Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Chapter 821: Life in dull pain

In early June, the world still exhibited an El Niño-like global extreme climate due to the addition of a nightmare (Hino Island) and five nightmare spreading points (Rouen, Barcelona, ​​Milan, Hamburg, Quebec).

Coupled with the turmoil of the people, the reduction of agricultural production and the economic downturn are inevitable.

Several major food-producing countries have announced a reduction in the total amount of food sold out and a rise in food prices, which is like a punch, hitting the face of humans around the world.

The panic buying and hoarding of people has further contributed to the sharp rise in food prices, so that the world has added nearly 2 billion people who are struggling on the food and clothing line in just two months. The tragedy of wives and family break-ups has intensified, venting wildly in despair, and the number of cases of vengeance in society has multiplied. The problem of public security has become a sword swaying on the faces of countries. Direct and indirect losses, up to 800 billion federal currency.

If the secular human civilization in this world is a giant, then he has been stabbed fiercely, and he is losing blood continuously. If it is not dealt with in time, it will not take long, and more terrible problems will follow.

But in some cases, such as Bucharest, this crisis is still more obscure. People are living under the heavy pressure of survival, and most of the reason still exists, and they have not collapsed.

Constantine, the successor of the four Kings of Fire, the future Burning Legion, is still sharpening his combat skills and soul in the market as a ranger.

At the same time, he developed feelings with Atina, so he persuaded himself by saying something like ‘help who is not gang, exemplified by the wise and not to avoid family’, and interacted with Atina regularly.

Once a secret association, there is now a formal and resounding name syndicate, referred to as the syndicate. As one of the elders, Atina has undoubtedly become one of the core cadres of the Communist Youth League, with increasing authority.

Constantine walked briskly on the street, and today he did something that made him feel very exposed and happy, and successfully helped the Oujin family who had taken care of his family.

Ou Jin once had authority and a solid family background. It can be said that there are two living circles that rarely intersect with his family. At that time, caring for his family was mostly kindhearted.

But Constantine can't help but remember that if Ou Jin did not help him, he would most likely lose his sister because of not much money.

If the younger sister is gone, there will be fewer people to care for beside the mother who is already ill, plus depression, you will probably not live for a few years.

Ou Jinle is charitable, decent and self-disciplined, and has a human touch. With his original ability, he had no chance of repaying grace.

But now the situation is turbulent, there is no end to the nest, and Ou Jin is inevitably affected, and because he insists on the bottom line and refuses to give in, he is knocked down.

Thanks to the good deeds and good luck on weekdays, everyone greeted each other, and this was only the suffering, but it did not lead to a tragedy that was too tragic.

Constantine is also a blessing to the soul. After the Brasov incident, he gave Atina a mouthful to help him find the whereabouts of Eugene.

Although Atina is no longer in the official position, the network relationship is very strong. Those official people do n’t mind opening some convenient doors in private. Cunning Rabbit Three Caves. It ’s not a good way to be a dogleg for the extraordinary forces. Those people themselves Clearly, there is always a way out.

So Eugene was found and Constantine introduced him to work for the fire camp. The man finally helped the old and the young to get out of the mud pit and did a good job. In the future, they could go to Huolai to settle down.

Since Huoying distributed the salary king gift package, the system has become more and more perfect. Unlike before, there are only a few functional departments. Now it is more like an import and export company. It releases goods and receives goods.

People like Ou Jin who are well-connected and good at doing things can naturally find their place quickly in the fire camp.

He helped Ou Jin and gave Constantine the feeling of returning to his hometown in 30 years in Hedong and 30 years in Hexi. He shared this with his family, and his mother and sister also expressed their inner happiness, which doubled his joy.

In a happy mood, he naturally walked briskly, in stark contrast to his current environment.

This is the southern district of Bucharest. In the past, it was a glorious but not lacking of a thick city. Now it is full of odor and decadence. The faint smell of drowning and annoyance bothers everyone who travels from time to time. There is no longer the neatness on the street, not the lack of cleaning people, but the lack of consciousness to observe the sanitation order.

The people recorded on the road are either in a hurry or wandering in a daze. There is little calmness and calmness in the way. The most beautiful scenery along the way is the armed police with live ammunition. There are more and more people out of control, and people who are parasitized by evil things are even more terrible.

Perhaps there are horror hunters who are used to being strong dogs because of their population characteristics. Since Brasov ’s blockbuster, they have never faced humans. They are good at harassment like wolves, and they can always mobilize their emotions. So that they cannot relax or rest, and then they will look for defense loopholes, and suddenly a ruthless one will come.

