Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Chapter 833: Dark Cybertron Ocean

War Veronica can be regarded as the latest version of Muscle Show.

As Veronica's ashes disappeared, and the battle came to an end, Kane felt relieved. He felt that unless there were any major changes in the situation, there would probably be no more soldiers fighting in a short time.

The last time slipped away quietly, and then it was soaring. This is a good saying, in fact, it was deportation.

It feels like holding your breath underwater, and the external and internal pressure work together, and finally you can't hold it up.

If the galaxy system such as planets, solar system, Milky Way, etc. is considered horizontal, then the inner plane, the main material plane, the outer plane, and the astral plane are vertical.

Soaring can only be done in the vertical direction, and the horizontal direction is meaningless. Everywhere you will feel the suppression of the law. Speaking in human language means that the environment is uncomfortable, and there is no way to stay.

At this time, Kane needs to make a choice.

A. Cut off all connections with the past and exile yourself.

In this way, his relationship with the crystal wall system will become alienated, just like an outsider.

Or it can be understood that when he makes such a choice, it means that he admits that he is a parasite. After growing up, the butterfly will be transformed by the worm, and it is not suitable to stay in the host body and leave.

Of course, the butterfly can also land on the skin of the host. This is the astral world, the etheric world, and even the outer plane is a bit reluctant. It's really difficult to do it if you want to go deeper. If the technology is enough, ovulation or blood-sucking is also possible.

This choice is mainly due to the fact that his soul is originally from outside, so it is easier to cut apart than the native.

B. Use the laws of the field to deepen the interaction with the laws of the crystal wall system, so as to tie in the job, enjoy all kinds of feedback, and also shoulder the responsibility of maintaining the operation of the law, specifically, the root priesthood.

The root priesthood and divinity are consistent. Generally, individuals start to cultivate their own extraordinary strength from a very low level. The elemental attributes of fire, water and wind are only one of them. Thinking of Veronica ’s desperation and hypocrisy, It is relatively rare and compelling, of course, this is because the parents of the gods are generally more compelling.

As the rank improves, the transcendental understands the strength of his backbone, and his affinity and control continue to improve. This is the prototype of the future field.

However, if you really want to create a kind of field, you need a transformation of the legendary stage, the law of extraordinary power.

Wait until the sanctuary is completely settled. It may not necessarily be the original extraordinary power, but it must be related, just like the isotope of the element on the science side.

As it rises further, the power of the domain law will turn into divinity, and the related priesthood is the main priesthood, the more positive the better. Such as salary king play or, field or, clergy fire, and all related to fire.

This is more powerful. If we continue to ascend, we will grasp one of the forces involved in the existence of the entire crystal wall system. The natural force is naturally the life and the sky. The crystal wall system is immortal and I am not dead. This is a common.

Although this road looks good, and this crystal wall system currently does not have a shrine, no one robs him of the priesthood. It is easy to get the fire-related priesthood, and the road is expected, but Kane still has plenty of reasons to give up.

It has little to do with the deity, after all, he is a move with unexpected characteristics. The move can become a **** of a certain crystal wall system. What else?

The main reason why he didn't do it is that this crystal wall system has been almost eroded by the old dominators, and it is a ship about to sink.

Some people may say that the so-called sinking is about a few hundred million years old. For such a long time, I am afraid that your deity is a long time that can only be speculated, right? You are a salary king, can it be burned until then?

If analyzed from this perspective, he really has no reason to resist, so long time, no matter what plan, it has been completed. After all, according to his concept of time, so much can be done for so long. And I haven't been able to finish it for so long, and I'm afraid it will be enough for more time.

The reason for Kane's refusal, or his perspective, is a special resource of the crystal wall system. The old dominator has taken 70%, and then competed with him for the 30%. He is not a victory, afraid to be a family Opponents are not eligible.

Although not tied, although there is no home advantage in the crystal wall system, it is more convenient to obtain supplies from the outside.

The more Kane climbed up, the more meaningful his thoughts returned. He believes that extraordinary changes, the various unreasonable essence, is still more than the amount of resources occupied and utilization. This is the same as the transformation efficiency of fighting economy and fighting power among secular countries.

He thought he was a skillful daughter-in-law who could cook, but no matter how coincident, there was a grain of grain on the opposite side. People just made all the grain into rice, which was enough to become a stew.

So Kane, who was very ambitious, finally chose to split.

