Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Chapter 846: Black scourge

When Black Kane ‘discharged’ the mechanical monsters on the dark Cybertron, converted to them, and created evil golds, Salary King Kane commanded the large fleet and the mechanical monsters on the satellite to launch a full fight.

Salary King once thought that Dark Cybertron, and the satellites surrounded by these arrays, were all metallized under extraordinary power, just like in the universe of Wisdom, the secret metal was metallized by shimmering oil.

Some people think that Shuo Oil is actually scientific, just like a super cancer cell, which converts everything into metal.

Kane felt that this super-property of 'transforming everything into metal' was not scientific at all. Massive stars need a long period of time to fuse to the iron element. The principle of shimmering oil can metallize everything without changing its quality. When did metal elements become so cheap and easy to get?

And a similar phenomenon occurs in the outer plane, which is not abrupt, because once the extraordinary power is added to the process of material transformation, it can only be said that everything is possible.

However, through the arrival of Black Kane's personality, the deity sent new information. Dark Cybertron is extremely satellite, which is actually a group of warships.

Salary King does not know what the basis of the deity is, but he knows that the deity does not talk about such things.

This information gives Salary King a new perspective on understanding, including that these battleships are made of massive stellar corpses.

This involves a problem, years.

If the guess is true, then this battleship group should also be an outsider.

Because this universe is still relatively young, it is just that it is what it is now that it was scourge by the old dominators.

Stellars have been burning for tens of billions of years, and it will not be easy to wait until the nuclear fusion of massive stars is completely over. All can collect a large number of stellar corpses to build battleships, then the universe should be very old.

Outsiders, plus occupying the outer plane area that represents absolute order, the salary king can't help but think of it, he thinks that this incredible fleet of giants may have belonged to a respectable order camp. No matter what his purpose is to come to this universe, it is inevitable to fight against the old rulers. It depends on the situation, but it is still worthy of respect.

Of course, this does not affect the strategy of killing the monsters, but there are so many heroes who have waved out.

"It has indeed come to this step, and then, I feel that the years will feel more and more."

Everything is changing, and people will not stay the same.

Kane has realized that even if his "human mindset" is deeply entrenched, it will gradually fade away with the changes of the years and be replaced by non-human characteristics.

This is subtle, and the passive **** determines the head. No one can count on the emotions of a **** who is still a young person after ten thousand years, including the persistence, which will gradually become ridiculous, and even gradually disappear. There is no need for those to persevere, because they will never involve those who need those principles. thing.

Kane feels that this is a deep sense of time, not a simple matter of right and wrong. It is so high that it jumps out of the three realms and is not in the five elements. There is no need to roll in a state of reincarnation, as high as a civilization, a The birth and death of the world are nothing but trivial things, ordinary times change, characters change, what is it?

From this point of view, Salary King Kane feels that Black Kane may be making up for some regrets, similar to the lack of childishness in childhood, the lack of flying in his youth, and the regret of not having a vigorous love in his youth. Roughly speaking, Even before enjoying the plot to pretend to be a face-slapper, he has become a boss boss, and hasn't soaked a few girls, he has become a greasy uncle of the year, and even a retired uncle who has put the bird cage in the sun.

It is a pity that for him, the real problem is never the epidermis of the years represented by the skin, but the core of the years represented by the thinking. It is the biggest problem that you can no longer have the mentality when you are young. It's time to go back in time, but I feel old.

"This is the shortcoming of short-lived species, fast forward in life, and missed countless landscapes."

Salary Wang couldn't help but think of Kevin? Fox and Jenny and Lana. Pursuing perfection, or subconsciously not wanting to leave regrets. He still gave a share when his own soul thickness was insufficient. To complete an ordinary touch, give birth to children, help the elderly and children, pots and pans.

This behavior is somewhat similar to that of the deity.

"Many people feel so many emotions. I didn't expect the years to come, so my heart first went to the old age."

Salary King sat on the mysterious sword throne, looked at the empty hall, and turned back to the multi-screen system in front of him.

