevitably be remembered by intentional people.

Today's drivers and porters may become jackals the next day, driven by survival and greed, they can do everything. First of all, the appetite is getting bigger and bigger, and if you do n’t give it, you will be coerced, and then you are very likely to sell the news, or you will struggle with the displaced people to attack.

Therefore, it is necessary to prevent accidents beforehand. The secret work is a key point. Doing it yourself, or letting the employed security guards also join, becomes a more secure choice.

For the majority of the bottom-level people, the mainstream operations to deal with the crisis are one forbearance, two troubles and three fate. Seeing the situation wisely and decisively is not very optimistic, so determined to sell everything and escape from the city.

Those who are mean are watching melancholy, hesitantly, and feeling lucky.

As for the stupid, it is someone else ’s gun, who was killed by the chaos in the chaos, or the first to die after the chaos turned on.

The first advantage that humans have over animals is always wisdom. This is an unbreakable truth, and the incarnation of the beast is a kind of degradation. Although the beast is fierce, it is easy to be calculated. It is no surprise that it is natural to die first.

The catastrophe is approaching, the wind is full, and different countries stage different levels of joy and sorrow because of their respective situations.

Better yet, it seems orderly. Those who dare to make trouble are dealt with seriously. Officials appease the people through the mouthpiece of the media, while secretly operating in full swing.

Because the official is also made up of people, but everyone has selfishness, so there are actually many unseemly activities under the banner of the official. But even if it is so, it is at least a kind of concentration, a preparation, which is better than doing nothing, so that after the chaos of the world, a lot of living materials and tools are much better.

Almost a country is not capable of its own control. At this time, the expression ‘officially can be understood as the largest society’ is more and more vividly reflected.

A gun is the king of grass heads. Generals and commanders are just like those in the cottage. They raise the banner to occupy the mountain. The politicians borrowed the only prestige and legitimacy and legitimacy to make the best wishes to make cakes and make a fool.

People are afraid of unfamiliar changes and avoid subconsciously. People also have a fluke psychology. The more lack of self-confidence, the heavier the fluke psychology.

Many people interpret this kind of humility and obedience under the influence of fluke as kindness, which is wrong. It is wrong to say that it is weaker than the kindness. The poor people have hateful things. Not a self-protection color commonly used by the bottom class?

I don't see many people at the bottom. Once I got into power, I was so angry that my face was ugly. Saying that this is a natural exposure, it is slightly biased, because there is a vent component here, which was crushed before, and there is evil fire in my heart.

But even if this part is left out, it is still not easy to find goodness. Anyone who plays with any kind of bird will smell the smell of the scent that they eat, and people will show different good and evil in different social positions. Most of them are like this, but all extreme things are lost on the way forward and betrayed, Just drink and peck. Few people can jump out of this category.

Therefore, it is not a shame to say that the bottom class is kind, either dreams are not awakened, or they are shallow, or they are self-pitying, or they are playing worse games.

This is Kane's cognition. He also knows that as a qualified ruler, he is good at taking advantage of the weaknesses of human nature. He repeatedly flickers, and the people who flicker are hesitant, third-class and second-class. The opportunity is missed. Break.

The purpose of the ruler has basically been achieved. This trick has been trial and error since ancient times. Those who fail to succeed are either incompetent, or their peers are staggering, stumbling, or unevenly distributed, and their peers are torn apart. In short, it is rarely because of fooling that directly fails.

After the credibility is lost, after all, two or three axes have failed, and two or three axes have not been able to cut the basic profit they want. They can only say that the ruler is incompetent.

The French official is considered to be a play. Grabbing the gun in one hand and the mouth in the other. The crisis public relations team composed of human spirits is very good at exploring opportunities and grasping opportunities.

The arrival of the Stormship Sky and Space Battleship was simply interpreted by them as dozens of different shades of soul chicken soup, and it was hard to irrigate the people. Even the promulgation of the harsh temporary public security management regulations was said to be for most kind and innocent people Security and rights, not only bear the notoriety, but also learn the effective methods like fire.

The yellow vest that was smashed and robbed was hung with a lamppost, and the French officials did not hesitate to tear it apart from the orthodox church, which is widely believed by Europeans.

Racism and populism have also suddenly risen, which is the result of the encouragement behind the official. After all, even if it is to send personnel to the fire collar, the real idea behind it is to borrow eggs from chickens, not to achieve Kane. The essence of using chickens to hatch eggs lies in ideology and native culture and customs. To maintain this, centripetal force and bonds are very important. National, ethnic, and French are the specific elements.

The Frenchman's abacus, Kane naturally considered, and not at all stupefied. He has so many new technologies in his hands, which can bring about a new and exciting new life. This kind of material and ideological comprehensive impact has great power. Coupled with strict control and reasonable guidance, after two generations, France will become a background board at an abstract level, occasionally mentioned, but only a little romantic feelings. Human beings are forgetful. They cannot be **** with real things. They can't be bothered by their brainwashing. How many people are always thinking about it and always take it seriously?

Of course, these calculations belonging to the ruler do not affect ordinary people.

Judging from the current performance, the French official is the earliest national organization to recognize and establish cooperative relations with Huolao Ling.

The arrival of the Storm is tantamount to a benign feedback, which made the lies that the French official blew out smoothly come to an end. This time, the cooperation was really started, and Kane agreed that France would export the population to Huolao.

France in this world is the same as France in the original world. It has a land area of ​​550,000+ square kilometers and a population of 66 million +. It has completed deindustrialization, and the colonial sheep shearing is very smooth.

In terms of personal preference, Kane himself does not like the personality of the French, especially the modern French. In his view, he basically accounts for the lazy and arrogant, and is a group of people who have been abandoned by high welfare.

But it is fair to say that the overall quality brought about by education is still there.

Kane pays special attention to the impact of environment on individual growth ~ ~ and family is the first environment for personal growth. Therefore, the habit of picking up peaches and peach makes him more willing to accept the people of developed countries. After all, this is not the same as building your own lineage. It is necessary to lay a solid foundation, rather than lack it, this is a cooperation. He helps people in this world to overcome difficulties. People in this world work for him for a period of time to help him make wealth .

With enough money, he can play money with Evil God, the old deity may not be able to tear it, but like the old incarnation of the SC universe with the planet as its body, it is also a mature body, and the power of technology can still be used. Effective.

In order to appease the people's hearts, the French official made a deal with the fire eaters dispatched by Kane, erecting large-scale space-time doors in a pretense manner, and playing a temporary space-time channel personnel transportation.

Although the order was bought by the French government, it cost a lot. But they still think it's worthwhile. It represents a retreat and represents hope. French officials pinch this, and it is easy for the general public to follow suit.

However, against this background, the first mythic race was officially unveiled, and at the beginning, a cult was staged with the cult, and the descendant of the evil **** was born.

This time, there is no room for slow turnaround, only you are dead ...

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