This means that his deployment in the material world of the Lord can hardly receive his divine support.

For a system like the Catholic Church, this natural problem is very serious, but it is completely another matter to hold the fire.

Kane's use of law cards to catalyze the birth and make up the magic industry system of the fire collar is to deal with this situation.

From the moment he ascended, Huo Lao Ling not only had to feed himself, but he had to continue to feed him.

Kane grew up watching the old version of {Transformers} after hours, impressed by Decepticons and Autobots grabbing energy blocks from day to night, and also has a special package of crystalline energy that represents the power and life of the bright crystal Favorite.

This kind of love, even if it erases related memories, is also melted into other kinds of memory information in a refined way, so even the current Kane has a special love for it.

The energy compressed in the form of a hexagonal crystal column is contained in a special explosion-proof box. The bracket of the large box raises them from inert energy, and they are particularly magnificent when they emit light.

Kane looked at the crystals of the projected energy and smiled.

His arrangement was relatively successful. The butcher temporarily stayed in the main material plane, through special contact with him, to modify the coordinate parameters, specifically by the ship spirit of the mysterious castle, a space-time ship, which is more pure and extraordinary. Technology does not involve technology.

This is naturally done for safety. After all, the technology derived from the plane structure and the technology derived from the Xinghai structure are not universal.

Before, it had always been his own actions to invade the dark cyberbotan, so the Stargate dropped the war worms to make no difference. Now that he is gone, he must be extra careful so as not to drop to the second lane.

He sits on the sword throne of the hall of the mysterious castle. Although the hall is empty, he does not feel lonely and boring. On the contrary, there is a feeling of driving the expedition.

The Mysterious Fort is his mobile palace and is the core facility for his battles.

The Throne of Swords actually looks more like a large pipe organ.

This is a specially-built device, which is a booster built in response to his sacred mind short board. At first, I did n’t expect the **** to bow down and die. Before he left, he also sent a big gift of the essence of the sacred mind. With the shortcomings, it can be said that he sacrificed completely and nourished him completely.

In front of him, there is a large amount of energy light curtain. If you touch any one, you can expand it into a full-view screen, or a holographic scene.

In this way, he sits in the throne and knows everything in range, including sharing the vision of any war worm.

Of course, he can be more aggressive, but he is used to it, as if he is the supreme chief of a traditional fleet and has overall control.

And this time he came, he did come with the fleet.

The flagship is the Mystery with Mysterious Castle as the core. The shape is easily reminiscent of battleships. The hull looks like a spindle. The lower half of the mysterious castle is even buried in the hull. The upper body is the central bridge of the battleship.

Since it is a battleship, it is natural to have the classic weapon of the giant gun. Out of the man ’s dream and nostalgia, the Mystery ’s battery pattern is classic, along the longitudinal centerline, but the barrel is not round. It is square and has six tubes, two floors above and below, and three doors on each floor.

In other respects, it basically has the characteristics of an invisible battleship. It has corners and no obvious functional facilities. Instead, it is a piece of armor.

The hull of a battleship is also somewhat different from traditional surface ships, but overall there is not much difference. It can sail on the surface or even underwater.

Seriously speaking, the Mystery has a considerable degree of comparability. With the technology he has mastered, it has become such formalism.

But as he once said when chatting with people: "What is above financial freedom? I feel that it is a bit reluctant to do whatever I want, but it can bear a variety of willfulness to a considerable extent. This should be regarded as a grade."

So obviously it was soaring, or exiled by the main material plane, but Kane just dressed up as a fleet expedition.

Since it is a fleet, there is naturally more than one boat.

There are indeed many ships.

The rich production model of the Toryling card system is really imprinted to build a giant ship, and it is a kind of shipboard equipment that is fully equipped, including related warfare, each round can produce a small Fleet, quite cool.

So there are now a large fleet of more than a thousand, and the type is also a tribute to the homeland, including the seven main types of battleships, cruisers, destroyers, aircraft carriers, supply ships, landing ships, engineering ships, other tugboats, warships, etc. No need to mention more.

When Kane Zhao of the SC universe played the starship sea, the deity had a joke with Kane Zhao, saying that even in the homeland, the two-way foil, light particles, and water droplets in "Three Body" are Forced, your space opera mode has long been outdated, people are flying at super high speeds, turning at acute angles, just like a billiard ball, like BIUBIUBIU, your fleet is all over.

