Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Chapter 843: Open Musou, do it!

Before going to the other world through the fissures deep in the Myra Palace, Black Kane's understanding of the other world is roughly divided into two parts.

Part of it is the series of events on Sino Island. Including information obtained through the channels of former teammates Oliver, Moody and others on a series of follow-up actions of the Tiancheng-class extraordinary forces on Sino Island.

The other part was learned from Myra refugees not long ago.

The two phases confirmed that, coupled with personal observation, Black Kane soon had a rough understanding of the outside world.

This is a world destroyed by the old dominators.

From a certain perspective, today is the tomorrow of the earth-like world.

Unlike the deadness of Dark Cybertron, although it is lonely here, nature still maintains a basic liveliness, with energy, enough energy, and energy in a violent state.

When Black Kane and Evil Shadow arrived, the area they were in was experiencing a large thunderstorm.

The lightning itself is bright and dazzling, but the electricity that accompanies it is bright red, and the dark clouds that roam like a horse, it feels like the sky is burning.

Black Kane admitted that such a natural landscape is very eschatological. Even if the earth is torn and lava erupts in the next moment, the entire planet will explode into **** or collapse into a black hole in the universe, he will not find it strange.

Of course, he knows that this world has not yet reached that point. He is now the Lord of Darkness and the King of Evil Filth, and this world is not lacking in darkness and evil, but lacking everything in order.

The evil shadow whistle like a whistle, it is expressing its emotions, the environment of this world makes it very excited, it wants to spread Huan'er.

Black Kane said yes.

"Kill all living creatures in sight!" He gave the order like this.

Evil Shadow shook his body like a dog shaking his hair, and then his mouth suddenly opened, turning into a big hole with a diameter of more than two meters. A large number of deformed monsters breed and pounce out of the muddy foul energy in the big hole, see The wind grows until it becomes as burly as an adult rhinoceros.

These monsters have six legs, the body is only roughly the shape of a beast, the details are different, there is no concept of symmetry, the legs are of different lengths and thicknesses, they have heads of cannibals that can be opened at all angles like blooming flowers, back The upper part is a lot of tentacles, like raising a group of pythons eager to break free, dancing vigorously in the air.

These monsters are rushing to the evils that are fighting in the wilderness, and they don't help any party and catch who kills.

The evil in the wilderness is also fierce, and does not mind the three-party chaos. It also kills all but its own kind.

Black Kane Meimei took a breath of the rotten air and walked in a walk, a relaxed feeling dominated her mind.

He likes it here and makes him feel happy, while the earth-like world makes him feel nervous and cramped.

The evils fighting in the wild are obviously not opponents of the monsters released by the evil shadow. Those monsters are filthy figurines, and there is no possibility of normal killing. All kinds of immortality, but their attack is very deadly, it can be said that it can poison the poison and corrode the evil.

And the evil things here are also very crazy, and they will not escape at all. Spraying this rancid blood, splashing black decayed meat and bone residue, still furiously fighting until they are completely killed.

Evil Shadow dances around, very happy. It likes this crazy drama, and it makes it more enjoyable than torture.

"Vicious!" Black Kane pouted.

But to be honest, compared to other aspects of Kane, Black Kane is more unscrupulous. It's not as good as a literary literati in a daytime office building. At night, the same-sex bar is so different from scratching the posture, but at least it is also the kind of drunkenness and the state of being more open.

More casual, some unscrupulous, even evil.

The killing is entertainment, and then eating. The evil shadow has recovered those monsters, and it has become stronger.

It is like the things it contains. It is rooted in the negative direction of darkness and eventually becomes an extreme existence. Even giving it a chance, it will even devour Black Kane, which is its nature.

Black Kane continued to move forward with evil shadows. He was not as organized and planned as other Kane. He seemed to do what he wanted. He was ready to go like this. When he was tired, he rested. Go to the past when you are interested, and let the evil shadow kill if you are disgusted. There is no need to study what is right or not. It can even be said that if the world is completely dead, the period will be perfectly drawn.

"This is also a living method, isn't it?" He comforted himself like this, throwing a black light at random, and the black light suddenly expanded in the air at a rapid speed, completely covering the previous battlefield, and waiting for the black light to be scattered like dust, and there were no corpses in the battlefield. , Has become a lonely place that can no longer be lonely.

