Although Veronica and his puppet legion were a little embarrassed by the thermonuclear scrubbing blow on Kane's side, they did not actually hurt at all.

After all, the strength of these war mates is already very close to the fire eater.

Although the fire eater is also a fire department, its body can not be long in the plasma fireball without damage, but the shock wave is not very afraid.

The same is true for War Dolls, with a slight difference, because the resistance to the high temperature of the flame is ultimately not comparable to the fire eater bathing in lava.

As an extension of Veronica ’s consciousness, the external performance of the Warring Legion looks similar to Kane and his swarms. The high degree of fit and coordination ability, there is no so-called chaos, look at chaos, It is actually a whole, not scattered sand.

Under Veronica's leadership, the War Doll Legion flew from the air to the Salary King's Legion like swimming fish.

When flying, the wings of the warp's tentacles swing like the tentacles of a squid or octopus swimming, showing flexibility and elegant movements.

Kane did not use nuclear strikes anymore.

Previously, because of its intelligence advantage, its team was about to strike when it was about to jump out of the water and into the air.

It is not possible now. The Warring Legion can advance and spread out. Their own strength, speed, and flight style have all been proven in previous bombings. It is difficult to kill them by shock waves alone, and their flying nature is not Ordinary aerodynamics, strong ability to carry interference.

"The battle group advances!" Kane ordered.

Precise nuclear strikes are a bit too extensive, and require more delicate strikes, then go to the war group.

The battlefield carried the advance of the battle group, and the two sides joined short soldiers over the sea not too far from St. Nicholas Island.

The Crusader War Bugs loaded with magic arts took off in batches from the battlefield, and the effect was like a Katyusha rocket launcher, scorn! In the whistle, the Crusaders flew away and accelerated to a high speed in a short time.

The wind attributes blessed by the extraordinary technical improvements related to Huang Yin, let them be as light as feathers, but they still have to be accelerated by rocket injection in the early stage, and the maintenance stage is more energy-saving.

On the Crusader side, the whole is full of order, just like the formation of a super-large fleet during World War II.

Veronica's Warring Legion is like a swarm of bees, but the number is insufficient, but the momentum is even stronger.

Both sides started shooting at a distance of about a kilometer.

The Crusaders are magic magnetic orbital guns, war buds are tentacles, and their tips will condense energy, and then emit laser beams. Because the tentacles are flexible and there are many, so even if the energy gathering takes time, it can be fired like a volley gun Firepower is not bad.

This kind of shooting is actually equivalent to the magic of the plastic energy system. Because it is a super magic environment, the void is rich in free extraordinary energy, so a large-scale magic war can be fought.

The two sides hedge while shooting, quickly intersect each other, and then enter the dog fighting mode.

In the process, Veronica thought a little bit, directing the warfare to try to go straight to the town of the salary king.

As a result, the dedicated Crusaders took advantage of it and dealt more effective damage.

The War Puppet Legion seems to be scattered, but it is actually a whole. There is naturally coordination. Whether it is a cover or a joint attack, the execution will be like a cloud.

Of course, the Crusaders are not bad, and the group consciousness is also the same. Various joint tactics are used very well.

In addition, the group consciousness has provided them with more advantages, such as a fooled, long-term memory, and quickly found out the advantages and disadvantages of the war couple. And has a very rich combat experience, each combat literacy, comparable to the star protagonist of Halo Universe.

It happens that the Master Chief is also wearing a planetary armor-level power armor suit and carrying a jet pack of the Star Age human warrior. It has a high degree of similarity to the characteristics of the Crusader War Bugs, and the tactics are basically universal.

Although Veronica has thousands of incarnations, it is actually her, which is equal to all-purpose, but there is no trouble to command, but her combat literacy is the tactical literacy of all the soldiers of the Warring Legion, but gathering intelligence The efficiency of summarizing experience and then feeding back to each terminal is no match for the Crusader War Bugs.