Kane Zhao, of course, can understand this stalk, because what he went to is the universe that focuses on the technology side, and has all the relevant information on the technology side that the deity knows.

Facing the joke of the deity, Kane Zhao's answer was simple: "Let it come!"

With the same stalk, Kane's answer on the Throne of Swords is: "Let all the super civilizations in the" Three Body "be tied together. I let them appreciate what is called the technology beyond the universe, and what is called the San value. "

Once upon a time, Kane thought that the most extreme is a variety of brain holes, and now I don't think so. In his view now, the best thing is that I smashed a cosmic egg over, if not, just pile up the number.

The end of a trillion changes is simple. When a force is stacked to infinity, all skills are meaningless. In other words, stacking a force to infinity is itself the most brilliant technique.

Kane came with this idea this time, because Veronica's tragic death just confirmed his theory, not to mention that this one, that is, the creation god, can also die with the power beyond the universe.

Compared with the large fleet of 1,000 ships in front of us, Kane is really proud of the farming in the last years of the main material plane.

Through the Star Gate, the production system has been completely expanded, and it is no longer limited to the star system where the terrestrial planet is located.

However, the current production is still relatively simple, and it will not be until the magic industry system is mature that it will gradually make the whole system plump.

A single but extremely large-scale production system with exaggerated output brought Kane a mammoth and endless source of energy. This is his confidence.

It's a pity that he always seems lonely and no one else is around, otherwise he can now pretend to say, "Let's melt the whole world!"

The last warship was put into place through the Star Gate, and Kane Shensheng issued an order: "Operation Smelting Planet started."

Suddenly, the aircraft carrier in the fleet was like a pierced horse honeycomb, which burst out a large number of flat droplet-shaped aircraft. The center of this aircraft is a drum, but the edges are sharp edges and corners, with obvious bottom and top, no matter from which angle, there is a beautiful arc.

The water droplets of death, this is their name, they are like a take-off locust leaping in the wheat field, booming and falling. There is a large fissure nearby, the sharp fissure in the sharp grass plain where the Longsword Warfare and the Self-Exploding Warfare once fought. The goal of the water droplets of death is there.

When these death water droplets flew into the big fissure, they encountered various mechanical monsters. The death water droplets did not dodge, just hit it, smashed or cut the other party.

Their outer layer is a high-power field, absolutely sliding without leaving their hands, their edges are sharper than the sharpest metal knives, and they are like a big axe in the hands of the Titan.

But this is not their housekeeping ability, their housekeeping ability is self-explosive.

For Salary King, explosions, high temperatures, and flames are the highest arts. Salary King War Bugs that don't explode are not good War Bugs.

Nuclear fusion, it is difficult for ordinary people to imagine the tonnage of nuclear fusion, enough to heat the core of a completely cooled dead planet to the nuclear fusion energy of the core heat of the earth. This is the main drama brought by the death drops.

"I have no interest in exploring the labyrinths here. The existence that can survive the purification flames that I have arranged is eligible for my interest. Before that, let the world collapse into what it should be. It It's too empty, like a fermented dough. "

From a certain point of view, this is indeed the case, this dark cybertron has a large number of voids inside, like an oversized bath flower. Melting down and collapsing can make this world ‘real’, like a snow mass with hands clasped into a ball.

There is no doubt that this is a big project.

However, this time Kane was not in a hurry, the energy delivery was endless, and the materials could be taken on the spot. The most important thing here is metal. The engineering ship cooperates with the mother ship to produce non-stop. Every once in a while, a large number of death water droplets swarm out and pounce on the fissure. They will reach the deepest and farthest point of the large fissure they can reach, and then explode. .

From far and near, until the flying space where there is no water droplets of death, until the big crack is completely fused, then go to the next place.

This kind of operation, grand and monotonous, is to take out the vigorous efforts of reclaiming the sea, and Yugong moving mountains, in order to achieve Kane's purpose, to sacrifice and purify the entire dark Cybertron.

Perhaps the previous few wars almost wiped out the mechanical monsters in this area. This time the opponent failed to show any resistance worth mentioning.

Commander Kane ’s overall fleet with a nuclear-shaped core, and large ships had no chance to fire. Actively, a group of gunboats with 35MM dense array guns and 75MM rapid-fire guns as the main means of attack killed tens of thousands of heads. The origin of the world's third-generation fighter monsters.