There is nothing to say about the battlefield situation. It is the same as the last time it happened on Dark Cybertron, but it is much smaller in size. Perhaps it will not be time. There can be many mechanical monsters inside this star.

Although he is full of thoughts now, he is not in a hurry to use it. He still focuses on the force of nature. The nuclear bombs continue to explode. This time his fleet can persist for a long time, and believe that his energy consumption can exceed his opponents.

As the war continued, more and more rough metal was obtained from the purification of the wreckage of the mechanical monster, and was sent to the investigator through the portal in the mother ship.

Prepared, and soon put it into production, more collection ships, transport ships, self-propelled space stations, comprehensive rough processing space base stations, space maintenance stations ... A new wave of major developments arrives, after completion As a result, the overall scale of the forces will reach a large level.

If you can take two more such big steps, then you will embark on the expansion of the SC universe mechanical clone, Dyson ball, devour the planet, mass-produce interstellar warships ...

However, Salary King will not let the road of development turn to that spur, but after going to scale, he will focus on the extraction and collection of extraordinary power. After all, he had to deal with the old dominators, not the annihilated Sarnaga.

Speaking of which, he needs the help of Black Kane. He is more proficient in this world, and the Evil God ’s radio waves can be distributed. Through the interaction with the dead radio wave seeker, he can determine the planet with intelligent life. According to the current comprehensive data, it is speculated that a planet with intelligent life is often rich in extraordinary energy.

"But Black Kane probably won't be active for too long, the qualitative change will be too fast, and within a few years, it will be completely blackened and become an evil god."

To some extent, Salary King feels that Black Kane is simply his own mirror, telling himself what would happen if he swooped up.

But on the other hand, he felt that he really should seize the opportunity to make good use of this meteor destined to shine.

When Black Kane reached the heart of the dark Cybertron, the battle for King Kane was still in full swing. This is just as he expected, there is too much 'inventory' inside the satellite, and the long years have made everything except the metal on the satellite digested by the mechanical monster, and the largest number has been transformed into more mechanical monsters. This kind of accumulation can't be eaten casually, even if the killing efficiency of the big fleet is already high.

Of course, from another angle, these huge mechanical monsters that are enough to push the world through the number of earths are just a number of fat pigs that support the number for a long time, and have some patience. .

And the satellite's volume is ultimately better than the dark cybertron, and it won't take too long.

And in this somewhat boring waiting state, the salary king Kane suddenly received a communication from Black Kane, and Black Kane told him his discovery.

It turned out that after Black Kane entered the core of the earth's core, after seeing the existence similar to that of the deity, he didn't make close contact, but withdrew to contact the salary king.

Salary Wang said: "I don't think it's a surprise. After all, the deity is very certain that these behemoths were once warships, so it is not surprising to know the identity of this one."

Black Kane recognized: "I once thought that the existence of this one confirmed the concept of God King Eugen that our high-dimensional existence has defeated the concept, but then I thought about how our high-dimensional existence is before rebirth. The appearance is still the appearance after rebirth. I am afraid it is very debatable. Therefore, this one who looks like the deity after rebirth is more likely to be a special model of a universe sent by the deity. "

"I'm sorry, the information I have is not enough to discuss this topic with you effectively."

Black Kane gave a sigh and didn't take it seriously. "I think it's better to send a signal to the deity. I will send you what I saw and heard."


Kane has set up a strict decentralized anti-tracking mechanism.

Like Black Kane, in order to prevent him from completely blackening into an evil spirit during the process of merging the old branches, he has no way to get in touch with his deity, no matter whether it is the active-passive connection method.

But on the other hand, he knows some secret information in order to make the correct response when needed.

Although Salary King knows that the secret is not as high-end as Black Kane, but his security level is higher, so he masters the communication ability.

After sending the message, the rest is to wait. It is difficult to say how long the deity ’s reply will take, and before that, the two can do something else.

For example, Black Kane found that the salary king's attack efficiency was not good, and expressed willingness to help.