Following Brasov ’s unblocking incident and Bucharest ’s tiankeng incident, the latest rogue killings that have troubled Romanians from time to time.

The wolf is the wolf of the werewolf, and the ghost is the vampire ghost. The awkward new name of the wolf ghost is naturally a folk name. It is more like a nickname, but it is also very suitable for the situation. 'S performance came out.

This new evil has a cunning side and is good at lurking and hiding, but once it is torn apart, it is very bloodthirsty, and it is easy to get up, and then it will not retreat.

This feature makes them always cause heavy casualties and **** scenes, with extremely bad effects.

The only thing to be thankful is that these monsters hate the sun and prefer to do things at dusk. It is now in the summer in the northern hemisphere, and the days and nights are short, so it does not affect people's normal activities very much.

In addition, there is another thing that can achieve some psychological balance through the misery, that is, Barcelona, ​​Rouen, Hamburg, Milan, Quebec, there are black goat cubs.

These divine monsters are the most well-known of the heirs of Shab Nicholas, one of the old three-pillar gods. Seeing him and hearing his voice will lose the San value, and the combat effectiveness is even more amazing. Even if there are extraordinary players, it still causes serious losses.

When thinking of the difficult situation of people in those places, Romanians feel that their home is not that bad. Today, it is already hypocritical to say what the future and hope are. Let's just stay alive. Many people have already passed it. This is also a major reason for the growing public security problems.

After all, under the guidance of the idea of ​​"there is wine now and drunk now", the not-so-rich family will soon be wasted, people live, money is gone, and they don't want to die, what should they do? Naturally, it is a sidewalk to walk on the left. Once a person loses his good intentions and the environment is bad, then taking the risk and becoming a person is really an idea.

And doing this kind of thing is like a middle-aged greasy man's trousers. It is easy to loosen a buckle, but it is hard to try again. It is not impossible, but unwilling to endure long-term tightening.

Constantine saw three or five groups of young young people laughing and scolding and crying and howling more than once along the way. He knew it was all sucking.

He also knows that the official has opened his eyes, closed his eyes, and even secretly contributed to the sales of hallucinogenic drugs, and he is very scared.

Atina they, one of the main contents of the current torture with the official, is this problem of the spread of hallucinogens.

Officials have clearly stated that ‘the hallucinogen eliminates those who lack motivation and self-discipline’ is a strategy they have approved.

The attitude of the Communist League is that this kind of catastrophic behavior of dumping the burden is really shameful, especially the main scourge of the strategy is the young people who lack social experience and have considerable autonomy. Ability to do something, but the social unfriendlyness makes it easy for those who are already sensitive and unconfident.

The official subtext is that the Virgin is out. Do you know how difficult it is for advanced society to function properly?

The communist regiment said that we propose to pass an emergency bill to formally become an opposition party and open the ruling party campaign, letting the people choose their new leader.

The official answer is huh, subtext: You guys are too naive, do you think that the transcendental forces can't **** much blood, they will let go of the worldly humans? wrong! They would rather look at the death of secular humanity than to allow mortals to completely abandon their rule and develop independently. To put it plainly, life is the Zhao family, death is the Zhao family's ghost, and the slaves are destined ...

This kind of bullshit, Atina did not hide Constantine, even let him judge the idea.

At this time, Constantine feels that the salary king is a real man. If he can be rash, no one dares to ask questions, and he will not be as energy-intensive as Atina and the official. It is all wasted on tearing, even if the result is torn out, it is of limited significance, because there is an extraordinary dad there, people can really make the final decision.

So in the final analysis, it ’s the fist, the fist is big, your truth is the last word, and your statement is a good one, otherwise the blueprint is better, the plan is reasonable and operable, and it ’s useless.

Of course, Constantine also knows that reality is harder than it seems.

The individual power of most people is weak, and they are united together in a vertical and horizontal direction. Various promises, seeking common ground while reserving differences work together for a goal, and then use a series of means to pry up greater powers such as public opinion and the power of the consortium. The bill, its complexity, difficulty, and the number of variables in the process are beyond imagination, and the initiators often cannot be controlled in detail, but can only be guided by the situation.

Only the compulsion of the salary king, one is all, and the use of tremendous power to **** the two must be escorted, so that the government affairs involving hundreds of millions of people can be handled simply and directly.

Contrasting with the paid king, Constantine was really not able to lift their minds at Adina. After getting acquainted with Adina, he joked halfway: "Instead of placing hopes on those who can find conscience, It's better to think about how to hold the thigh of the salary king. The former has also suffered, and it can be said that it can be put into practice, while the latter can easily get dry goods. "

This is actually Constantine ’s real idea. If he dominates the Communist League, he will do so. Unfortunately, the Communist League refuses to let go of the so-called ethos. He is very reserved and feels that when he licks a dog, he will not be able to lift his head for a lifetime.

