Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Chapter 817: Disintegrating **** body

The secret society they founded by Joseph and Artina is currently in the ideal stage of being willing to do things pragmatically and not asking for rewards.

They did not withdraw from the line of fire because of the intervention of Kane and his war worms, but quickly adjusted their strategy and broke into a room to save those trapped. It can be said that they were the first to start this project.

They even struggled with more than a dozen policemen and several medical workers. After simple arming, let them act as escorts, protect those rescued, and deal with injuries in an emergency.

Because they have their own extraordinary contact methods, they gradually converge at the same time of division of labor and cooperation, forming a greater strength and improving efficiency a lot.

The butcher, as the person in charge of the rescue operation, has an almost unobstructed view of what is happening below from an altitude perspective. He specially arranged a MA to give Joseph their support, including fire fighting and personnel transportation. And shared the survivor detection information.

After that, he also assigned more than twenty fire dogs to join his team, further strengthening this team.

Instead, it was the Fire Camp, which did not participate in the operation, but received a transfer order.

"Let's go, our profession is not right, and it won't do much to get in." The branch chief threw away half of his cigarette and got into the car.

Constantine finally took a look at the daylight-stricken city that was illuminated by Dalianghao's fire, and pulled the car door into the co-pilot. He is the best performer at Huoying, and he is qualified to share a car with No. 0 and Minister of Support.

Although there is no explicit provision, some implicit rules are gradually formed in the fire camps everywhere. The most obvious one is the difference in status and rank brought by strength and performance.

Kane was expecting them to establish their own pyramid model in the future, so they gave acquiescence and certain guidance to this phenomenon.

In Kane's vision, the future space station, and even the space station, will have a stronger global material delivery capability. The fire camp will go into the sun from the shadows, absorb the migrants, establish a small society with strict rewards and punishments, and continue to transport the population for the fire.

Well, the currently active headhunters are naturally the cadres of the future security forces. In the severe situation of survival, the self-defense force always ranks first. Therefore, at this stage, certain care should be given, not only for life safety, but also for the soul.

Take Brasov as an example. There are so many bad things in the water. It is very bad to accumulate too much negative energy during the whole process. After all, like Constantine, it didn't take long to become a headhunter. As far as mentality is concerned, it is not a firm soldier. Excessive stimulation will cause adverse effects.

In fact, when Constantine and his party left, Brasov's eastern suburbs did have bad things.

The reason is that the extraordinary people killed a secret member of the secret society who was not able to hold back for a while because of being parasitized by "Black Snow".

From a human point of view, the transcendents involved in the destruction of the seal of God ’s Sin are indeed not things. They vaguely know that people in the entire city will become sacrifices, but for their own self-interest, they sold Brasov to them. .

There is a point worth mentioning here, that these extraordinary people do not know what kind of stuff the Brasov seal is under.

It can be seen from this that this group of vested interests is really stupid and can be compared with those of the dignitaries in the history of the dynasty's "why not eat meat".

This kind of IQ and EQ double arrears were born in a special environment of extravagance and extreme desire without external pressure, and it is a typical example of absolute power leading to absolute.

Such a cruel and stupid person can do anything strange.

As a result, the excuse for sealing this time was too bad, and finally ignited the anger of the opponents, so he fought.

As soon as the two sides tore, the people knew where they should stand at the first time.

The transcendentals do n’t even care about spreading to ordinary people, and they are utterly dead and wounded in seconds. This confirms the words of the fast-talker killed by them. Brasov suffered a disaster this time, and these sold the people to The transcendental transcendental bears the primary responsibility.

Many angry people also joined the side of the resistance, and tore the scale to upgrade instantly.

An important reason why they dare to make such a noise is that Kane is inclined to their side.

Kane is naturally a little unhappy about this. Although he is indeed biased towards the people, this does not mean that he does not mind being kidnapped by morality.

Subtext: It's not enough to save people, you still want to pull me into the water, help you get vengeance and unravel, it's really welcome!

In the end, he chose to help the people. After all, they hurriedly tear away from the extraordinary, just like using a whip to pull the bear, it can bring pain but not fatal, it will only arouse its murderousness. It is slaughter.

Kane set the tone and the War Bugs executed immediately. But the butcher has grown, and the specific approach seems a bit smoother.

"The following people pay attention, please strictly abide by the evacuation order. Anyone who breaks the order will be punished." MA passed the equipment and announced the rules in the form of an announcement.

Then it is to stop the tearing of both sides.

"Please mark the people assembled according to the instructions, the violators will be wiped out!"

The red mark locks the character, and the green cursor indicates the route. When someone blazes the blame, the energy tentacles emit a ray of light, followed by the tentacles also blurring, but it grows again in a moment. But the power of that light, which is not ordinary extraordinary, can resist it, and immediately the expression freezes, then the whole body turns into black and gray, and disappears, and the state of death is extremely frightened.