However, Veronica also has its own advantage, that is, the individual force is higher.

The Crusaders are highly skilled. In front of the warriors who are close to the fire eaters, they also have to bear the pain of killing their masters with a fist.

Of course, high technology can make war buddies spend longer time and consume more energy to kill them. In many cases, they can also make the war buds hurt.

In general, the two sides have their own advantages, and the gap is not so great that either side is strongly crushed.

In this context, the tactics at the level of the war corps and the corps have become contested. Veronica tried to make a sudden sacrifice at the line and was beaten by the Crusaders.

Then came a wave of firepower head-on.

The principle of this gadget is the same as that of the shipboard dense array machine guns. By hitting a barrage, it is a principle to intercept the missile. It ’s just that it ’s a little bit taller, and it ’s magical.

The metal-hydrogen high-explosive warhead with enchanting effect, each with a rate of fire of 10,000 rounds per minute, is available on all battlefields and is under unified control. Let the warriors have an addiction like crossing the surface of the star.

And when they break through this line of defense, the group of magical war worms will arrive, mainly delay and interference, even in the normal battlefield of the DND universe, the Masters mainly do this. I really want firepower output and magic. gun.

Whether the mage is a small team adventure or a team battle, field control is the key. What greasy art, cobweb art, earth bondage, ice field ... Once the enemy eats these buffs, it is dangerous, for example, the heavy Knights, that is the expensive living target.

Kane ’s priest warworms also mainly played auxiliary roles, adding BUFF and reducing BUFF. Now, even if the latter is a large-scale cast, from a macro point of view, it is obvious that the warrior army of the charge suddenly lags, even before Fire wall curtains do not have such a good hysteresis effect.

Then there was another wave of Crusaders who had already launched and completed the array. Enclose with the rear and side crusaders. The battlefield retreated in an orderly manner.

If this is a general team fight, you should basically knock on GG by such a fight.

But the Warring Legion does not have the concept of morale, or as long as Veronik ’s spirit is not down, all the warriors are wailing warriors. Even if Veronica does n’t want to play, the warring will still wailing, and only the momentum is like a rainbow There are two stages to win and the mourning soldiers, the others do not.

Moreover, the War Puppet Corps is a whole, a 360-degree no-dead whole, let alone a siege, it is a complete melee, and still has enough overall coordination.

Unfortunately, the same is true of the Crusaders.

Therefore, it can be said that the two sides are perverted into a mental illness and see who can go to a new height.

The general description of the scene of tens of thousands of air dog fights is that there are deadly rays, explosive flashes, and passionate collisions everywhere.

From a single point of view, there is no true protagonist, non-stop flying, non-stop attack, and non-stop attack. The frequency of offense and defense is as fast as Wing Chun's small fist, a small fist, a bow and a left and right attack. Ordinary people are so overwhelmed that they can't even read it, and can even forget to breathe when they are nervous.

A variety of technical shows with fever and dazzling skills, either relying on oneself, or relying on comrades in arms, or relying on opponents are out of luck, but they are very happy to show, but it is such a **** operation that still rarely survives 30 seconds. As soon as the front foot is super-god, the back foot becomes the stepping stone of the other party's super-god, and then that person also becomes the stepping stone of other people's super-god road.

Such a big battlefield fully reflects the inefficiency of hero units. It is too difficult to develop a hero unit, but it is not too difficult to be destroyed in the big battlefield. It gives people the feeling that there are casualties multiplied by N. Waiting, from this desperate situation to that desperate situation, we must continue to act as the escaped one in Dayan Fifty. The goddess of luck came, and luck was not enough.

Even Veronica herself is completely relying on her crushing level of combat power to support the field, and then lethal strike, only consume blue and not break the defense, it will be the same as others. Instead of how clever her tactics, no one can hit, can not pit.

Veronica is naturally a battlefield banner, and you can open up the situation wherever you are. Anyway, if you are forced to be invincible, you can't do it, you can't do anything, and rampage. Other warriors can expand the results and create victory in the region. Press and hit.

