Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Chapter 839: Bowl scrubbing

God-level control allows Kane to have a strong control over the flame, and the high-temperature liquid material is surrounded by the power of the flame. Although Kane had no special feelings about them, the flame power had been fully integrated, so he could do it as well.

In the field of salary king, it is to block the flame power, otherwise the spillover will be too fast and all will be losses.

This kind of Kane can be said to have played the flame and temperature tricks, can achieve every goal, the explosion effect of a grenade, in his hand, can be transformed into the lethality of 10,000 bullets.

The huge Titan descended toward the green beam of light while constantly compressing itself.

Originally, high pressure was regarded as Kane's strength, but the existence of the law of distortion in the paid king field, he can carry out high-strength compression packaging.

At the same time, another layer of field attached to his armor ensures that he can not withstand the internal pressure that is scarier than the depth of the earth as the outer field shrinks.

This pressure beyond imagination actually caused the internal material to achieve the characteristics of strong mutual materials. In the end, a real hammer flame Titan with a height of more than ten meters and a mass of thousands of tons was formed.

Its external shape, which is a human of rough sculpture level, has the characteristics of Greek sculpture. This is because when Kane was modeling, he thought of the statue of David.

What is most special about it is the pair of wing wings that are spewed with meteors, and their body size has been reduced by almost ten times, but the wing wings are not, so it looks extraordinarily magnificent.

Suddenly, his hands and fingers released a beam of laser-like light, with the swing of his arms, wrists, and fingers, forming a sweeping and cutting trend.

Correspondingly, a large number of fissures with a depth of more than 100 meters were cut into the rock plate below, and the originally complete rock plate was broken into large and small stones, and flames were fed back from these cracks to form in the air. Curtain-like light.

This is the domain of Kane control. The ultra-high temperature flame flow created by the Titan's fingertips and then sprayed by the internal high pressure. Those flame light curtains are just the aftermath of the melt-down and insufficient pressure.

Only this time, hundreds of evil things below were strangled.

Although these evils are much stronger than the raven woman and the smoke beast, and even reveal a trace of divinity, they can be compared with the flame power slurry Titan controlled by Kane and have absolute power, the grade is still much worse, only being crushed Servings.

Undoubtedly, Kane's wave of operations was a declaration of war. After a while, the dark ground of the vast underground world was lit up with green light.

It feels like hundreds of millions of stars in the Xinghai are lit, and it seems that countless monsters have awakened and opened their eyes. Or, these countless eyes belong to a monster?

Seeing this scene, Kane, who was sitting in the flame-like seat in the Titan like a throne, said to the rear: "Send me three base ammunition."

In the battleship Storm on the south bank of Lake Yamno, a canister of nuclear fuel was thrown into a special fire pond.

Kane uses the special energy of the salary king to open up the channel of the flame world, just as he can use the burning extraordinary flame as an anchor to teleport, span time and space, and directly take the necessary supplies into his hands.

Then these nuclear fuels were turned into "finger bullets" and were fired out. The effect was not much different from the six-barrel Gatling gun fire. The firing frequency was very high. After the bullets were fired, they also dispersed.

These projectiles open up to be a larger burst fire ball, but in fact the flame is just its shell. Kane has precise control of these flames, which can enable them to achieve the external conditions of fusion reaction in due course.

The fusion fuel encased in the reaction started in a flash, resulting in a nuclear explosion.

This is the slippery nuclear bomb cannon blow that only Kane can play.

From the sky, in the area of ​​tens of thousands of square kilometers, one after another plasma fireballs appear. These nuclear explosions are controlled, so they are not rushed into shock wave venting, but the plasma fireball lasts longer. Long. And the existence of this fusion core explosion is really not much different from being thrown into the sun. In the face of continuous and extreme high temperatures, it has disappeared.

Kane's control of the Titan seems to be a crazy shot, but in fact, he has a very strong field control ability. He likes to have dozens of hands, and will continue to shoot the nuclear fireball into the gap between the explosive plasma fireballs, making The vast area below becomes a sea of ​​plasma fireballs, like a glass ball sprinkled with the ground.