That's right, MA's energy is enough, or energy tentacles, and it can also be a cannon that scatters a deadly high-heat energy beam.

Although the MA looks like a turtle and the attack method is relatively simple, but the firepower is absolutely powerful. When it pours out the firepower with full force, it is comparable to the attacking power of a fleet of this era when it fires at full strength.

There are few powerful figures who can appear here at this time. They are just pawns. Most of the deals with the terrorist hunters are their masters. They are the executors, but even without direct assistance, there are suspects of indulgence. .

Of course, the world is not black and white. There must be some bad luck among these people. They do n’t want to do evil, but they have been wrapped up for reasons like this, and they have been condemned by conscience and drifted with the waves ...

These Kane are understandable.

Conversely, people in troubled times are like grass and grass, and various conflicts and conflicts are constantly erupting. Anyone in power needs to be squandered quickly, and the results can be stopped immediately. This is naturally a lot less delicate and exquisite. People are wronged and aggrieved. He who sits in the position of the ruler with this **** also hopes to be understood by the ruler.

He believes there is also understandable.

However, understanding to understand, whether to make substantive feedback, is often another matter.

To put it bluntly, human nature is self-centered, and who is also partial to oneself more, everyone wants to talk about the reason that is beneficial to themselves, then finally take the fist to reason.

Kane felt that many times, he sought to understand each other, but the process of beating and breaking his face, which was still troublesome, was simplified and turned into a direct fist.

His fist is naturally big enough, and any fire eater who controls the MA can suppress all the extraordinary people on the scene.

Fortunately, life and death are involved, and there are live examples, and people's IQ will soon be online.

The rescuer's cognition quickly faded, and the brutal and stingy name was remembered. 100,000 people were slaughtered in 48 hours. This murder record is unmatched in 50 years.

What's more, killing so many people can get away with it, join forces with the world's hegemony, the United States Federation, and the largest transcendent forces in the Americas, with a thousand-year-old Catholic church with worldwide beliefs, and fight against the Hai people, so many Opponents, others are fighting more and more prosperous, and it can be seen that the fists are not hard.

So not only the survivors stopped, but ordinary people also became obedient, letting them continue to retreat farther away. They were reluctant and clamoring for their loved ones before. Now they are stopped, honestly. Follow suit.

When the search and rescue work of survivors in the Brasov city area was completed by about 60%, the preparations for the evil were completed. Kane did not wait any longer and immediately launched a blow.

At this time, the extraction of the essence of the behemoth has not been completed, there are still more than 20 MAs in the urban area in search and rescue, and 3000+ fire dogs are still active, so Kane zoomed in in this case, which is beyond many people. Unexpectedly, including sin.

Sin has vaguely felt that the signs are wrong, but it feels that Kane is greedy, and Mingheli will always choose one, clenched in his hands.

Even if the behemoth is profitable, it is almost dissolved, and it is time to grab the fattest part.

Salvation is a name. If you do n’t give up, do n’t give up, if you want to win such a word of mouth, you must dig out all the survivors.

So God is thinking about it, and absorbs more ability for a while, when the other party is about to do his best, he will preempt.

Unfortunately, it turned out that He was actually more greedy than Kane. Kane could cut it, but He never had enough.


Strange ultrasound, even if it is felt by people far away from the city, there is only buzz in the ears, and no other sounds can be heard. Many people feel that their stomachs are stirred by a stick, and they start vomiting now.

This is Kane's highest priority means of attack-hot snatch.

In fact, taking advantage of the weakness of the spirit, directly extracting the essence, the effect is similar to inserting a thousand needle tubes into a person's arteries, veins, branch vessels, and even capillaries, and drawing blood at the same time.

Sin is naturally rage.

I do n’t have a dead body, so you dare to do it like this, and die!

God is very clear, this operation consumes a lot of money, just like the poisonous snake pours the venom into the target body at once, and it is like the mosquito injects the toxin to dilute the blood. For stripping and extracting essence.

It consumes a lot, the CD cools down for a long time, and once it is interrupted, it will be discarded. Therefore, its powerful effect is only suitable for picking up corpses. Now the other party dared to do so relying on the three seal points.

He acted decisively and immediately hit his face.

The structure is when it tries to cut off the connection with the sealed point and play a trick to break the wrist. The three seal points collapsed on their own initiative.

This kind of collapse is not a damaged collapse with severe deformation of the structure, but is activated by overclocking, and the power is exploded at once.

The result is that the power of the seal is quickly transmitted in the body of God's Sin, making it feel like a person being electrocuted, with a sense of paralysis.

