Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Chapter 828: Blowout productivity improvement

From the point of view of creation, productivity is strong to a certain degree, like a miracle.

Kane was close to this feature in the late stage of the third 100-day rest.

In October, there are only 12 daisy gates in space.

This is of course not in the obvious position, but Kane found that the dark Cybertron he wanted to settle down in the future, energy is very problematic.

It was a cold world, with a single substance, no heavy elements, no water, no silicon, and no elements such as hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen.

Extraordinary energy is there, but in the body of those mechanical monsters.

Obviously, the resources there have long been searched out, leaving only the least valuable non-ferrous metals available.

The most disgusting thing is that even the metal is eroded by the evil supernatural power. If you want to use it, you can be purified by the power of divine or holy light. Just adding this inverted process makes the mining and production qualified there. The cost of raw materials for metal rough processing is much higher than the production in the main material world, that is, plus freight, it will be a little higher than the production directly there, which makes him deeply hurt.

What makes him even more depressed is naturally the maliciousness of the mechanical monsters there.

The other party is not a chaotic camp. The ecological chain is usually stupid, but I do n’t know why, as soon as I met him, I saw the enemy who killed his father. Gnawing, the only reason for them to temporarily retreat, is to seek a more vicious and effective attack.

The role of the public enemy is not easy to play, it will kill you if you lose, and it won't be good if you win. Those mechanical monsters are pure metal, and there is no material containing branches, silicon carbon and other elements. The absence of air makes the rate of wear between the engaged parts lower, not to mention the presence of lubricating oil.

The most pitfall is this lubricating oil, which is of extraordinary nature, very similar to the characteristic of the culprit gravel oil that metalizes the secret world of the Magic Universe. Its main component is the evil power contained in the metal.

Of course, this is the general term for his extraordinary negative energy, including negative spiritual energy, which can be maintained and grown in the hotbed of darkness. The benchmark for measuring positive and negative is the life mainly represented by human beings, other intelligent creatures How to define it is not clear.

In general, this dark cybertron is a stinky cloth that has wiped all kinds of dirty things, but it is still stronger than other areas, because those areas are basically equal to the dirty things themselves, and they ca n’t be washed. Dirty rags, after repeated elutriation and high-temperature disinfection, can barely be used. It is such difficult conditions, and complaining seems to be hypocritical.

So Kane collected energy madly in the main material world.

He uses the powerful functions of Stargate (collect energy, can be packaged into ships, interstellar-level transition delivery) to collect energy on gaseous planets. It didn't run too far, that is, there is a gaseous star similar to Jupiter in the solar system.

If it is the normal technology side, this kind of ultra-high energy consumption production is not very cost-effective, but Kane can compress and encapsulate elements such as hydrogen by extraordinary means.

Packages processed by this compression package can save a lot of consumption during the delivery process, and are called magic empty packages.

This means using magical means to disguise the delivery as an empty shell, thereby avoiding the taboos of transition delivery.

However, this method still cannot deliver people.

Fortunately, the body is mainly the soul. Magic can't hide the existence of the soul, and it's just a means of completely technology side. Such a gameplay that uses magic to bypass key rules has its flaws after all.

Of course, for Kane, this is nothing. His most swarm system is never a living person, but a puppet of all kinds of seemingly independent, but in fact symbiotic.

As the production capacity exploded, the creation of Salvation Yimai showed a blow-out super-development attitude.

Although most people in this world have lost the leisurely mood of eating the crowd, they have to pay twelve points of hard work to survive. But I can still feel the sharpness of this wave of salaries through the events around me.

For example, the fire camp opened a super evolution model.

To ordinary people, this model is like a dream.

All personnel and necessary items will be temporarily removed from the Huoying community, and then just watch and appreciate.

The magic obelisk is cast at a speed visible to the naked eye in the community center, and then the spell model is like computer CID mapping, showing the latitude and longitude of the new creation in the void, the kind of 3D three-dimensional.

The next step is the resonance disintegration. Everything in the community is disintegrated into the powder level, and then poured into the creation frame of the spell model like concrete, the magic light shines like welding and sintering. A new community of 'roasting' appeared in front of people, and after another half an hour of cooling, they could move.