At this moment, Kane truly transformed himself into a demon-like existence, planting highly controllable destruction mushrooms in the dark abyss. Because these destroying mushrooms cannot quickly release or transform their energy, they can only exist in the most destructive state for a longer period of time. Everything they touch is subject to continuous consumption attacks. The ash, the smoke, It is the result of the energy conversion. They reduce the total power of the plasma fireball in the form of matter. However, if you want to convert all the power of the nuclear explosion in this mode, it is extremely difficult.

The final result is that a large number of plasma fireballs are like the burning of coal into water to generate a large amount of water vapor, which is constantly consumed in the process of eroding the rocky ground. And those evil things with green light magic eyes are just the cream layer of Oreo cookies, enjoying the splint gas and being ruined.

What's more, Kane can also control these plasma fireballs to roll like a billiard ball and irregularly like a mahjong card wash.

In the face of such a blow, the bottom of the abyss fell into a destructive state second only to the planet's collapse level, and nothing could survive the disorderly rolling of these plasma fireballs.

A large amount of smoke and dust material rises up, forming thick smoke clouds in the huge space, and the ground is like a hot linoleum, shining and shining, and gradually has the characteristics of glass.

Kane simply turned this huge world of abyss into a furnace, and the ditch and ridge were all filled with burnt rocks and burned into a glass texture, and it seemed to be burning, so that the earth subsided further, crystallized, and became Dense sinter.

Looking at the energy conversion of the plasma fireball, Kane regained control, and the power of nuclear fusion finally obtained a normal way of catharsis. The flames spewed out the first time, like a huge amount of explosives, detonating the abyss The world dyed the inside of a huge furnace.

The temperature rises in a very short period of time, and the whole world is filled with lava-like color.

And in the center of this ditch, which is the area where the green light beam is sprayed, it has not been affected like the center axis of the grinding disc. The platform is still standing, and the green light beam is in heaven.

Kane took control of the Titans, continued to focus on soaring slowly, and finally landed on this platform.

'Boom! ‘When the Titan fell to the ground, the ground underneath pitted out, the ground cracked, and a dull sound like a drum beat.

Kane, who was in the chest of the Titan, was like saying half a person from the balcony on the third floor to say hello to the strong man in the Sanctuary not far away: "Why, don't you slip this time?"

It turned out that the object of his conversation was the atonement old man in the Koszalin Land Palace not long ago.

Look at this meaning, this person is this secret stronghold, and even the supreme principal of the Atonement in this area.

This old man had also heard about how Kane controlled the super nuclear explosion as the directional eruption effect of planetary engines in the shallow sea battle. Knowing that he was not Kane's opponent, he gave up the Saint Cloth and fled here.

I didn't expect Kane to come so fast.

The forefoot also listened to the majestic anomalous force reported by his subordinates, and not long afterwards, he lost his sense of all his subordinates. For a while, he couldn't think of any fierce erosion in order to survive in the underground strongholds that had been in operation for so many years, and so many people went forward and destroyed everything.

It wasn't until he saw the flame jets jetting down from the top of the ground dome on the central platform that he wanted to understand what happened.

And even in the process of speculating what happened, he did not delay the time and forced the ritual ceremony. Although the conditions were not met, he knew that there was no time.

The green light in the sky is the call of the ceremony.

Naturally, it was not intended to guide Kane. Kane did not need to guide at all, and the old man knew this very well.

Soon after, Kane, who turned the flame stream into a Titan car, attacked the ceremony team on the central platform in the air. Those evils that are more powerful than the smoke beast and the raven woman, but the guards of the ritual team, were killed by the way.

Under normal circumstances, unless it is a dedicated channel set up by the Atonement, even if it enters this huge abyss, it will experience the process of exploring the abyssal forest. It will take a long time to climb the big solitary peak where the central platform is located. It will be too short, because there are enough interception methods in both the Abyssal Forest and Dagufeng.

But Kane was not ordinary. He was still far away in the sky, he used a laser-like high-pressure extreme-temperature flame, a brutal sweep of the ceremonial platform, killing a large number of sacrificial personnel and guards.

At the next moment, the self-protection mechanism after the ritual activation was finally activated. The absolute realm made Kane unable to attack Dagufeng unscrupulously, but only against Gaia.