Salary King welcomes.

Black Kane thought for a while and said, "Even if you have this strategy now, I will open another battlefield, use my Evil God waves to create a source of conversion, and then let them snowball."

Salary Wang thought for a while and thought that Black Kane's virus spreading method was indeed a good plan, so he wished Black Kane success.

Black Kane arrogantly hummed: "No need to wish, it must be a success."

So he began to wreak havoc.

For Black Kane, he walked through the road again, and then he walked completely without difficulty. He directly opened the door of the black whirlpool, and went from the center of the dark Cybertron to the surface, and then looked at some What the satellite looks like, then open the door and go to the surface of the satellite.

Afterwards, as was done in the dark Cybertron not long ago, this entrance penetrated deep into the satellite. His characteristics prevented him from causing a siege of mechanical monsters at all. This advantage alone made him take advantage of it.

Although there are no evil shadows here, but the overall efficiency is only about 40% slower, and it does not affect the generation of evil golds. Once it is generated, the **** expansion is only a matter of time.

In this way, one after another, the infectious sowed black seeds. After the salary king killed the mechanical monster on that satellite, Black Kane had already infected all the remaining 300 satellites.

Let ’s not talk about how efficient this is, only about consumption. To know that the evil snowman ’s snowball expansion requires the black Kane to use dark divine power as the most fundamental source of promotion. Even if there is not a single individual, there are not many, but it ca n’t stand. There are so many.

When the total number exceeded the 100 billion mark, Black Kane finally felt a sense of relief from Qijirou overnight.

"Very good!" He said, "Go back and eat Saab again! It dares to stay in that world's love stack"

The salary king next to Black Kane said: "I guess it is because when the world is completely destroyed, it can explode a wave of rare substances, which is relatively fat."

"Well, it makes sense. The information I collected also has this aspect, but it is very vague. It is worth personally observing the scene after the complete destruction of the world where the intelligent life lived and multiplied. See if the will of the world itself is the gathering of souls, It ’s a super big product like the essence of Shennian. ”

Speaking of which, Black Kane had signs of drooling.

For him, the biggest problem is that the mind is not enough. After all, in order to suppress the power of other evil gods and digest information, this has been very expensive. If you can get supplies, it will help him become stronger and live longer. After all, the deity has set up a self-collapse mechanism for him, once twisted If the value is too high, it will bang! ‘Frying brilliantly.

In the topic of the old-day ruler, Black Kane and the Salary King have some conversations. Black Kane has devoured the three old parts and mastered a lot of information, and the Salary King has dug into Ksuruliu more than once. The seeds of the nightmare, after 72 hours with Turzcha, also knew a lot, and the two quickly chatted.

Time slowly passed, and the mechanical monsters on the entire dark Cybertron fleet entered the countdown to extinction.

The number of evil gold people stopped near the 100 billion mark, and Black Kane no longer gave the dark divine core imitating the fire of the self-paid king, so there would be no new evil gold people.

As for the heirs, they can still be developed. Similar to the relationship between the fire spreader lava fire spider and blood burning and their slaves, the heirs have mule attributes, which means that they can no longer develop offline.

Even so, the number of heirs of the evil gold man, known as the evil king, eventually reached dozens of times.

Even Black Kane later was surprised that he had more than 5 trillion dark puppets to drive!

Compared to this huge number, what surprised him more was the power contained in the flesh of the evil spirit.

"Mommy, it's a living that devours the universe. It's just a part of the noodles, it can extend such a huge combat power. This meat is really nutritious and super concentrated!"

Hearing Kane say so, salary king Kane is also speechless. He said with emotion: "Since the deity is still very weak, we have always upheld the idea that creation is better than destruction, and farming is better than plunder. But reality always hits our faces again or again, or tempts us crazy, kills and sets fire to gold Belts, bridge repairs and paving roads without corpses. Like old branches, this temptation is almost brought to the extreme. As long as you can successfully grab one, you will have everything! "

"Yeah, that's why this respect is clearly a bottom line. I love and love big people, but I never dare to call myself a good person. I'm afraid to be beaten. Good people have a fart. The key resources are always scarce and unevenly distributed. The characteristics common to all universes determine the law of the jungle. What is the law of the jungle? It is scramble, alas! This is also the reason why the dark force is powerful. Even from a spiritual point of view, the tone of the multiverse is dark of!"