Constantine couldn't understand it. He felt that Atina's so-called ideal purity is very unreliable and even distorted.

Of course, it would be admirable to rather die than kneel. He got close to Atina just from admiring her as a real man.

It's just that the relationship is too much to talk about the super friendship relationship mainly based on emotion, and then look back, it will be a bit wrong.

Constantine also scratched his head on how to explain this kind of wrongness.

He felt that, Atina, they thought it was justified when they were on a business trip. They abandoned the official father and re-recognized the salary king as the godfather, but they felt that it was filthy and self-regarding. Is this handsome, or do you love feathers? If it's stylish, how can the salary package be smooth?

Constantine is a non-learning, no idea, but can not be accurately summarized into language.

Atina, their question is to confuse organizational behavior with personal attitudes. There is no clear reason for the organization to take profit as the first criterion.

It is good for individuals to have noble sentiments, but the organization must be more flexible, know how to be as good as the light, and how to bear the burden. After all, sacrificing life is a kind of sacrifice, and reputation is also a kind of sacrifice. It is said that those who do big things do not stick to small sections. Compared with the big things that serve the country and the people, it is a small section to recognize that the godfather does the third thing.

Of course, the actual situation is more complicated. It is reasonable that Joseph and Artina didn't understand it, but as a non-governmental organization that took advantage of the situation, not even the opposition parties, they chose to cherish feathers and felt that it was more important for the Communist Party to have a good reputation.

Friendlyly speaking, this can be understood as a better service to the people in the future and not doing something.

Maliciously speaking, this is not a kind of selfishness. Fame is more important than life, just as some people are more important than life and money. They prefer their own hardships and the people suffer a lot. They are not willing to stigmatize their reputation and smash their signboards.

So, is it true that we are wholeheartedly serving the people?

Constantine was born in a city, so naturally he was not used to Joseph's set with Wenqing qualities. Atina always likes to bring this set to life, even Amway Constantine, which makes Constantine a little depressed.

In addition, Atina's kindness, integrity, positiveness, generosity, strongness, and diligence attracted Constantine. Atina is a well-organized woman who can not only succeed in her career but also manage her life. Constantine, who had gained extraordinary confidence and gained confidence and walked out of the quagmire, was attracted by Atina's positive traits. He felt that with such a girlfriend's supervision, he could also become a respected and successful person rather than a ruffian hero.

In fact, the two's career environment and life experience have led to different cognitive differences, that is, the chaos of the world where the power is particularly distinguished, and two crisis events involving life and death, which make the two appear to be talented and female. A piece of opportunity.

Constantine is not a younger brother, but the previous ones are all hormonal skin games, emotionally, not very mature. At least in his conception, his girlfriend and wife are just like their mother and sister. Even if they have differences and noisy, they can still take care of each other, and there is an indispensable existence at the crucial moment.

But he never thought that people can't decide who their parents are, but they can decide who their wives or husbands are, and wives or husbands will basically not have more than 20 years of kinship from childhood to adulthood.

It is said that a woman is a man who is truly a mature teacher. Constantine opened this class of life with his eyes. But now there is no trouble, and you can get bored.

At the same time, Kane was preparing to abandon Kevin Fox's skin.

An important reason for winning the house at the beginning was this super-magic environment. The world's will is extremely powerful, that is, the ordinary big world fairy who soars will drop three robberies, and here will drop nine.

In a world with strict laws and strong interference, if you do n’t have a legal status, it ’s not much different from being thrown into the eighteenth layer of **** and taste the pain of the prison sentence. It ’s hard to live, let alone live. Good.

He inherited everything from Kevin Fox, even if he had a household registration.

And now, borrowing chickens to lay eggs has basically been completed, and Kane is naturally not interested in being an ordinary chicken. Anyway, he is already strong enough to be rejected by this world. Why not stand on his own door? It's not biological.

It is indeed unethical to say this, Kane also admits that he is indeed a parasite from a certain angle, actively parasitizes in the host body, and the wings are hard to fly away.

But there are actually some twists and turns. Or another perspective to understand the analysis.

He, with divine qualities, did not belong to this world from the beginning. But on the other hand, his experience and growth in this world are true.

Then God returns to God, Caesar returns to Caesar. His subject should leave after completing a supply and rest. And to separate the consciousness and continue the life of Kevin Fox, this treatment seems to be quite good.