Tens of thousands of heads sound very scary. At that time, all three generations of fighters in the original world did not add up to this number. However, the stretch of the war period of hundreds of hours was actually very ordinary, and the scene was also general.

Speed ​​and explosion, for the newcomer, can indeed stimulate the adrenaline soaring, and the secretion of Baduan is too exciting, which makes people feel addicted, but for the old bird, it doesn't feel how.

And the only person with emotion in this battlefield is Kane. He is not an old bird, but an old ghost, so his evaluation of this battle is: the warrior has no merit, open the correct way, hope next Can be a copy and paste of this battle.

Of course, this is only his hope. Throughout his life, there has never been a smooth wind from beginning to end. Suddenly, the style of painting has changed, and the situation of having to fight deadly has been many times.

He has become accustomed to no matter how strong he is, he may face the situation of evenly matched opponents or even more powerful opponents in the next moment.

The universe is so big, why can it always get to its feet?

There is only one reason. It is not worth remembering the brain when you are indifferent. No one will write a thought diary for every step you take.

The tide of resistance still appeared.

As the fleet approached the second large fissure, difficult-to-tech mechanical punches emerged from the fissure, dense enough to rub shoulders, like a large cloth covering the sky.

Kane did n’t even blink his eyelids. His divine instincts had long foreseen him that there was a strong will to dominate the huge mechanical monsters. Here he organized a fighting force to confront his forces. It ’s normal that he He even thought that the war was officially started at this time.

His combat intentions have been fully demonstrated through the previous actions. If the other party does not know how to gather all the troops to fight, and let his fleet seal all the cracks similar to the super giant nest, it will make him strange.

There is no need for him to issue specific combat commands. The mysterious castle's fortress is itself a Xeon AI. In the years after the fire was established, a large amount of war data was obtained and how to deal with the situation at hand.

The dead water droplets are still the main force. They pounce on the monsters and explode in the dense areas of the monsters. Each end is a 500,000-ton equivalent fusion bomb. However, the plasma fireball formed by it faces the sky covered by this monster. The curtain, like the yellow rice grains on the table, is inconspicuous.

A large number of "yellow rice grains" flashed, killing countless monsters, but the impact on the entire "monster cloth" is limited. One is because there is no air, the transmission of shock waves is restricted, and the lethality has dropped a lot. .

The other, and most important, is that the quantity is sufficient.

If he regards the big rift as a launch platform, Kane has to admit that the opponent's flight weapon throughput efficiency is higher than the release speed of his mothership cluster's fighter jets, not to mention the weaker recovery efficiency.

Of course, he also has the advantage that ammunition is sufficient, and the 500,000-ton nuclear fusion strike is already a bullet level for him. It is worth mentioning how many bullets will be consumed in a battle in the original World War II? He has so many 500,000-ton nuclear bombs that he can continue to replenish.

Fighting is fighting the economy, and fighting is fighting the logistics. Everyone on earth knows this truth. Now, Kane wants to tell his opponents the truth with facts.

You collect a planet, and all that can be converted into energy is converted into energy for soldiering and war reserve?

It doesn't matter. Behind me, gaseous planets like Jupiter are waiting in line to collect. As long as the supply chain continues, how much energy the planet has lost, I will make up ten times and hundreds of times, and make up for your seven holes to bleed. Howe.

Of course, this time Kane ’s opponent also said something: “Do n’t be busy, you can stand on my site first. Then what? You said that you have established a forward base? Are you sure it ’s not an illusion that you think you are right? ? "

Not much else, there are many mechanical monsters.

Every batch of death water droplets in units of ten thousand can not be killed.

Kane's big fleet finally fired with all his strength, and the gunboat released everything to join the battle. The weapons used were the 35MM dense array guns at the lowest end. The shooting frequency was 9,000 shots per minute. With the extra blazing power, one bullet is enough to blow up a main battle tank.

It is such a high-speed weapon that Leng is capable of firing bullets. It is not mainly that the firing is accurate, but that the enemy is dense enough to rub the bullets with the body and the flying wreckage, so that all the shells are not missed. The large fleet is equipped with more than 3,000 combat boats equipped with Phalanx artillery, each of which has 4 Phalanx and one 75MM rapid-fire gun, as well as 6 missile launchers.

Not to mention the firepower of the large ship. Like aircraft carriers, dense array machine guns are air defense applications for them, not the platform, but the array. If the fire is full, you can shoot a complete airtight shell around the aircraft carrier. Curtain barrier.