This advanced fire camp community is a simplified version of the castration of the super cylinder building in the central city of the fire, which combines the force field generator, the magic obelisk energy hood, and the fusion reactor generator. The interior is not super. The whole illusion system was laid by the long-term physical and mental influence of the people like the Tongzi Tower, which is really the Tongzi Tower.

It is already very good to live in a tongzilou. Apart from the hardship of life, the most basic safety issues and eating problems have been resolved. Unlike outside, it is almost hell.

The advancement of the fire camp community is definitely a big deal. After all, each community is 5-7 thousand people, and the total population of the fire camp community is 400 million, which means that the total number of fire camp communities in the world is close to 70,000. All upgrades are completed in just 3 days. What is the total amount of engineering? Even if it is achieved through magic, energy consumption is at least an astronomical figure.

The advanced fire camp not only unified the pattern, but also increased the capacity to a standard of 10,000 people per community, in order to solve those dependent people who have passed the assessment in the recent period.

The so-called dependent people are the people who set up a simple dwelling outside the fire camp, but they refused to leave.

Under the leadership of the battalion commander, the surroundings of the fire camp were basically completed, and the walls of the surrounding area were cleared. It looks like a group of buildings in the square, and the dependent people are the camping tents on the square.

In such a hurry to cling to the attachment, mainly such a few pictures:

1. In case the digestion ability of Huoying Camp's population improves, it is bound to get close to Shuiloutai first.

This is already the practice of the salary king.

Like the outer periphery of the Fire Holder, the area around San Jose, Tijuana, and the Goose Lake bordering Arizona to the east, although they are not the land of the Fire Holder, they still received some protection and care.

For example, holy light irradiation, group exorcism, purification, disease removal, etc.

2. Even if you live in the periphery, you can get a certain amount of safe shelter.

As far as the current social situation is concerned, evil things and demons are terrible, but what is more terrible is disorder.

Even if it is power, as long as it can be implemented, it will not be changed over time, people will gradually adapt. The most frightening thing is all kinds of chaos. It ’s the king of the grass. That ’s really unpredictable. Maybe you go to the front to find work and food. When you come back, you can see that your wife was dried first and then killed. .

The Huoying community is not allowed to be chaotic, even if it is a clear-walled clearing area, it is also their jurisdiction. Whoever pretends to kill him without saying anything. So there is a minimum order here.

In some places, even outside the Huoying community, even the "Sanctuary", no matter who was chased and killed, as long as they can run into the community square and were not killed by a black gun in the first time, then this life is almost temporary. Keep it.

3. The fire camp community provides almost unlimited clean water and a small amount of food.

These foods are not delicious, like toothpaste, like soap, but can supplement all the nutrients people need every day, including vitamins and trace elements.

Some people will come to change this kind of food specially, in order to balance nutrition, what do those people usually eat, is it similar to eating more meat, need tea to be greasy, no one said, and not many people are willing to think deeply.

Of course, the problem of cannibalism in most areas is not so serious, but some places, such as certain areas in Africa, are half a step away from human cannibalism, half of which is self-produced and half depends on disaster relief materials from all over the world. In the extraordinary crisis, they collapsed for the first time and ate everything they could eat.

There are three good ways to set up a tent in the square outside the Huoying community, but it is finally the outer periphery. If the inner world is wandering, there is no way at all. Generally speaking, it is too late to run until it happens. It is too late to watch luck.

Another thing is that the tent is not as good as the building after all, and the evil spirits can drive straight in, and the fighting strength of the fire camp community cannot be built like a guard inside. At most, it comes to clean up in time after the incident.

Sinful creatures and demons are becoming more and more cunning. Whenever there is an opportunity, they will go up. If the momentum is not good, they will slip away. Although there are also wits and braves, it is still refugees who are hard pressed.

This expansion and capacity increase is selected from those who have a good interaction record in the past. There is also a simple points system.

Naturally, there is a little bit of water here. After all, the Huoying community is the outer periphery. The emperor Shan Gao is far away. As long as he does not make a big mistake, the seat is relatively stable and quite authoritative. , Live in pockets. There are also some backbones who have more or less decent power for personal gains, like Constantine, if he did not get the fire collar, he was still in the fire camp, housing one or two households with one sentence.