Kane did just that.

More than 99% of the three strange substances are extracted, based on the artificially synthesized special genes, and the three strange substances are merged to create a new **** body. This **** body has no gender distinction, and its essence is closer to the original life such as elemental creatures.

In this way, he avoided the effort to cut off the connection with the world, but the corresponding is not a serious ascension god, but more like a traveler who has embezzled some resources.

However, the way he came was too weird, which was equivalent to being vigorously projected here, so that it was very difficult to leave. It can be said that he was trapped here. It is now considered a good injury, but still has no ability to get out of this area.

It is precisely because of such a status quo that the Huo Lao Ling has lost its strongest fighting power, and it has been irreparable for a long time by visual inspection. Rather than simply upgrading the position, it unlocks more postures, and continues to lead the good fire and lead the way, and the world's costume ratio.

Of course, from the perspective of Kane's big goal, it is a good thing. After all, I did n’t even have the qualification to tear with the old branches before. It was said that the deity was to get more high-value information about the old branches. But a ant can only bite the dander at most, even the whole picture of the person Observation is clear, saying that it is to obtain high-value intelligence, and there is a suspicion of putting gold on the face.

So Kane was very pleased to get this step. The next step is to accumulate power, wide area investigation, it is best to first tear up with the old branch incarnations, heirs and the like, gradually, get a full accumulation, and then follow the old branch.

As for whether you can just pass it, most of them are not good. Kane knows where his limits are. The victory or defeat is a reasonable estimate, and it is beyond the psychological age of imagination. .

"My dear, I did it. I promised you to retire in old age, but now I really retire. But you have lost the opportunity to be the first lady, we have to move out of here." Kane in the name of Kevin Fox said to Jenny in this way.

Jenny didn't wait for Kane to finish her speech, and she plunged into Kane's arms with a surprise, a headless kiss.

At night, it was natural to fly with Jenny and Lana to the fullest. It was not a monarch, and there was no need to go early.

When the three were tired, even their schedules were planned, Sam who was rescued after visiting the Montenegro incident, and meeting with Kevin Fox ’s immediate family.

Kevin's family is also considered a celebrity family in the US federal legal profession. Even in troubled times, it is far better than ordinary human faces.

However, no matter whether you are a civilian or a powerful person, the evil demon has the opportunity to clean up and will never be favored. So there is not much security.

Kane sent someone to protect him secretly early in the morning. Now, it ’s time to see the parents. Even if you ca n’t get the blessings, the ceremony should be in place. This is to give yourself and your wife a minimum account.

The three also plan to create people. Jenny hasn't had 4 yet. He is in good health and has no problems with birth and maintenance. Kane has always had problems. Although it is still unusual, after proper adjustment, ordinary people can become pregnant, have children, and form a complete family, which is naturally a part of it.

As for where to live after moving out of the salary king's mansion, it is a privileged class anyway, and it is impossible to be wronged.

Both Jenny and Lana expressed their desire to live in Waterfall Town.

No problem, let the mountains come to me, imitate a waterfall town in Huolao Ling, with the extraordinary production capacity of war bugs, no pressure.

It is even possible to select a part of the family from the surrendered people, mix it up, move into the fake waterfall town together, and integrate it into the ordinary more thoroughly.

As for the appearance of Kane, after the salary king's battle went away and became ordinary again, there was a clear difference in temperament and manners. He had a mustache and changed his hair style. people.

In terms of work, anesthesiologists, surgeons, and Kane are competent. It is appropriate to open a small private hospital with Jenny and Lana.

A complete return to ordinary Kane is no longer Kane, but Kevin Fox. The temple-level wind and rain swords and glory and prestige have nothing to do with it. Although his life continues, for the organizational forces, it is already a period of history.

The new chief executive is Kane's shadow butcher, but Kane still has the suspicion of listening to politics ~ ~ The general direction is set, and the decision of the big event is still him.

Of course, Huo Lao Ling has now passed through its infancy, relying on repeated punches to prove his extraordinary power and undeniable position with the corpses of many opponents. In addition, the extraordinary crisis has been fully spread with the further spread of nightmares, so that the veteran human extraordinary forces actually feel the pressure, and no one has the leisure time to provoke him.

Against this background, Huo Lao Ling entered the first round of relatively safe development. Kane estimated that most of the new round of war will be launched after a new round of resource competition after the world environment has been comprehensively and profoundly changed.

Taking advantage of this empty window period without major battles, he dispatched special puppet phantom phantoms to outer space while farming, and launched the first round of investigation on the mechanistic environment that interested him.


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