Kane's response to this was to do nothing, not even the butcher.

The main reason is that there is an overall accounting market there.

After experiencing the conspiracy of the South American Sanctuary and the interruption of the production of the card law system, Kane also learned a good job. The third hundred days of rest, it was not so easy to interrupt.

Even if he is now fighting in person, as long as he does not do it, the production system will not be interrupted. Only if he needs to rip off his power, then the card system will be terminated.

At present, although the killing efficiency of Veronica and its War Corps is good, the War Corps is also continuously downsized. The killing efficiency will gradually decrease. If you calculate the overall account, you will find that although the Crusaders are currently losing faster, but behind It will become slower and slower, and the overall loss rate will not exceed the lower threshold set by him.

In this case, let killing and killing as much as possible. The longer the killing, the higher the probability of failure.

So the dog fight was very lively, and the crusader corpses were raining and spilled into the sea. But Kane just didn't shoot and stood there as a crowd eater.

Veronica is not stupid. Her problem lies in the irrationality after the rage. Once the rage is suppressed, the wisdom is much higher than that of ordinary people. Anyway, it is also a god-level thinking. Even if it is efficient and high-speed, many things can be done. I just wanted to understand.

So after playing for a while, she also realized Kane's plan.

However, she did not find the existence of the death painter. The death painter is a manifestation of the law-level tactics. Veronica did not think of such a pure fire department salary king, and could also play the dark department's law tricks in a plug-in way.

Of course, Salary King said that Lao Tzu's tactics are more, continue to play, you will see.

Veronica is not convinced, she also has the confidence to continue playing.

The heart said: "You have many soldiers? I don't believe it? How long have you been up, how much resources can you have?" I will let you work hard today without seeing your cards.

This looks like anger, but it is not. Veronica knows that Kane's wings will never be completely destroyed, and never think of driving it to a dead end. The backbone is there, there are people, and they will soon be able to pull up the team again.

So we must kill Kane's hair and dry up, which hurts his vitality, and then he will not give him a breathing opportunity and go to heaven to kill him, which can kill him.

She happened to be very confident in the fight. After all, her advantage is Shen Nian, and Shen Nian can be recovered in each round. After recovery, it is necessary to supplement the war dolls and continue to fight.

Now this is a high-intensity battle, because she is attacking, and when she needs to add it, she plays sports. She sees that the energy of the Crusader is limited, and she ca n’t fight for a long time. Then she let the Warring Legion open. Although I do n’t know the 16-word guerrilla warrior, she still knows how to use it. Anyway, it ’s continuous consumption. There is always a moment when the opponent is drained.

So after more than half an hour of fierce fighting, the intensity of the war turned lower.

At this time, the crusaders on Kane's side have been consumed a lot, because the production of the legal card system is round by round, batch by batch, so now there is no supplement, the overall number has dropped significantly to a low Level.

Of course, the number of warriors has also dropped sharply, and it is a bit impossible to kill.

Veronica changed her strategy so that the warriors could be divided further and fight in teams and groups.

This can give full play to the superiority of the combat power of the individual soldiers.

Such a point, it is difficult for the Crusaders to concentrate their forces together, then there will inevitably be a squad to attack the front, and if it is also shared with the war buddies, then the number of crusades faced by each war squad or group It ’s not an exaggeration, it ’s easier to deal with.

As for faster annihilation, it cannot be done. After all, after separation, the characteristics of the big battlefield that no one can live for 30 seconds will be greatly weakened. Without so much death, the Crusaders can also show their fighting skills, survivability, and fighting, and they can do the same.

On the whole, it was still cruel crusaders, and the war fighters paid some price, and they could quickly kill any target by cooperation. But the combat time has doubled.

Then Kane sent fire eaters to the war.