In the name of Gaia, the power of this beast can be imagined. This abyss was eaten by the Gaia beast. When it was full and fell asleep, it constituted the land of the current abyss. It was also the entire interception. As part of the system, the Atonement has mastered the methods of stimulation and local activation, forming a variety of attack methods such as terrible area swallowing and energy strikes. The vegetation on the abyss is the hair, and many kinds of evil things are also related to Accompanying, parasitic.

But all this, in front of Kane's controlled nuclear fusion plasma fireball sweep, nothing is!

He knows that Kane's controllable nuclear fire is very powerful, but this time he personally feels that he is not as famous as meeting. This Kane is more clever in the control of nuclear fire than the soaring one, making him desperate.

"This is Gaia! It's just crushed, you can't even fight back!"

As a sanctuary, the old man believed that his mind was still very firm, but after witnessing Kane's power, he was still shocked by his uncontrollable self.

As for now, he felt that there was nothing more to say. Those few ceremonial personnel who had been killed by Kane ’s air blow had already given their lives, and now it was his turn.

The old man took a last look at Kane. Nothing stood and jumped directly into the green flame.

Kane did not stop because he knew that it would not succeed.

Originally, the destruction of this atonement's stronghold was only the first link in a series of attacks against the Catholic forces, but with the big news of the atonement in Koszalin, the nature has changed.

Kane realized early on that he would be exposed to the existence of a pseudo-god level, and he is now more determined.

Looking at the green beam of light in front of him, Kane calculated the total amount of sacrifices in his heart.

All of Koszalin's more than 200,000 souls were sacrificed. He believes that this is the most important part and the main reason for turning on this green light beam.

As long as this beam of light is turned on, it is basically impossible to be good. The huge thing that was just killed by him just like the area under the abyss is just a guardian beast of the ritual, not the lord.

With his fierce operation, the ceremony was quickly interrupted, but those who had already offered sacrifices would not be in vain. God knows what the atonement guys have sacrificed, perhaps tons of supplies already prepared.

The only things that we hope for now are the furnaces in the Kosala woodland palace, which is also an important part of the sacrifice.

If so, then at least 60% of the sacrifice resources were intercepted by him.

What does this mean?

He felt that it meant that after the advent of the opponent, he could not build a body that would satisfy him.

If so, he feels that he can almost fight.

Because the world's highest allowed combat power level is Sanctuary ++, such as Veronica, and the salary king body that has swallowed the essence of the divine body.

And now, he is almost a weakened version of Veronica, known for his divine thoughts, but he does not have the deep essence of Veronica's divine thoughts. So he is the sanctuary +.

And this time the opponent?

As a projection, he thinks that it is between him and Bo Zhongzhong. If the body completes the sacrifice normally, the force should be higher than the one he is using now.

Now it's not easy to say, I hope it is not another Veronica.

The key point is what kind of attitude does the other party take to deal with this advent, like Veronica, the capital is really a bit large, even for the true God, it is definitely an expensive idea .

Not far from the central platform of Kane, the array of round boulders constitutes the boundary of green light. At this moment, green light is constantly changing. It is a change in nature, from light to flame.

Just like the punching lighter, the copper-green flame spewed out and was accompanied by a pungent smell of saltpeter.

There are three strange things about this flame.

First, there is no shadow on the objects illuminated by the fire.

This is an absolute characteristic that violates the common sense of physics. In other words, the unreasonable divinity is a manifestation of the god-level distortion law ~ ~ Just like the god-level salary king will not be unreasonable no matter how high the temperature is.

Second, this fire has no heat.

This is nothing compared to the first point. There are many explanations for the cause of cold flame, and it can even be understood as visually like flame, but it is not actually a phenomenon of flame. In that case, the statement is broader.

The third point is that it has a special force field wave.

The normal flame gives people the feeling of light and heat, light is bright, heat is roasted, warm and so on.

But this flame is not hot, but there are others, death and decay.

This is a very abstract and idealistic concept, but people can really feel this kind of field wave that can be recognized by people.

This third point is more interesting, because its high probability means that this fire has soul and will.

A flash of light flashed through Kane's mind, and he remembered which divinity of the **** of love in the craft universe best fits the scene before him.

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