Black Kane said, looking forward fascinatingly, and smiled a moment later: "I just looked at our Colonel Zod, and I just started fighting with the Catholic Church. The orthodox commander of the sky and space warship was in the Pacific Ocean with a large black tub. It ’s really the rhythm of the snail crawling when the fleet plays the battle line! Otherwise, I ’ll borrow his billions of Decepticons to wash the world. "

Salary King embarrassedly said: "Let him play slowly, anyway, it is also a life accumulation."

Black Kane smiled and shook his head: "The self-deception of the deity, you have learned ten to ten. Colonel Zod is also a life of open hanging, the open hanging is not small, what kind of thoughts and accumulation can you have?"

"Then it's still up to him. At least you can walk happily on the material plane in the future. Unlike me, I can only float in such a ghost place."

Black Kane did not force it. "Okay, I can still play anyway. I have issued an order for the Decepticons to build interstellar warships. In addition, I have to get a combination of gold and steel. There is no combination of gold and steel. Not authentic!"

"Sorry, I can't take your stalk."

"Uh ... forgot again. Well, you can play something else, such as building a starship, don't mind if I use some wreckage of mechanical monsters?"

"How come, too much, I also want to thank you for digesting more. By the way, is there any need for starship related technology."

"Well, this is okay. The old dominators will either cross the physical void or be ugly, and the aesthetic gap is too big." Black Kane complained.

Salary Wang laughed, Black Kane was obviously more emotional than him. It is not from this angle that he considers the problem. Performance is the first one. The ugly problem can be adjusted. For example, it can be added with cute elements.

Of course, he would not persuade Black Kane. Black Kane likes to play as much as he likes. He actually has enough satellites. The professional team is already analyzing the core of the satellite captured by his large fleet. Once the analysis is successful, It is not impossible to give enough power to transform a ship into a satellite. This is the real big fleet, and he will take over. In the future, this super fleet will be called the Star Fleet.

Black Kane was very busy, and soon had a new plan. He told the salary king that he was not very hungry now, and planned to wait for the evil gold to complete the large fleet manufacturing, and then took trillions to kill Silent wilderness.

"Those organic roots are disgusting, they waste energy, just the power of darkness, evil, and so on. I have completely purified it, and the strength of the evil gold can reach a higher level, and I am just hungry. Go to the Scarlet Cloud and eat it. It is estimated that I have been squatting there for a long time. After all, it depends on the destruction of the world. I will leave it to you to purify the quiet wilderness. I believe that you can also harvest a wave.

"Oh, this plan sounds great. It's rare that you came up with it so quickly."

"What's this? It's nothing more than killing monsters and killing monsters when you're full."

"Very good ~ ~ How many novels have such a protagonist."

"Okay, to borrow your auspicious words, I want to let people in this universe see, what is the magic eye speed."

"I can't take this terrier."

"Oh, it's an early chamber of commerce established by this deity. It took several years before it entered the ranks of the world's top 500, but compared with other top 500, the speed of making a fortune is already incredible."

Salary King thought about his fortune history of 1 year before and after the earth-like world, smiled and did not speak. It is incomparable. When the deity was stunned, it was indeed quite difficult.

If the Kane deity heard this, it would definitely be dissatisfied: "Do I have a time to spend time? Do I call it hard time? If it is not against the devil from the beginning, I am invincible. Protagonist, okay? "

No matter what, Black Kane set the big plan for the future.

Salary King Kane also has to admit that this is really a first-class lawn mower. With this, pushing the plane horizontally and leveling the A world is as efficient as using an acceleration gear.

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