Destruction, complete destruction, Black Kane is more pleasing to the dark than the deity, the power of darkness is happily leaping in his body, the rotten water of rotting corrosion rises from his body, and even the air is twisted.

This is a waste disposal phenomenon. Every bit more means that Black Kane has a point of suppression and control over this evil spirit body.

As long as he bows down to the dark enough to claim his strength, Dark is willing to help him completely take control of this body.

Darkness does not require complex technology, it is pure enough. In other words, darkness is pure enough to be one of the most complex technologies in itself.

After going through many worlds, he has become a god. I do n’t know how many levels higher than the so-called financial freedom, but he still ca n’t get rid of the fact that he has survived.

Endless life yuan, endless longing, want always ahead. Kane is not negative, but this feeling is getting clearer. Is his future an ellipsis that makes him bored to the point of no description?


But at least for now, he is still active and interested in many things, such as the slaughter of black goat cubs.

In this crazy doomsday world, after walking for two days and three nights, he encountered a black goat cub. Not a few, but a few hundred.

'expensive! expensive! expensive! The black goat cubs also found it. They made a loud howling, dancing their tentacles, and rushed at him with heavy steps.

As the best-known heirs of Shab Nicholas, their bloodline is very close to Shab and full of divinity.

so what? Still counting on these divinities to make him lose San's value?

In his eyes, they were nothing more than three legs, N open mouths, no heads, no upper limbs, and a bunch of monsters with snake-like tentacles.

"Roar roar!" The black goat cub spit out a black thunder in the mouth of the salivated knife teeth, high-energy dark thunder, frontal bombardment of the sacred area that can directly penetrate the water, and even the sacred area. kill.

However, such power is meaningless in front of Black Kane.

Black Kane raised his right hand, and a black flame spewed out of his arm, several hundred meters long, and then he waved it off, as if waving a giant sword.

The black flames distorted the space, and a black light curtain sunken inward appeared in the void, like opening a huge door leading to the endless depth, but only from the side.

From the front, that is, Black Kane's perspective, it is just a slashing line that is long enough, and even the void is cut by it. The black goat cub on this line is naturally finished.

They were cut into two pieces in an absolute sense, and the structure was unbalanced and collapsed.

The tremendous energy contained inside exploded, forming a violent shock wave of extremely high energy level, non-stop explosion, and shining bright light, annihilating everything in the range.

"Wow, this is more powerful than the known data." Black Kane opened the deep black field barrier, just like a boat traveling against the wind and waves, watching the black goat cub's curtain call in the air.

The last set of relevant information for this monster comes from Rouen, France.

Black goat cubs appeared there half a year ago. The local supernatural forces knew that the mythical creatures were allowed to let go, and that they used the home-field advantage of the nightmare environment to grow to no one.

So soon after the discovery, a thunder storm was organized.

As a result, they were a little surprised.

Not difficult, but simple. Unexpectedly, he would kill so easily, not as powerful as the rumor.

"It may be because you are not fully fed." Recalling the relevant information collected by Salary King, Black Kane thought so. Somewhat absurd, but he didn't take it seriously.

He is not like other Kane, he has a deep thought, he is drunk and slightly drunk, the rough branches are not true, the key is to be cool in front of him.

Wielding the super-large black flame chopper sword, Black Kane fiercely chopped the remaining black goat cubs, and the energy attacks of the black goat cubs were completely resolved by his deep black field shields.

The tiger enters the flock, and the flock of sheep can only die.

This is almost the situation at the moment. One after another, black goat cubs were beheaded, exploded, and energy storms ravaged the whole area. The blast was empty, but at least there was land, rocks, dust, and air. These are still It was destroyed and twisted again and again in the explosion.

The cry of the black goat cub and the laughter of Black Kane became the best accompaniment to this killing.

This situation finally triggered the attention of a powerful presence.

In the thunderstorm sky, the dark clouds are abnormally dense, and the scarlet lightning rushes among the dark clouds. These dark clouds are densely formed in an obviously abnormal way, appearing thick and dense, and gradually turning into a liquid.

Then, in the dark clouds, huge blood pupils were opened, and thick tentacles were also found. There were also a lot of eyelids on the tentacles, which kept opening, which was also the blood pupil.