Fire eaters driving MA have very strong firepower and high defense and movement speed. Although they are huge, their flexibility is not that bad. Together with the Crusaders, they can also kill arbitrary at the price of paying. War buddies, but the fire eaters did not do this, but covered the Crusaders and slowed down the rhythm.

The fire eater appeared at this time, Veronica was a little helpless.

Because the battlefield has expanded and the war buddies have spread apart, it will take some time for her to chase any fire eater. The other party will be like a carrion crow or vulture. When the fierce beast comes over, it will fly up and suffer away. After that, come back to continue gluttonous. These guys are very good at deboning, Xiaoli can see in his eyes, it is easy to satisfy, and will not provoke evil beasts like Veronica, so there are no half fire eaters near her.

After fighting for several hours in this way, I saw that the number of Crusaders was decreasing, the advantage of the Warring Legion was more and more obvious, and a new batch of Crusaders was off the assembly line.

On the other side of Kane's battlefield, the bright light clusters on the battlefield continued to shine, and a large number of crusaders were thrown into the front line.

Then, the Katyusha-style large-scale launch reappeared, and the super-crew formation took shape again and went to the battlefield.

The crusaders who were fighting before were replaced and withdrew to the battlefield to recharge. Although they were cannon fodder, they were also divided into what kind of enemies they faced. In the face of the ordinary superhero groups, they are called elite teams. Naturally It is not like toilet paper, it is only suitable for one use.

Veronica looked at the situation a little bit depressed, but that was all. She had been mentally prepared for the situation earlier. Kane performed harder than she expected, but did not exceed her psychological expectations.

After taking Riveronika, he stopped fighting directly and began to recuperate.

This is actually similar to a person sleeping. Every 24 hours, you can get spiritual thoughts through self-cultivation. It is the same as a person who rests well the next day.

But in fact, there is a problem here, that is, after all, Shen Nian is no more than ordinary mental power. Transformation is costly. The transformation of mental power depends on the nutrition provided by food. If Shen Nian wants to transform, what is needed is more advanced.

The transformation efficiency of Veronica ’s sanctuary is not good, and the raw materials used for transformation are not rich. The reason for the cattle is still to eat the old one, which is the accumulation during the seal period.

This involves the concept of the essence of Shennian. It is not wrong to say that it is a variant of the three strange substances. Kane asked the death painter to ingest the essence of Shennian from the dead warrior, which is equivalent to moving Veronica. Coffin book.

But she could not feel it for a while, because Shennian spread it out, cast the Warring Legion, and spread out to eat with money. Only when there was too much bad debts in the end, and the total ledger found that it was a loss, she knew that it was indeed lost. It takes a cycle to manifest.

Therefore, for the next period of time, it can be said that it is lackluster, Kane will not rush to rush up, and now Veronica is far from exhausted, and it is too cruel, even if she flees indiscriminately A shot can cause large-scale creatures to become charcoal. And it is bound to cause him a huge amount of consumption.

He was also thinking about opening up the kingdom of God after soaring, or breaking his wrist with some unknown enemies who were deliberately wondering. Where did Veronica go about doing all the work?

For him, the outer plane is basically no more suitable for the dark Cybertron.

The inner plane, if you dare to pass, the binding effect will be stronger. Where is the raw material library that constitutes the world, the law is stronger. If he goes to the fire elemental plane, then the salary king will become the fire elemental deity. It seemed that he had won Wan Guan's wealth, but he immediately fell sharply and became an elemental incarnation of coexistence and death with this face. There were so many restraints, not what he wanted.

And if he counsels, the investment in the dark cyberbotan in the early stage will basically be floated, which is what he does not want to see.

Therefore, this demon **** has to slowly cook up alternative boiled frogs in warm water to fight for real killing.

As a result, Veronica succeeded in cultivation, and there were some problems with the value of God's thoughts. She only thought that the money was spilled and not recovered, and the resilience of the Sanctuary's body was not good.

With Shen Nian, the essence of one's own Nian Nian is equivalent to diluting a part of it, and then is to fabricate war figures to supplement the loss.