The evil spirit is very powerful, even if it is the power of a highly targeted seal, and the energy is powerful enough to completely level a small town, it just makes him stiff for a few seconds.

And like all true gods, one is all, all is one, and unless it is completely destroyed, it cannot be considered a serious injury, because most of the force will immediately escape to a relatively safe one, and then be distributed to all after the blow.

If you want to kill it, it is even more difficult. You must completely ban the cage of the rule of law, and then strip the fusion of the "Tao" from the soul, and this rule of law can not be attached to the "Tao", otherwise it will be impossible to talk about it. Ban completely.

For example, if the way he merged is time, then this rule of law cannot contain a little bit about the concept of time. Ordinary people can't figure out what it looks like in such a cage, let alone create it.

So God Sin is not in a panic at the moment. He knows what Kane is extracting, the essence is plundered, and its upper limit of strength, or capacity will fall. But it is now in a weak state, and it is far from the peak state itself. The drop in the upper limit does not actually have a substantial impact on the current combat power. Since his instrument has climbed to that height, it will be quickly restored the next day, as long as there are resources, it will be a matter of course.

From the outside, it can be seen that a "spirit" effect is formed throughout the Brasov range. The size of countless thumb belly, with a hazy light spot, is like a goose feather snow falling in the absence of wind. It's just that the direction is reversed, rising from the earth and above the sky. The scene can no longer be described as magnificent. Any mortal who looks directly at this scene can't help but sway his heart, his soul shakes, and his emotions are hard.

In fact, this phenomenon can be changed, called the collapse of the **** body.

The body of God aggregates and condenses the rare power of the universe. When it collapses, it will release unspeakable wonders. Any magnificent scene in nature will not be comparable to it. After all, this kind of spectacle itself is equivalent to artificially condensing and blooming natural spectacles, so it is more gorgeous, with the characteristics of excessive poisoning, pouring massive amounts of highly concentrated information into the viewer ’s brain, triggering a similar spiritual stimulation, And there are sequelae, the specific impact varies from person to person and the situation at that time.

Like this, it is good. After all, God is not as good as True God. Kane ’s extraction ability is not strong, and it is just the beginning.

A few seconds passed quickly, and the evil spirit broke out immediately.

This time, He didn't even need to sacrifice the body of the sealed part, it has been completely free, it has to stand up.

It's just that this station is different from ordinary people's stations in terms of posture and process. The specific performance is an explosion, just like a nuclear bomb explosion, the entire Brasov land is being jacked up, rolled and cracked, as if below There is endless lava to erupt.

At this time, Kane's second move was released, the power of faith.

Although this kind of power is powerful and pure, it is actually very unpleasant to use. It must borrow a name instead of directly smashing it like an energy bombardment. Of course, if it is transformed into divine power, it will be said separately.

Kane's experience in the application of the power of faith is still relatively rich. The name he borrowed this time was ‘all grief and indignation’.

Simply put, Brasov is home to tens of thousands of people and has a history of hundreds of years. From an extraordinary perspective, it condenses the feelings and emotions of the people who live here for generations, not just the modern living people.

When it is ruthlessly destroyed, it will inevitably trigger a rebound of this emotional energy. However, the soul energy of the occupants of the past generations has been dissipated and transformed, and the retained energy is much thinner than the free extraordinary energy particles, and the role is very limited.

Kane's operation is to draw on the grief and indignation of those living Mrs. Brasov to attract the emotional energy left by the Brasov generations, thus forming a shell, and then packing the power of faith launched from the Mysterious Fort, or Say guidance, and thus have a name.

The guardianship of love, the revenge after the loss, and the power of faith after packaging are almost equivalent to the concentrated outbreak of the power of faith of 30,000 devout believers.

Kane had prepared this trick before he had started. The power of the seal immediately entered the final stage, and it was finally used immediately. It did not allow God to stand up completely.

Seeing the sky, countless white figures appeared in an instant, like hundreds of thousands of mirages gathered in the grand square, and it was like a figure fabricated by clouds and fog, the details and shapes were a little vague, but it can still be seen that each appearance is different. .

Many evacuated Mrs. Brazo prayed on their knees when they saw this scene. Romania ’s main religious belief was Orthodoxy. At this time, many Mrs. Brazo believed that this scene in heaven was the return of ancestors of all dynasties.

In the next moment, countless lights and shadows in the sky will be transformed into hundreds of millions of rays of light, which will be poured straight down.

All the buildings in Brasov, because they are the most commonly used carriers of popularity or spiritual power, directly become the tools of the force of faith, and they all burst into powder.

Ning Weiyu is not broken, and the power of faith is used well. It is comparable to the divine power. After a series of prying and increasing, the power of faith at this time has been particularly terrifying, and the earth has exploded, and it has been pushed down by life.