The scarlet lightning became denser, as if it were the messy hair of this peculiar monster, with its eyes twitching and no fixed focus.

Correspondingly, this eye is solid and it is a high-powered mind blow, which can make the extraordinary under the legendary strike a strong blow to San value.

It's like an invisible searchlight, where the energy sees where the eyes see it.

Its appearance can cause super devastating catastrophe, and can turn countless creatures into monsters in an instant, but there are no innocent people, no spectators, only Black Kane and his evil dogs.

Black Kane thinks that this is probably a face of Shab Nicholas, it doesn't matter! They are not frequent, and he is not interested in negotiating with them. Let me name it: Scarlet Cloud.

For such an obviously strong existence, or even an unknown strong presence that cannot reach the upper limit, Black Kane is not like other Kane, it is also analysis, research, calculation of pros and cons, whether it is war or withdrawal. Give yourself a set of self-consistent reasons for the past. He does not, his thinking is simple, that is to see the mood, happy, then fight!

He is very happy now.

There is the joy of killing black goat cubs, but more importantly, the tone is high. He sees this desolate waste soil and smells the corrupt air, and he feels very good and free. .

The bright limit of the scarlet cloud in front of him is unpredictable, but his intuition tells him that this thing is just fat and thin, and it benefits a lot from eating, and it will not support death. .

Yes, just eat.

Black Caesar's housekeeping skills come from the life-soul system of the world of sin souls.

Of course, it has been upgraded to the god-level version, which is almost another Atathos, and there is nothing to devour.

"In the name of darkness, everything in the universe will eventually sink into eternal darkness!"

This is a manifesto and a mantra. As soon as this word comes out, Black Caesar has made the most of the power of darkness. As long as he can swallow the scarlet cloud, other costs can be paid!

So it ’s enough to have this scene, and the rest is war.

The evil shadow is his vanguard. In the process of rushing to the scarlet shab, the deep black field that bound him is instantly disintegrating, and the mammoth evil power is transformed into a shotgun-like energy jet, which rushes into it at once. In the rolling scarlet cloud.

Following Black Kane also threw over, in mid-air, the form of **** was completely liberated.

As a false **** of the old branch, Black Kane's original appearance has the characteristics of a typical old branch. The lower body is a large number of tentacles, and the upper body is the human form. The usual human form is equivalent to being a man with a tail in its tail, and now this is more suitable for the use of power.

He was like a black light arrow, flying to the sky higher than the scarlet cloud, and then spread all his tentacles like a blooming green chrysanthemum.

In the next moment, the green chrysanthemum formed by the tentacles will change into a larger green chrysanthemum.

The focus is not the green of the green chrysanthemum, but the shape of the green chrysanthemum, the huge tentacles composed of pure black energy, like the tentacles of an octopus to hug a jellyfish, and grab the scarlet cloud at once.

Of course, during this time, the Scarlet Cloud did not do nothing.

After the ‘eye chaos’ failed, it shot out scarlet thunder after another. This makes Black Caesar very aware of the battle of the mountain-like Hasta incarnation when the journey of time in 1853 encountered the old branch in the mad world.

It's just that the energy in front of him is more full, the power of the thunder is greater, the energy thunder shot per unit time is more, and the sky is densely covered, just like the main guns of the warship group are gathering fire.

Black Kane was naturally hit, the layered field shields were shattered, the energy tentacles and the body's tentacles were also broken, and the body was damaged to some extent.

But he successfully completed the grapple.

During this period, the evil shadow also played a certain role.

Although it does not appear on the surface at all, it actually caused a considerable delay to the movement of the Scarlet Cloud.

After the grapple, the mutual tearing started, and the scarlet cloud also had tentacles. From a certain angle, it even seemed to be a copulation, entangled and twisted with each other, like an earthworm wriggling in the soil.

Black Kane had to admit that high-end battles are so boring, reducing complexity to simplicity and returning to the original, and they are very savage to fight, like a contest of primitive animals.

At least his thoughts felt that there was nothing wrong with this. Whether it works or not, it is no longer in those bells and whistles, the big strategy does not make mistakes, and the rest is nothing bigger than dry goods, and it is basically not big.