This time Veronica was thinking of tricks again. She secretly made it underwater. After she became an army, she sneaked from the bottom of the water. She wanted to use these tens of thousands of war buddies to cut the other party's back row directly, bringing those with auxiliary and supply functions. System is destroyed.

However, these small movements could not escape Kane's detection system, so "Half Strike" was staged again, another wave of nuclear strikes, but on a slightly smaller scale. After all, this time it targeted more than 10,000 enemies and was more dense.

The attacking troops of the Warring Legion were pitted and waited for them to rush out. Although the battlefield was not withdrawn too far, the protection system has been activated. Various rich strikes have been launched in turn. The Warring Legion is not strong enough and the hard top is lost. It's too big, and there's not much left. In particular, the Fire Eater drives the MA to face the team. Veronica can only stop.

After losing twice, Veronica is honest, the next step is to play steadily and play as long as possible, and consume a lot of the vitality of the salary king.

The fighting situation has been further stabilized. Although the intensity is still a super war in the eyes of ordinary people, it can only be said in general according to the total combat power and supply capacity of the warring parties.

This has been true for three consecutive days.

An interested person calculated an account for Salary King and found that Salary Wang Guang was the lost metal for war insects, and the total tonnage exceeded the total amount of metal in the secular era in Central California, so some people commented: "For this war, I hope that It smashed all of California into weapons into the sea. "

Kane is indeed quite bitter, mainly because of the large energy consumption, and it is not enough to make ends meet. It is a bit exaggerated to say that it is a pot to sell iron. However, some projects have stopped because of the need to fully support this war.

This is always the case with him, and he can push horizontally when he is up, but his opponent will not give him that opportunity. No one is blind, resource throughput is so large, and others are not invisible.

And like Veronica, it is also affected by some kind of causal linkage in the world, and can get to the right point and pinch him at the critical moment. Let him suffer very much.

But it's just difficult, not to the point where tears slashed the horse.

He continued to mobilize resources and deal with the battlefield while conducting statistical calculations. From now on, from the essence of the spiritual thought collected by the death painter, Veronica is almost in place, and she may be found to be calculated at any time.

Then it is necessary to prepare for the thunder strike at any time. It is really necessary to let Veronica take away the thoughts of the war dolls and put them all in one. Because of the same blow, exerted by Veronica, the power is greater and the consumption is smaller. If she does not squander and saves it, then it will not be tired for a few dozen days.

Veronica did notice that something was wrong. After the essence of her mind is consumed, it should be transformed into a special energy and then absorbed by her.

Simply put, the energy will only be transformed and will not disappear. However, in the frequent conversion process, a part of the waste energy or material is converted. This is often referred to as normal power consumption. However, too much power consumption indicates a problem. Most of the variables are in the conversion process.

Veronica still can't think of Kane's shameless existence as a death painter ~ ~ Even the special energy of the soul energy, such as the essence of Shennian, can be robbed. But she will not ignore the huge losses that are obviously different.

She did not rush to react, but continued to fight quietly, dragged to the time of cultivation, and cultivated again. This time allows her to confirm the loss, but also to supplement the consumption, which is equivalent to decompressing the power of compression again and activating it to a ready-to-use state.

But this time, she won't make war buddies, but keeps it for her own use. She has planned to gather the remaining war buddies at an appropriate time and then slip the number.

Then find a place to count the inventory and then consider the next step.

Although she regards Kane as the enemy of life and death, she also has other enemies, such as Catholicism, which are also enemies, but they are fat enemies.

Kane is too difficult to chew, she went to the Catholic Church to fight the autumn wind, or whatever, whoever she is is a sin, there is no psychological burden to fight anyone, she hates all life, Kane and Catholicism are just enemies with different footnotes. .

Unfortunately, she was once again seen by Kane. Kane saw that she would not make soldiers after taking a break, and she knew she had to fight back ...

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