In the roar, ripples and folds appeared on the ground, the earth waves rolled, and the refugees were also affected. The momentary chaos was inevitable.

The violent **** was slapped down again, very uncomfortable, the energy spewed, forming a geyser-like energy rainbow on the earth, which was spectacular.

In this case, Kane's third move was made.

This is because the power of faith strikes a close connection, which is precisely the principle of taking advantage of the disease. I saw a sun suddenly lit up in the sky. This sun is so huge that it occupies almost one tenth of the sky.

Its existence makes Brasov-centered one-third Romania early in the morning!

This thing is the nuclear fusion plasma fireball that Kane detonated.

This is not the key point. The key point is that Kane exerts a strength of 120% to make it as controllable as possible and is a continuous response.

So much so that this is a simplified version of Little Sun.

At the same time, the star gate in motion, like a condenser lens, projects the collected and transformed light from space.

Seeing from the far east horizon, a beam of light penetrated the dome, slanting down, blessing the little sun.

Suddenly, the little sun was full of divine light.

Immediately after the release began. The sun is shining, and all the supernatural power of darkness is completely disintegrated by this super-powerful holy light, and the world is full of positive breath.

As Brasov, who is closest to Little Sun, is really like the black snow under the blazing sun, a lot of water rises.

If you look closely, it is not water vapor at all, but the essence of sin.

If a thousand needle tubes were used to draw blood at the same time, now all the blood vessels are exploded and the blood is evaporated.

The body of God's Sin directly undergoes a comprehensive structural collapse.

The reason for this is naturally because the body of the gods was basically broken when the sin was sealed, so although it has been reshaped in the past few years, under the influence of the seal, it is finally a weak point, not a serious god. Body.

If he is allowed to stand up, he will find that his body is composed of countless small units, like sand like soil, like clouds like fog.

Under normal circumstances, this is not a problem. He can be like a pixel-art person, condensed from countless points into a whole, the connection between points is close, far stronger than the connection between human cells.

But in the high-end contest, this is a fatal flaw, especially because he has not yet condensed into one body, but is laid under Brasov like sea sand on the beach, which can draw power more quickly, but it is also easy All of them were broken.

The evil spirit was directly destroyed by Kane's three consecutive moves, and the loss was as ugly as it was when the seal was sealed. The accumulation over the past tens of thousands of years, once lost, has become Kane's spoils.

But He is still not completely defeated, because the spirit of God is still there, and none of the series of techniques used by Kane are aimed at the spirit of God.

At first, it was a group of great powers to seal him together. Now, Kane obviously does not have the conditions to seal it.

That's right, with the power of the present, Kane can't take away the body of God's Sin in one fell swoop. It's too reluctant to want to take down the soul of the God by the way.

Although the information enriched in the soul is more valuable than Sanqi ’s material and energy, the conditions for trying to crack the soul are too harsh. Even if he can imprison the soul now, it ’s useless. Even the spirit does n’t do any resistance, let him He couldn't do it.

If it can be done, there is no need to fight with the nightmare of Cthulhu.

Since the prisoners are strenuous and cannot be realized, they simply concentrate on acquiring the wealth that God Sin has accumulated for thousands of years. As for the soul of the God Sin who escapes and harms anyone, it really cannot be controlled for the time being, and he does not want to control it.

So, in the glorious light, a fuchsia star burst into the air and went straight up into the sky. It is so outstanding that the light of the little sun cannot cover its existence.

Kane's lazy attention, he used the power of the king of salary as the binding force of the nuclear fusion reactor. The operation can not be said to be dangerous but it is indeed very reluctant, and even the power of feeding is increased.

It is also due to a certain point of view ~ ~ He is like a **** of evil, and he has been repaired to the high end early in the morning. As long as there are resources, improving the capacity is just a matter of course.

Therefore, many of the essences drawn from God's evil spirits were swallowed by him, which made the strength soar on the spot. As for the sequelae caused by it, the same is true afterwards, and it is still suppressed.

Therefore, 120% of the explosive state came and went quickly, but he still stood firm and did not collapse, but controlled the power of nuclear fusion and directed injection.

Then the force field net formed by MA is connected and dispersed and absorbed.

The external performance is that the small sun emits a huge flame flame, which is surrounded by the light curtain formed by the MA array, and then spreads like ripples on the light curtain, making each MA shine like a star.

In such a situation, suddenly the Sanctuary jumped into the air and launched a surprise attack on Kane.

Kane's mouth twitched and his belly slapped: "I have guarded you for a long time, but unfortunately I can't even choose the key entry point. The moment when I was shocked by the appearance, the nuclear bomb exploded, and the star gate was able to be, it was my weakest time Now, hehe ... "

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