The change in the fire camp naturally made many people jealous, envious, and hated. This guy received at least 300 million people, and they were all of good quality.

But now, whether it is a group or an individual, you can only finish it after thinking about it. The trade-offs, in addition to their own weakness, are also evident because of the increased strength of the fire camp.

Especially after the arrival of the mechanical warfare, the peacekeeping ability has been significantly improved, because in addition to the stationed troops, there are fast reaction forces, a large number of large weapons, there are fire eater leaders, the response is fast, and the combat power is strong, Not many people are willing to use their precious combat power and combat supplies to die with such a battle group.

After all, it is a well-known thing that Huo Lao leads the production capacity there. In other regions, at least 70% of the world ’s human production is shut down, the remaining 30%, and nearly two-thirds are controlled by extraordinary forces, so many materials are used for a little less.

In addition to the fire-fighting community upgrade, which happened around people, this intuitive wave of creation is also a space station.

It's big enough, even if it's close, it feels like a moon that never falls, hung in the sky, and you can see it at any time.

This space station is called the Hengyue Space Station.

Its main use is as a space factory, and production in space has many unique advantages, such as weightlessness and alloy mixing, and vacuum without worrying about bubbles during smelting.

And its other role is that Kane is trying to create a global climate regulation system, similar to the interpretation of {Global Storm}, using space-based weapons and launching climate weapons for different purposes to achieve the purpose of regulating the climate of a place.

This is naturally aimed at the global nightmare and even the problem of window wandering in the world.

The specific idea is the annihilation of positive and anti-matter.

This is really simple and rough, but because of this, you can play for a long time.

Too close and delicate large-scale operation, occasionally possible. It won't work if it's stretched, because he needs to go in person, and he doesn't have so much time and energy to do this.

With his ability, it is impossible to solve the problem completely, that is, to maintain it, just like extending the life of advanced cancer to treatment. After a long delay, he also has the power to move for the entire civilization.

Climate weapons are mainly aimed at nightmares. The degree of alienation of nightmares is too deep. The area is completely unsuitable for the survival of ordinary people. It is equivalent to the production of heavily polluted areas with nuclear radiation.

Lishi is also quite annoying, but it has a limited number, a limited range, a limited time, and an active period. More importantly, it is relatively high and not easy to handle. Therefore, it can be arranged in a row without prior treatment.

Although the grand scale of the climate improvement plan seems to Kane to be the same, he is still not impossible to get it done before the flight. It mainly needs a large amount of climate data collection and related tests. These magical cities are engaged in it, and it will not be completed in a short time.

Speaking of these two striking changes, they are subsidizing peripheral salvation projects. Kane's true foundation is still Huo Lao Ling. With his consistent thinking of repairing peace, the change of Huo Lao Ling is naturally greater.

The main change of Huo Lao Ling is that the population absorption has ended smoothly. The integration of the whole system of UU reading has also been completed. The overall pattern is basically like this.

The outlying cities, except for the elite areas of the metropolitan urban agglomeration and some unique cities, have been retained. As tourist areas, all the rest have returned to the wild. Even the new industrial base representing the convergence of the hybrid technology system has been placed underground.

The rest of the facilities such as energy harvesting, mineral mining, geothermal acquisition, and Mogai Dockyard have all been pushed out, choosing new sites, or preparing for thorough cutting.

This is for the fire to lead the planet away from the planet. The disasters inside the planet are rampant, and the four sides are not at all. They simply moved to the Lagrangian point of this planet and the sun. Theoretically, there are 5 day points, of which 2 are the most stable, and the fire is one of them. The bridgehead of China is almost equivalent to one hundred years in one step.

Another day point, as the settlement site of the magic industrial base, has been started. Stargate is capturing the meteorite in the asteroid belt, and then project it into place.

Most of these meteorites are rich in resources, hollowed out, or simply chewed and eaten, and the base is slowly pieced together. In the future, the extraordinary civilization that uses the extraordinary as industrial workers will set sail here.

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