The artillery of the battleship is all star cannon + nuclear shells, otherwise they are embarrassed to say that they are large ships. But that's how it looked like it was invincible. It was like being locked in a huge closed cage made of worms. The sun and the sky were the only explosions and the dense mechanical monsters.

As for the ship itself, it was naturally attacked by these mechanical monsters, protected by an energy curtain, and the monsters were still tireless and rushed to die, as if they could consume a little energy of the energy curtain, it was a big success.

After such a war lasted for 5 hours, Kane, who was bragging before, was inevitably hurt.

Replaced by Kane Zhao's fleet, the guns of the highest intensity have been fired for such a long time, and the barrels have long been abandoned. That is to say, he is a moccasin fleet. Demon is in front of the corps, relying on extraordinary power to act on weapon materials, and always maintain the best performance to fight in this attitude.

However, it can be said that nuclear fuels such as hydrogen isotopes are inexhaustible, and the extraordinary energy is not the case.

Even if the extraordinary energy is in the main material plane, only the life planets like the Earth are enriched. The more desolate the other planets are, the more scarce they are. The dead planets that even the earth ’s core is cooled are infinitely close to zero. .

This leads to extraordinary energy. From a grand perspective, it is still a scarce energy, and its rarity is probably second only to Sanqi matter and energy.

"I'm really ..." Kane was depressed, throwing his five bodies at the opponent's combat puppet emission efficiency.

The Xeon AI of the Mysterious Castle has been estimated. According to this intensity, after 122 hours, he must retreat, otherwise he will sink deep and kneel here.

This face is really painful, just blow the power to crush everything, and then the opponent uses the same theory to teach people. People are all kinds of ugly monsters, but they can fly a lot of mechanical combat puppets, estimated to be hundreds of thousands of times, or even millions of times the total human population of the original world. Anyway, he has agreed that Xeon AI uses tens of billions as the calculation unit. Reported the killing to him, otherwise it would be too annoying to report once and once.

Especially after killing so much, as far as I can see, the iron curtain is still dark and invisible, and the results of the battle are particularly ironic.

"The other party is trying to fight with me because of the hundreds of millions of years of accumulation." Kane can only comfort himself like this.

It was just another 12 hours, and the situation outside was still the same. The corpses of the monsters had piled up mountains on the earth. Note that it is not a big mountain, but the long mountain peaks of the corpse mountain. But the monster is still a close look.

Kane was a bit suspicious that he had hit the 15th-level super-magic illusion, and all he saw were hallucinations.

"Send strong detectives."

With the order of Kane, one of the mother ships, special small boats were manufactured by 3D printing on the manufacturing platform.

It has a shuttle shape as a whole, but there are three sides on the outside, and it has a certain degree of rotation, and it is not as helical as the drill bit. The tail has a circular jet under the protection of the blade body. The center is the tail cone. Device, used to maintain timely communication with specific devices.

The strong detective was quickly built and then launched in one direction. It was launched in the form of an electromagnetic cannon, the initial velocity was very high, and it continued to accelerate after the launch and was rotating.

Its speed is its most powerful weapon, and nothing can stop it from going forward, not to mention those mechanical monsters, which are of the warship level, and will also be penetrated by enchanted spiral prism drills ~ ~ Kane Launching a strong sounding machine is nothing else, just want to see how many mechanical monsters that surround his fleet and make the fleet seem to be stranded in the tide of super insects.

It took more than two hundred kilometers for the strong detection machine to penetrate the prison cage facilitated by the monster, looking at the empty area. It can be described as: there was no ocean in this world, but now it is.

Uncountable numbers of mechanical monsters are gathered on the ground, fighting fiercely with each other. This kind of fighting is unilateral, basically it is a group of surrounding one killing, and then killing the next.

The purpose of their fight is to seize the target parts, and then perform the patchwork effect of Optimus Prime when loading the pendant (Skyfire), and make magical changes.

After completing the magic reform, they can fly. This is how the ugly monsters come from. Anyway, there is no air in this world, no need to consider any aerodynamic layout, as long as the thrust is enough, the bricks fly to the sky.

Kane saw this scene and said: "Well, I can only start the divine power to start the slaughter." ......

PS: The new book "Criminal Choice" has been uploaded, hope to get support, thank you

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