Brutal battles, destruction and devouring each other, each other can clearly feel the pain of tearing and being swallowed, blood is dripping, but not ordinary blood, but the energy of their respective domination, the explosive energy constitutes an indescribable thunder Shining, the entire area is plasmatized at this high energy.

Plasma is the plasma fireball of nuclear fusion. This level of destruction is already an extreme form of the common destruction of the universe. It is created by billions of creations and destructions.

Of course, the fight between Black Kane and the Crimson Cloud doesn't stop there. It also includes the release of cosmic ray energy such as gamma bursts, but these are no longer within the scope of conventional observations, and they are considered indescribable.

When the battle lasted for half an hour, the battlefield could be seen from space, and the scarlet scars were as hot as the back of the hand was burned by the cigarette butt, and the burning tobacco was retained on it. Overflowing, an overly powerful energy field has destroyed the planet ’s atmosphere and even the electromagnetic layer ’s protection of the planet, and material is being madly lost, so that clear smoke can be seen at the space level.

The Scarlet Cloud has lost too much in this contest. It does not want to fight Black Kane again here. It will change the battlefield.

As the former dominator, it is naturally a member of a large race. Teleportation and transition are just commonplace for it. Even in a high-energy environment, it can be said to go away. It goes to another time and space, just like water penetrates paper to another. It's as easy as one side, although there will be some residues, it can be its huge volume, and the wear and tear does not matter at all.

Of course, Black Kane could not easily let the scarlet cloud succeed, and God knew what kind of ghost place he would be taken to.

So countless black energy tentacles shot like super siege crossbows to the ground, and spread like seaweed in the air.

Black Kane is trying to grasp everything in this world, the earth, air, darkness, all conventional and unconventional senses, as long as he can, he is set as the anchor point.

So the next moment, the two sides tore and stretch in the silver light of the transition.

At this time, more parts of the scarlet cloud appeared again. The cloud that Black Kane had seen before was just the tip of the iceberg.

In response, Black Kane was a little scared, but laughed: "It's really a big piece of fat!"

At this time, he had already possessed the spirit of Spartan red trousers, he was happy with war, and the highest enjoyment and glory was to fight as much as possible. Even if it was destroyed, there was no regret.

The Scarlet Cloud finally said that the crazy dog ​​who went to Nima cut off the meat directly, and the result was that Black Kane pulled some bits and pieces with his tentacles.

"Although the taste is not good, but it's really hungry and full! Look for it next time!" Black Kane didn't compare, but through this meal, he determined the other party's "taste", and it was much easier to find the door next time .

Of course, the Crimson Cloud also remembers the "taste" of Black Kane, but the two sides are somewhat like wildebeests and evil wolves. The wildebeests are stronger and can hit the top corner to kill the evil wolf, but it will not Take the initiative to find the evil wolf.

This is not to say that the Scarlet Cloud is a herbivorous and kinder, but that the characteristics of both sides determine that there is no scarlet cloud conceived by Black Kane ~ ~ Not to mention the loss of the frontal encounter , A large piece of meat was torn off.

Black Kane naturally paid a lot, but he is the winner and has the power to clean the battlefield. In some ways, he can make up for it and even make a lot of money.

There are also some that can't come back, for example, in order to compromise with the scarlet cloud, like a dark place, he ran on the blackened road for half an hour.

If you ca n’t get it back, black is black. This kind of distortion penetrates extremely thoroughly, to the point that I ca n’t detect it. That is to say, the current black Kane, in many cognitive aspects, already has other Kane Not a small difference.

He felt that there was nothing on his own. He got some and lost some, as long as he could recognize it, the other didn't matter. As he later said to salary king Kane for this reason: "Do you know what our biggest problem was before? Not enough atmosphere, or conversely, the selling of cabbage to sell white-pink heart, blackening is very scary, but There are countless death endings, which one is because of blackening. This is like holding a golden rice bowl for begging and guarding Yizhao Fortune. Only the yellow braised chicken rice interlocking store is in my head. I am showing you a possibility. That is Before being completely twisted, Wushuang opened up and dared to straighten up any existence. It ’s not bad to think about this kind of life. It ’s better than working hard, shrinking, and finally dying from an unexpected accident. ”

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